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[KAUAI]The Rod of Seven Parts: Of Hexes and Gems


Maelicent listens to Voadam, grateful that one of these giant-kin were finally bothering to make some sense and answer questions. The goblin warrior remains dubious of the human's outlandish claims, seeing as how the 'wand' in his hand appears as little more than a fancy stick. Still, his own inexperience coupled with Voadam's frank manner and the obvious carnage around him offers Maelicent little reason to dismiss his words. Enemy factions o giant wolf-spiders hunting about for a magic stick sound like the kind of thing that adventurers might get involved in. Good. I might be gettin someplace then... Maelicent nods towards the wand in Voadam's hand. "So that's what they was after eh? Don't look like much."

Maelicent repeats his analysis of the garden area for Voadam's benefit. "Your giant spider-things look like they started in the garden right out o' nowhere. One stopped to chew up the runt, but they both went inside through the back door there. There was another giant-kin who walked up the south path to the side of the stable, then turned around and took off the same way."

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Ambrus said:
Maelicent nods towards the wand in Voadam's hand. "So that's what they was after eh? Don't look like much."

"No this is my wand. I know its magic. The one they were after is now held by the white dwarf. That one I want to learn more about and keep them from getting their claws on it."

Maelicent repeats his analysis of the garden area for Voadam's benefit. "Your giant spider-things look like they started in the garden right out o' nowhere. One stopped to chew up the runt, but they both went inside through the back door there. There was another giant-kin who walked up the south path to the side of the stable, then turned around and took off the same way."

"Giant-Kin? Hmm, so a giant-blood summoner came up and opened a portal for the spider wolves then left? Do you think he left after summoning them or once he saw them fall? Are there tracks of this man?"


Voadam said:
"Giant-Kin? Hmm, so a giant-blood summoner came up and opened a portal for the spider wolves then left? Do you think he left after summoning them or once he saw them fall? Are there tracks of this man?"
"Yeah. There are tracks; the two spider-things' who started in the garden, there's the lot that you giant-kin and the lizard-kin made trompin around back there just now, the dead runt's, a few others sets that cross from the door to the stables and garden from this mornin and the last set from the giant-kin that came and left along the south path. Can't say if they was from a male or a female, human or elf or when they left for sure. They was made at the same time as the spider-things', just a little while ago."
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First Post
H. Lewit returns quietly. Once he is near the rest of the group, he enters himself back into the conversation. "So what should be our next move? Do we have that Racid fellow in our presence yet?"

[sblock=OOC] I don't like to clutter the IC with OOC comments but I'll go ahead and do it here because I still haven't heard from a couple of you via e-mail as per my request. If you have not pinged me at the e-mail address I provided in our OOC thread, please check in at the OOC then ping me. I send XP via e-mail. If you have a community supporter account here at EN World and want me to PM you here, I can do that as well.

Rancid ran off after Traven cast a spell...this was back before Traven molted. If you want to find him, I'm sure you can but you'll need to look for him and/or track him down. This thread is really rolling along quite nicely now. I'll continue to keep an eye on it in case you all call for rolls or seem like you'd benefit from a little help from time to time, but mostly you all seem to be doing fine on your own.[/sblock]

Argent Silvermage

First Post
Pilgrim: Kobold Paladin of Bahamut

Now that the goblin's attention has been taken off him Pilgrim slinks down the stairs and joins the group. He stands next to Gamed who is possibly his only true friend in this town so far. "I guess the question now is what do we do about this? As long as one of us has the item then they are in danger."


First Post
"We should find that Rancid fellow that had the wand in the first place to see where we got it. I think he ran off after Traven attacked him. Maybe we could find Vaja too and see if she knows anything more about Traven's history." Brakkus thinks, Perhaps this is why I was sent to this place. At least I won't miss out on all the excitement, and I'll have the chance to prove myself to Father.


We should track Rancid, in the meantime I'll keep the wand as I figure no one will risk endangering himself with the arcane power of the cursed albino dwarf.
Gamad grin to himself under his hood and tries to see if Vaja or Frane is outside
We should address the owners, as I saw Rancid runing to the street when the spidery bouncer caused him to flee in panic with his vile magic.


Since the impudent lizard-kin had meekly backed down, the Gudwulf warrior replaces the black fletched arrow in the quiver at his hip. Slinging the bow across his body, the goblin pulls his handaxe from beneath the folds of his gore-covered coat and returns to inspecting the wolf-spider carcass. Addressing the 'cursed albino dwarf' Maelicent asks: "So. We's finally gonna see this wolf-spider-be-damned wand then?" Picking an appropriately sized wolf-spider leg in hand, the Gudwulf warrior goes to work hacking through the base of the limb with carefully measured axe blows.[sblock=SB]Maelicent is using his survival skill to butcher the wolf-spider carcasses. I was thinking that the gently curved black chitin leg segments of the creature would be ideal for forming the limbs of a masterwork composite longbow after being properly cleaned and treated. Also, being made of demon flesh, I'd imagine they'd readily accept magical enchantments later on. The chitinous plates of their body segments might also be ideal for forming strong lightweight armor and shields. My plan was to harvest the three carcasses and possibly try to trade the usable parts to master-bowers and armorsmiths in town in exchange for money and/or new equipment, such as having the aforementioned masterwork composite longbow crafted; demon-hide armor and demon-bone bow. What do you think?[/sblock]

Back inside the Cockatrice, Lowel enters through the main doors. Closing then bolting both doors behind himself, Lowel eyes the group and comes over. "The Guard's comin'. Saw their red tunics, what with that loud yellow piping down the sides, just 'bout back at the corner o' the main byway. Be here soon, looks like four of 'em. You lot want out? Through the kitchen door's yer best bet. Hop the fence by the tinsmith's an' go down the alley on the other side o' his shop, should put ye out right as rain an' no one the wiser. Vaja said ter lock up in here, case the crowd outside gits restless."

Voidrunner's Codex

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