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[M&M] Proposal for a new style of play.


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House renovations will have me computerless for much of the week. Not quite sure how I'll do with 4-color, but I can probably handle that.

As for villains, that would suck... you'd always end up losing.

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Sorry, been a little slow posting to this. I'm still working up the primer...mostly done, but I have a few things I want to add before posting.

Sollir - as for playing a villain/anti-hero, I'm cool with it as long as someone else is willing to run it. I'm not sure if I'm really cut out for developing that sort of story material, but it might be someone else's bag.

As for house rules, I don't want to implement too many. 2:1 skills is fine with me. I'd rather not limit too much else, though certain powers are obviously very difficult to pull off and would probably be best if left alone (Time Travel, for example). I think it'd probably be best if we stayed away from super tech, mystical, and alien power sources. Some lower end "power" gadgets are probably okay, and maybe the odd super genius gadgeteer, but it's probably easier if we keep such stuff out of general circulation. Try to stick more to the stories of people affected by the comet (presumably a mutation-esque source).

I definitely second Keia's suggestion of keeping characters within a power theme/suite. As these characters aren't in a group, there is less concern over a character being useless in a situation or overshadowed by another character...so less worrying over "making sure I have x, y, and z so I can always do something."

Let me see if I can't clean up and post the primer material I've got so far...


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The God Seed

Background: A mysterious comet crosses the Earth's orbit approximately once every 12.5 years. Each time Earth passes through its tail, a new generation of metahumans is created. The relative power of the metahumans seems to correlate directly with how "fresh" the comet's tail is when Earth passes through. The number of metahumans created with each pass remains relatively small, however, and it doesn't seem to affect any other species (or does it?).

World History: Largely unchanged from "real" Earth. Assume metahumans have been significant players in history, but events have played out very similar to what we are familiar with. To make things easier, perhaps we can say that the comet made its first appearance within the last hundred years or so, and most generations of supers weren't powerful enough to have had a major impact on history.

Comet mechanics: How the comet creates metahumans remains a complete mystery. During the last two passes, scientists have gotten increasingly better data, but remain perplexed. The comet appears to shower an unusual charged particle that seems to disappear shortly after entering the Earth's atmosphere. All manner of theories have been put forth - from exotic quantum physics to alien intervention to divine influence - but nothing has yet been proven.

Science projects: This year's pass of the comet will bring about an unprecendented level of scientific study from the ground. For the first time, however, several spacecraft are slated to pass near or land on the comet itself. The Americans and Chinese are sending manned craft, along with unmanned landers. The Japanese, Russians, and EU are sending unmanned probes designed for particle collection and analysis.

Secret project: Unknown to the rest of the world, the US military secretly sent a probe to intercept the comet during the 1993 pass...and learned some interesting things. But what, and how will it affect the nature of their manned trip this year?

Private projects: The X-Prize contest, to send private vehicles into space, has been much better funded and progressed much further in this alternate universe for one specific reason. It is believed that Earth's magnetic field deflects most of the comet's particles, and therefore it's hypothesized that someone in space (even inside a ship) would be exposed to many orders of magnitude greater doses of the particles. It is believed that a couple hundred private ships will enter low orbit during the closest approach, carrying some of the Earth's wealthiest and most powerful people - each hoping to acquire super powers.

The game:

Power level 8-12, as best fits the character concept.
Skills - 2:1 (seems to be the most popular)
Books - core rules...others on case-by-case pending on what people have.
House rules - ??

Characters should be created in conjunction with the GM, and the GM should have authority to reject or require tweaking for any character deemed degenerate (rules-wise). Of course, the GM is expected in turn to customize the game to be suitable for the character.


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A bit of geekiness here...

Logistics of the comet/Earth interaction. The comet orbits the sun on a 12 year, 224 day cycle. Its orbit crosses the Earth's orbit almost perfectly, but only when inbound to the sun. Outbound, its path doesn't cross.

The spot on the Earth's orbit that it crosses coincides with the planet's location on June 15th. So, new supers are created (more or less) only on June 15th every 12 or 13 years. The concentration of the comet's particles/energy that bathe the Earth is dependent on how many days have elapsed between the comet's passage and June 15th. If a lot of days have passed, the comet's tail has mostly dispersed and there is little interaction with the planet.

So, assuming June 15th, 2005, as the focal point for the game, here's something I whipped up on a spreadsheet:

Comet passage date /// Days until Earth passes through tail /// Appx strength

6/14/2005 1 day Unknown, but expected to be very strong.
11/5/1992 222 days Weak
3/29/1980 78 days Moderate
8/21/1967 299 days Very weak
1/12/1955 154 days Moderate/weak
6/5/1942 10 days Strong
10/27/1929 231 days Very weak
3/20/1917 87 days Moderate

With this scenario, I suppose it's also possible we could see a few new supers appearing on the June 15th of the year following a strong year (such as 1943, or maybe even 1981 and 1918). As the only other close call was in 1942, I suppose we could make assumptions about its impact on WWII.

I chose to make this year's passage occur only one day behind the comet - a near collision in astronomical terms. Makes it more dramatic, and allows for easier inclusion of space craft.


As always, these are just ideas and very open to input, additions, and changes.


I aim to misbehave
Great ideas thus far Rybaer, excellent starting point and depth.

I propose that each of the GM's take one 'section' of the influences (ex, US government, private, international, covert - villians, etc.) and develop some story ideas to keep to themselves (plot, history and whatnot). Any GM interacting with that 'element' can (probably should) consult with that GM for intel, unless of course, that's your player. Ahhh, what fun!!



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Things are looking good to me, although I'd be tempted to leave developing each important group until one of the GMs choses to use it. At that point, though, they should call 'dibs' on that group so that someone always has a full knowledge and overall control of any one particular group. This also means that a GM and their player should agree not to use the same organisation so that the player never ends up controlling part of their own GM's plot...

I think we're close to the point where we can start things off, actually. We have enough of a basis to the background that I think the rest can grow organically during play, we have enough people to set up a 'loop' and ruleswise we can just go with 2/1 skills and otherwise by the core (w/latest errata, of course). A rogue gallery thread would be useful, so anytime a historical person or event it could be added to the gallery.

So we don't need to know now that Churchill's bodyguard during WWII was a super called 'the Bulldog', but the first time it comes up in play it can be added to the Rogue's Gallery thread and anyone else can then use the information.


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I like the idea of dividing up the different aspect for further development. What I'd suggest, however, is that we sort out the characters and their respective GM's first. That way we can develop material more directly pertinent to the game we'll be running. Once each GM has an idea of what story they'd like to tell, they can develop material and make it known what items are "off-limits".

"Off-limit" items are things that will help maintain continuity. For example, if one story is going to revolve around the US and Chinese lander missions, another GM probably shouldn't have his arch-villain blow the comet up with a missile. We can try to plan out stories so that there is less risk of overlapping.


I suggest we start coming up with character concepts - both a synopsis of the character as well as the sort of story/style that you'd like to play it in. This can, but doesn't have to, include game stats at this time. Propose a few even. As GM's, we can then browse the character proposals for one that fits with an idea you have...or inspires one.

Once we settle on characters and GM's, we can hash out stats and flesh out the world a bit. Then, hopefully before too long, we can get started on this enterprise.


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Here's my first concept entry:

Michael Bloom
Character concept: The Sculptor, ex-super and semi-retired artist

Powers - Sculptor can reshape nearly any sort of matter with a thought. Particularly strong materials (steel to high end alloys) tend to lose some of their structural integrity in the process, but softer materials remain unchanged. Can react quickly enough to block incoming attacks with surrounding materials. Can also shape the ground under his feet in a wave motion to move quickly.

Brief history -
Michael Bloom was born in the middle-class suburbs of Chicago, 1948. As a child, he had a talent for art and a keen interest in comics and superheroes - particularly those of the WWII era. In his late teens, Michael was drawn in to the hippy movement...but mostly by association with his fellow art students at Northwestern University.

In the summer of 1967, following his freshman year of college, Michael became one of the relatively small number of people who acquired super powers from the God Seed comet. As with many recipients of super powers, Michael's seemed to stem from his personality and interests - in his case, sculpture and the shaping of materials. While it fulfilled one of his greatest childhood fantasies, Michael was now at a point in his life where he wasn't sure what he wanted to do with his gift.

Then the government decided for him. His draft number came up and it didn't take the military long to determine that he was a super. He was placed into Project Starlight, the Army's metahuman development program, and eventually assigned to a small squad of supers designated to help counter a similar program that the Soviets operated. While Starlight tried to operate in the shadows, a few public clashes exposed the group Michael operated with...making him something of an unwilling celebrity.

Five years later, Michael was finally discharged from the Army. Starlight had mixed successes and Michael's powers were not deemed critical enough to warrant forcing him into extended service.

Michael spent some time in San Francisco and New York through the rest of the 1970's, mostly trying to make a name for himself in the art business. His unique talents granted him some measure of success. At the same time, he found that he missed the business of using his powers for heroic deeds...more than he thought he would after leaving the Army. Following the weak passage of the comet in 1967, however, there was little call for public super heroes.

The comet passage of 1980 changed Michael's life dramatically. He was living back in the Chicago area, newly married and operating a successful art studio. The relatively close pass of the God Seed that year produced a bumper crop of new supers, including many quite powerful ones. Perhaps reflecting a changing culture, there was a disproportionately high number of new supers who chose to use their powers for selfish ends. Michael was talked into joining forces with several other Chicago area supers to deal with threats to the public.

Glassman, CodeX, Ice Queen, and Kid Dino rounded out the core of the Chicago based team. For five years, the team banded together when the city needed them, and they enjoyed a string of successes in putting down mis-guided metahumans. In 1986, one particular villain rose above the rest - killing Glassman, CodeX, and Ice Queen in an epic battle over the streets of downtown Chicago. Kid Dino and Sculptor were eventually able to catch and put away this villain, but the loss of much of the team led to a collapse of the group. (Leaving villain open-ended for possible development...)

Hero work no longer held any interest for Michael, so he put his efforts into art and raising a family. Things remained quiet until the winter of 2003. Unbeknownst to Michael, the villain who had slaughtered his old teammates had been broken from prison. This villain (presumably) invaded Michael's house and brutally murdered his wife and two teenage children while Michael was out of town doing an art exhibition.

Michael knew it was his nemesis, and he also knew that this person had deliberately struck in such a way as to cause him the most suffering possible. He has spent the last couple years in a state of semi-depression, half-heartedly trying to track down his old nemesis for vengeance...and finding the trial growing colder by the day.

Story ideas:

This character is best set up for a rematch with his old nemesis. Presumably, his nemesis is somehow tied into a plot involving the comet's approach. Either Michael gets a break in his search or someone comes to him for help and he's only too willing to agree when he learns who is behind this someone's problem.


As an aside, I was also going to work up the briefly mentioned character Kid Dino as a possible character for this game.

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