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(IR) The 3rd IR, Turn 7 (thread 3)


First Post
Current Order of Battle, Day 4


Alyx’s Church of Toril - 11th Level Infrastructure 100% intact

Alzem’s Hope Isle of Toril - 100% intact
Alzem’s Hope Isle of Oerth - 100% intact

Anabstercorian’s Knights of Neraka and Mina - 99% intact
Black Omega’s Coalition of Light and Shadow - 100% intact
Creamsteak’s Church of Mercy - 100% intact

Mr. Draco / Serpenteye’s Union of Oerth - 100% Intact
(Played by Mr. Draco and Serpenteye) Forrester’s Humanoid Alliance - 100% intact
(Played by Mr. Draco and Serpenteye) The Corrupted Black Brotherhood Allies of the Union of Oerth - 100% intact
(Played by Mr. Draco and Serpenteye) The Corrupted Shade Allies of the Humanoid Alliance - 100% intact

Festy Dog’s Scro Star League - 100% intact
Forsaken One’s Hive Cluster - 75% intact: - 1 to Attacks and Defenses
GnomeWork’s Veiled Alliance - 100% intact

Kaboom’s Nations of the Chosen of Mystra - 100% intact
(Played by Kaboom) The Corrupted Shade Allies of the Nations of the Chosen of Mystra - 100% intact

Kalanyr’s Ishtarland and Drow/Yuan-Ti/Elf Alliance - 100% intact

Melkor’s Church of Shade and Shadow Empire - 0% intact, Main Infrastructure 100% intact - DISARMED
(Played by Melkor) The Corrupted United Commonwealth Allies of the Shade - 100% intact

‘o Skoteino’s Immortals of Mystara - 100% intact

Sollir’s Unseelie of Oerth - 99% intact
(Played by Sollir) Maudlin’s Power of Acererak, Acererak’s Minions, and Scarlet Brotherhood - 100% intact
(Played by Sollir) The Corrupted Black Brotherhood Allies (Tri-Dominatrix) of the Unseelie of Oerth - 100% intact.
(Played by Sollir) The Corrupted Black Brotherhood Allies (Tri-Dominatrix) of Acererak - 100% intact

Tokiwong’s Eternal Empire of Toril - 50% intact: - 2 to Attacks and Defenses
(Played by Tokiwong) The Eternal Union - 100% intact.
(Played by Tokiwong) The Corrupted (Tokiwong decides who) Allies of the Eternal Union - 100% intact.
(Played by Tokiwong) The Red Army of Luna - 100% intact.

Uvenelei’s Republic of Selune - 100% intact

Venus’s Emerald Order - 50% intact: - 2 to Attacks and Defenses
(Played by Venus) The Corrupted Black Brotherhood Allies of the Emerald Order - 100% intact

William’s Kevellond League - 85% intact
(Played by William) The Angels - 100% intact
(Played by William) Dagger’s Kingdom of Ulek - 100% intact
(Played by William) Reprisal’s United Commonwealth of Toril - 97% intact
(Played by William) The Corrupted Black Brotherhood Allies of the Kevellond League - 100% intact
(Played by William) The Corrupted Eternal Order Allies of the United Commonwealth of Toril - 100% intact

Zelda’s Thillronian Alliance - 100% intact

(Played by the DM) Rhialto’s Black Brotherhood - 38% intact: - 2 to Attacks and Defenses

- - -


Melkor and the Shade - 100% intact
(Played by the DM) Zouron and his undead - 100% intact

- - -


Alyx’s Alliance of the Rising Sun - Main Infrastructure 100% intact
Anabstercorian’s Penumbral Hub - 50% intact: - 2 on Defense on the Coup de Grace chart
Creamsteak’s Delrunian Alliance - 100% intact
Festy Dog’s Under-Oerth Alliance - 100% intact
GnomeWork’s Lortmil Technomancy - 100% intact
Kaboom’s Sky-Sea League - 100% intact
‘o Skoteino’s Orcish Empire of the Pomarj and Allies - 100% intact

Rajaat and his Champions - 0% intact: ELIMINATED

Sollir’s League of the Warlords - 100% intact
Tokiwong’s Empire of Iuz - 100% intact
Uvenelei’s Alliance of the Crescent - 100% intact
William’s Baklunish-Esmerin Confederation - 100% intact

- - -

Is the above correct?
If there are any mistakes, please tell me.

If any of you who do not have a Corrupted Ally wish to gain one, now is the time to declare you're using your 11th level magic to corrupt someone's people, and thus gain that extra Power.
Be aware that none of the original Powers can have more than one Corrupted Ally at a time (for example, Alzem's Isle of Hope on Toril could have one, and Alzem's Isle of Hope on Oerth could have another, but Mr. Draco/Serpenteye's Union of Oerth only counts as one Power for this purpose - their Humanoid Alliance counts as a second Power.)

No Corrupted Ally can use 11th level magic to create yet more Corrupted Allies.

- - -

I am declaring your statements of Attack and Defense null and void.
I am asking all of you to wait, and resend these statements later.

There is no possible way I can reliably sort through the mess of statements in the last thread, this thread, and in the 30 odd e-mails I have received.
Also, everyone deserves a chance to gain a Corrupted Ally, if they want one, and are prepared to accept the consequences of corrupting another Power's people.

Therefore, I am going to wait until everyone has created a Corrupted Ally who wants one.
I will complete the Order of Battle.
Then I am going to ask everyone to restate their Attacks and Defenses to me via e-mail (if that is not possible, then on the IR thread.)

Not yet, though. Do not send me statements of Attack or Defense right now.
Wait until everyone has shown their true face by collecting Corrupted Allies, and the Order of Battle is fully complete.

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Zelda Themelin

First Post
Can I make my faction immune to corruption, and in return loose my ability to ever corrupt another faction?

At least, this would be our choice.


Edena, you are very good dm. :)

Since you are busy with everything, and re-checking something you priorly missed is so much work, would you just simply state, how much damage to Oerth/other worlds is corrected this far.

We are just hearing the dark side of things. Before latest troubles showed up, we had managed to fix few things, yes or no? What is still on to-do list?

Also, I am not known to waste time, when sending simple response to another leader. We arent't in middle of some meeting, we are just talking about one, which is probably going to happen only after we solve more critical situations. Meanwhile, I consider communtication to be just 'passing notes', not wasting time.

I have already done my 11th level magic action for day 4 (it was getting rid of black balls with Kalanyr, though we didn't discover the source, I wasted prior day action doing that, when I could have just sat down to it, do something more useful, and just waited for free confusion-divinations).

We send group of our 'adventures' to go physically (and with help of magic) to different places find clues about these problems, especially on spreading the red goo issue.

Zelda Themelin

First Post

If you are pulled into Ravenloft, Melkor becomes Lord and Master of you all (with one exception, who I will not reveal.)

Sure, nasty fate. In that case, I won't except Melkor's ex-worshippers to get warm welcome, or maybe too warm. :D

Didn't you reveal it long ago? *shrug*

Black Omega

First Post
Edena: The Coalition of Light and Shadow is NOT going after anyone to corrupt. Furthermore...:
Letter to our allies in the Oerth Alliance,

A certain attack has become popular recently for reasons that are pretty obvious. Of course, it is far preferable to 'corrupt' a power to your side instead of destroy them. In that way you gain power at your enemies expense and after all, isn't the world safer with less Evil people in it? The Coalition of Light and Shadow is concerned with this. We stand for freedom, both of action and thought. Brainwashing people is much the same whether is it Melkor or Hazan. It's a violation of the mind and we can't imagine this as a good act. If anything, we are concerned it is playing into the hands of the Dark Powers. We ask only that you consider our words carefully before deciding on your own course of action in this matter.

Siobhan Silirevnur
Emissary of the Seelie
Glittering White Flame of Titania
This message will also be passed along to non OA powers we consider ourselves to be on friendly or at least respectful terms with, such as Ana. And we'll make it easy for the spys from everyone else to find out about it as well.;)
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First Post
To Zelda


Can I make my faction immune to corruption, and in return lose my ability to ever corrupt another faction?
At least, this would be our choice.


Unfortunately, no. It would appear they can get through all your defenses, and steal some of your people away.
The best defense here, in my opinion, is to punish those who have corrupted your people.
I mean ... letting them get away with it is not a good idea!


Edena, you are very good dm.


Thank you.
However, the loss of Zouron is a crushing blow.
I am busy working as well as I can on this project, and people - one after the other - walk out on me.

Since you are busy with everything, and re-checking something you priorly missed is so much work, would you just simply state, how much damage to Oerth/other worlds is corrected this far.


Most of the damage to the world of Oerth is repaired.
Little of the total destruction to Luna is repaired (it will take months to repair it, too.)
The spectrum shift in Greyspace is repaired (colors are no longer shifted into the purple.)

The Red Goo has pretty much been banished from Oerth, with some notable (and very secret) exceptions.

The Penumbral Hub is under repair.

We are just hearing the dark side of things. Before latest troubles showed up, we had managed to fix few things, yes or no? What is still on to-do list?


If you do not stop the Power that is destroying hundreds of Crystal Spheres with Red Goo, you will be pulled into Ravenloft.
This will happen very quickly, too ... as in, in only a few days.

Also, I am not known to waste time, when sending simple response to another leader. We arent't in middle of some meeting, we are just talking about one, which is probably going to happen only after we solve more critical situations. Meanwhile, I consider communtication to be just 'passing notes', not wasting time.

I have already done my 11th level magic action for day 4 (it was getting rid of black balls with Kalanyr, though we didn't discover the source, I wasted prior day action doing that, when I could have just sat down to it, do something more useful, and just waited for free confusion-divinations).


I would not call stopping the Black Balls a wasted or useless action.
You and Kalanyr saved millions of people from going to Ravenloft by stopping this attack.

We send group of our 'adventures' to go physically (and with help of magic) to different places find clues about these problems, especially on spreading the red goo issue.


Information comes back IMMEDIATELY.
In remote Crystal Spheres, away from the beaten path (in other words, where the Scro Star League and others wouldn't immediately notice) there is a very real horror situation in progress.
Entire WORLDS have been destroyed, their surfaces seas of Red Goo.
Entire solar systems have been wiped out.
Entire Crystal Spheres have been cleared of all life.

The loss of life is beyond all estimates.
Your adventurers find over 300 Crystal Spheres either under attack or destroyed already.

The scale of the attack is too great to counter by yourself, even with 11th level magic.

You are going to need the full might of all the IR Powers, in their full strength, to halt this massive assault.

Whoever is doing this, is carefully hiding his tracks.
Red Goo appears out of nowhere, then begins it's work - it does not sit there, but actively starts attacking and devouring, people, vegetation, the soil itself.
All attempts to discover where the Red Goo came from (it is obviously coming from somewhere in the IR) fail, because 11th level shielding is being used to cover the culprit's tracks.

It goes without saying that there is a general consensus among a thousand Crystal Spheres that whoever is doing this must be annihilated.
They are also of the opinion that the entire Crystal Sphere involved should be annihilated - they state that those who tolerated one of their own doing this, are as guilty as the one doing it.

In short, when they find out Greyspace (or Krynnspace, or Realmspace, or Athas, or Mystara) is the one responsible for this attack, the combined might of over one thousand Crystal Spheres will be coming.
They will come to obliterate the entire Crystal Sphere.
No negotiation, no quarter, no surrender accepted.

Why should they be reasonable?
They have witnessed the massacre of billions, the destruction of hundreds of worlds, by a terrible entity which was obviously evil, sent without provocation or reason or sanity to destroy them.

- - -

Zelda Themelin

Sure, nasty fate. In that case, I won't except Melkor's ex-worshippers to get warm welcome, or maybe too warm.
Didn't you reveal it long ago? *shrug*


I wonder myself what Melkor will do to them, if that unhappy fate comes to pass.

Black Omega

First Post
Edena: That is not possible. Once they are their own independent 11th Level Power, you must Duel them and throw Coup de Graces (if they will not surrender) normally.
To prevent a run-away slew of new 11th Level Powers, I have Ruled each Power may only maintain one of these Corrupted Allied Powers at a time. If you attack and destroy the main Power, they - obviously - cannot create a new Power.
Fair enough. We'll come back to this later.;)

Edena: Noted. I have given clues ...
Actually, I'm 90% sure I know who is involved in the black balls/red goo or both. It's just something from an OOC email that I could not use IC, so I'm going to be intentionally dense on this until someone else works it out.;)


Just out of interest: Why does Sollir have 2 11th level powers and 2 corrupted Allies ?

Edit- Oh and since I used my action to get rid of those funny balls of evil I can't corrupt anyone today correct ? (If I can I'm not corrupting a faction I just want to have a nice hour long chat with Mina)
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First Post
Sollir began with the Unseelie, who gained 11th level magic (along with Black Omega and Forsaken One) from the effects of radiation.

When I asked for a player for Acererak, since Maudlin left us, nobody responded.

Later, Sollir claimed Rajaat, but he was thrown down and destroyed.
I was tired of playing Acererak, so I offered him to Sollir in Rajaat's place.

Then, both of Sollir's Powers created Corrupted Allies.

- - -

Kalanyr, you CAN create a corrupted ally on day 4. DM's ruling.
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Ok, fair enough. I was just under the impression you only got 1 11th level power. And I thought Sollir claimed Valky's Unseelie for his 11th level power.

How long would it take to change Mina's Alignment ? (Not any of her faction held by Anab, just her)


First Post
Yours Truly does not wish to be the arbiter of how the 11th Level Dueling ends.
Yours Truly, therefore, cannot run all these Powers dumped in his lap.

He is assigning them as follows:

The Angels - 100% intact (William receives them, on the one condition set below.)
The Angels will NOT corrupt people into becoming allies!

Rhialto’s Black Brotherhood - 38% intact: - 2 to Attacks and Defenses (the DM will keep this Power.)

The Eternal Union - 100% intact. (The Eternal Union goes to Tokiwong.)
The Corrupted Allies of the Eternal Union - 100% intact (This Power is considered automatically created, and it goes to Tokiwong. It is Tokiwong's choice, who was corrupted.)
The Red Army of Luna - 100% intact (This Power also goes to Tokiwong. Since it is a splintered off faction of another Power, it cannot create a Corrupted Ally.)

Voidrunner's Codex

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