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(IR) The 3rd IR, Turn 6 (thread 1)

William Ronald

Hazen sends a message to Kalanyr:

"Lord Kalanyr, I pray that you and your people will emerge again from the Red Waste. You have truly become one of the most remarkable persons in the history of the multiverse. I am humbled by your sacrifice."

"I call upon the Angels to defend Oerth from the Red Army. Our world is in peril, and I ask for your aid. We are prepared to make sacrifices for our world. Lord Kalanyr and his people are sacrificing themselves to stop the Red Waste and prevent the poor tormented souls from being turned against their still living kin."

"My life is unimportant. I am prepared to fight and die for this world. If you come, I ask for the honor of fighting by your side for Oerth. I love this world more than words can say."

Hazen appears in the Temple of Rao in Veluna City.

An image of Rao stands above the altar.

"Rao, God of Peace, give me strength. In the Incarnum, you wrote that the day would come when Oerth would be tested to see if hearts could embrace love and peace rather than hate. I suspect that time is now."

"I thank you for all your blessings. I have been a husband, a father, and a grandfather. I have seen the blessings of life, and the courage of the brave. I thank you for all that you have given me, my people and Oerth."

"I ask that you consider making me your Chosen, your voice among the living. If I am not worthy, I shall understand your decision. I have tried to stand for peace and compassion. Sadly, not as many as I hoped would listen have listened."

"I ask for your aid and your counsel in this time. I will not let Oerth fall into darkness and evil if I can do anything."

"I was able to free some of the trapped souls. Their expressions of relief and joy aided me. Regardless of what comes, I know that I have aided a few souls on their journey."

"Regardless of what happens, I am honored to serve you. Thank you, my god."
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William Ronald

A call for players

Hello, everyone:

A lot of people have come back to the IR.

Edena has apologized for any offense he has caused and asked for people to return.

Gnomeworks: I miss you. Your strength is needed.

Darkness: Your cunning is needed now. I would like you to return. The Cup and Talisman of Al Akbar would be a great help in this time.

Forrester: You have been around for three IRs. I hope you will return.

Festy Dog: Please come back. I miss Silver Phase.

Everyone, please e-mail the other IR players to come back. We need them.


First Post

(blinks at what Kalanyr just did.)

It is making a difference.

The merging of the entire population of Kalanyr's Power with the Blood Waste makes an enormous difference.
The Blood Waste shudders as souls struggle for freedom.
A few make it, and erupt from the Red Goo in white streamers of light.

The rest, strain at their prison, empowered by Kalanyr's people.

But it is not enough. Something is wrong. Something is missing.
It isn't a lack of enough people - FAR more than enough people merged with the Blood Waste to free the souls.
It isn't how many merged ... it's who merged, or rather - who hasn't merged.

And probably won't. She is too busy being furious at Hazen's statement concerning her God and her adopted mother, to feel anything other than an absolute desire for vengeance and destruction.
And there are others that would need to merge with the Blood Waste, make the sacrifice that Kalanyr and his people made, to break it's hold on Oerth forever.

- - -

It isn't the Empire of Malachai, and it never was.
The death of Iuz was faked, and now the truth is out.
The Empire of IUZ is on the warpath.

And with them, come the great legions of Fireland, who can hurl flame of 2,000 degrees, and are immune to all fire (even nuclear fire.)

Massive armies, who have long prepared for this (since the beginning of Turn 5) are on the move, heading for the frontiers of the other Powers.

With them comes the Red Armada, the single greatest horror yet unleashed on Oerth, fully 10,000 PL strong (without any additional reinforcements from converts!)

- - -

The Angels prepare to defend the borders of the Coalition of Light and Shadow, the Kevellond League, and some of the other Alliance of Oerth Powers.

But they will not aid the Union of the Worlds, nor will they aid the League of Warlords and it's new allies, the elves of Delrune.

The Angels refuse to help those who allied with the dark, or helped bring darkness to Oerth.


With this very difficult situation you face, I leave you for now.
I will return tomorrow, and see what you have had to say.
Obviously, talking Mina and the God Emperor, Kas and Hellmaster Phibrizzo, into merging with the Blood Waste is going to be difficult ... and yet, it must be done, unless you want the Red Armada to awaken the full might of the Blood Waste.
I do not guarantee the survival of any PC who merges with the Blood Waste, much less NPCs, much less your people.
Sometimes, we face hard choices. This is such a time, for all of the Powers of Oerth.

Please remember that there are always ways out.
If you cannot talk Mina and the others into merging, there are other ways.
The Angels, if you request it, will attempt to stop the Red Armada from reaching the Blood Waste - they cannot defend you and do that both, unfortunately.
I am presenting you with a solemn and difficult situation, but you are the people of the IR - you have what it takes to win.

You always were winners.

- - -

Remember, I am the neutral DM. If you cannot find the way out, Tokiwong will win.

Heh. All will bow then, to Iuz.
I know Iuz believes that ...
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First Post
Iuz is Pleased

Iuz smiles from his throne.... "This should be interesting..." he gently strokes the flayed carcass of the whipping boy, "prepare my war gear... I may have to intervene..."

William Ronald

Edena: Understood.

Hazen addresses the God Emperor of the Aerdi.

"Now is the time that we must put aside all of our differences. If we merge with the Red Waste, we can save our peoples. I may not survive. You may not survive. But our people will survive."

"I respectfully await your answer."

Hazen addresses Mina:

"You hate me, and perhaps always will. I have hit a sore spot for you. I am not showing disrespect for Goldmoon, whose courage I admire. You claim that the Union of Worlds will protect Oerth. Join me in the Blood Waste."

"You are bold and intelligent. You may hate me. However, I think that you would best serve your deity by joining me in the Blood Waste. Join me in this. You are courageous, and I ask you to demonstrate your courage to the worlds."

"If you seek to destroy me after doing so, you may attempt to do so. You claim that the One God will free the worlds and make a difference in all lives. Join me in the Blood Waste."

"Your One God has saved the lives of many in Krynn. Will you now prove that your One God is also a healer on Oerth."

(Edena: If Hazen perishes in the Blood Waste, I ask that Gwilym Raonul become my new PC. Can I leave the Crook of Rao with him?)

William Ronald


Hazen addresses the Angels.

"Holy Ones, I greet thee. I believe the task is to prevent the Red Armada from reaching the Blood Waste. The troops of the Oerth Alliance will fight to protect their homelands. We urge all nations to join us in the defense of Oerth."

"I offer my life willingly to save Oerth. I will go to the Blood Waste. I will go there and merge, as soon as Mina shows up to do so. If those who could merge with the Blood Waste do not do so, I will fight to protect my world."

Hazen, Gwilym Raonul, and Lord William Ronald of Keoland teleport to Hope Island on Oerth.

Hazen addresses the council of Hope Island.

"I ask you to protect my advisors. They need magical protection of the highest order against mind control. I am trying to convince Mina, the God Emperor of the Union of Oerth, and others to merge with the Blood Waste. If they do so, I will surrender control of the Crook of Rao to Gwilym Raonul."

"If not, I will lead the attack on the Red Armada. I will stand for Oerth. I thank all of you for your aid in these dark times."


First Post
Iuz stands and gathers his war retinue, and communicates to the Red Army, "We must converge on the Blood Waste Now!"

Iuz steps from his throne... "We leave for the Blood Waste now... perhaps it is time that I commit one final act of retribution... if I do not return... Malachai shall retain all of my holdings..."

Iuz and his personal retinue leave for the Blood Waste...


First Post

Iuz works his way and the Red Army legions towards the Blood Waste... fully embracing his fiery form...

OOC: Anyone else think that this goo is similar to the goo in Ghostbusters 2 feeding off of negative energy and all that I guess probably mentioned oh well...:D
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ANSWER: I will make the updates. Be sure of it. If I don't, remind me to!
I should change the name of this from the IR to the PR (Pudding Revolution.)
After all, we have the Red Goo, the Black Pudding, and although nobody knows it, we also have the White Pudding and (forget the name, but trust me ... it's nasty.)

You know, this business of firing Black Puddings by artillery does work.
The problem is that, once the Pudding has eaten the enemy army, it tends to want to eat your army next.
I am not above turning the entire surface of Oerth into one gigantic Black Pudding, you know (or ocean of Red Goo ...)

Then it will be named GoOerth, instead of Oerth.

Of course I suspected that you would consider these paths. Just remember the Geas/Quest that compels Black Puddings to return to stasis within two hours, and to just attack my opposition. Of course, there will always be times when this backfires...

And that is why I made those protocols for dealing with Black Pudding...

Now about some very nasty and dearly annoying neighbors of mine

Tokiwong... even by joining with the red goo you still lose the IR if they take over Oerth, and that doesn't sound too wise. If you turn against them now I won't have to come in there and destroy you. I think that because you were not around when the Red Goo appeared you don't see just how dangerous what you are doing is... nonetheless---

"What... Iuz Empire has accepted the Red Goo! How incredibly ignorant of the purpose of the Red Goo is he? Does he not understand that it is compromised from pure chaos? Iuz empire was exceptionally lawful when I last saw him, for I doubt his death. Why have his people not completely turned against him for forsaking the living for the Red Goo?"

"Fine then, get the Knights and the Legue of Warlords, we need to have a cousil meeting about this incident. I will need to talk to the Hellmaster in private immediately. (Email being sent)"

OOC - Edena instead of an adamantium golem I guess I will have to try polymorphing into a Half-Air Elemental version of Sanctus Punitor for a little bit of a Dex Bonus for now, till I think of something better.

Iuz works his way and the Red Army legions towards the Blood Waste... fully embracing his fiery form...

You better not be marching through my lands...
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