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Master of Jade, Mistress of Iron - a World of Conclave adventure

Dr Simon

OOC: Oops, overlooked that!

Mal checks belowdecks. There is a single deck below, dark with moist stuffy air. There are benches for rowers and oars, with waxed leather gaskets where they pass out of the vessel. Aside from a strong smell of lizardman, there doesn't appear to be anything else down here, apart from a door leading to the front part of the vessel.

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Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!

The mountain man bursts back above decks, a slight look of disgust on his bluff features. "Nothing down there but rowing benches and lizard-stink. We can leave any time, far as I'm concerned."

Malachite the Unfettered


Blue Eye Bellows, shaman

Blue notices that Hang has some things tucked under his arm and he is curious whether the red jade is within. Without it... well, Blue doesn't want to think about that. He takes off after Hang and Mal and motions for Shem to come along.

"Let's go."

[sblock=MiniStats][size=+1]Blue Eye Bellows[/size]
Initiative: +1
AC: 14 (touch 11, flat-footed 13)
HP: 24 Current: 16 [15 nonlethal]
CMB: +3 CMD: 14 Fort: +2 Ref: +2 Will: +4
Speed: 30 ft.

Current weapon in hand: spear
--Spear +3 (1d8+4 /x2)
Conditions in effect: none

Spirit's Advice: 5/5 remaining
Artificer's Touch: 5/5 remaining

Shaman Spells
1st level: 2/2 per day (DC 13)
animate rope, detect spirits, enlarge person, hunter's howl
0th level: unlimited (DC 12)
create water, guidance, light, spark

Dr Simon

The four men and a dog return to Hang's apartments in the city (now empty of captive Black River Society men, although there's no sign of any escape). Hang dumps the three small chests/strongboxes that he has liberated down on the floor.

All three are made of some kind of dark hardwood, inlaid with mother of pearl designs in a semi-abstract, draconic theme (slender dragons forming a figure of eight loop to devour their own tails). All three boxes appear locked. The turban seems like a normal piece of cloth, although it is held together with an ornate silver and lapis lazuli brooch which might be valuable.

Shem produces a ring from his pocket.

"I took this off one of those wierd sailors," he says. "I think, if we try to open those boxes, we might want to be careful, look." He holds the ring out at arms length and twists the inset gem. A tiny pinprick pops out of the ring. Then he lifts up the gem to reveal a small chamber. "Poison reservoir," he says. "Someone with one of these beauties, I wouldn't put is past them to use poison traps on their valuables."


Blue Eye Bellows, shaman

Blue sighs deeply at Shem's suggestion that the chests might be trapped with poison needles. He examines the chests and finally shakes his head in what might be resignation.

"I'm no locksmith but I might be able to do something with these. It'll be a shame to damage such workmanship, though."

He frowns and peers at the keyhole of the lock then with a sure hand reaches out and raps on the metalwork of the lock with the pommel of an obsidian dagger that he draws from his belt. His frown deepens as he examines the chest for damage.

[sblock=OOC/Actions]Use shaman's ability Artificer's Touch. Melee touch attack: 1d20+3=16 for 1d6+1=4 damage that bypasses one point of hardness/DR.[/sblock]
[sblock=MiniStats][size=+1]Blue Eye Bellows[/size]
Initiative: +1
AC: 14 (touch 11, flat-footed 13)
HP: 24 Current: 16 [15 nonlethal]
CMB: +3 CMD: 14 Fort: +2 Ref: +2 Will: +4
Speed: 30 ft.

Current weapon in hand: spear
--Spear +3 (1d8+4 /x2)
Conditions in effect: none

Spirit's Advice: 5/5 remaining
Artificer's Touch: 4/5 remaining

Shaman Spells
1st level: 2/2 per day (DC 13)
animate rope, detect spirits, enlarge person, hunter's howl
0th level: unlimited (DC 12)
create water, guidance, light, spark

Voda Vosa

First Post

"If it is so well locked away, then it must contain some evidence. It has to." the warrior says, looking puzzled as Blue works his trade on the chest. "There better be..."


Blue Eye Bellows, shaman

"I hope so, too, Hang. I hope so."

Blue continues his examination and exhales loudly when his work shows absolutely no effect on the chest. He throws up his hands in exasperation and turns to Hang again.

"Well, that didn't work. I'd say do what you need to to break it open. Be careful, though, I don't think I quite understood what Iron Ancestor was trying to tell me and the needle probably isn't broken."

[sblock=MiniStats][size=+1]Blue Eye Bellows[/size]
Initiative: +1
AC: 14 (touch 11, flat-footed 13)
HP: 24 Current: 16 [15 nonlethal]
CMB: +3 CMD: 14 Fort: +2 Ref: +2 Will: +4
Speed: 30 ft.

Current weapon in hand: spear
--Spear +3 (1d8+4 /x2)
Conditions in effect: none

Spirit's Advice: 5/5 remaining
Artificer's Touch: 4/5 remaining

Shaman Spells
1st level: 2/2 per day (DC 13)
animate rope, detect spirits, enlarge person, hunter's howl
0th level: unlimited (DC 12)
create water, guidance, light, spark

Voda Vosa

First Post
"That's unfortunate. Shem, get us a crowbar, Malachite is correct. I could bash it with my sword but it would likely destroy anything inside." the grim warrior says, looking at the chest as he speaks.

Voidrunner's Codex

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