• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Liberty (The heros of Mergovia)


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OOC Sorry for the long delay

Trolm looks at Solomon visibly annoyed by the idea of retreating. "Solomon, I am not sure yet retreat is the right option here." He turns towards Dai to see what his other compagnion thinks.
"Going the other way would put you at least 2 weeks behind Uder, I say we move forward and try to find out who is fighting who. He says looking at his two compagnion.


Valeria smiles back at the Paladin. "Perhaps Xavier,.... but I gave you a chance to understand and you willingly refused it" She says with her friendly smile on. She then turns towards her head, looking at the city her face takes a sadder tone. "Obviously, they aren't ready." She turns again towards Xavier. "They really need your help, we've got to get those stones back"

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DarkMaster said:
Trolm looks at Solomon visibly annoyed by the idea of retreating. "Solomon, I am not sure yet retreat is the right option here." He turns towards Dai to see what his other compagnion thinks.
"Going the other way would put you at least 2 weeks behind Uder, I say we move forward and try to find out who is fighting who. He says looking at his two compagnion.

"True. Two weeks is a long time. And giving Uder and his allies two weeks, they might well catch us on the return trip. But further investigation yeilds what? Civil war, invasion, insurection..." Solomon shrugs. "These matter little to me. The point is that there are ship's waiting for us on the passage. Unless we can sabatage those ships somehow...Perhaps we could overpower a catapault crew and attack a ship." Solmon sighs. "I suppose we would be unlikely to sink it, and more likely to be killed."

Solomon looks to Dai for his opinion.


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OCC Sorry for some reason I didn't get notify anymore and all the old thread seems to have dissapeared. I will post something in the OCC to see if people are still aware of the new post.

As Solomon, Dai and Trolm discuss about their next course of action, they notices behind that the soldiers that were investigating the small boat are climbing back up and the boat is allowed to go in.

Trolm looks at his compagnion and says. "Perhaps there is a way to get in, I am sure the Holy Warrior or Valeria will find a way to get us in" he says with a half-smile


First Post
Solomon smiles. "OK. Let's investigate further then. If we can figure out what's going on, we'll have a better chance of getting by. At this point, let's all stick together and advance towards the city."


Xavier Roces, male human Servant of Hieroneous

DarkMaster said:
Valeria smiles back at the Paladin. "Perhaps Xavier,.... but I gave you a chance to understand and you willingly refused it" She says with her friendly smile on. She then turns towards her head, looking at the city her face takes a sadder tone. "Obviously, they aren't ready." She turns again towards Xavier. "They really need your help, we've got to get those stones back"

Xavier smiles back, but there is no longer any warmth in it.

"No, they probably weren't ready. They were probably busy looking after their children, or having dinner, or working to put food on the table, or relaxing with a ale and some friends. Foolish, foolish people for not expecting ... expecting what Valaria. Your companions? It had better not be, or our agreement is off. What do you know about what is happening out there?"


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Oculus, human wizard

Oculus stared out from the ship to the river and lands beyond. Once again, his thoughts went back to that fateful day in the sewers...

When all hope had seemed lost, when Dai and Solomon had fallen, with Jasper having wisely fled, and Jraq lying headless on the floor, Oculus had fought on against the fell ogre Mok-Mok. A single blow from that terrible beast would have crushed the life from his frail body. It had been a great battle, but with Trolm beside him he managed to prevail, just barely. And with Fharlanghn's aid he had rescued Dai and Solomon from the brink of death. They fled as quickly as they could through the sewers.

It had not taken long for Gror and his soldiers to catch up. The situation was desperate, with them trapped below a heavy grate and Gror's men and dogs catching up to them. They were all too weak. Dai, Solomon and Trolm could barely stand, they couldn't have delayed Gror and the others for more than a moment before falling. Jasper had cast his last flaming sphere, but it wasn't slowing down their advance. The only way Oculus could see to save them, to let them escape into the city above, was to sacrifice himself. So he used his wits and his charm, and some magical enchantment for good measure, to buy the time the others needed to escape, without further loss of life.

But alone, without spells, escape was a tricky proposition. So Oculus forged on, intent on learning the mysteries behind all the events of the past month. He had Gror lead him to Uder. Gror had taken him deep below the the capital city, to the lair of the Black Panther. The caverns were filled with a demonic energy. And Uder, who had invited Oculus to join him in the library, welcomed him as part of his group.

Oculus spent his days helping Uder with his research, and learning about the sea and the lands they would be travelling through with the captain, and mingling with the crew, both Uder's and the Captain's, making as many friends among them as he could.

With Uder's blessing, he also started on the interrogations with the Almat prisoners. He arranged for them to be kept in separate cells, where they could not see or hear each other. He started each interrogation with a meeting with Uder, to see what Uder wanted to learn. And then he would charm the prisoner as he started his interrogations.

ooc: OK, I'm all caught up. Looks like we lost all of Oculus' adventures underground and on the ship. Any chance you could give us a summary of that? I've forgotten some names and details- the ship's name, the captain's name. Is the demon/devil on board the ship as well?

During the 5 travel days, Oculus will add jump, magic aura, resist energy, and spectral hand to spellbook (from scrolls), and scribe a scroll of hold portal. If I recall correctly, Uder provided him with materials for scribing, so I think it shouldn't cost anything. If that's not the case, let me know and I'll redo those items on the character sheet.
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Solomon, Dai and Trolm move closer to the city staying in the shadows of the trees along the river bed. On the small boat on their left the soldiers are all back in their ship and the smaller vessel slowly starts to move towards the large open city gates providing access to the city. The King river in Domus is so broad that it actually splits the city in two until it ends in the sea on the other side.

If the group can go through the burning city then things should be Ok until they reach their destination.

As they get closer to the city walls, they notices tent, where soldiers dressed with the colors of the king come in and out. Soldiers are also working in the forest around building what it seems to be large siege engine. In a nearby tower Solomon, Dai and Trolm sees what seems like normal citizen repeling succesfully soldiers, their large flag damaged and rip by arrows and other projectile floating proudly on top of the tower.

None recognises the origin of the flag. Some of the citizen seems to be armed with Musket. Dai remembers a few years back when the people from the republic of Kronanberg took his people they were armed with the same weapons. Solomon and Trolm heard about these exotic weapon from the far away republic, how could they be now in the ends of these citizen.

Trolm looks at the scene puzled, he turns towards Solomon and Dai. "Why are these people revolting and figthing our soldiers, on which side should we be?" He shakes his head and get his focus back turning his eyes back towards his compagnion. "I know, this is not my fight anymore, Jraq and the other will be avenged.

Valeria looks back at Xavier keeping her relaxed posture. "Why be so harsh holy warrior, We've done nothing, your people stole the stones and exposed your world to their power.

As Xavier mentions her compagnion she can't resist but smile inocently. "Of course they aren't my compagnion Sir Roces. These people are fool they brought the stones where they could do the most damage. She pauses a few second carefully observing the paladin and continues "The stone in the wrong hands will feed on the stupidity and irrationality of the masses, the more people the more dangerous they become."

She invites Xavier to go outside. "Holy warrior let's take a walk on the bridge we might see the cause of all this chaos, trust me, when I say that I know nothing of what is happening. Great chaos was bound to happen here, the stone simply accelerated history. She finishes as she start walking outside her cabin.

OOC Silentspace give me a bit of time to figure out how to kick back Oculus story, perhaps you can help me if I answers your question. Captain Syl, the half-elf is in charge of the Vernita. The chain devil isn't on board only Gror, some soldiers and the Orc mercenary.

You are also correct about the scribing material.


First Post
"What are our options? We could return to the ship and try to bluff our way through. We could turn around and go back the other way. We could introduce ourselves to these soldiers and see if they will tell us what's going on. Or we could go track the refugees and get their story."

Does it look like the king's soldiers are intercepting ships? or is it forces from the beseigned city?

"I say we first talk to the soldiers. Tell them we work for a merchant trader who wants to travel to the sea. Hopefully we can learn their story. Then we return to the ship and catch some refugees. Interrogate them before we return to our ship. Then we may know what to do."

If they others agree. Solomon will sheath his weapons and boldly step out to hail a soldier.


First Post
OOCManz, I was waiting for the other to answer, I will try to move your thread quicker then.

Trolm nods in agreement at the half-orc suggestion.

Solomon steps in near the water and hail the soldiers. A moment later he notices movement on the boat, a few sailor/soldier can be seen scrutinizing as best as they can the horizon. The large fires in the city provide just enough light in the night for them to see them from that distance.

Solomon suddenly hears a soft whisper through a sudden slight breeze around his head. "We are soldiers of the king protecting our country, who are you stranger"

The light breeze continues to carress his face almost as if the wind was waiting for his answer.

Voidrunner's Codex

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