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(IR) The 3rd IR, Turn 7 (thread 5)

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The following message is sent to the Union of the Worlds, from the Alliance of Dread - this message is delivered in no-nonsense terms:

We request you ally with us, Union of the Worlds.
You have no choice.
If you wish to survive, you will do so.

The Militant Fair have 12th level magic.
Just what chance do you think you have against that?
What chance?

The Militant Fair will come here, and they will kill you.
You know that.
Don't try to convince us otherwise - you know what will happen to you when they arrive.

Since the Unseelie have sent out their Red Poison Attacks, and since the Alliance of Oerth has summoned them, they WILL arrive here.

However, we know that the Militant Fair have only a small part of their military might in the Spheres.
We know that they cannot deploy more than what they already have.
They are overwhelmingly powerful, but they cannot summon yet more power.

With our combined might, our combined strength, we can defeat the Militant Fair, and crush them.
But only with our combined strength can we do so.

Join us.
Join the Unseelie, the Shade, and the rest of us, and let us destroy all the foes of the Union of the Worlds.

Or, refuse us, and suffer the consequences.
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First Post
The greatest reward this DM can give

William, this is for you:

- - -

Archcleric Hazen is at prayer.
Once more, the great light streams down from above, and - this time - from all sides, upon Hazen, and a celestial wind blows, ruffling his clothing and hair.
Out of that light step the Angels.
Dozens of them.

There is a new expression in those ethereal faces.
Hazen sees happiness.
Hazen sees joy.
Hazen sees praise.
The emotions beat against Hazen, and they lift him out of the darkness, send him soaring through the sky, delight and enthusiastic joy for no reason coursing through every vein, every nerve.

The Angels form a great ring around Hazen, shimmering brightly, smiling - one might say even beaming, at Hazen.

Then one Angel steps forward from all the rest, and approaches Hazen.
This Angel walks up to Hazen, and stares him directly in the eyes.

Looking directly into the face of an Angel is an overwhelming experience, and this is no exception to that rule.
Hazen is held, riveted to the floor, effectively paralyzed, as he stares back.

He sees himself reflected, back, in the eyes of the Angels.
He sees his physical body, his careworn face, his tattered garments, his hands worn and wrinkled from use.
Then he sees something else.

Hazen sees a great white light emanating from his own body, from his heart.
A light so bright and so vibrant, so pure and so brilliant, that it matches the light of the Angels themselves.

The Angel releases Hazen from it's gaze.

The Angel takes a step back, and extends it's translucent, shimmering hand at Hazen's heart.

The Angel speaks:

We welcome you to join us, Hazen of Oerth, if this is your desire.

- - -

If Hazen agrees, Hazen becomes an Angel.

I have never allowed such a thing before, not even in a game where 11th level magic, bombs that blow up worlds, and PC deities are the run of the mill mundane norm.

Even I have my limits on what I will allow.

I am making an exception.

An exception for Hazen.
This is something he has earned.

All I ask is that William play Hazen appropriately, if Hazen becomes an Angel.

William Ronald

The Secret is Out

Edena: By the time I have posted this, my plans should be in effect. Also, as no one can change their attacks, I will have the same consequences from making this speech as in taking my actions. Also, kaboom brought the Wanderer back, so Acererak will be happy about that. Maybe a comment by the Wanderer would be appropriate soon.

Also, check the previous thread. I recall seeing a post where 'o Skoteinos said he was helping Melkor because Zouron has threatened to extinguish the souls of all of Skoteinos' people in Ravenloft. (Melkor, don't EVER say that I have not been fair with you.)

Acting President Lannon addresses the UC of Toril, all of Toril and Oerth.

"Citizens of the United Commonwealth of Toril, I greet you."

"I ask you to have courage. We have good news even in these dark times. I ask you to keep the same courage that Ian Payne kept when he thought the United Commonwealth of Toril would be crushed in its infancy."

"Many powerful allies have pledged to aid in our defense. They are assisting with the mightiest of magics. Although we have lost our greatest spellcasters, we have allies who are placing their lives on the line for us. I think we should honor their courage and their willingness to sacrifice all for us. They are valiant, and come from Toril and Oerth."

"Our allies in the Oerth Alliance have suffered greatly. The Kevellond League has lost its greatest spellcasters. However, they are not surrendering. Using two great artifacts, they have found a way to banish a great force of our enemies. For the Alliance of Dread has summoned meddling demons, and merged them with the horrific Red Goo. Surely this is a testimony to the hatred that the demons have for us and their fear of us."

"President Hazen of the Oerth Alliance is using the Cup and Talisman of Al Akbar to purge the armies made of Red Goo. The Cup and Talisman can effect an area the size of the Baklunish-Esmerin confederation and their allies. (OOC: Lannon gives the exact dimensions and compares it to an area on Toril.) This artifact, like all major artifacts, functions at higher levels of might than any achieved since the Arcane Age."

"Additionally, Hazen and his people are using the Crook of Rao to reenact the Flight of Fiends. Hazen initially did this 40 years ago, banishing armies of fiends from Oerth."

"We are coordinating our non-magical attacks with those defending us, to give us an added measure of success in our defense. To those who doubted our interaction with Oerth and called its natives savages, I say that it is the Oerth Alliance and many of our allies in Realmspace who are defending us. People who grew up and never heard the name of Ian Payne until a few months ago are fighting and dying for us. People, whom I am sad to say, that some of us condemned as illiterate warlike savages. I say that the UC of Toril and its people should hold on to its sovereign government. I say that while we have allies who will protect our lives and honor our right to chose our own destiny we should remain independent. We should preserve our liberties as our soldiers and our allies are fighting for us."

"We are a society of many beliefs and cultures. The Union of Worlds is based on the worship of two individuals, who although remarkable, seem to wish all to comply to a single uniform vision. Theirs, not ours. What did we sacrifice for in the last 40 plus years if we surrender to the first person who offers us safety -- even if we have to abandon who we are to serve them."

"Although some of our leaders have vanished, perhaps losing faith in themselves, I say that I believe in you. So does every soldier who is fighting to protect your lives and liberties. Believe in them as they believe in you. You are the spiritual heirs of Ian Payne and the brave people of many races and lands who labored to make the UC of Toril a model for civilization, liberty, and peace."

"I am not Ian Payne, nor am I Forrester or Erika Lesage. I am just a man who asks you to have the courage that is within yourselves. I do not ask you of anything that is beyond your strength and courage. The choice is yours: to abandon all that you are for an illusion of safety, to have your races remade into one programmed to serve the Union like some industrial housebot scrubbing toilets, or to be free people. who will emerge even greater than they have been in this dark hour."

"The choice is yours. To be servitors or to be free people who honor those who defend you. I have made my own choice. The choice is yours. I ask that the United Commonwealth of Toril not fade from history. I ask that we honor our allies and our own people fighting for us by remaining free and independent. Let us have faith in ourselves and them as well."

"Even now, the Humanoid State has encouraged its members to be remade into the Cydian race. This is a race programmed to worship Kas and the God Emperor of the Union. The God Emperor and Kas encouraged the Humanoid State to leave, accusing the UC of promoting, no practically forcing the mating of elves and humanoids. They then hide their bigotry under a fair mask."

"Is this what you are willing to serve? A power that will use any rhetoric to its end, bribe their way to obtaining a great power, and then remake it in its own image.(Lannon drags out the financial sheets...and expounds on the Union's role in getting the Humanoid State to secede.) You are better than that! The heirs of Ian Payne are better than that. The people who have inherited a wonderful legacy deserve better than to be lapdogs of self-proclaimed deities. One of whom decided an Olympics of Torture would be a good way to spend a few days."

"Our allies have called upon the Taraakians, a race whose nobility of spirit seems akin to the Angels. Their magical might is equal to or greater than the powers of the Arcane Age. Their technology and technomancy is equal to their magic. Do you think they shall be gentle with the Shade and Hellmaster Phibrizzo and their allies."

"I think we can stand with our allies and keep our own independence and traditions. The choice is yours. The choice always is yours. The Union of Worlds has been described as a democracy of two: Kas and the God Emperor. Is that the choice you wish for yourselves and your children."

"Furthermore, the Union has shown a distressing tendency to jump ship between alliances. Embrace Melkor. Backstab Melkor. Embrace Melkor. Backstab Melkor. Our true allies have been consistent. They have stood with us even when our good name and that of President Forrester were slandered by the Union's leadership. The Oerth Alliance did not hate us, the people of the United Commonwealth of Toril, even when Forrester bombarded their world with fusing hydrogen from Oerth's sun. Hazen said he could even see his way to forgiving a repentant Forrester. A Forrester who took his actions in a belief that he was saving Toril."

"The Union -when they called themselves the Dark Union of Eastern Oerth - conquered the nation sof Nyrond, Almor, Urnst and other lands and executed many of its leaders for seceding from what would become the Union -- 200 years earlier. The God Emperor prohibited all faiths except the worship of himself --and murdered those priests who would not worship him. He did support the rise of Kas as a god... to further his own ends. The Union seems to be about nothing more than opportunism."

"In contrast, our allies in Realmspace and elsewhere believe that governments exist to serve the governed. The Union is more similar to Melkor and the Eternal Union in believing that citizens exist to serve the state. The Oerth Alliance stands with us in battle, and in matters of principle."

"I would rather stand with such allies, people who risk their lives for us, and our allies of Realmspace than those who spurn our values and worship only power. Indeed, their motto seems to be to win at all costs and ignore the truth when it becomes inconvenient. I ask you to stand as one. Together, we can survive. The Oerth Alliance and our Realmspace allies are fighting on our behalf. Let us stand with them as an independent power that shares the values of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

"I ask nothing of you that is impossible. Find the strength in yourselves. Ian Payne once said he had no power. In a time of great need, he reached into his heart and found a power that reached to the heights of the Seventh Heaven. That power resides in us all."

"I ask our allies also to address us. Hazen said he is busy with the defense of his world and ours but issued this statement. 'You can chose your own destinies. My land has faced grievous losses. However, still we struggle and strive, believing in ourselves and our friends. I ask you to believe in us as we believe in you. You have yet to realize your true greatness, your true goodness.'"

"An eloquent statement by a man of courage," Lannon says. "'He has placed his life on the line for the principles we say we espouse. What does it say of us if we abondon our principles while we can still stand and others are prepared to DIE for us? Who are we? What do we want for ourselves and our children?"

"I believe with our friends and allies we will survive as a free people. If we chose. My family and I chose to stand on the principles that the UC of Toril was founded on. We do not stand alone. I ask that we stand as a free and independent nation, holding onto the high principles of our past, ready to ride out the present storm, and emerge into a brighter future. We can chose our own destiny. The future is waiting for us. Which shall it be, to become servitors of those unworthy of your trust or to stand besides the bold and honorable allies who are ready to die so that we may live free."

OOC: Nice to see you are still trying to grab countries. I suppose that is what drove Reprisal away, a sense that he could not even hold his own power together. You want to play dirty, fine.

I guess this is why more than one person who left the IR and has talked with me has called this the 'win at all costs IR." This is not an insult, but an observation.


First Post
William, please take a look up at the top of this page.

- - -

Kalanyr, thank you. I missed that, thinking the thread full at 190 posts.

Darklord Melkor will now have the power to defend (!!!) the people sent to Ravenloft, against Darklord Zouron's Attack.

It will be a standard 11th level Duel, along with the rest of the Duels (and other forms of attack) being conducted on Day 5.
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William Ronald


OOC: Edena, I am flattered!! This is one of the highest honors I have received in 22 years of role playing.

I am going to have to abide by the Angelic code of behavior that you gave Kalanyr. I think I can have Hazen meet this high standard, a standard which I fall short of in real life. I would perhaps summarize it as follows: you shall love your neighbor as yourself and not deny him the free will that you ask for yourself. (I am going to have to not forcibly convert any more powers, based on my present interpretation of the Angelic code.)

Here is the in character post. I am going to try to make it worthy of this generous offer. I will have to do what some would say is nearly impossible: be an Angel and a politician.:D


There are tears of joy streaming down Hazen's features as the last tears of sorrow leave his eyes.

"I am honored beyond words. Yes, I accept. By all that is holy, I accept."

"I will fight only with great need, and without hate. I will try to be an embodiment of life and love, to try to be a light to help others to see the goodness that is in themselves."

"I have heard the message from Acting President Lannon. He has said much that is true, but he forgot to say something important that the people of all worlds and races must hear. I think I have found words that may help many in this time."

Hazen asks the Angels to help transmit this message to the UC of Toril and all the worlds, especially those which are threatened. If they will, it is heard on Krynn, Athas, Mystara, Oerth, Toril and the worlds of the Taraakians. It is heard even on Neith and by the Taraakians.

"People of the worlds, know that you are loved, now and always. Despite the darkness of these times, there is Light and Love beyond the reach of any horror, of any who would proclaim their wills and desires is more important than those of his brothers. There are many, many paths to Truth, and you should know that as each of you seek your own path, you are loved. Even as you walk, others walk beside you. You are not alone, rather you are loved more than mortal words can express."

"Do not despair, despite the darkness of these times. People of the United Commonwealth of Toril, your friends of Realmspace and many worlds stand with you. The choice of your future is your own. All I ask is for you to ask who you are, what do you value, and what do you want of your future. Believe in yourselves as I believe in you. You are a people who have yet to reach your true goodness and greatness. May you always be blessed."

"We all have choices. I have heard the phrase no choice used to try to justify many actions. We can always chose a different path than the one we are on. We can accept responsibility for our past actions and try to move on towards a better life than the one we now lead. Consider my friend Lord Kalanyr who found the courage and compassion to rise from being a demon to a celestial in the service of freedom to a deity who hopes that one day no will shall be enslaved to another. You can always strive to be more than you think you are, nobler in spirit, thought and dead. Believe in yourselves, people of the worlds, as we believe in you."

"Orrin Rilanth of Oerth has said that free will is a wonderful gift and a terrible responsibility. You can chose not to despair, to forgive each other your trespasses, and to love one another as you would wish to be loved."

"Sadly, there are those who chose to oppress others. I will oppose their actions, while pitying them. For truly they do not see or experience the true glory, the true wonder and beauty of creation. I see many peoples, many forms, and cultures, with so much of truth and beauty that I am humbled."

"In this hour, I ask that you consider standing as one. You will not stand alone, and whatever may befall, you will be loved. There is goodness and greatness that is within the greatest religious leaders, the noblest individuals of all races and worlds, is within us all. You but need to seek it."

"Love can be stronger than hate. You can oppose your enemies without becoming as they are. Even in defending your own lives, you need not hate to triumph over your foes. True, sometimes the only way to stop an evil is to oppose it by force. However, you can fight with a purity of spirit, not hating but fighting to preserve life, liberty, and love."

"Yes, the potential for evil is within us. We can be the Dark Powers. But we can also be the Army of Light and Life, triumphant, loving one another and standing beside each other regardless of world, race, faith, or station. We are all capable of the highest degrees of goodness and compassion. I believe in you, many believe in you, and the Eternal believes in you. There are many paths to enlightenment and many forms of courage. Seek them. You will not be alone on your journey. You will never be alone. You will be loved. Always. May you find peace and love."

Hazen falls silent. "I pray that I have done some good for the peoples of the worlds. I have seen so many in despair that some hope would be as welcome as water to a man suffering thirst in the desert."

OOC: I must apologize for my writing skills not being up to the task of what I wish to convey. I have not the wisdom of Solomon or the eloquence of Shakespeare. I believe a message of hope must be conveyed amidst this destruction.

I made Acting President Lannon's speech that of an eloquent man who truly loves his country and feels a bit outraged that the opportunists are circling. Serpenteye, I hope I did not offend you personally.

I have tried to portray Hazen as a man who has learned and is still learning to see past the veils of flesh, race, social class,and world to the core of each persons spirit. I have encountered a few souls in this world who seem not be speaking just to a person's mind and ears, but to their very being.

The message is meant to convey hope in a dark time, to show that there are alternatives to hate. Evil can be opposed in many ways. Sometimes it is necessary to use force to oppose evil, but it is not something to be done lightly. For, in the real world, many good people have died so that others can enjoy the world that they live in.

OOC: Going to bed soon, very late in my part of the world.
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First Post
____________William Ronald posted:
OOC: Nice to see you are still trying to grab countries. I suppose that is what drove Reprisal away, a sense that he could not even hold his own power together. You want to play dirty, fine.

I guess this is why more than one person who left the IR and has talked with me has called this the 'win at all costs IR." This is not an insult, but an observation.

As if noone was trying to grab countries in the first IRs. Melkor and Forrester and Anabstercorian and several others did everything in their power to conquer and enslave their enemies, have you forgotten the fate of the elves of Evermeet?

You should realise that if everybody played their faction as selflessly as you the're would be no IR. Everybody would stand united in a great harmonious alliance and only face the enemies the DM regularly conjured up to give us something to react to. Would that really be better than what we have now?

Ever since round 0 have I been playing my PC as a powerhungry pragmatist who would do anything to advance himself. To suddenly and for no good reaason stop doing that would be terribly poor roleplaying, and it would be no fun for anybody. I've never complained about the way that you've played your PC, it's simply not a constructive thing to do.

I understand if Forrester and Reprisal were frustrated by the separation of the Humanoid Alliance from the UC, I would be frustrated if something like that had happened to me. In fact, it has actually happened several times during the IR. Rel Astra rebelled, the 'Wanderer's territories' rebelled, the Adri forest rebelled and I had no chance to prevent it. All minor losses, but still. I didn't stop playing because of it. Reprisal is responsible for his own decision to leave the IR, I was sad to see him go.

Anyway, the IR seems to be heading towards the end. If we're not sent into Ravenloft to be slaves to Melkor or Zouron the Terraakians will destroy everyone who's not a member of the Oerth Alliance. The Ravenloft end is more interesting, but nevertheless it's an end.


First Post

The fiery, impassioned speech by Lannon was sufficient.
The military and people of the United Commonwealth of Toril decide to remain independent.
They now look to Lannon for leadership.

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