(IR) The 3rd IR, Turn 2 (thread 1)

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Turrosh Mak

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Re: Re: Serpenteye

Serpenteye said:

I'm not talking about the war. What I'm talking about is the transformation of the Orchs and Humanoids of Toril from fearless proud warriors who knew their true nature. They knew that they were evil, that only the strong deserved to live and to rule.
Look at them now. Spoiled decadent weaklings, relying on technology and magic to defend them instead of the power of their own bodies. Concubines of Kender, elflovers, perverted beyond redemption. Is that the fate you aspire to for Oerth, for yourself?

You say that our kind are evil? I don't agree. That is a very Humancentric point of veiw. Our morals are different than that of humans, but does that make us evil. Are we demons, are we devils, bound by unbreakible cosmic laws, unable to make decisions for ourselves?
I think not.

As for the lifestyle of our brothers on Toril. Yes, it is disturbing. But just because we choose to stand with them, doesn ot mean that we will follow there path. The Orcs of Oreth are Proud of what we are.

Perhaps our asscoiation with the Humaniods of Toril will remind them of what they truly are, Warriors. For your sake, you had better pray... Heh, To yourself I suppose, That that does not happen.

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Edena: Two corrections.

First, I never gave control of my forces to Uvenelei. He is acting as my host, but my forces are my own. (However, the real-life "Forrester" will be leaving in two hours -- if I am attacked while in Uvenelei, he or William may act for me.)

Second, nobody knew of the other force in the mountains . . . nobody but one. Thus, their exit will not be known by any . . . but one. We're truckin' out of there.

No one except Mr. I'm The God Emperor has reacted to my visit. I *hope* this means you-all don't mind? He was pretty negative, of course, but that's the way those types are.

I also want to point out that I will NOT be doing any magical research -- just going ahead with industrialization and such. Don't want to anger the natives.

I hope they choose to not anger me.

William Ronald

I have checked my messages and the boards.

The forces of the Baklunish-Esmerin Confederation strike at the Hellfurnaces Alliance. The forces of the Alliance of the Northwestern Crescent join in the attacks.

The armies of the Kevellond Leagfuce rush to defend against the Shade.

"The Kevellond League is eternally grateful to the Baklunish-Esmerin Confederation and the Alliance of the Northwestern Crescent. Because of your courage, we can now fight the Church of Shade. Never have the times been so dark for Oerth. Never have so many brave people risen to the defense of their homes, their sovereignity, and their freedom." Archcleric Hazen writes in a statement.

"We ask those allies with spelljammers and flying ships and citadels to help with both battles. Victory is ours if we act as one."

"We welcome the UC of Toril if there intentions are indeed peaceful. We ask what word you bring of our ambassadors. The kindness of the Angels of Hope Island have convinced us of your essential decency. Please do not mind the Emperor of the Dark Union. He seems to be suffering from delusions of godhood - and adequacy."

Edena, as you recall from the IR Discussion thread, Zelda Themelin left me in charge of her forces. (See page 3 of that thread). They are moving into the North Kingdom of Aerdi with a 31 PL force.
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Turrosh Mak

First Post
Dark Swamp enters North Kingdom.

The force in the dark swamp, refeshed by the influx of giants and humaniods from Esserbaudos, Usurbaudos, and Crystalmont, are unleashed on the north Kingdom. They sweep accross the land with a simple intent:
To demolish cities and fortressess, to raize feilds and kill live stock. The beings of the dark swamp and there allies blame the great kingdom for the wounding taken at flinty hills and for the mountain which fell there.

In other words, they are trying to Devostate the North Kingdom.


First Post
Re: Re: Re: Serpenteye

Turrosh Mak said:

As for the lifestyle of our brothers on Toril. Yes, it is disturbing. But just because we choose to stand with them, doesn ot mean that we will follow there path. The Orcs of Oreth are Proud of what we are.

You don't really think they will give you a choice, do you? If you believe they will allow you to continue your reign of terror, your autocratic rule, your martial lifestyle you are a fool. They will attemt to spread their "enlightened" Kender kissing ideals to all of Oerth and if you and others don't stand up against them now they will do to you what they did to the humanoids of Toril. You know this is the truth.


Any forces we can spare will move to counter Turrosh Mak's attack.
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First Post
Let me know the next time you want to get into a pissing match, Lord God Emperor.

Through my actions I am personally responsible for the genocide of an entire race. You?

Talk to me not of warriors. Our fighters have been genetically enhanced (not that you ignoramuses know what that word means) such that our smallest kobold is stronger than your strongest orc. We can kill with swords -- or we can kill with grand explosions that can decimate COUNTRIES. Vaporize OCEANS. Turn MOUNTAINS into dust.

The only way we have changed is that we no longer feel the need to do these things out of sheer chaotic spite -- and this is a good thing, for if we did, Toril would be no more.

And Oerth would be no more.

But do not test me, Oh Lord God Emperor. Inside these velvet gloves are adamantium fists. Do not force me to use them.

Lord Forrester
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First Post

THERE IS NO IRL TIME LIMIT ON THIS TURN (it does not stop at midnight, or any other time IRL.)


This is necessitated by the incredible complexity of the situation, the time required for me to fully update the situation, and because many players will arrive late, and they are entitled to play.

Thank You

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Turrosh Mak

First Post
Re: Re: Re: Re: Serpenteye

Serpenteye said:

You don't really think they will give you a choice, do you? If you believe they will allow you to continue your reign of terror, your autocratic rule, your martial lifestyle you are a fool. They will attemt to spread their "enlightened" Kender kissing ideals to all of Oerth and if you and others don't stand up against them now they will do to you what they did to the humanoids of Toril. You know this is the truth.

Only Time can tell on this. Perhaps what you say will come to pass, perhaps not.

In any case, the needs of my nation are better served with the UC, I think. With you and the shade, our future is all to clear.


First Post

OOC I respect you, I know that you can destroy any five enemy powers at once. For every practical purpose your power is infinite. IC I'm just trying to survive as an independent power.

To Edena:

We will share technology with all those that Serpenteye mentioned, even Iuz.

Since invasion towards Urnst was cancelled Shade will throw most of their forces towards Welkwood and Gnarley Forest. Around 2-3 Shadowlords will be always with the army. We will be still raising undead and summoning planars. Note that Ahlissa and Sauros are trying to hunt Turrosh Mak.

However we will also do something else: surprise attack against capital city of Celene! In this attack we will use only the troups we can move instantly there:

-around 1000 wizards(teleport without error) led by Shadowlord Waganard

- few hunded Shadow Dragons led by Azorgax

-some planars with teleporting special abilities led by Baelros.

We hope to catch elves relatively unprepared. then we will devastate the city, if possible hold it and take Gnarley forest from two sides.

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