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Lost Eberron 4E Style: Combat over, Level up!

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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Little bastard did a number on us, you lot alright? He seems to be looking rather pointedly at Hesh as he says this.
Hesh looks at the two bolts in his hide, caught in part in his armor. He nonchalantly breaks them off, the wound already starting to scab over. These? Surprised me more than anything else. Should have seen the Battle of the Three Bridges. Now, that was a wound! He shows a pale scar over under his clavicle. Looks like it could have been fatal.[sblock=Hesh]Hesh spends one more HS to get back to full (now 6/9).[/sblock]
Xandren rests as Hesh praises the group on their teamwork in the battle.
Hesh tells the story of the wound as the others gather their breath. It involves a battalion of elvish dervishes, goblin sappers working furiously at the destruction of said bridges, and Hesh's unit's harried defense. It ends, like all stories, with four explosions (Who knew that the gobs brought extra?), a leap of faith (Its was jump and maybe die or stay and definitely die. Not much of a choice, was it?), and a scimitar guided by fate (It wasn't even one of those pointy ears—the damn blast launched it!). Half of it is probably not true, but hearing it still makes everyone's own wounds seem less.

OOC: Spend roll 1d6 for HS spent, he gets two every 5 minutes or so.
Thormir kneels by the goblin: Well ya know how we say in the Mror Holds, my ugly friend, What's yours' mine, what's mine's mine...... So what is it that you don't want to divide with your new friends here? he says, looking down grimly on the creature.
Hesh looms over the mad goblin, a dark look on his face. He says something in his harsh tongue. Whatever it was, it does not sound good.

OOC: Intimidate 12 to assist.


First Post
Xandren stands over the tied up creature trying to look intimidating, while Hesh curses the creature in their own language. The creature spits at the feet of Hesh, but the fluid is mostly blood. "Gath'atcha!" It yells, struggling to free itself. It's gaze is wild-eyed, and the creature tries to spread it's body weight over the fine bedroll it's lying on at the same time trying to cover the headband on it's head. "Mine, mine! I found them!"

[sblock=Insight DC 15]The creature's appearance as well as the wild look in it's eyes hints that the creature is mentally unstable, but through the jumbled emotions you can tell the creature is hiding something. Probably "them"[/sblock]

[sblock=Goblin]Gath'atcha means without honor. A serious insult when said to somebody else.[/sblock]


First Post

Oh really? says, Thormir, more and more nervous. What did the little bugger say, Hesh? he asks Hesh.
The he turns again his attention at the goblin: You're hiding something, ain't ya? What's it? What's "them"? And why the hell are you covering this dirty rag on your filthy head??? Thormir speaks increasingly loudly, ending the last question almost shouting, enraged at the mentally unstable creature, and psyched up by the situation. He tries to take off the goblin's headband to take a look at it. Let's search the room, shall we? he tells the others, in a little calmer tone. What do we have here? inspecting the headband...


First Post
Lorn had been hanging back alternately watching the others trying to question the goblin and the oncoming storm, he didn't much care for interrogations. He frowned as Thormir's voice grew louder and louder.

Hey...ease up a little. I don't think screaming is going to make him any more...coherent. We need to find out where we are.

Still he did want to know what the goblin was hiding. The whole situation was so strange. He could search the room in his own fashion, it was something he should have done already anyway given how he'd come to be here. Taking a deep breath he relaxed his mind and tried to feel the ebb and flow of the things around him. Searching for the presence of magic.


Insight DC15 (1d20+1=17)

Arcana: Sense the Presence of Magic (1d20+10=22)



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Thormir pulls the headband off the struggling creature's head, it tries to bite the dwarf as his hands pull away. "Mine! Mine!" the creature cries as the headband comes off. Thormir examines the headband. It is of fine make, though quite dirty. Silver thread is stiched into the garment, illustrating a set of eyes that circle the wearer's head.

[sblock=Lorn]You close your eyes and concentrate, trying to find the subtle energies that are the prescence of magic. You are able to find two sources of magic. One is the headband that Thormir holds. The other is coming from the bedroll. At first you think whatever is magic may be inside the bedroll. Then you realize the bedroll itself is the source of magic.[/sblock]


First Post
[sblock=ooc]how do you want to manage magic items evo? can we figure out what they are easily or do we need to try and use them, analyze them, or such...?[/sblock]


First Post
Lorn croached down next to Thormir, gesturing toward the headband in the dwarf's hand.

Hmm...I sense magic in that, the bedroll too. I guess that's what he's so riled up about.

Looking down at the goblin, he couldn't help but feel sorry for the miserable creature.

Screaming "mine, mine" isn't going to do you any good. Helping us might. Now where is this place?


Diplomacy (1d20-1=3)

me am undiplomatic

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First Post
Hatred in his eyes, the goblin spits on the boots of the wizard. The creature struggles against it's bonds. "Everywhere! They're coming!" The shadows of the day are extending and there is little more light left in the day, though the heat barely seems diminished. Looking outside, The Lost can see the sun is dipping below the horizon.

Voidrunner's Codex

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