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Jungle Deeps and Ocean Depths


Undinar thanks Crilly for her information and stops by Winter's table with Erik before they head out, just to see if his employer has any more instructions.

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Isida Kep'Tukari

*Undinar, Winter quickly waves you over to his table before you head out the door.*

"If you'd be so kind to see what kind of things I might need for a jungle trek, I'd be appreciative. I'm uncertain how long negotiations with Master Goldfire might take, but I'd like to be prepared. If things take too long, then you might be able to go your own way. You seem to have interests here I don't."


"Certainly, Mr. Winter, I shall be at Obar's Outfitters. It was recommended by Ms. Crilly." Undinar says before he heads out the door to find out what information he can about a trek into the jungle and the location of the spring he seeks.

Isida Kep'Tukari

*Morin, Utar-Chan nods sharply at your comment, and looks over at Halark, Dorcha, and Whisper.*

"It would seem so. The Maze is best solved with many rather than one. I would not seek such things alone," he says, somewhat sternly. Abruptly he sits down and signals to Crilly. She comes out a second later with a glass of what looks like wine, and he briefly whispers to her, too softly to be overheard. She nods once and leaves the table.*

*Undinar you and Erik head out to Obar's. The store is painted a strong orange and deep black in geometric patterns, with accents of yellow and red. Lush verdant plants hanging from large baskets beside the door add splashes of green.*

*Inside the place is tightly but neatly packed with shelves and free-standing displays of rope, insect netting, oil, lamps, torches, alchemical items, backpacks, grappling hooks, and a weapon's rack, almost anything you'd need for an expedition.*

*Obar proves to be a portly Chulant man in orange and red robes, wearing a flat round orange and red hat. However, past the fat of good and easy living, you can see traces of callouses on his hands and he moves with a slight limp, probably from an old injury.*


*At the moment Undinar is on more of a fact finding mission as he doesnt know how many people will be accompanying him on his trek into the forest. With that in mind he approaches the man in the bright robes.*

"Good sir, I am seeking information and perhaps some of your wares. My companion and I are looking for a sacred spring of water rumored to be deep within the jungle. We would like directions or better yet if you can suggest a guide for us it would be much appreciated."

Isida Kep'Tukari

"A sacred spring?" Obar says in a deep voice, moving out from behind the counter. "How curious. There is more than one spring in the jungle, many of which are held sacred by more than one tribe, but I can think of no particular one that is held more sacred than another.

"But if you seek a guide, I know a man that knows the jungle very well. He's a nature-priest by the name of Raniul, travels around with an elf called Hanley. I could put him in contact with you for a very low fee. But if you seek to outfit yourself for a jungle trek, you've come to the right place. I used to travel those roads myself, and I can answer any question you might want to know."


"Hmm. Ranuil? If it is the man I am thinking of, I used to travel with him a while back. I had no idea he had made his way down here. What a good turn of fortune. I will have to gather some more information about where exactly the spring that I am looking for is located. As far as outfitting goes, I am not sure how long we will be gone, but what type of supplies would you suggest for an extended voyage? Are food and water available and safe to consume or should we carry those with us? Are there any natural dangers that we should be aware of before making a trek? Really anything you can tell my friend and I about the jungle will be most appreciated." Undinar says at the mention of his old friend's name.

Isida Kep'Tukari

"Well, if you know the man I can suggest no greater guide for the jungle. As to what you need... well if you know the jungle it can provide a great deal of good food and water, but if you are not careful many of the plants are poisonous, even lethal. Some animals too carry venom in their fangs, spit, or skin.

"I have some good compact traveling food here, quite light yet good enough for a meal. If you have Ranuil with you, however, he can point out safe food and water. But it never hurts to be prepared. It rains every day in the jungle, so finding water shouldn't be too hard, but I'd keep a waterskin full just in case.

"As for hazards... watch out for poisonous snakes, assassin vines and other mobile plants, flying snakes, bats, and above all don't offend the tribes. The wild dwarves in particular don't forget a slight. And the taxabi and grippli, the cat people and frog people, don't offend them.

"Also I'd beware of the large insects, and the apes too. If you stick to the trails you won't have as much of a problem with the tribes, but you might get the occasional raid. If you go off the trails you'll have more problems with the animals and the taxabi and grippli. And a bit more explaining to do to any other tribes that find you on their hunting grounds. I'd bring presents if you intend to go off exploring. Iron goods are especially prized, as are metal jewelry or particularly fine weavings.

"If you are going to go off into the jungle you'll want a climbing kit or two, grappling hooks, rope, antitoxin, mosquito netting, tents, insect repellent, extra food, healer's kits, a compass, raincapes, some waterproofing salve... do you have any of that already?" Obar says thoughtfully.


"Wow thats a lot. Hmm. I dont think that we have any of those supplies yet. We shall take 2 climbing kits, 100 feet of good, light rope, and a grappling hook, say 4 vials of antitoxin, the repellent, compass and tents, raincapes and food for hmm... 6 people for 2 weeks trek. I dont know exactly how many will be joining us, so I will make a quick stop back here if we need more supplies before heading out. One other thing, do you have any maps of some of the more well used trails? As well do you carry any of the type of items the tribes like to receive?"

Collecting all of the equipment that the man gets together, Undinar turns to Erik, "Any other things you can think of, Erik?"

Wynter Wolf

First Post
Erik thinks about the items looking around the place a bit.

"Maybe some dry firewood and regarding tribal people i figure some mundane items such as, firestarting equipment, maybe a few steel weapons basically items not really found in the wild."

Voidrunner's Codex

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