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In the World of Chaos - (Warhammer) - Ended


Magnus lays in bed for about ten more minutes and then slowly sits up, groaning. He stretches and yawns. I hate mornings, he thinks, and the next time Wolfgang wakes up early, I'm going to throw a blast of eldritch energy at his ass.

The lanky human stands up and stretches again. He splashes some water on his face and is about ready to head down for breakfast when he remembers the skull. The skull! He grabs it out of his bag and plops down on the floor. His mind races with excitement as he begins pouring over the runes. All other thoughts leave his mind.

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"Well my master used to say that you see no action when you sleep." Wolfgang says as he takes a seat next to the elf.

"You look as excited as I am to get this adventure underway, either that or you took some serving wench to bed last night." He says laughing while salting his eggs.

With a mouthful of food the big man looks over at Eldillor "Do you think the innkeep would have some milk this time of morning?


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Eldillor looks over at you and smiles. "No, I took no woman to my bed last night. I simply am ready to leave. I much rather enjoy hunting Chaos, to picking up and doing the Duke's bidding."

"I believe I saw one of the stable boys bringing some milk." Eldillor looks at you for a moment and then turns away. "The sun will be up in a short time I think I will go check on the mounts and make sure everything is prepared." Eldillor says. He taps his pipe on the table and puts it away in a small pouch. He then stands, nods at you and walks to the door. You can see the sun is about 30-40 minutes from rising.

As you eat you meal you notice Janna, Eva, and Durgan making there way down the stairs. All look tired and not quite awake at the moment. All are dressed in traveling grab and look like they are prepared to begin the journey.


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You slowly twist and turn the skull looking at the skull. As you look it over your magesight slowly blends the color of black over the runes. Death eminates from the skull, but seems tainted. You figure this to be a side effect of Chaos.

The runes are Old Norther. You do not recognize any of the runes. Although after a few short minutes you are able to discern something about a horseman and death to him.

As you stare at the eyesockets your vision shifts to someone else's eyes.

You are galloping along with 10-12 other horseman. Leading you is a Knight dressed in half-armour. His armor is white like snow. His horse is the same color as his horse. He look almost be part of the horse. The knight rides with such grace it almost seems unnatural.

You then notice the long yellow grass of the plains. The day is gray and dreary. Then you notice you are riding down a group of humans who have painted there bodies black. As you start to charge one a spear penetrates your chest and the world goes black.

You are shocked back into you body. A sweat has overtaken your body. You feel drained for a moment. You are breathing hard trying to catch your breath. A few moments later you are feeling normal and healthy once again.


Magnus closes his eyes and ponders the vision for a moment. Elation over the experience poured through him. This is what I live for, he thought. More questions accumulated. Who was the white knight? Was he the Ghost Rider of Talab? Who were the men he was riding down? What was the battle about? Where did the skull come from? Magnus grinned thinking about finding the answers. Knowledge was the key to everything, especially power.

The mage carefully puts the skull away and heads down for breakfast.

"Good Morning!" Wolfgang says to the three walking down the stairs.

"Please sit and join me for breakfast." He says while standing and pulling out some chairs for them. "It looks like you had a good nights sleep and ready for a hard days ride." He says in a sarcastic tone. "I know just the thing to get you ready for the journey. You need to have some of these eggs and potatoes. I'm thinking of bringing the cook along and making him cook for us." He starts laughing really loud then realizes that it is not even light out. He shrugs his shoulders and goes back to eating his breakfast.


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The three look at you for a moment, they then sit and order some breakfast. None of them look quite awake. The dwarf looks at you and says "The only meal I need this morning is an ale."

Janna smiles briefly and then order something lighter. She looks awake and active, but she seems to not have gotten enough sleep. She looks at you and states "How can you be so cheerful this time of the morning? And for the Gods sake how can you eat that? You are going to be sick after a few hours on a horse."

The priest is the worst looking of them all. She looks as though a horse kicked her twice. She looks like she could sleep a few more hours. She states "I cannot wait to get in the saddle I can sleep a few hours while we ride. Those beds were horrible. I should have slept on the floor."

As the four of you make some small talk. Magnus comes walking down the stairs. Normally he would look tired and cranky, but for some strange reason he has a glint in his eye and something odd seems strange about him.
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As you walk down the stairs you feel the magical energy still surging through your body. You feel incredibly young and alive. As if you had unlimited energy. You feel fully awake and not the least bit tired. It almost seems as if you had slept for a week.

As you moved down the stairs you see the dwarf, priest, halfling, and Wolfgang sitting at a table making small talk. None really notice your approach. Most are eating a meal.

You can hear the horses out front being prepared.

"You know my master used to say that food is fuel for the body. I would hate to run into trouble while feeling weak, and how can't you be so chreeful. You aren't dead even though you kind of look it." He says to Janna with a slight smile.

Wolfgang looks up at Magnus and his eyes go wide. "I figured to see about as happy as this bunch here." He says gesturing toward the three sitting with him. "I told you that you would feel better if you got up in the morning. Are you going to have something to eat?


Magnus absently nods at the others and sits down. He will wave at the innkeep to get a plate of food. He pokes at his food, not eating much, nor does he really talk to the others. His thoughts are on magic and its infinite possibilities.

Voidrunner's Codex

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