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Pathfinder 1E [INTEREST/RECRUIT] - Crowns of Ice


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Excellent! We should just continue writing our story without [MENTION=6855545]Archon Basileus[/MENTION], he is busy with RL students, it's not like we need him :p

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To move the OOC conversation to the OOC thread.

I've been able to make a grand total of maybe ten posts. I've had very little to flesh out Alec's character. But what I've been posting so far is in character for him. His daughter was kidnapped. He doesn't know the details. He has the force to take her back, and he's going to.

But we haven't even had the confrontation yet. Nobody's tried to explain anything to him. He has no reason to calm down. If someone would talk to him, maybe he would. But as of now, all he knows is some Sea King told him to come to this island if he wants to see his daughter again. Well, he came, but he isn't about to cower to anyone but the rightful King of the land, and even then, he doesn't cower.

I was under the assumption that we'd be cooperating as well, but nobody's given Alec a reason to cooperate. And in the case of this game, I'm not the type to just say "Oh, we're part of a DND party now, let's handwave the loyalty thing."

Alec wants to see his daughter. He does not want to give this Sea King anymore leverage than he already has. He intends to wait on that beach until the Sea King comes himself to greet him. Then he'll talk. And if he doesn't like what he hears, he has no qualms with barricading the island so the Sea King lives out the rest of his days marooned on an island where it is physically impossible for him to do the one thing he's good at: hurt people.

And that will be his position, until someone gives him a reason to feel anything different.


Queen of Everything
I understand some of what you are saying but not all of it.

You had ample time to roleplay your character - I told you I was more than willing to do so in PM's, of older interactions of them, it just came off to me to be you wanted that to be done when you dismissed her. You had a thread all to yourself to play with AB, you could have been playing for months. Neurotic also posted for you more recently and you didn't choose to post with him at all. So, you could have developed Alec more if you wanted. I just figured that wasn't your thing as much. Which is totally cool! I just hope you aren't putting that on anyone here that your character isn't fleshed out well. We've all been more than willing to work with each other building bridges in this game.

Do you really need a reason to cooperate in a PBP gaming - game? I mean, that's generally the point of the thing? You are asking Fenris to have his character bow down to your character the way you don't want to bow down to his. But he's not sitting in a throne room, in his far-off land, he set up as friendly of a location as he could, and I have to say, three players thought this would work for "a jarl coming to retrieve his daughter." I know it's not the best of situations. And I get that maybe in other situations (GoT?) someone might have gone in with fire and more fire.

I get you are playing your character. But this was supposed to lean more "light hearted romp" (the kidnapping part, not Astrid's backstory - yikes) then anything else. Yes, there are some kinks.

Also don't forget that our characters are actually all the same level. So it's not assumed that someone is just going to automatically outpower or outmaneuver everyone else.

Here's the thing. You've already threatened your ally's life. You've threatened your enemy's life (well, you got that one). You haven't given anyone any reason to make this work either. Like, at all.

Astrid would have gone running out onto that beach to greet her father. Thorir would have let her. But you've put me in a situation where I can't do that.

I don't know what to do. Fenris long ago went to bed, he doesn't know what to do. Maybe tomorrow something better will come to mind. Astrid is going to have to compel everyone to get together and talk, isn't she? B-)

I just want us to be one big, dysfunctional (unhappy?) family and play against the real bad guys. I love Alec, and I know he is super devoted to his daughter, which I also love. I just would also love everyone to be together as a party without everyone but Astrid being dead. :erm:


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
[MENTION=6855204]tglassy[/MENTION], laugh was supposed to be Xp, I missed on the small screen. That was very good description of his motivation and reasoning.
Lets just play this out. If Sea King doesn't come (which I believe would be better for the game since Alec would threaten rather than talk), Arvid would come this time. He was supporting greaving father and an angry Jarl, but he has mission to accomplish and waiting on the bench will not do it.

But this part in now ultimately in Fenris and Queenies hands.
We could use the bard as go-between. Or Astrid and Thorir might come down together so Alec calms down. He may just need convince that this was not kidnapping, but planned rescue mission


Why couldn't Arvid come running to her father? Think about it, he's thinking she's being held captive, then she comes running out, free as a bird and gives him a big hug. It'd surprise him, and probably make him more willing to listen. That's probably the best way to go forward, she comes to him by herself, and convinces him to go forward.

OOC, I'm not trying to be dificult, I'm just trying to play Alec to his character. Before I post, I sit and think "What would Alec do?", and so far, this is what I've come up with. He's not an unreasonable fellow, but the fact that it's his daughter involved is going to cloud his judgement. It always does when his family is involved.

I know we're all the same level. I asked AB how many ships Alec would be able to muster, and he said 12. So he brought 12 ships, because as far as Alec knows, this is just a hostage exchange. Alec doesn't seem like the type to pay ransoms to me. He seems like the type to tell the randsomer to go to hell.

So, let Astrid come running out. I guarantee Alec's demeanor will change.

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