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Kulan: Bard's Gate PbP Campaign (IC) [Game Cancelled]

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World of Kulan DM
Boyra stares at the medallion as if looking at the gates of the abyss itself, which is not too far from the truth

"Kisep, you have shown us a symbol of evil. What can we do to cleanse it from our land?"


World of Kulan DM
Originally Posted by JustinCase
Kisep nods. "This is very fascinating. This medallion is the focus of several stories in many lands and although the names and details change, this is certainly the origin of them all. You see, the medallion depicts a particularly powerful demon, second only to the demon lords in power, and its name is mentioned in the tale written down on the vellum. I will not utter it, and neither should any of you, because if spoken aloud near the medallion might summon the demon.

"Somehow, this magical piece of metal is bound to the foul beast, and was possibly the source of the evil wizard's might. When the demon was finally destroyed by the knights and their armies, as described in the text, the wizard had lost most of his power and was defeated rather easily. However, demons are not easily killed so I suspect it either returned to the Abyss or retreated into the medallion somehow. In the latter case, even touching the metal could hurt those of pure heart, and could tempt anyone to do horrible things. It worries me that the arsonist was not in his own mind, because that could mean the demon controlled him. And I fear a plot to have us all gathered here in the same room with the cursed medallion, and one man who admits to touching the damned thing!

"Was that your plan, former treasurer?!" Kisep ends his tirade with an accusing finger towards the man.
W-what! No, I'm not being controlled by a demon," Kailer looks at Captain Archambault. "Imbril, I swear!"

The captain of the Knights of the Griffon looks warily at Galoda and then at Kisep. "There is a easy way to determine if he is under the sway of a demon or some other evil force. Guard, remove the box from the room."

"Yes, milord." The guard who brought in the medallion's box closes it and carries it from the room.

Imbril Archambault stands and moves behind Kailer Galoda and places his hands on the man's shoulders. "If the taint of evil is on you, Kailer, I will be able to detect it. Perhaps your mind has been subjugated without your knowledge or perhaps the medallion is less powerful that Kisep believes."

"Or the truth lies somewhere in between," Warder Wilsk adds.

"Aye," Captain Trethewey agrees.

Originally Posted by Scott DeWar
The mind link between wizard and familiar is one of two minds being as one. Shrough mentally sends a request to his friend to move as the shadows to a corner near the door where Kailer can have an eye, or two, kept on him at all times.

With his back to Kailer to act as a temptation, Shrough will ready the casting of Magic Missile with the trigger of the fox seeing Kailer doing anything offensive [ooc: drawing weapon, casting spell, leap to attack, transform into something]
Originally Posted by Trogdor1992
At Kisep's accusation a red hand goes to the hilt of his greatsword, the bone handle feeling all too familiar in his hand, but he does not draw his blade just yet.
Originally Posted by Scotley
Kisep's words about not says the Demon's name cause Jagr's face to flush under his fur and his hand to stray to his hilt as well.
Originally Posted by kinem
Sarten shifts his arcane gaze from the amulet to the fallen treasurer, trying to determine whether the man has been enchanted.
The room is tense as Imbril settles behind Galoda's chair. The knight closes his eyes in concentration and his grip tightens on the man's shoulders. Kailer is nervous. Sweat is pouring down his face even though the room is cool. He seems uncertain about what is about to happen. There is a growing silence in the room, which allows all to hear Imbril mumble divine words in a celestial tongue. A visible aura appears around him and Galoda and the ex-treasurer twitches in fear.

"What do you see, Imbril?" asks Wilsk.

"The man's soul is clear of the taint of evil. I can feel the lingering taint of the medallion, even with it out of the room, but it has not taken his mind. Nor am I sure it could do so. Regardless, we should be cautious. It's aura is sickening."

Originally Posted by Shades of Eternity
Boyra stares at the medallion as if looking at the gates of the abyss itself, which is not too far from the truth

"Kisep, you have shown us a symbol of evil. What can we do to cleanse it from our land?"
Once Imbril comes out of his trance, he looks directly at Borya. "I don't think it is as powerful as a relic or an artifact, so it should be easy enough to destroy, unless there is something more to it than I can sense, which is possible. I am reluctant to try to destroy it within the city's walls. More research seems prudent. Guard, bring the box back but keep it closed."

"Yes milord," the guard careful places the box back on the table. He seems nervous carrying it.

"This thing cannot go back into the cellars," Wilsk insists.

"Aye," asserts Captain Trethewey. "It should be stored someplace more secure. In the Keep's vault for now, and once Andrigor has returned to Bard's Gate, we give it to him for safe keeping, or if he chooses, for destruction." He looks at Kisep and the rest of the 'eight' heroes gathered around the table. "In the meantime, something must be done about this Odals Alzota fellow, whoever he truly is or what his motivations are for gaining the medallion. The answer seems to be related to the Tarwood, so someone must go into the forest and find it."

Trethewey looks to Caius. "These heroes were meant to have eight in their company, and I'm sure there is a good reason. They will need a liaison with the city. Since you have taken an interest in this matter, you will go with them."

"S-sir," Caius looks at his commander, dumbfounded.

"Is there a problem, soldier?"

"N-no s-sir," Caius sighs in resignation.

"Very good," Trethewey acknowledges both Imbril and Wilsk before heading out the door of the chamber. "I have other duties to which I must attend. I will leave this in your capable hands, Imbril. Caius, I expect reports from you on a regular basis."

"Yes sir."

Captain Trethewey exits the hall, closing the door behind him.


World of Kulan DM
Nodding Shrough accepts the words spoken at face value as he has no reason or ability to question any of it. He sends a silent command to keep alert despite what assurances he may have. "To the Tarwood, then, friends?"


World of Kulan DM
Kiseps clawlike finger points towards the former treasurer for a few moments longer, until the kenku says cheerfully, "Ah, good. Just checking. Alright, into the woods we'll go."

His demeanor changes completely and Kisep starts imitating the song of some exotic bird softly, perhaps remembering it from an encounter in a forest somewhere. It is actually quite a nice sound and does not prevent people from having conversations.


World of Kulan DM
Kisep stops and says, "It is the gentle song of a large but reclusive bird, native only to the forest of Shan Weh Weh, far to the east of here. The locals call it Glubtylio, which translates roughly to 'She who sings of the end of sorrow'. I heard its song only once, but never saw the creature. Probably for the best, because legend says it is a dangerous, murdering monster who uses bones to feed its chicks."

The kenku looks at him with a blank face, as if expecting some response.

OOC: In case you didn't realize... I made that up. Do you want me to roll a Bluff check?

Voidrunner's Codex

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