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Into the Dragon's Maw (Adventure)

[section]Pell trailed outside the waterfall after Lakeover. A long rest was a long time to wait. Pell fidgeted. He fiddled with the strap on his armor, musing how ill fitting it seemed when Pater Gerth held it out to him, only to be surprised when the armor melded itself to his body once he'd put it on. Gerth had laughed outright when Pell jumped at the codpiece's shrinking to fit. Several merchants and members of the lower nobility had loaned out items of antiquity to Pell, admonishing him that they expected the return of their collectibles once Pell made his way home to Tunnover. He saw the doubt in their eyes plain enough--who in their right mind would grant the gift of magics to a half orc charlatan? Pell wondered once again what the High Court had used as leverage to force Pater Gerth et al into parting with their baubles. Perhaps they'd been convicted of trafficking? Pell smiled at that. He knew Lady Osting had a taste for things she oughtn't've. And the High Court sometimes conducted their business in private. For the right price.

Pell'd been kitted in studded leather armor, the beautiful dove gray lamb's leather gloves that made his fingers so nimble, and a cloak fashioned of some fabric the like of which he'd never clapped eyes on, not even while entertaining on the circuit. At the end, right before leaving Tunnover, The Honorable Judge Macklin had pressed into his hands three potions, saying they'd make him agile or would heal. Pell couldn't quite discern which potion was which, and there hadn't been time to ask. He'd looked over the potion vials, curiosity mounting as to how they worked, but couldn't yet tell which he was supposed to take when he needed healing and which would make him agile. He supposed he'd learn by trial and error, only he hoped the error wouldn't be too...well...troublesome. He caressed the dove gray leather gloves another time. Perhaps these would suffer an "accident" and be smote to ash, rendering incapable their return to their rightful owner. They really were lovely. He'd never had such fine things before. Temptation welled in Pell's heart.

And so it was that when Lakeover fixed it so everyone could walk on water, Pell could hardly wait to test the magic. A wide grin splitting his face, Pell ran to the edge of the pool inside the waterfall, skidding to a halt. The half orc didn't notice Ignis weaving a spell in the air, or the casting of the telepathic bond; Pell was intent on the water and his feet. He put a tentative foot on the pool's surface, testing his weight and half expecting to be the butt of some cruel elf joke made at his expense. When his foot remained dry, Pell's eyes widened in wonder. A soft "oh" and a grunt escaped. He jumped, trying to make a splash. And didn't break the water's surface. He lifted his foot and examined his boot. Dry like sand. Pell's grin deepened. These people were out of his league, he knew. He'd never met their like. He wouldn't be able to keep up with them, and could only hope his ruse wouldn't be discovered until the group was too deep inside the cave to bother turning around. The weight of being a lying cheat settled in Pell's belly like a stone.

He stayed atop the pool, just at the edge and to the side, while he waited for the others to rejoin him.[/section]

[sblock=Crunch]hp 75/75
AC 15
Initiative +6
Darkvision 60’
Speed 30’
Passive Perception 17
Investigation +8
Perception +7
Stealth +9
Action: Shortsword +2 (“Flick”), 1d20+10, 1d6+6 piercing, finesse, light
Bonus Action: Shortsword (“Swish”), 1d20+8, 1d6, piercing, finesse, light

Spell save DC 16
Spell attack modifier +8
Cantrips (4): mage hand, fire bolt (10), minor illusion, prestidigitation
Spells Known (8): sleep (3), color spray (3), grease (3), silent image (4), invisibility (7), spider climb (8), blur (10), disguise self (11)
1st lvl (4 slots)
2nd lvl (3 slots)[/sblock]
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Zeromaru X

Arkhosian scholar and coffee lover

Faera waited, without saying a word, that Lakeover completed his preparations. She called her familiar to her side, while thinking about the misfortune of those who had been born under the curse of the light. She could have scouted the perimeter and returned in less than few minutes. After all, what kind of dangers could they be facing here that were worst than the ones she had already faced in the Underdark...? Well, besides the gargantuan being that fashioned the cave with its body...

She bit her lips and waited, as the others. But, sometimes while waiting, she looked into the darkness, searching for the creatures she saw before, watching for possible unwanted intrusions. In her mind, she really wanted for something unexpected to happen, because waiting without doing nothing was so boring...[/section]

OOC: Investigation check: [roll0].

[sblock='Mini-Stat Block']
Faera (Warlock [Pact of the Tome]) 12th level
Initiative: +2 Perception: +4
Darkvision 120 ft.
Speed: 30'

AC: 15 (Glamoured studded armor (studded armor+1)=13 + Dex+2)
HP 87/87

In Hand:Rod of the pact keeper
Off Hand:

Character Sheet
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[SBLOCK=Faera]As your familiar is returning to you, it can make a Perception check (w/advantage due to Owl sight). Your personal investigation yields no further insights.[/SBLOCK]

[SBLOCK=Everyone]Water Walk allows you to treat all liquid surfaces as solid. You will be able to proceed how you like through this part of the cave (either over water or the path). The columns of water in the cave, if you encounter them, are torrential enough that they will be like solid columns due to the magic.

If you are utilizing Telepathic communication, signify that in some way in your post (italics, color, or just saying "he thinks...")

Whenever you are ready to proceed, tell me your approach and any actions that you're taking as you go.

Zeromaru X

Arkhosian scholar and coffee lover
OOC: Ok, here we go.
Archy's perception check: [roll0]
Advantage second roll: [roll1]

[sblock='Mini-Stat Block']
Faera (Warlock [Pact of the Tome]) 12th level
Initiative: +2 Perception: +4
Darkvision 120 ft.
Speed: 30'

AC: 15 (Glamoured studded armor (studded armor+1)=13 + Dex+2)
HP 87/87

In Hand:Rod of the pact keeper
Off Hand:

Character Sheet


Walking atop the water? Unnatural. But, a soldier goes where he is led so Cade follows, sword at the ready, and stays surreptitiously near the path.

[section]Pell stuck to the middle and enjoyed the sensation of walking across the surface of the pool. He focused on making himself innocuous, a trait honed by years of sticking to the middle and praying for anonymity.[/section]


[sblock=Crunch]hp 75/75
AC 15
Initiative +6
Darkvision 60’
Speed 30’
Passive Perception 17
Investigation +8
Perception +7
Stealth +9
Action: Shortsword +2 (“Flick”), 1d20+10, 1d6+6 piercing, finesse, light
Bonus Action: Shortsword (“Swish”), 1d20+8, 1d6, piercing, finesse, light

Spell save DC 16
Spell attack modifier +8
Cantrips (4): mage hand, fire bolt (10), minor illusion, prestidigitation
Spells Known (8): sleep (3), color spray (3), grease (3), silent image (4), invisibility (7), spider climb (8), blur (10), disguise self (11)
1st lvl (4 slots)
2nd lvl (3 slots)[/sblock]
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First Post
Ursus followed along, his flame brand in hand but not shedding any light. "Did you want me to go via the bridge to draw out any foes? Or are we all going to walk on water?"

The later seemed impossible but he had seem his own Shaman do many wonderous things and magic users as a general rule were an odd lot.


'Remember, everyone, silent communication of thought' Ignis intruded into their minds, struggling for an easy understandable explanation as he prepared himself to step out over his liquid nemesis, 'concentrate on your recipients, and...think at them.' Trepidation taking hold, one foot on land and one foot on water, the genasi hesitated; allowing the others to go first before he wavered out behind them to take up the rear position.

[sblock='Mini-Stat Block']
Ignis (Wizard) 12th level
Initiative: +2 Perception: +0
Darkvision 60 ft.
Speed: 30'

Str 10, Dex 14 +2, Con 18 +4,Int 20 +5, Wis 10, Cha 8 -1

AC: 19 (Elven chain(Chain Shirt+1)=14+Staff of power+2, Dex+2, Cloak of protection +1)
HP 98/98

In Hand:Staff of Power
Off Hand:
Current ongoing spells
Contingencyset to cast Misty Step on Ignis should any Dragon move to attack him
(Duration: 8.5 days, or until triggered)​
Rary's Telepathic Bond cast on everyone​

Character Sheet

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Lakeover heard Ignis in his head, and thought "Thank you. This is efficient." There was no response, but he didn't know if he should expect one. He assumed he was heard in any case. He was not certain by what means such communication was occurring.

To Ursus' question, he directed another thought. "If you want to draw fire from the bridge, that is certainly your right." And your funeral, he added, but did not direct that thought at any one individual.

Stillness, and no response. Well, at least he was not broadcasting unwillingly.

The flow of the water was out, beneath the waterfall, and so upstream was further in the darkness. They proceeded along the path, with no lights. And, about 30 feet before it turned into the arch that crossed the river, Lakeover let himself down onto the water, and continued upstream, under and beyond the arch, and then partway across. By coming from upstream, he hoped that he could maintain an efficient distance. He approaches over the water, low and in darkness. If there's a rock in the strem, or a cliff wall that might provide cover, he heads for it. His goal is to find a place maybe 50' from a sentry or other target, and observe.

"I'm in position," he thinks aloud.

Pell stifled a yelp when first Ignis and then Lakeover's warning about a funeral whispered in his mind. He shook his head like a dog shaking water free if its pelt, trying at first to force their thoughts from his brain. When it became clear that wouldn't work, Pell grit his teeth. He thought nothing in return to anyone, too afraid he would vocalize as he thought. Instead, he moved away from them. Perhaps if he put some distance between himself and the others they'd no longer invade his mind. Pell skulked around to the left. He couldn't make out the left wall of the cavern, as he'd hoped. Instead, he spied a crevice in the rocks just beneath the ledge containing the path, and wedged his back into it so that he faced the direction he'd just traveled. Once ensconsced, he focused on stilling his breath and not moving. If he heard nothing and no one suffered a horrible injury, he'd poke his head up from his hiding place in a minute and look around.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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