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Into the Dragon's Lair.

OOC: Unfortunately, that always seems to be the problems with PBP games... although, Isida was on recently in another game I am in, and posted there. Perhaps s/he just missed this one? It's been 3 days since we have been waiting?

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Goddess FallenAngel said:
OOC: Unfortunately, that always seems to be the problems with PBP games... although, Isida was on recently in another game I am in, and posted there. Perhaps s/he just missed this one? It's been 3 days since we have been waiting?

OOC: yeah as I said I have seen him around, just wondering if he lost interest or missed it somehow.

Star nods at the dwarf as he voices his approval and heads out.

hero4hire said:
"I have no objections to you joining us. Though I hope you aren't too squeamish. The arts I practice are often....Misunderstood..." he said with a faint smile.

She glances at Absalom and raises an eyebrow. "I've never been called squeamish, but then again, I don't know what arts you practice." She quirks a smile. "I doubt there will be much of a problem though, unless you go around sacrificing children or some such." She grins at the joke, and waves a cheery goodbye to Gurrand as she follows everyone out of the room. As the group heads down the stairs, she pulls her hood up once again to around her face.


As they leave Gurrand's presence and move into the hallway Absalom continued.

"Perhaps my companion can make things a bit more clear for you." he said evenly and paused in the corridor. He glanced from side to side briefly as to make sure no other prying eyes were privvy to thier presence.

"Rath..Helm." he stated simply. His heavily armored shadow who had been completely silent up to this point lifted his heavy helm to reveal a Grinning Skull underneath.

This was surely no recently unearthed corpse from the grave however. The skull was meticulously polished to a glossy shine. His teeth were immaculate and straight. And if one stared for long enough one could almost see a dim light within those hollow sockets. Like twin torches behind fathoms of cool ice. This was no mere skeleton, nor did it radiate the overwhelming evil of a Death Knight. No Rath was something....different.

Absalom let Rath go unmasked just enough to let the gravity of what he is and what that means in the Western parts of Society sink in. Tha Gravity of what the newcomer was getting into. All-the-while Absalom silently gauging her reaction.


First Post
Returning from the stables, Odis wanders into Gurrand's residence, "Hmm... is this where my companions are supposed to be?"

Spotting Rath, Absalom and an attractive lady, Brother Odis immediately jumps between Rath and Star and heroically shouts, "Stand back my lady, I, Brother Odis, humble priest of Tymora, shall protect you from this undead menace and his foul master!" Odis frantically pats his pouches and pockets. "Great gods, where is my holy symbol?!"

ooc: Twisted, to paraphrase the wise fish, Dori from Finding Nemo: "Just keep posting, just keep posting." In my limited pbp experience, momentum is everything. You don't have to wait for everyone, just post and with each post, advance to plot.


Absalom rolled his eyes and snorted derisively. This wasn't the first time the Tymoran had tried to use him and Rath in one of his ploys to impress a Lady. Absalom always made a show of outwardly disapproving of such actions while secretly he found the whole bit rather entertaining. But he liked to keep a sense of...decorum....

When Rath first lifts off his helmet, Star looked surprised, but not shocked. One gets the feeling that although she wasn't expecting Rath to be undead, she has - at least - interacted with undead before, although if that was working with them or destroying them it isn't possible to tell.

She opens her mouth, about to speak, when Brother Odis jumps between them and makes his declaration. After a stunned second, Star laughs. "My hero!" she exclaims, deducting from Absalom's reaction that this is someone known to him. However, the sharp-eyed might notice that she slips a dagger surreptitiously back into its sheath before holding her hand out to the newcomer. “I am Star. And you might be?....” She graces him with a smile.

sans said:
ooc: Twisted, to paraphrase the wise fish, Dori from Finding Nemo: "Just keep posting, just keep posting." In my limited pbp experience, momentum is everything. You don't have to wait for everyone, just post and with each post, advance to plot.

I agree. And there is always the option of (I've seen this used in a few games I've been in) recruiting someone to take over an existing character, thus negating the trouble of bringing in a new PC. Sometimes the new player wants to rewrite the PC a bit, but as long as it has the same name and basic personality, and the new player familiarized him/herself with the past posts, it works ok.


First Post
For a moment Kuma watches the drama play itself out with the same impassive, vaguely disapproving air that he seems to view everything with...and then he breaks into a slow, deep-voiced laughter that builds from a quiet rumble to a loud, bass roar, with the huge warrior actually bending over a little to hold his stomach.

"Ah, my friends," he finally says with surprising affection in his voice from one who was so often stern in demeanor. "A fine joke! And you, Star. Well done."

He turns his head upward to view the climbing sun and nods.

"We have what we need though. Now let us see what boulders our Wyrd has placed before us."

With the silvery rattle of mithril plates and the creaking of leather bindings, Kuma turns and heads for the horses.


First Post
( You are a well-rounded enough group that if Isida disappears completely, I will figure something out for Duthayer. For now - I'll ghost him. :) And now you've got Dori stuck in my head. ``And you shall be my squishy!`` )

The cart and horses are awaiting the group outside, along with Lady Veya who has come to wish you safe travels. "Everything is set with anchoring your return, do be careful. Remember to beware the red-headed man. His crew and himself do not seem to really take prisoners if you know what I mean." Spoken to the group, her limp having disappeared thanks to her rest and the aid of other's. She smiles and motions up the road. "You need to be heading that way, Tyrluk is about thirty miles or so. Good luck!"

Voidrunner's Codex

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