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Lost City of Gaxmoor - The Borderlands Campaign


Tallarn suggested I post the account of my Lost City of Gaxmoor campaign to the story hour - more info at http://www.geocities.com/s.t.newman/Borderlands.htm

Dulleaberg, 2737 YE

Several fortnights ago, merchant caravans and traveling pilgrims began disappearing on the trail between Dulleaberg and its ally the Barony of Pan Charak to the west.

Soon after, reports of monsters and malign folk lurking about came in from outlying farms and border patrols. Next, some scouts returned to tell of the appearance of a strange rock mesa where there had previously been only a river valley. They said that on top of that mesa stood a great, seemingly devastated city. It was reported that this city had an odd, disquieting look. Massive outer walls, with higher inner walls beyond, surround it. Its towers, gates, and buildings were all of an unfamiliar style. They reported that various eerie sounds were heard throughout the night, and dark figures were seen moving along the walls. The unintelligible sounds that echoed throughout the city walls during the night—moans, screams, and an eerie, almost speech-like, howling—frightened even these intrepid scouts. As the early rays of the sun crested the hills, the whole group dared to move closer so as to obtain a better look at this weird city. A handful rode into the place, but those who passed through its gates did not return. Those who remained safely outside heard nothing, and waited for hours; growing fearful with the coming of night, they eventually left.

The scouts returned to Margrave Kanor of Dulleaberg with the tale. They told that the newly appeared city was along the Charel River, about forty miles west of Dulleaberg itself. Clearly, there was sorcery afoot. The Margrave asked for the counsel of sages, scholar-priests and wizards to unravel the mystery. None of these savants knew what this strange city was, how it came to be where it was, nor what its sudden appearance could mean.

Priests praying and communing for knowledge from their deities received only vague and cryptic answers. Wizards cast spells of lore and legend, and likewise garnered only slight hints, such as:

"It is the City of Journey’s End."

"What was forgotten has returned, and what was loved is now hated."

"The secrets of the City of Journeys are now in the hands of the malevolent."

Such cryptic answers are all that the wise could learn. As the divinations and auguries were cast, and as scholars pored over ancient texts in search of answers, news of terrible events came to town. Farms and steadings along the western border in the vicinity of the strange city were found abandoned. Evidence of a terrible slaughter was discovered. Monstrous things have been seen roaming the hills. The native hillmen and others dwelling there have now disappeared…

M4 2737 YE

Vasquez, High Sorceress of Boccob, came to the Borderlands with her followers in search of adventure. Entering the Chaos Shrine of Kollchap in Netlorani she battled the priests of Chaos and recovered the Sword of Amaul, called the Sword of the Sorcerer, but at the cost of several followers. Later she joined with other adventurers including the monk, Tak Lok, a wanderer from the Heavenly Mountains, and fought the hordes of the chaos warrior Lord Vorloth at Dendridi Village and in his mountain lair. They allied with a party led by the Ksarulist mage Gavoil Umyorir, but although Vorloth was slain, tragedy soon struck when Vasquez was killed by an ettin and then Tak Lok by a gelatinous cube, while Gavoil and his followers stood by.

M6 2737 YE

Learning of his sister Vasquez’s fate, the sorcerer Drake travelled from Imgart with his wife Calysta and comrade Grebulous the elven bowman, on a mission of vengeance against those who had allowed Vasquez to perish. On the way they met and allied with Chin Li, sister of Tak Lok, embarked on the same quest.

M7 2737 YE

Reaching Carrisqui Town they tracked down Gavoil Umyorir and his band, and followed them north to Coldbrook, defeating an evil necromancer and his enchanted portrait. From his corpse Chin Li gained the dread Ebony Horn. They then battled and defeated Gavoil and his adherents, but magnanimously spared their lives.
Reaching the village of Jarrakig, Drake, Chin Li and company tracked down the source of the mysterious drought afflicting the land, slaying the Hsung Saio responsible and bringing on the late summer rains in time to save the harvest. Turning down monetary reward, they travelled on to Dulleaberg.
In Dulleaberg they consulted with the sage-sorcerer Botolf, and encountered Gavoil’s band again in a sleazy tavern, but the ensuing melee was brought to an abrupt end by the arrival of the Lady Alia Brax, who hired both parties to clear out her newly acquired mansion on the Firenze Estate of the ghosts and monsters said to inhabit it. With them went her agent, Cedric Quezada, a man like Chin Li trained in the mysterious Arts of Crane. At the Firenze Mansion, battle soon ensued between the rival parties, with Cedric’s intervention ensuring the victory of Drake and Chin Li. This time the lives of the defeated were not spared. Together the survivors cleared the mansion of its inhabitants, and traced the source of the infestation to the dread Soulscape Painting, which they took to Botolf for destruction, freeing the souls of its victims. For this, Lady Alia rewarded them with one hundred pieces of gold.
M8 2737 YE:

Chin Li, Drake, Calysta & Grebulous were hired by Lady Alia of House Brax, a member of the Dulleaberg Ruling Council, to escort her on the dangerous road from Dulleaberg to her cousin Baron Burin Brax's castle at Pan-Charak. With them came Alia's agent, the mysterious Cedric Quezada. On the road they rescued the dwarf Jasper Goldhammer from an ettercap's lair, and after battling the horde of the hobgoblin General Gysshk, they looted the tower of the gnome alchemist Albrect. Reaching Pan Charak, a disagreement with Lady Alia over payment resulted in them attacking Baron Burin's castle, killing six men, kidnapping Alia (and stealing her silver bikini), extorting 2000gp from Baroness Jasmine, and escaping, dumping Alia bound and naked on the Dulleaberg road before making off.

Sadly on the road Drake's wife Calysta was slain, when the group attacked a hungry goblin-bear. Returning to Dulleaberg they met the mage-nun Sister Vash, who asked their help in recovering the flute and eye-patch of the great bard Lyranos, relics sacred to her Order, from the dungeons of the Thunder Witch. Entering the Thizzi marshes, Drake killed a hostile hill giant, while Cedric befriended Blinkie the Blink Dog. In the dungeons of the Thunder Witch beneath the blasted Shriven Oak, the party found their mettle tested as they battled goblinoid hordes, undead revenants, deadly traps and many foul beasts.
M9 2737 YE
After Jasper was slain by an Ettin in the witch's dungeon, the group returned to Dorroad, on the way battling the deadly Quezada-clan bounty hunter Thoto, and barely defeating him. In Dorroad they purchased rations and healing potions, but were attacked by Doskani mercenaries seeking the bounties on their heads posted by Baron Brax. Angered, Chin Li unleashed a horde of Spectres upon the unfortunate city, before they departed.
Returning west to the Witch's Lair, they were attacked by savage trolls on the edge of the Thizzi marshes, and Grebulous was tragically slain. Re-entering the lair, Vash's sorcery located the Eyepatch of Lyranos, but it was guarded by Devil Wolves and an invincible Iron Devil. Vash perished, but Chin Li managed to steal the Eyepatch and the survivors fled, heading to Netloran. There they met the witch Alfhid and the Ndalu Sister Zhana, who received the Eyepatch and tasked them with recovering the Staff of Urnus Gregaria from the Lost City of Gaxmoor. Drake summoned a Familiar, Hudson Owl, and recruited the philtre-enamoured Avanthe priestess Herda, while Cedric bonded with Blinkie and Chin Li recruited Ivy & Bear, as well as dispatching some presumptuous brigands. Heading west towards Gaxmoor, they were attached by blue crested humanoids and, defeating them, found a map on their leader which they decided to follow into the Forest of Illimitable Green.

In the Forest the party met Lith the Weaver, a scantily clad damsel, and following her plaintive entreaties recovered for her the Tapestry of Ariventa from the monster Chun the Unavoidable in the Palace of Whispers, who fled before their wrath. Lith used the Tapestry to leave this world - the party wrapped it up and took it with them. On the road to Malri Cedric slew a messenger of Baron Brax with a missive for Margravine Eloise of Arkand. After terrorising the unfortunate Sheriff of Malri and his Doskani mercenaries, the party headed west, to find that gnoll hordes had conquered Pan Charak and were besieging Castle Brax. Bright blades, lightning bolts, and lightning fists flashed as the party attacked the monstrous hyena-men.

The party soon defeated the gnoll horde, aided by a ranger friend of Drake's, but when they entered Castle Brax to announce their victory the welcome was not warm. Drake was captured, stripped and manacled, along with Herda, and was cast into the castle dungeon.
Drake managed to get out of his manacles with a Knock spell, freeing Herda's as well and went Invisible, but his spellcasting was hindered by lack of material components. When a Thrinist priest came in to 'console' him before his excecution he had apparently vanished, the guard was alerted, Trenton Dirge came in and spotted where Drake was lurking, Drake surrendered but Baron Brax had Trenton execute him anyway. Drake's Ranger friend Kwgwrth denied his affiliation with the sorcerer and was comfortably incarcerated in guest quarters.
Chin Li and Cedric escaped the castle. On the road from Pan Charak to Dulleaberg they met and allied with the hobgoblin General Gysshk and his horde, who brought a war catapult to the scene, along with his naked captive, the Lady Alia. After engaging in banter with Baron Brax, catapulting Alia over the wall, and besieging the castle for several days with the catapult, a breach was formed in the north wall. While Gysshk's horde assaulted the breach that night, taking terrible losses, Chin Li and Cedric scaled the almost undefended southern wall and attacked the defenders from behind, slaying many. In the assault on the castle walls Cedric and Chin hacked down the baron's two teenage sons. Baron Brax saw this, and seized with fury he climbed up the ladder after them. The monks flanked him and made short work of the unfortunate paladin...

M10 2737 YE: Xyzzy & co’s Saga
“The wise and powerful now call upon their allies, vassals, and all brave adventurers to lend a hand. You are among those answering the call for help. Many stalwart, experienced adventurers like you have already entered the mysterious city. But none that entered this city have returned...
Your mission will certainly be long and intense, and much thought must go into the actual search-and-destroy missions if any real success is to be gained. Those who have preceded you, though organized and well armed, have failed to return! Caution may win where bull-headed might has failed, or so those who would recover the place hope. Are you ready for high adventure, lost magic treasures, and devious tricks and traps?”

Xyzzy of the White Way: SOR 8
Sigurd Ravenskjold, FTR 3/BBN 4
Austin 'Aos' of Imarr FTR 6/ROG 1
Hugh Burke, priest of Urnus Gregaria (NPC): CLR 4
'Red' Ivy (NPC): FTR 9
Captain Larius of Gaxmoor FTR 7

Answering the Margrave of Dulleaberg’s call, the magic-user Xyzzy and his companions, the Ranger Phelps and half-orc Fighter Unglar, trekked west through the wilderness towards the Lost City, befriending the cleric Hugh Burke, priest of an obscure travellers’ deity, who claimed to have been attracted to the city by strange dreams. Attacking a gnoll baggage train they freed the human captives and looted its contents, then encountered soldiers dressed in archaic armour, speaking a language two thousand years old! Unable to understand them, they pressed on, camping a little beyond. The next morning they reached the outskirts of Gaxmoor and met the native witch Grimhelda, who told them of evil forces beyond, including the dark wizard Evander. Entering the city through a wall breach they attacked a mansion full of goblins, fireballs and blades slaying over a hundred, before an abortive strike against a catapult tower manned by hobgoblins. Retreating through the northwest gate they were assailed by demonic stony-hided gargoyles, and would have perished but for the welcome intervention of the adventurers Ivy and Bear. Bear’s bastard sword broke against a gargoyle’s enchanted hide, but Ivy’s sorcerous blade cut deep and soon dispatched the fiends. Ivy informed the party of rest and refreshment to be had at the Shapely Siren pleasure house to the north, and led them there, while warning that none who had passed beyond Gaxmoor’s walls had returned. At the brothel, Xyzzy and co met Crystal, the saturnine House Physician, and were given luxurious rooms on the upper level where Phelps camped and the party made ready for new struggles on the morrow.

Next day, Phelps departed, while the party were joined by the Norseman Sigurd, a warrior of Trafalgis. They decided to reconnoitre the northern outskirts of the city, encountering orcs, hobgoblins, kobolds, and a large spider up a chimney, which nearly ate Sigurd. Returning to the Shapely Siren, they ambushed and wiped out a small gnoll band attempting to break down the door.
Next day, emboldened by their successes, the party decided to assail the breach near the northwestern gate, but were attacked by massed ranks of hobgoblin archers and the goblins laired within the nearby mansions. Xyzzy wreaked havoc with his fireballs before the party withdrew. That evening however, the angry goblinioids at last came in force against the Shapely Siren. Sigurd challenged their leader, the mighty bugbear warlord Panchmo Sargiles, to single combat, but was defeated and forced to flee, saved by a handy 'invisibility' from Xyzzy. As hundreds of goblins, hobgoblins and bugbears closed in on the pleasure-house the party and the rest of the Siren's inhabitants retreated into the secret passage that led into the heart of the Citadel.

With the newly-arrived adventurers Austin the Rake and the Tyr-priest Sven of Skjaergard, Xyzzy and co fled into the secret tunnel; Sigurd and Captain Larius of the Gaxmoor Royal Guard holding the bugbear hordes at bay while they escaped. Making their stand in the cellars of the Royal Guard Barracks, they inflicted heavy losses on Panchmo's attacking hordes, until he called off the assault with dozens dead. Piling the slain humanoids over the passage entrance, the party and their Gaxmoorite allies were able to rest in the barracks before deciding to investigate the Governor's Palace, Xyzzy's owl having scouted the area and spotted an ogre mage within library on the upper floors. Their attack met with disorganised though enthusiastic resistance from the occupying gnoll horde, but the heroes prevailed, killing dozens, until the cambion Harecules himself entered the fray. His Ettin Snaggle-Snerk, clad in blue dragonhide armour, proved a dangerous foe, killing Unglar, before being felled. Angered, Harecules raised his terrible sword and attacked, slaughtering Bear, the unfortunate barbarian cleaved into salami-slices. Realising themselves outmatched, the party retreated, a parthian-shot fireball from Xyzzy finishing off the Ettin, all swearing to return another day.

Escaping the city via the north-eastern gate, the party and their new Gaxmoorite allies returned to Dulleaberg, where Ivy departed to take news of Bear's death to his home clan, and Xyzzy attended to private business. Meanwhile Sigurd, Austin and Sven were recruited for a new mission against a dangerous new threat...

EN World (UK) GenCon game 31/08/02:
M11 2737 YE: The Lair of Gysshk.
"Following his failure at the Siege of Castle Brax, General Gysshk departed from the human renegades Cedric Quezada and Chin Li, leading his remaining forces eastwards into the forested hills bordering on Dulleaberg. Occupying an ancient dungeon complex, Gysshk's army soon embarked on a reign of terror against the disheartened peoples of the Borderlands, and as the first snows of winter fell, new horrors flocked to his black banner..." - Gysshk's Saga.

Sven of Skjaergard, Clr 5 (Upper_Krust)
Sigurd Ravenskjold, Ftr 3/BBN 4 (Lars)
Austin 'Aos' of Imarr, Ftr 6/Rog 1 (Andrew)
Yasir of Sasan, Wiz 4 (Poilbrun & Richard)
Ragnar the Mighty, Wiz 4 - RIP (Zander)
Leilah of the Sidhe, Ftr 4 (Miho)
Smiling Jack, gnome Rgr 3/Sorc 1 - RIP (weird guy with beard)
Lathan Bryant the archer, Ftr Lvl 4 - RIP (Tallarn)
& 6 other heroes, Lvl 4.

Sven of Skjaergard, Warpriest of Tyr, was appointed leader of the assembled fourteen, the greatest force of heroes Dulleaberg had ever assembled! They were recruited by the Margrave Kanor of Dulleaberg to attack the lair of the legendary hobgoblin warlord General Gysshk, whose foul minions had blazed a trail of destruction across Dulleaberg's western border. Dulleaberg's scouts had tracked the raiders down to an ancient fortified dungeon complex in the western hills.
In the Dulleaberg Council Halls, Margrave Karnor gave an impassioned speech about the importance of their mission - the Margravine Eloise of Arkand, while travelling to Dulleaberg to consult with the Council, had been attacked and kidnapped by Gysshk's horde! She needed to be rescued, as much as Gysshk's foul head needed to be cleaved from his shoulders.
Led by an insane gnome Ranger, the party rode west from Dulleaberg, reaching Gysshk's lair as dusk fell. Sven's battle-planning was immediately disrupted as Smiling Jack the crazy gnome took it upon himself to attack the enemy ramparts single-handed with his shortbow, immediately alerting the goblinoid defenders. The element of surprise lost, Sven quaffed a potion of flying and led the heroes' charge up the scree slope to the stone walls that protected the dungeon's entrance.
A bloody battle followed, although Sven's prayers calmed many of the defenders and prevented them joining the fray until too late. A brave paladin smashed the gates with his mighty destrier, leading the assault. Sigurd scaled the walls and jumped in amongst the wolves within, battling a terrible dire wolf that badly wounded him before it was dispatched by well-aimed arrow shafts from Lathan Bryant on the parapet. The alerted goblins poured arrows from within the hold. As more heroes reached the walls the tide turned, a reckless half-orc fighter bull-rushed into the goblin archers, scattering many as he plunged into the tunnel. The defenders, although savage, seemed few in number - surprisingly few... then from within the tunnels, Hong struck. The mighty troll barbarian, hugest and foulest of all trolls, fell upon the heroes like a ravening whirlwind! The brave half-orc was rent limb from limb, as was the crazy gnome. A web spell from Yasir slowed it only a moment, and a chance blow crushed Ragnar's spine. As more heroes fell, the attack faltered.
But then a small band, entering the dungeon via an icy stream that flowed from the rock, attacked the troll from behind. Austin's thrown daggers plunged into its neck, while Leilah helped the others into the chamber. The troll was suddenly surrounded, threatened from two sides at once! Lathan Bryant's arrows pierced its leathery hide. Yasir's burning hands scorched its flesh. Sigurd Ravenskjold charged, hewing it with mighty blows, while more arrows flew above him, piercing the monster's upper chest. At last, with a despairing wail, it fell!
The survivors stopped to burn their fell foe. The two surviving goblins begged Leilah piteously for mercy, and were tied up and left as the party pressed onwards, rogues scouting ahead. Deeper into the dungeon, voices were detected outside two doors - including that of a human female!
The paladin burst through one door, surprising two hobgoblin warriors playing dice within, while Sigurd's great axe cleaved the other - beyond, a hobgoblin chief, recently in flagrante with a beautiful red-haired girl, hurriedly readied himself for battle! He charged Sigurd, and axes clashed savagely, as Austin's daggers flew past Sigurd to strike the chieftain. While the others swiftly cut down the two lesser brutes, Sigurd's axe hacked the chief's head from his shoulders, and the redhead fell gratefully into his arms - Leilah recognised her as Margravine Eloise's handmaiden, Eryla. At the same time, however, lupine howls were heard from the north, and a great Dire Wolf charged into the fray, followed by two vicious worgs. Howls and screams rent the air as Lathan Bryant bore the brunt of the attack. He fell, torn apart by terrible jaws, but Leilah's deadly spear, the Gae Bolga, came into play. As deadly as she was beautiful, she struck fast, twin blows slaying both dire wolf and worg with lethal skill. The Necromancer Morrius appeared, blasting the band with spells - one hero was struck asleep, but Leilah resisted both charm and magic dart. Morrius' nerve cracked, and he fled with the surviving worg, screaming for reinforcements! As the sound of many running feet came from deeper within the complex, the battered heroes withdrew. Their mission had not succeeded, for Gysshk still lived, and Margravine Eloise yet languished in his clutches, but a prisoner had been rescued, and Sigurd at least, was happy.

M11 2737 YE: A New Hope?
Sigurd Ravenskjold, Captain of Dulleaberg, Ftr 5/BBN 4 (Lars)
Austin 'Aos' of Imarr, Ftr 7/Rog 1 (Andrew)
Xyzzy of the White Way, Wizard of Dulleaberg, Sorc 9 (Jamz)
Lilliana, Xyzzy's Cohort, CLR 8 (Jamz)
Jen the Mongali RGR 3/ROG 4 (Zippy)
Captain Larius of Gaxmoor, Sigurd's Cohort, FTR 7 (Lars)

Sigurd and Aos agreed to serve Margrave Kanor until the Spring thaw, in exchange for enchantments laid upon their weapons by Botolf the Sage-Sorcerer. Sigurd tried to persuade Kanor to launch a military campaign against Gaxmoor. Eventually Xyzzy and Ivy returned, and a second mission was quickly launched with Sven, Sigurd and Aos. Together they attacked Gysshk's lair, and after a fierce battle with swarms of ratmen, goblins, hobgoblins, wolves, and the terrible minotaur Enoar, they defeated the Necromancer Morius, who fled severely scorched. They captured General Gysshk, and rescued Margravine Eloise and several other prisoners, returning in triumph to Dulleaberg! News of the victory against evil would have a profound effect upon the people of the Borderlands...

The success of the mission, Eloise's safe return and the fount of informartion obtained from the talkative hobgoblin warlord, give a great boost to citizen morale in the free cities of Dulleaberg and Arkand. After much urging from Sigurd Ravenskjold, Margrave Kanor of Dulleaberg convenes a Council of Nobles from the local cities and dominions of the Scornic League, and plans a spring campaign to finally cleanse the Lost City of Gaxmoor of the foulness that lies within. Sigurd is offered a position training the recruits for the war that will follow.
As winter sets in over the lands of the Old Empire, the Noble Council of Dulleaberg, Margravine Eloise of Arkand, Fyodr the Steward of Pan Charak, and the Guildmasters of Carrisqui meet in conclave to plan their next actions.

"To our Most Dignified Host, Margrave Kanor and Good Lords and Knights of the Borderlands and the League hear ye to what I, Sigurd, Son of Orm, Earl of Ravenmark, Son of Tyrn Jernneve, will tell you about the Lost City and the circumstances we, the men of good will and fortune, find ourselves in these dark times - where the strength of noble men is called upon to save our lands from destruction. During my travels I have seen many cruel and hideous things, yet the world has seen such a pestering evil as the unholy Heraceles the Half-Demon, the wretched evil lord of Gaxmor, and his legions of Gnolls and other fiendish creatures. To add to our misery, we have Pashmoo, the foul and brute hogboblin, who through his savagery has been a great pest to the nearby lands for years, and has been allowed to thrive because the cities stood divided - and divided we fall weak and defenseless. No, together we come on this blessed day, to form a union against the evil forces that besiege us, and I urge you to take this oath with me - and let the Gods be our witness - that no man shall break our holy covenant until its purpose has been fufilled - to take sword and fire to the gates of our enemy and prevail - and let no man, lord or soldier, depart in shame and dishonor of his own treachery, if so, the Gods shall surely punish it, as well as they shall reward us with glory and riches if we stay true to our cause - until death and the brave man's everlasting afterlife in Valhalla!

I, Sigurd, and my companions, among which can be counted Aos the Swift Swordsman of Imgart, and Xyzzy the Mighty Sorcerer of the White Way, have braved our way to his inner sanctum and confronted his legions, yes, even the Half-Demon himself, and I can only say that this enemy must be approached with caution and good planning - and the favour of the Gods if they may be with us. By Odin, I swear, we shall plunge Pashmoo and his bugbears, Heracles and his Gnolls into Hel's eternal darkness before spring - but we will need the support and utter determintion of each one of you good sirs - and a good share of wit if we are to return triumphantly with our enemy's heads on stakes by spring.

I accept my position with humble gratititude and ask of each one of you to place thy trust into my skill and that of my companions - we have seen many battles, and recieved many scars, but in the spite of gravest danger we have stood firm and laughed in the face of Death - and through the strength of our swords and spells, succeeded in spite of beeing outnumbered and outmatched - this time around we the strength of your armies behind us - and by the Great Gods Odin, Thor and Tyr I swear we shall have revenge for our fallen, the sacked villages and the gruesome heineous acts done upon our lands and people - and I shall humbly serve this noble cause with strength and valor - until death!"

-Sigurd Ravenskjold, Captain of Dulleaberg.

M12 2737 YE
As winter set in in earnest across the Borderlands Captain Larius of the Gaxmoor Royal Guard, newly equipped with a Helm of Comprehending Languages, proposed to Margrave Kanor of Dulleaberg a mission to rescue the Governor of Gaxmoor, Tyberius Mycellus Gelasius, from his hiding place beneath the Royal Palace. True, the cambion Harecules meant death to all who faced him, but Gaxmoor's sewer network offered an opportunity to reach the Governor without facing the half-demon. Together with Xyzzy, Ivy, Xyzzy's new cohort Lilliana, Aos, and the Mongali woodsman Jen, they trekked to Zenden Post, then southwest towards Gaxmoor through the snowy forests of east Pan Charak. Reaching the northeastern outskirts of the city, they surprised and defeated a band of tough Red Axe orcs, capturing the orc warlord Grond and rescuing the 'pilgrim' Nirjan, who had come to Gaxmoor seeking the Crown of Quentis and apparently been caught trying to steal Grond's enchanted axe. As dozens more orcs arrived, Jen executed Grond and they withdrew into the woods under cover of a Wall of Ice, Xyzzy quickly routing the Red Axe orcs with deadly fireballs.
After a cold night camped in the wintry forest, they headed for Gaxmoor again, avoiding the orc-occupied northern suburbs to approach the city from the east along a sluggish stream. After battling two vicious feral swamp-gobblers, they reached the eastern sewer exit and made friendly contact with the civilized Sobekki, a race of lizardfolk who maintained Gaxmoor's sewers and storm drains. Their leader Hsithra provided the party with a guide into the sewers.
Navigating the sewers, the party and their Sobekki guide battled vicious ratmen and mutant two-headed rats, Aos and Larius receiving a drenching from the cold waters. They eventually reached the palace, Jen searching out the secret doorways, and located Governor Tyberius and his staff, who were glad to be rescued after months esconced in their secret hiding place. While heading back through the sewers, however, the group was ambushed by ratman hordes from both sides and from the frigid waters, and for a moment things looked grim, although a protective Wall of Ice from Xyzzy and a deadly lightning bolt from the Governor's magist Excellantus Pompius Mageris gave momentary relief. But then the water level fell, and the ratmen mysteriously withdrew - the reason became clear as a rogue Water Elemental, sweeping up the sewer, attacked! The Governor's magist was enveloped by the monster, and in dire straits. Lilliana tried to Dispel the Elemental, but failed. Excellantus was badly battered, but Xyzzy's spells and the enchanted blades of his companions turned the tide - literally - in the nick of time! With the Elemental vanquished and the magist saved, the party were able to leave the sewers and escort the rescuees safely back to Dulleaberg without loss, receiving the Margrave's thanks and rewards.

Get Panchmo!
On a stormy New Year's eve 2737 YE, Captain Sigurd, Ivy, Captain Larius, Lilliana & Xyzzy, Wizard of Dulleaberg, were summoned away from the new year festivities to Margrave Kanor's mansion, where Margravine Eloise of Arkand and Steward Fyodr of Pan Charak were already in attendance. Kanor informed them of the following: recruitment proceeded well, but Carrisqui town was refusing to provide its promised financial contribution towards the League war effort against Gaxmoor, claiming that a young adult red dragon was demanding tribute from the town and that they needed all their money for this, and/or to hire adventurers to kill the dragon. Meanwhile the Governor of Gaxmoor wanted the Staff of Urnus Gregaria, a powerful artifact, recovered from beneath the Royal Palace in Gaxmoor. And the captive hobgoblin General Gysshk was offering to lead a team to assassinate the bugbear warlord Panchmo Sargiles, in return for his freedom.
Xyzzy opined that the dragon was best avoided for now, while Larius advocated seeking the staff. Sigurd's desire for vengeance against Panchmo, however, carried the day, and the party left a few days later, at the first clear day, heading via Zenden Post towards the Lost City.

2738 YE
Approaching Gaxmoor from the northwest the party was attacked by two gargoyles, whom they swiftly defeated before encountering the Gaxmoorite witch Grimhelda, who greeted Xyzzy. Sigurd & co were shocked to discover that Grimhelda had been supplying Panchmo with potions, and harsh words were exchanged. Pressing on, Xyzzy turned all but Gysshk invisible, and he led them through the northwestern gate to Panchmo's mansion, where the starved, half-frozen form of Colonel Tiberius hung from an iron cage. Gysshk knocked on the door and blagged his way in, the bugbear guard taking him to Panchmo's hall. Panchmo started to knock him about but hadn't got far before Sigurd struck! His Norse broadsword hacked savagely at the arrogant bugbear, while swarms of Xyzzy's magical bolts blasted the warlord. Panchmo barely had time to strike a blow before going down to the victorious Norseman. Sigurd hewed down Panchmo's angry owlbear, and the guards were swiftly defeated. However Sigurd decided to capture rather than slay Panchmo, and the group departed with their wounded captive, Xyzzy's fireballs clearing the street of swarms of alerted bugbears and hobgoblins.

Retreating through the northern suburbs the party were pursued by Panchmo's angry horde - more bugbears, hobgoblins, droves of goblins. Xyzzy blasted them with fireballs, then flew away with his magics exhausted. Sigurd took a lone stand against the horde as the others hurried to safety. Surrounded, he cleaved through piles of attackers, bugbear, hobgoblin and goblin alike, the Norseman swiftly surrounded by heaps of mangled corpses. At last no goblin dared come against him, resorting to bowfire that cut down more of their own side in the crossfire. Seeing his chance, Sigurd withdrew, escaping into the trees. Escaping their demoralised pursuers, the party again encountered Grimhelda, who had decided to return with them to Dulleaberg, and their horses, before a night-ride back, reaching Zenden post and safety just before dawn. Xyzzy set free Gysshk as promised, even providing him with trail rations. The hobgoblin departed promising never to return.

Back at Dulleaberg, the gems taken from Panchmo's hauberk and the fire opals from his owlbear's Sobekki-hide collar proved greatly valuable, and Sigurd was able to have his broadsword further empowered by the application of Botolf's battle-runes. He presented Larius with the bugbear's witchfire shortsword, and accepted Larius as his cohort. However, some Norse-southerner animosity between Sigurd and Ivy boded less well. Xyzzy spent the next several weeks consorting with merchants, and was at last able to acquire a valuable Cloak of Charisma.

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First Post
Finally a story hour that I was a part of!

Hope to see updates regularly, S'mon, otherwise there shall be trouble...:D

I want to see the adventures of my character in print...is that strange?


Zenden Post
Ori Neasta, battlepriest of Thrin: CLR 7 (Matt)
Orstadt of the Blue Light: Trans 6 (Ori's cohort)
Captain Sigurd Ravenskjold: FTR 5/BBN 4 (Lars)
Austin 'Aos' of Imarr, Ftr 7/Rog 1 (Andrew)
Captain Larius of Gaxmoor, Sigurd's Cohort, FTR 7 (Sigurd's cohort)

The late winter snows lay heavy upon the hills and valleys of the Borderlands as Captain Sigurd and his companions Larius and Aos were sent on a routine mission to the garrison at Zenden Post. Approaching the outpost as dusk fell, they spotted a group of riders on the trail behind them. Sigurd challenged them while the others hid. The riders turned out to be bounty hunters led by Mussa Kharif, in the employ of Gio Carluchi, Chief Magistrate of Imarr, on the trail of the wanted fugitive Austin Speere! A battle soon broke out - Sigurd was paralysed by a 'hold' spell from the Heavenly Mountainer Kamazaki, and Larius fled to the outpost with his inanimate body. Austin battled valiantly, but was clearly overmatched, and soon also paralysed. Larius alerted the guards at the outpost, and two adventurers also there - the Thrin-priest Ori Neasta and his companion the Blue Mage Orstadt. As the hunters put Aos' body onto a horse and prepared to leave, Ori and the guards struck! Spells and swords flashed as a brutal battle raged. Most of the guards fell to the bounty-hunters' sleep spells. Their sergeant felled the cleric Erling from his horse, but was cut down by a deadly blow from Kharif. Ori the Thrin war-priest was surrounded, but wreaked havoc amongst the bounty-hunters, and the snow crimsoned red with the blood of the fallen as he cut down Kamazaki and Erling. Larius and the outpost's archers provided a withering bow-fire in support, while a 'slow' spell from Orstaft sealed the foes' doom. Kharif tried to flee, but Orstadt rode in and blasted him with burning hands, slaying the Marrakeen. The bounty-hunter bard Hedini turned invisible and tried to flee, but Sigurd, returned to the fray, tracked him into the woods and slew him. At last the foe were defeated - three dead, two - Erling and a woman - captured and taken to the outpost for interrogation. Sigurd decided to spare their lives, and they begged to remain at the outpost overnight. The battered party settled down to rest, but eerie howls in the distance presaged a new danger...


First Post
I just enjoyed the look on S'mons face when Ori started carving those guys up. He'd never faced a maxed out Cleric in combat before...

I think Ori had Divine Favour, Divine Power, Greater Magic Weapon, Haste and Bless running when he went into battle. Hee hee hee...

It was just a shame I didn't get a chance to add Shield of Faith, Magic Vestment, Cat's Grace, Endurance and maybe even Jump or Expeditious Retreat to the list too...:eek:


Tallarn said:
I just enjoyed the look on S'mons face when Ori started carving those guys up. He'd never faced a maxed out Cleric in combat before...

Yeah, I did once create a Cleric PC, Telak, to get revenge on a DM who wouldn't let us have any magic items. He only got to 6th level though so he had Magic Vestment (armour & shield), Bull's Strength & Endurance, but no Greater Magic Weapon. Also he had low WIS (14) but high CHA (16) and STR (18), being created as a frontline undead-killer - my previous PC, Varioth, had got turned into a ghoul. Varioth was a 3rd level Fighter, still with the regular chain shirt & mundane sword & shield he started with at 1st - we were regularly facing packs of ghouls, so it was only a matter of time before he failed a paralysation save. :(


First Post
Austin 'Aos' of Imarr has now qualified for the duelist prestige class...hurrah!

I shall be bringing my new Dragon magazine tomorrow so he can take a look at the new swashbuckling feats. I'm sure this shall lead to some interesting developement in his character. I hope other participants in the story hour start posting here too!
Last edited:


First Post
We played today! Safe to say it was an excellent session (thanks S'mon!) with much danger and even more heroism...

Of course, I shall leave it to S'mon to post the story itself...:cool:


Tallarn said:
We played today! Safe to say it was an excellent session (thanks S'mon!) with much danger and even more heroism...

Of course, I shall leave it to S'mon to post the story itself...:cool:

My first dragon. :) :)


22/2/2738 YE: The Return of Morrius
Xyzzy, Sorcerer of Dulleaberg Sorc 9 (Jamz)
Lilliana, Xyzzy's Cohort Clr 8 (Xyzzy's Cohort)
Lorne, agent of Margrave Kanor Ftr 4/Rog 3 (Alex)

Hurrying through the night from Dulleaberg to warn Aos of the bounty-hunters on his trail, Lorne saw a flash of eerie green light from the direction of Zenden Post. With Xyzzy and Lilliana he hurried onwards, Xyzzy sending Hudson Owl forward to scout ahead.

At the post, the huddled guards and adventurers were woken from sleep by a loud knocking on the rear trading post door, and a hoarse voice beseeched them:
"I'm so cold... let me in..."
The guards blanched - it was the voice of Arf, their Sergeant, slain in battle earlier that day! They wouldn't let him in, and his entreaties continued.
Xyzzy's owl reported that the outpost seemed quiet, but the tower look-out lay dead at his post!
Reaching the outpost, Lorne spotted a slight shimmering in the air ahead - and the gnolls in hiding all around the perimeter! Before they could react, Morris struck, appearing from Invisible as he blasted Xyzzy with waves of magic missiles, and the gnoll horde surged forward!
Meanwhile at the post, Morrius' Shadow emerged through the wall to strike Aos from behind, severely weakening him, before being dispelled by Ori. Opening the door, Sigurd beheld the animated corpse of Sergeant Arf, a rictus grin on his frozen dead features. The zombie reached for Sigurd, but the Norseman struck and cleaved its head from its shoulders with a single mighty blow.
Battle was joined as the gnoll horde surged forwards. Sigurd stepped out into the fray, hewing about him with his mighty broadsword. Xyzzy tried to spellcast, but failed as the gnolls assailed him. Lilliana tried to hold off the attacking horde. Aos opened the front door of the outpost, giving those within a clear view of Morrius - Larius charged, stabbing him from behind. As the Necromancer turned to deal with Larius, Lorne spurred his horse forward and took a clear shot from his bow, the arrow taking Morris in the back and felling him. Things did not go well for Xyzzy as he fell beneath the gnolls' attacks. Lilliana managed to heal him, though, and a desperate Dimension Door to the outpost tower gave them momentary safety.

As Sigurd hacked through piles of gnolls, the tide began to turn. Lorne was sore assailed, but Ori managed to fly up and carry him from the surrounding paack - promptly fireballed by Xyzzy, leaving devastation in their ranks. Aided by Aos, Larius and the others, Sigurd cut a bloody swathe through the gnolls. As the battle ended, though, a figure from the ancient legends strode out of the wintry night - a frost giant, fully 18' tall, accompanied by a great silver wolf. The weary defenders readied themselves for more battle, but the giant demanded only the corpses of the gnolls, his prey! Warily, Sigurd agreed, and the giant departed with a dozen or so gnolls in his bag.

The next morning, Sigurd ordered the guards to have a statue constructed to poor Arf, then the battered party headed for Pan Charak, reaching the barony after nightfall. There at Castle Brax they consulted with the young Baron Abu Brax, and met a band of five Thrinian Knights come to aid Pan Charak against the hordes of Gaxmoor - and kill the red dragon troubling Carrisqui Town! Aos got on very well with a female member of their company.

Two days later the party departed for Carrisqui Town, along with the Thrinians, reaching Dulleaberg in two days, where Sigurd reported to the Margrave. Then they departed for Carrisqui Town, and the dragon...
At Carrisqui, Sigurd berated the Mayor for his lack of loyalty to the League, and somehow extracted the magical greatsword of Vorloth from him!

30/2/2738: Dragonfight
Lorne, Ori and Orstadt waited hidden beneath the dragon's sacrificial cows in an open field southeast of Carrisqui Town. The others waited in the trees. Lilliana summoned two celestial stewards of Carthea, and beseeched their aid - which was granted with the proviso that Lilliana travel to Imarr and free the city from Overking Tarkane's tyrannical rule!

The red dragon Wormscather was spotted, approaching from the southeast. His fiery breath incinerated most of the cows, but as he landed to feast, the adventurers struck. Ori, struggling with a barbecued cow, got to his feat, only to be flattened by the angry dragon. The Thrinians charged on horseback, but their lances proved ineffective against the dragon's magical Shield. Sigurd flew up to attack from the flank, doing some damage. The party closed in on the dragon - fully thirteen adventurers to face the beast! The celestials dispelled the dragon's protective magics, giving the party the chance to draw blood. It bit, clawed, beat its wings and slapped its tail furiously, injuring many, but Sigurd hacked furiously, while Aos tried to leap on its head, and Xyzzy threw spells. At length the wounded dragon took flight and flapped away. Larius, Lorne and Sigurd followed flying, doing further damage, but at length it outdistanced them, returning badly wounded towards its distant lair. The party had triumphed, and claimed their reward, but the dragon still lived and had best be tracked down before it recovered, or it would go ill for Carrisqui.

Ori had perished in the battle, but Lilliana felt that he could be returned to life, should she but gain a little more power from Carthea's grace. And so, bringing his preserved corpse along, the party headed towards the Dosk Heights...

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