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Minds in Hedrad: (NF's Scarred Lands Psionic Game!)


Tagging along, into the room, Drevin grunts, "Looks like we need to go thief beating. Damnable bastards, taking things that are not theirs to claim... disrespectful, and most likely not good."

Drevin then lightens up, "So, my enigmatic friends, how do you propose we facilitate the investigation of this perplexing situation?"

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<<Quiet, you.>> Samahtar contacts Drevin. <<That is no way to go about hunting for whoever did this... they are evidently more powerful than we are, that much is certain from the remains.>>

<<They have taken the slarecian artifacts... that would lead me to believe that the thieves are either slarecians themselves, or an organization that work for the slarecians. There is no evidence either way.>>

<<More searching may provide clues... you have the ability to see, use it and assist Verity.>>


Sage of the Scarred Lands
<OoC> Yes you're within close range for someone of your level. The rooms are close to the vault, though most of what apppears to be missing is around the shelves. The shelves extend at least 400 feet from the open iron door. From where you and the guard are, I'd say, Jarv, you're no more than 60-75 feet away. Well within telepathic distance.</OoC>

The young guardsman nodded. "It would assist the Justicars and the Revered Son will most likely want such a list." He then went to get some parchment.

Meanwhile the last two guards were slightly startled by the approach of Drevin, whose emotional state wasn't something they expect or like. The older one, apparently knowing a little of him, turn "Now is not the time for hasty accident, young Drevin. The Revered Son and the Justicars will see that who ever did this act is punished to the full extend of our laws. Indeed, it's best you stay here and let us do the legwork for now.

Verity as you search you notice large scuffle marks on the floor. They are in a four claw shapes, not quite human but having more in common with creatures with claws. Perhaps a bear...though you doubt such a creature exists in nature. You can also vaguely sense something...amiss about the the desk on which Tirerias had been writing on. Perhaps more papers there missing. It was hard to tell, for as orderly a person as Tirerias was, he was haphazard in his work.


"What is to say I havn't stopped them already? I doubt you understand me, myself, and I, or any other forms of that which is the third. I'm only the weakest link in a circle. Perhaps it was I who stole these artifacts already? You do not entice me, nor do you deserve vindication of any desire to do anything rudementariliy interesting to my concious state of existence."

"And the guys, who steal stuff are not... word meaning I like."

(I'm not sure I sent Nightfall the character background, I guess I better hurry, because this probably makes no sense to anyone."


First Post
Jondyn approached the grim scene and voiced his thoughts to his fellow students.

"Whoever did this must not think we're a threat," the youg man said, "or we'd be dead already. Now, we must make sure they continue to regard us that way as long as possible."

"These missing items were Slarecian in nature. Who do the Justicars have with any understanding of them now but us? We will be called upon to do this."

OOC: I didn't expect such a flurry of posting! I caught up as best I could, it's tough to have Jondyn mosey into a murder scene during the investigation. :)
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Verity kneels on the floor, and closely studdies the claw marks.

<<I've found something else, my friend. Claw marks on the floor of the vault. I think Brother Tirerias' killer may not have been human.>> he again projects to Samahtar. <<And something seems strange about his desk. Something may be missing, but I'm not sure what...>>

The goblin moves over to the desk, sorting through it's contents. <<Should I give them a full list, or omit any items? As Jondyn says, we are the only ones now with any knowledge of these items. >>

On a hunch, Verity manifests Detect Psionics, scouring both the desk and the room for any residual traces of energy.
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Sage of the Scarred Lands
creamsteak said:
"What is to say I havn't stopped them already? I doubt you understand me, myself, and I, or any other forms of that which is the third. I'm only the weakest link in a circle. Perhaps it was I who stole these artifacts already? You do not entice me, nor do you deserve vindication of any desire to do anything rudementariliy interesting to my concious state of existence."

"And the guys, who steal stuff are not... word meaning I like."

(I'm not sure I sent Nightfall the character background, I guess I better hurry, because this probably makes no sense to anyone."

You're right. You didn't send me any character background.


Sage of the Scarred Lands
<Verity> The desk contains no traces, but you do see what it wrong. One of the same claw marks has jimmed open a locked drawer. You remember that Brother Tirerias kept some very private papers. While not an emotional man, he was one that had secrets. Perhaps research notes he wasn't full prepared to turn over. Or maybe something of far greater implications...

As for the room you do sense there was some psionic useage. However the strange thing is, as you sense it, you don't believe it came from a living source. Certainly what you sense has the taint of the Slacerians on it, but it's as if who ever or what ever was using it, wasn't not living in any sense of the word. The thought of undead crosses your mind...but you realize this holy places is warded against such intruders. That doesn't leave you with many options.

<Jondyn> One of the guards recognizes you, and you him. It's your good friend Ollis Terch, a recent addition to the watch. Ollis motions you over. "Jondyn, I know you feel qualified, what with this supposed special training you were getting. Some might see you as a little off, or touched in the head, but me, you were decent too and that's fine. But Jondyn, you and both know, when it comes to murder investigations, ESPECIALLY involving one their own, the Justicars AND the Revered Son of Justice are always the ones called in. It's the law. And you know as well as I do, any deviation, and you'll find yourself doing hard time or worse if you cross them." Ollis smiles though "Don't worry, I'm sure they'll just want the facts and hand it off to Justicar Ironwood. He'll bring you on board for sure."

The other two guards leave. The remaining guard, the young man with Verity is apparently awaiting a list of sorts to give to the Justicars and perhaps even those clerics devoted Hedrada's aspect as Justice.


Sage of the Scarred Lands
*cut to another scene in Hedrad*

The lateness of the hour, nearly started the Revered Son out of bed, as the knocking on his door awoke him. Arton Fenmark was fearful, afraid of getting caught in a most compromising position. Of course he wasn't the only one...Roland Bylar was a cousin of one of the more wealthy shipping merchants, and not to mention Arton's long time lover. In city that not only frowned on displays of any emotion, such things as two men were seen as a special perversion. Arton had prayed daily, in the weeks after he'd met Roland, but all it left him was a feeling of emptiness. While the Lawgiver hadn't removed his favor from him, Arton did feel like his god was punishing him. But each time he held Roland, or they embraced, it was one of the few times Arton felt. Between adminstering justice and keeping the peace, Arton had little in his life to feel good about. Such an act would surely see him punished. But so far Hedrada hadn't not seen fit to do as he had done to his high priests whose wives had turned their heads. "Perhaps that is why Hedrada hasn't spurned me." He thought dressing himself quickly as Roland slide nimbly down the wall of his home, into the precisely order rose garden. "While I care for Roland, such attachtments have yet to keep from my task as a Son of Justice." This insight pleased him as he opened the order. There stood his manservant and what one might consider confidant, the older genetleman Calas. Beside him was one of the guards of the watch, Justicar Ivor Ironwood and more of a suprise, the chief Justicar, paladin Revos "The Hammer" Kornos. Rarely graced by such dignitaries, the Revered Son almst went white with fear. But he controlled himself "Facts before supposition" he reminded himself. "What brings you here at this late hour gentlemen? I don't like being disturbed as you know."
Revos frowned, apparently not liking his sharp tone, perhaps even suspicious. Regardless, the other guardsman spoke "Forgive us Revered Son, but I came and alerted them, and they came with me. News of most dire nature. Brother Tirerias has been murdered! Dismembered and slain inside the Vault!"

At this Arton was shocked, but not completely surprised. "The fool! Always messing around with stuff we had not business knowing about. The Slacerians are dead! Let's leave it at that." Arton though was sorry to see him go, in the sense his dedication and drive were inspirational to many. Tirerias had traveled the length and breath of Ghelspad in his day, mostly as a researcher into various topics. He would be missed "The Lawgiver send him rest. Dismember you say? So there's little chance of him of returning to us?" The guardsman nodded. "Aye Revered Son. I know how little ressurrection magics are used, save in cases as this. But I'm afraid the Gatewatcher has some how claimed this one and sent him onward to Hedrada" He made a ritual gesture in honor of both Gods. Arton was a little disturbed by this ritual, even though he himself knew of Nemorga, a strange god of the dead and death. "By Hedrada's great wisdom, I wish I knew why such hersay is still allowed." "What of his pupils" Arton had a special interest, since the forsaken elf and that strange blue shaded goblin had often rubbed him the wrong way. He tried not to let such emotions get to him, but he felt by divine sense, there was something not quite right about them. "They are alive my lord, and apparently unharmed." "Hmm...Well then we'd best get started. I do require some sleep however. We will start at first light." The guards and the two warriors nodded. Though Arton could swear there was a hint of impatience to the High Justicar. Regardless Arton WAS tired...but he was also yielding to his body's need to feel again Roland...


Taking parchment from the guard, Verity sits cross-legged on the floor and begins to list the missing items.

<<There is yet more news. Brother Tirerias private papers are also taken. And this area still retains the traces of recent use of powers such as our own. Their wielder seems to have been something other, however. The traces show no sign of life. The idea of undead has crossed my mind, but as far as I know the wards are still intact. A demon or other outsider, perhaps? >>

Voidrunner's Codex

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