(IR) The 3rd IR, Turn 5 (thread 1)

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Hand and Eye of Piratecat [Moderator]
Re: No way!

Anabstercorian said:
So. I guess you all won't be licking Ilsensine's boot.

This turn.

Hmph. Oh well...
OOC: And I guess that you got exactly what you wanted all along and will now proceed to lay waste to a lot of poor Torilians. :p

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First Post
The Empire of Malacki is now fully ready to launch it's attack.
All it's forces are fully marshalled.

I am waiting for Tokiwong to give the signal.


First Post
Malachai tests the Weather

Edena_of_Neith said:
The Empire of Malacki is now fully ready to launch it's attack.
All it's forces are fully marshalled.

I am waiting for Tokiwong to give the signal.

Malachai turns to his troops... "I know you are anxious... but for now... my men... my children... we wait... and pray... for the sign shall come..."

OOC: Keeping them at the ready...

William Ronald

(Edena: Some lists corrections. Siobhan, Black Omegas PC, is female. I control Keoland, not Dagger. This error is in the summary of powers next to Dagger's name.)

Archcleric Hazen prepares an ambassadorial party to go under flag of truce to the Eternal Empire's Solistarim territory. The Eternal Empire is asked if such a party can be sent and met with peacefully.

The news of the events in the Solistarim area are shared with the Eternal Empire forces in AnaKeri. (I do not know if their psionic shields impede their communications. So I am doing this as a diplomatic courtesy.)

Anabstercorian: Gutsy move. Well, I suppose you will try to get free of the force field. The Eternal Empire is not happy right now.


Edena - obviously, we do not allow our gem dragons to go to the aid of the Solistarim. We are not going to be helping out any of Anab's buddies any time soon.


Kessel will send a telepathic message to whomever is the leader of this Torillian force.

<<I order you, now, to get off of Oerth. You have captured whom you wanted. Leave our planet now, or suffer destruction. Of a most utter and lethal sort.>>

<<Yes, I would assume that you Torillians know what that means - I have nuclear weaponry. And I have no fear of using it to protect our planet. If you do not leave now, we will launch our vast arsenal of nuclear warheads and assorted other toys at the Godspires, and all that will be left will be a desolate wasteland.>>

Kessel grins, a grim determined grin that shows no trace of joy or happiness, but gives an impression of hatred and annoyance.

<<And don't think I'll stop there, either. Because, eventually, we'll figure out how to get to Toril. And then you'll really regret messing with us. I have seen the technologies you have over there... and while I admit that the things I have seen there are impressive, there are nothing to what I currently have in development.>>

<<I do not like warfare. I never have. However, my staff and I agree that you - Torillians - are not welcome here on Oerth, and need to be eliminated. We have our share of Torillians here already, and we do not require another sect of them here to meddle in our own world's affairs.>>

<<Stay and fight, and die. Leave, and live.>>


First Post
William, they would have welcomed your emissary, but GnomeWorks's brutal threat got to them first.

And they reply, to the Lortmil Technomancy:

WE have nuclear weapons, both ballistic and tactical.
You are savages, and will be treated as savages.

If you fire your weapons at us, your savage civilization will be obliterated.
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(Edena I sent my template to you twice already, I haven't looked at the latest posts in the interlude but I still don't know if you got it or not)

William Ronald

Archcleric Hazen sends word to Kessel Gnomeworks and the leaders of the Eternal Empire:

"Please, there is no need for talk of war amidst all the troubles of Oerth. Kessel Gnomeworks is an intelligent and passionate person. He believes the people of Oerth must make their own destiny as the people of Toril did. Help is appreciated, however."

"Now that the Eternal Empire has captured Anabstercorian it is our hope that their intentions towards the people of Oerth are peaceful. In light of the present situation, we ask that the Eternal Empire consider the counsel of the United Commonwealth of Toril. Namely to let us chart the course of our future."

"I see no further reason for the Eternal Empire to stay on the Oerik continent. You have captured Anabstercorian and achieved victory. Also, I believe that it may be time to reconsider the base in AnaKeri. The native peoples there wish to be left alone. Anabstercorian sought to manipulate them for his criminal schemes."

"We will treat you with respect. However, we urge peace in this troubled time."

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