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[LPF] Fury Steps In


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As Fury draws his sap, the half-orc stands before him, both hands on his readied blade, searching for an opening. Seeing none, he begins to back off, slowly. As he does so, the few remaining spectators push themselves back against the walls, deeper into their chairs, or flee altogether; anything to avoid the notice of the half-orc, who's eyes carry the look of desperation seen in wounded animals.

Positioning himself in northern hallway, the half-orc gestures with one hand. "Come on, pretty boy. Let's finish this."

[sblock=OOC]Half-orc withdraws to A4.

Yeah, it's taken me a little while to wrap my head around the possibilities of Monkey Style, but I'm warming up to it. Using it with a Vanara would definitely be fun. Take the Master of Many Styles and you can have Monkey Style and Monkey Shine at level 2. Pick up Mantis Style at level 3 and the other Mantis feats on down the line, and you'd have a crazily acrobatic character who could do a lot of damage with their Stunning Fists.

It's thoughts like these that are the reason I love the style feats.[/sblock][sblock=Map]

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"I think it's already finished."

Fury sheathes his rapier and leans against the bar looking out across the room. He casually switches the sap to his right hand and tries to hold it inconspicuously as he scans for allies that the half-orc might have. Finding Bonita in the crowd he calls out.

"Sweet Bonita, looks like I'm going to need another ale. This one seems to have gotten spilled."

[sblock=Actions/OOC]Move: sheathe rapier
Standard: --[/sblock][sblock=MiniStats][size=+1]Fury[/size] Human Rogue 3 / Bard 2
Initiative: +7 Perception: +8

AC: 20 (15 touch; 15 flat-footed)
HP: 40 Current: 29
CMB: +5 CMD: 20 Fort: +2 Ref: +11 Will: +4

In Hand: sap

Spells Remaining: 1st: 2/2[/sblock]


First Post
Bonita seems wholly uncertain of how to respond to Fury's cavalier attitude in the face of such life-and-death circumstances. She takes half a step forward, pauses, shoots a frightened glance in the half-orc's direction, and, seeing the unmitigated rage in his eyes, freezes once more. The half-orc, meanwhile, studies his would-be prey, shifting the weight of his sword between his hands, and takes a step back into the main room.

Fury's nonchalant study of the room reveals no suggestion of a would-be ally to the half-orc; indeed, no one in sight looks to be capable of lending him a hand even if they wanted to.



Fury looks across the length of the room to the half-orc and mutters something about not being able to have a drink in peace until this is settled. He pushes off from the bar and sighs. Waving his free hand in an arcane symbol he chants out words of power in a booming voice.


...and vanishes. Once hidden from view he moves partially across the room and waits to see how the half-orc reacts.

[sblock=Actions/OOC]Standard: cast Vanish
Move: to D7 using Stealth: 1d20+28=40
Note: Fury's Stealth +13 +20 (Vanish) -5 moving at more than half speed[/sblock][sblock=MiniStats][size=+1]Fury[/size] Human Rogue 3 / Bard 2
Initiative: +7 Perception: +8

AC: 20 (15 touch; 15 flat-footed)
HP: 40 Current: 29
CMB: +5 CMD: 20 Fort: +2 Ref: +11 Will: +4

In Hand: sap

Spells Remaining: 1st: 1/2[/sblock]


First Post
His quarry turning invisible seems to be about the last thing that the half-orc expected to happen: Fury watches with no small amount of enjoyment as his expression shifts from shock to grim dismay at this surprising turn of events. As he struggles to regain what semblance of composure he had, the half-orc moves a few steps to his right, into one corner of the room, seemingly in an effort to better defend his position.



Fury knows he only has a brief moment before his invisibility wears off so he closes the distance between himself and the half-orc as quietly as possible and reaches out to tap the half-orc on the temple with his sap. With the threatening action Fury pops back into plain sight.

Move: to C4 using Stealth: 1d20+33=43
Standard: attack w/ sap: 1d20+10=15, 1d6+2=4, 2d6=6; hit AC 15 for 4 dmg + 6 SA dmg (nonlethal)[/sblock][sblock=MiniStats][size=+1]Fury[/size] Human Rogue 3 / Bard 2
Initiative: +7 Perception: +8

AC: 20 (15 touch; 15 flat-footed)
HP: 40 Current: 29
CMB: +5 CMD: 20 Fort: +2 Ref: +11 Will: +4

In Hand: sap

Spells Remaining: 1st: 1/2[/sblock]


First Post
Even though clearly caught unawares, the half-orc nevertheless reacts to Fury's sudden appearance with preternatural instincts, deflecting his sap with his upraised sword. He attempts to retaliate with a much more lethal blow, but his sword swings errantly past Fury.

[sblock=OOC]He, of course, rolled a natural 1. :-\[/sblock]


Fury is tired of messing with the half-orc but doesn't want to take the time to switch back to his rapier. He'll feint trying to catch the kraken offguard. Clearly his opponent is still taken aback by his invisibility trick and Fury easily misdirects his action to land a solid bruising blow with the sap.

"Are all Planks denizens as hard-headed as the ones I've met these past few days..."

He shakes his head muttering to himself.

Move: Bluff to Feint: 1d20+9=27
Standard: attack w/ sap: 1d20+8=24, 1d6+2=7, 2d6=7; hit AC 24 for 7 dmg + 7 SA dmg (nonlethal)[/sblock][sblock=MiniStats][size=+1]Fury[/size] Human Rogue 3 / Bard 2
Initiative: +7 Perception: +8

AC: 20 (15 touch; 15 flat-footed)
HP: 40 Current: 29
CMB: +5 CMD: 20 Fort: +2 Ref: +11 Will: +4

In Hand: sap

Spells Remaining: 1st: 1/2[/sblock]


First Post
Fury's second swing with his sap succeeds where the first had failed, and the half-orc slumps unconscious into the corner.

For a moment, the Fair Lass is, perhaps, as quiet as its ever been in its long and illustrious history. Bonita takes a few steps forward, clearly shaken, although she tries to laugh it off. "Well, looks like Krale got what was comin' to 'im - wonder why he was so touchy, though? It's a shame - 'e was the last of the Krakens who continued to pay us their custom."

[sblock=OOC]Bit disappointed with that one - didn't really seem to live up to its billing. Ah, well, such is the life of a GM.... :p

Fury nets 800 XP for the encounter; GP TBD.

Also, just curious: ever consider taking Sap Adept and Sap Master for Fury? :)[/sblock]
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Fury watches as the half-orc, Krale, according to Bonita, slumps to the ground. Once sure his opponent is down he lifts his gaze and sweeps it across those pressed up against walls and watching, seeing if any of them look to challenge him or his right to be in the Fair Lass.

"Touchy? Well, he's bound to be a mite surly when he wakes up."

Still keeping an eye on the crowd Fury will quickly riffle through Krale's pockets looking for anything unusual for a Planks gang member. He'll take the half-orc's belt pouch raising his shoulders in a roguish shrug.

"Hey, I don't give dance lessons for free... For you, Sweet Bonita, for your trouble. Now, where were we? Ale, I think, and what were saying?"

He'll share out about half of the coins in the pouch with Bonita.

[sblock=Actions/OOC]Yes, I know the feeling. Worked out an encounter at APL+2 for a group and in the first two rounds they had my fellows shaken, blind and prone. They managed to hit them in the weak spot, and hard. I think that's the thing with this encounter: it still allowed me to play to Fury's strengths, though that first trip really had me worried.

That amount of XP will push Fury over the top into 6th level. However, if it's better for the adventure for Fury to stay 5th until its over I don't have a problem with that (so long as we can record the actual date of his level-up so he can get the higher TBX). ;)

Sap Adept is going on my short list of feats for Fury. Not so sure about Sap Master. The wording seems a tad circumstantial to me. Specifically, it mentions 'flat-footed'. I don't believe 'denied Dex' = 'flat-footed' so it would be harder to meet the conditions for the feat to come into play. Maybe I'm wrong about the whole flat-footed thing.
Move: --
Standard: --[/sblock][sblock=MiniStats][size=+1]Fury[/size] Human Rogue 3 / Bard 2
Initiative: +7 Perception: +8

AC: 20 (15 touch; 15 flat-footed)
HP: 40 Current: 29
CMB: +5 CMD: 20 Fort: +2 Ref: +11 Will: +4

In Hand: sap

Spells Remaining: 1st: 1/2[/sblock]

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