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Metropolis - The Weight of the World (and Found Wanting)


First Post
Bront said:
Here she is, still have some money to spend, pending your answers to some questions :)

[B]Name:[/B] "Jasmine" [spoiler]Jenny Paige[/spoiler]
[B]Class:[/B] Rogue 3 / [url=http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/variantCharacterClasses.htm#rangerVariantUrbanRanger]Urban Ranger[/url] 2
[B]Race:[/B] Human
[B]Size:[/B] Medium
[B]Gender:[/B] Female
[B]Alignment:[/B] LN (with Evil Tendancies)

[B]Str:[/B] 10 +0 ( 2p.)	[B]Level:[/B] 5	[B]XP[/B]: 10,000 / 15, 000
[B]Dex:[/B] 18 +4 ( 8p.)	[B]BAB:[/B] +4		[B]HP:[/B] XX (3d6+2d8+5)
[B]Con:[/B] 12 +1 ( 4p.)	[B]Grapple:[/B] +4	[B]???:[/B] XXXX
[B]Int:[/B] 14 +2 ( 6p.)	[B]Speed:[/B] 30'	[B]???:[/b]
[B]Wis:[/B] 10 +0 ( 2p.)	[B]Init:[/B] +4	[B]???:[/B] XX
[B]Cha:[/B] 14 +2 ( 6p.)	[B]ACP:[/B] 0		[B]???:[/B] X%

[B]	Total	Base	Armor	Shld	Dex	Size	Nat	Misc[/B]
[B]Armor:[/B]	15	10	+1	+0	+4	+0	+0	+0
[B]Touch:[/B]	14	[B]Flatfooted:[/B] 11

[B]Spell Res:[/B] None
[B]Dmg Red:[/B] None

[B]	Total	Base	Mod	Misc[/B]
[B]Fort:[/B]	+5	4	+1	--
[B]Ref:[/B]	+10	6	+4	--
[B]Will:[/B]	+1	1	+0	--

[B]Weapon			Attack	Damage	Critical	Range[/B]
Dagger +1		+9	1d4+1	19-20/x2	10 ft
Dagger			+8	1d4	19-20/x2	10 ft
Short Bow		+8	1d6	20/x3		60 ft
Favored Enemy Damage may apply

[B]Languages:[/B] Common, XXX

Human Raical Abilities
- Bonus Skill Points
- Bonus Feat
Rogue Class Abilities
- Trapfinding
- Sneak Attack: +2d6
- Evasion
- Trap Sense +1
Urban Ranger Class Abilities
- Favored Enemy: Human +2
- Wild Empathy +1
- Combat Style: Two Weapon Fighting

[B]Feats: [/B] Combat Expertise, Improved Feint, [url=http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/variantCharacterClasses.htm#urbanTracking]Urban Tracking[/url], Weapon Finesse

[B]Spells prepared[/B] (Save DC XX + spell level; XX/XX): 0 - XX, XX; 1st - XX, XX
[B]Spellbook/Spells Known:[/B]
	0 - XX, XX, XX;
	1st - XX, XX, XX;

[B]Skill Points:[/B] 84	[B]Max Ranks:[/B] 8/4
[B]Skills		Total	Ranks	Mod 	Misc[/B]
Balance		+9	5	+3	+2
Bluff*		+9	7	+2	
Diplomacy	+10	6	+2	+4
Disguise	+11	7	+2	+2
Gather Info	+12	8	+2	+2
Hide		+11	8	+3
Intimidate	+4	0	+2	+2
Jump		+2	0	+0	+2
KN: Local	+7	5	+2
Listen		+5	5	+0
Move Silently	+10	8	+2
Perform: Dance	+7	5	+2
Search		+7	5	+2
Sense Motive*	+5	5	+0
Spot*		+5	5	+0
Tumble		+8	5	+3
* Favored Enemy Bonus may apply

[B]Equipment:			Cost	Weight[/B]
+1 Dagger			2302	1
Shortbow			1	3
4 daggers			10	4
20 arrows			30	2
Anklet of Dexterity +2		4000	
Bracelets of Armor +1		1000	
Earings of Disguise		1800	
[B]Total Weight:[/B]10lb	[B]Money:[/B] 857gp Xsp Xcp

[B]		Lgt	Med	Hvy	Lift	Push[/B]
[B]Max Weight:[/B]	33	66	100	200	500

[B]Eyes:[/B] Almond Shaped Emerald Green
[B]Hair:[/B] Dark Auburn
[B]Skin:[/B] Medium Tan

Jasmine is an extremely attractive and exotic young woman. With dark auburn tresses, medium tan skin, and emerald green eyes that pear out from long lashes through their almond shaped slit. Luscious pouty lips, hide a brilliant smile. A modest bosom compliments her shapely hips, and well-toned legs walk her gracefully thought the streets and around the dance floor.

Jasmine is a woman of many moods and personas. Sometimes she can be polite, sometimes she can be raunchy, and she can be introverted or extroverted to all extremes. However, she is calculating at heart, and those few who know her well enough really aren’t quite sure how cold she is. Truly, she is first and foremost worried about herself

Fate in Metropolis can be fickle. The girl now known as Jasmine is a perfect example. Orphaned at adolescence, parents dying of some unknown disease, she set out on her own. Knowing little of the city, she set out for shelter. Had she turned north instead of south, she might have found herself at one of the Church of the Heart’s orphanages. Instead, she turned south, and was offered refuge in one of the many red-light districts.

Underneath the shadow of The Apartments, the young girl was made a servant, and then quickly used for dancing and other acts no child should have to endure. She was forced to pay to live in squalor in a small room and rarely got to keep most of her money. Despite this, she managed to keep from being physically scarred, and the mobster Riki Tori, head man of the Black Guild, also simply referred to as The Organization, purchased her for his harem. Here she lived in what was, comparatively, exotic luxury, with time to rest, food, and a fairly clean place to live. She was only occasionally called on to perform, but she quickly became a favorite of Riki and his associates, and in particular, a half-elf named Damon.

Riki never trusted Damon, and decided Jasmine could be used to his advantage. He had her schooled in the arts of poison and assassination, with the intent on having her take Damon out. Damon, on the other hand, grew to trust Jasmine, and spoke of overthrowing Riki in The Organization. Jasmine, meanwhile, hatched her own plan. At a dinner between the two, Jasmine was to be the entertainment, as was one of the other girls of the harem. Jasmine brought out the food and wine, but got sick after just a few sips. The other three died of a rather nasty poison.

There was some jockeying for position in The Organization, and Jasmine made her move. She offered her support to a crafty human named Devries, on the condition he allow her freedom and independence. With some influence, and plotting, and precise strikes, Jasmine helped Devries climb to the top of The Organization, and a man of his word, and fearing her wrath, he let he go.

Jasmine is now mostly independent, working through contacts she has made and a good reputation she has built. She still works with The Organization on occasion, being a favorite of Devries to use, as well has having contacts in some of the upper nobility circles. She has a lavish “entertainment” pad, as well as a private residence where she never takes business, and a few places she feels comfortable ducking for the night scattered though out the city. She hires herself out for many different things, from a simple escort, to “playmate”, to information gatherer, to assassin.

Jasmine acquired her magical dagger during her assassin training in The Organization, as a gift from Riki.

Jasmine’s earrings are magical and allow her to appear in any form of clothing she wishes, and were a present from Damon.

Jasmine’s Bracelets are something she had fashioned once she began working independently, so she could be discrete about her defenses.

Jasmine stole the anklet from Ruby, one of the harem girls and a friend of Jasmine’s, just before the girl was gifted to a noble by the name of Brandor Du’veil, well aware that Brandor’s “gifts” never lasted too long. Jasmine intends to take revenge on Brandor for this.

Human: Combat Expertise
1: Improved Feint
3: Weapon Finesse
4: +1 Dex

Instead of Favoured Enemy: Human, I'd prefer an organization (due to the massive numbers of NPC humans in Metropolis), otherwise, great! I'll get back to you if i see anything else, I'll have the RG up tomorrow.

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The man with the probe
Phoenix said:
Instead of Favoured Enemy: Human, I'd prefer an organization (due to the massive numbers of NPC humans in Metropolis), otherwise, great! I'll get back to you if i see anything else, I'll have the RG up tomorrow.
Well, the idea was human helped her in some of her more beguiling ways, and also some of her disgust for her fellow humans, but I guess i could find an organization.

Would Nobility work a bit better?


The man with the probe
Revised the background a bit (changed a few names, added some more detail, about half a page worth of stuff). Should be quite interesting :)


First Post
Phoenix: I don't know if there are still slots left open, but would either a straight priest or fighter/priest of Urbanus be acceptable?

The way I see the priest is a man who simply "woke up" one day and has no knowledge of the life he once had. All he has is the name he was given by the family that offered him shelter and the blessings that he calls from Urbanus.

The fighter/priest would have been a member of Metropolis' city guard for several years before the weight of the city began to swallow him. As his life began to fall apart around him, he began to hear the true voice of the city and after finding a small gathering of Urbanus' clergy embraced the faith with open arms. He now serves the city watch with a new purpose, to truly protect and serve those in the city he has embraced in his heart and soul.

Edit: I reread where it said only PHB races and classes, so I dropped the favored soul idea, but the idea still works with the cleric entrance also.
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OK, Here is Alexi's stats. Let me know what you think.
[B]Name:[/B] Alexi Dimitrivitch
[B]Class:[/B] Aristrocat3/Fighter 2
[B]Race:[/B] Human
[B]Size:[/B] Medium
[B]Gender:[/B] Male
[B]Alignment:[/B] XXXX
[B]Deity:[/B] XXXX

[B]Str:[/B] 16 +3 (08p.+lvl) [B]Level:[/B] 5        [B]XP:[/B] XXXX
[B]Dex:[/B] 10 +0 (02p.)     [B]BAB:[/B] +4         [B]HP:[/B] 35 
[B]Con:[/B] 12 +1 (04p.)     [B]Grapple:[/B] +4     [B]Dmg Red:[/B] XX/XXXX
[B]Int:[/B] 14 +2 (06p.)     [B]Speed:[/B] 20'      [B]Spell Res:[/B] XX
[B]Wis:[/B] 10 +0 (02p.)     [B]Init:[/B] +0        [B]Spell Save:[/B] +X
[B]Cha:[/B] 14 +2 (06p.)     [B]ACP:[/B] -X         [B]Spell Fail:[/B] XX%

                   [B]Base  Armor Shld   Dex  Size   Nat  Misc  Total[/B]
[B]Armor:[/B]              10    +9    +3    +X    +X    +X    +X    22
[B]Touch:[/B] 10              [B]Flatfooted:[/B] 22

                         [B]Base   Mod  Misc  Total[/B]
[B]Fort:[/B]                      4    +1          +5
[B]Ref:[/B]                       1    +0          +1
[B]Will:[/B]                      3    +0          +3

[B]Weapon                  Attack   Damage     Critical[/B]
Longsword                 +8     1d8+4      19-20x2
Lance                     +8     1d8+3      20x3
Longbow                   +5     1d8+3      20x3

[B]Languages:[/B] Common, Dwarvish, Gnome (Gnomes and Dwarves are particularly fond of Burgi, die to it's earthy flavor)

[B]Abilities:[/B] XXXX

[B]Feats:[/B] Mounted Combat, Combat Expertise, Improved Trip, Negotiator, Persuasive

[B]Skill Points:[/B] 52       [B]Max Ranks:[/B] X/X
[B]Skills                   Ranks  Mod  Misc  Total[/B]
Appraise                   3    +2          +5
Bluff                      5    +2    +2    +9
Climb                      1    +3          +4
Craft (Burgi)              1    +2          +3
Diplomacy                  7    +2    +8    +17
Gather Information         3    +2          +5
Handle Animal              1    +2          +3
Intimidate                 4    +2    +4    +10
Jump                       0    +3          +3
Knowledge (History)        4    +2          +6
Knowledge (Nobility)       5    +2          +7
Perform (Dance)            2    +2          +4
Profession (Merchant)      1    +0          +1
Ride                       6    +0          +6
Sense Motive               6    +0    +2    +8
Spot                       2    +0          +2
Swim                       1    +3          +4

[B]Equipment:               Cost  Weight[/B]
Long sword +1           2315gp
Full plate +1           2650gp
Large steel shield +1   1170gp
MW Comp Mighty(+3) Longbow 700g
20 arrows                  1gp
MW Lance                 310gp
Heavy Warhorse (Mikli)   200gp
Military Saddle           20gp
MW Banded Mail Barding  1150gp
Bit and Bridle             2gp
Saddlebags                 4gp
4 Nobles Outfits         300gp
Ruby Signet ring         100gp
Jewelry  (Assorted)      400gp
10 Bottles of Burgi      200gp
Order pad

[B]Total Weight:[/B]XXlb      [B]Money:[/B]580gp XXsp XXcp

                           [B]Lgt   Med   Hvy  Lift  Push[/B]
[B]Max Weight:[/B]               XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX

[B]Age:[/B] 21
[B]Height:[/B] 6'2"
[B]Weight:[/B] 175lb
[B]Eyes:[/B] Blue
[B]Hair:[/B] Black
[B]Skin:[/B] Fair
Appearance: Alexi is a handsome young man, the flower of Burgivini nobility. He always dresses impeccably with many jewels. He isn't as arrogant as his brothers and can mix well with the common folk, especially soldiers. But he is aware of his status and knows when to throw it around.
Background: Duke Alexi Dimitrivitch

In the far northern suburbs of Metropolis lie the Hills of Burgivini. This suburb is far enough north as to be rumored to be near one of the walls of Metropolis. It is even said that on a clear day you can see the mountains north of the city. Of course no one in living memory has actually seen a clear day this far north, but still it is said. The suburb is composed of gentle rolling hills. Atop each hill is a great building. A monument to the family that owns the hill. The Hills are well known for their catacombs, the entrances to which are fiercely guarded. For in these catacombs the ruling families have their servants farm and mine. The most famus product of those catacombs however is the mushrooms. Or rather the liquor that is distilled from a particular mushroom in the catacombs, called Burgi. Burgi is a highly valued drink sold at most bars and taverns through the northern reaches of Metropolis. The familes that own the hills have build huge palaces for themselves. As they wear out they build another level on top so that the spires of these building soar hundreds of feet above the hills. The servants and worked live in the lower levels which usually lead to the catacombs, so few of those workers ever see the sky. But the privaledged rich enjoy the balconies and the view. The towers of most familes are connected to each other through ornate bridges.

It was Burgi that made the Dimitrivitch family rich. The patriarch of the family, Ivar, has the title of Tsarovich, which each head of a family carries. In Metropolis a title merely means money and power has been help for a while, enough to make people call you that. Alexi is Ivar’s third son and so carries the title of Duke rather than Grand Duke that his eldest brother carries. Alexi grew up on this lavish suburb. Attending parties, learning lessons in history and geneology. All the things that the nobility of Burgivini expect their children to learn. But Alexi was the third son and had no hope of leading the family, and in any case he had other interests. He learned his lessons well enough, how to make the Burgi, how to sell it, but always enjoyed his weapons training most. At 18 he begged his father to let him join the guard. His father initially was against this, but soon realized that here was a guard who would not be turned. So Alexi was made a captain. His men enjoyed his command as Alexi was less arrogant than his brothers and had an affable personality. The bridges that connected each palace to each other were always guarded as were the catacombs and the usually one exit on the ground. Alexi spent three years training with the guard learning the tricks of the soldiers for fighting enemies and boredom (mostly drinking and gambling, two of Alexi’s favorite past times). They guarded those gates, although there were few challenges. The occasional spy was caught or the rare peasant who tried to escape. The peasants who worked for the family belonged to the family. The best they could hope for was to show enough skill or aptitude to join the guards, the kitchen staff or the accountants and be out of the catacombs at least.

On Alexi’s 21st birthday, his mother, Mara, came and told him he was betrothed to the daughter of an up and coming family the Valiankas, who just discovered a new vein of silver in their catacombs. While Alexi knew that his betrothal was coming, as it did for all young men in the towers, he felt confined and cornered. He begged his father to not schedule the wedding for one year. And to give him leave to explore the city in that time. It wasn’t that Gema Valiankas wasn’t attractive, she was considered very beautiful and now would be rich. The marriage was a political coup for his mother to have arranged. He had danced at the many balls with Gema and was attracted to her. Of all the many possible arrangements that the rumor mills had paired him with Gema was his own favorite before her family’s newly elevated status. But Alexi felt his heart yearning to head south, for a while a least. Something there was calling him, calling his heart. He didn’t know what it was but he needed to find out. He knew his duty lay to his family and to Gema, and he knew his future was within the Hills, but Alexi’s blood burned fiercely to find the source of that call. He had helped count the revenue from the sales of Burgi, but there was time when his beard was white to count that. He was young and wanted adventure before he settled down. He would return for Gema, his family and his responsibility.

His father saw the fire in the boy’s eye and knew he would be hard pressed to make him stay. If this was Sasha, his eldest, the Grand Duke, there would be no question, he would stay. But Alexi was different, he had a level head and a strong arm and Ivar new men like that needed stimulation and challenge, be it through war, intrigue or mystery. But he warned Alexi he must conduct himself as a Burgivini Duke, that he must not embarrass the family. And he warned him that factions within the Hills wouldn’t mind delaying him and his wedding or even worse to try to embarrass the family. And of course if Alexi found new places that did not know about Burgi, well Alexi should introduce it!

So Alexi saddles his warhorse, strapped on his shield, proudly bearing the Stag of the Dimitivitches and rode forth to find what Metropolis had in store for him, why She was calling him.
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First Post
Bront said:
Well, the idea was human helped her in some of her more beguiling ways, and also some of her disgust for her fellow humans, but I guess i could find an organization.

Would Nobility work a bit better?

Knowledge: Nobility is fine (though it may be left a little up to my interpretation)


First Post
Tonks said:
Phoenix: I don't know if there are still slots left open, but would either a straight priest or fighter/priest of Urbanus be acceptable?

The way I see the priest is a man who simply "woke up" one day and has no knowledge of the life he once had. All he has is the name he was given by the family that offered him shelter and the blessings that he calls from Urbanus.

The fighter/priest would have been a member of Metropolis' city guard for several years before the weight of the city began to swallow him. As his life began to fall apart around him, he began to hear the true voice of the city and after finding a small gathering of Urbanus' clergy embraced the faith with open arms. He now serves the city watch with a new purpose, to truly protect and serve those in the city he has embraced in his heart and soul.

Edit: I reread where it said only PHB races and classes, so I dropped the favored soul idea, but the idea still works with the cleric entrance also.

Metropolis has not got a City Guard, only localized pockets of mercenary guards paid for by powerful nobility or businessmen. As long as your background is a little more than "I woke up, i dont remember anything" I'd like to see it.

Bront and Fenris, Post to the RG, you're both in. I got room for 2 more PCs before we start.
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The man with the probe
Phoenix said:
Knowledge: Nobility is fine (though it may be left a little up to my interpretation)
I ment for her favored enemy.

I had a few other ideas as well.

Human Males
The Organization
Brandor's People

Doesn't realy matter, she's not using much in the way of weapons, nor armor, so it's more for the skill benifits for her than any combat stuff.

Let me know. She's posted :)

And I never got an answer about poison :]


First Post
Phoenix said:
Metropolis has not got a City Guard, only localized pockets of mercenary guards paid for by powerful nobility or businessmen. As long as your background is a little more than "I woke up, i dont remember anything" I'd like to see it.

Bront and Fenris, Post to the RG, you're both in. I got room for 2 more PCs before we start.

I am too tired to type right now, but I will get something up tomorrow afternoon.

There will be more to him than a "I woke up", but his tale will begin with that and focus on what he has learned since he awakened in Metropolis. I am just glad you are okay with Urbanus, as I have wanted to try him as a deity since the book came out, but never was involved with a heavy city campaign before.

Voidrunner's Codex

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