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Mutant High Issue 1: The house that Xavier Built


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Lightspeed manuevers between obstacles to drop the hostage off safely behind the police line. "If only I could carry more than one, this would go by faster." Lightspeed thought to herself. But their inertia makes them unwieldy, and will throw me off balance. I guess I'll just have to do this as quick as I can, and then I can help out the rest of the team with the fight.

[SBLOCK=OOC] I am going to continue rescuing hostages until there are no more hostages left and if then join in the fight. I don't know what numbers I need to represent to show me rescuing hostages, though. [/SBLOCK]

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Relique du Madde

"Still, even with those limitations, your power is pretty handy since all you need is a small vial of water and then you got an instant weapon; or if you throw it, you would get an automatic slick trap."

For some unknown reason, Miranda started to think about the movie Home Alone and what would have happened in that movie if the kid was either a mutant or a super human with powers similar to Astrid’s. As the movie progressed within her mind, she began to smile at the absurdity of the different scenarios that could have been based on a water manipulation power. Luckily, Miranda was able to snap her wandering mind back into reality before her thoughts continued beyond her imaginary script’s first water trap.

Miranda glanced down at her notes then began to erase the words she wrote down previously in a big to destroy any incriminating evidence. "I hope you don't mind my asking, but how long have you had your powers for? You seem to be able to control them alot better then I am able to control mine.."


First Post
"Heh, choosing to walk into the two versus one..." Temper laughs as she ducks through the hole and walks into the room. Okay, just remember basic firearms safety and marksmanship. She'll stop at position where the impact of missed blasts (both coming and going) should be minimal. Temper stands unflinchingly as she sights along her right arm, exhales, and then discharges a crimson bolt of lightning.

(Move Action: enter the room)
(Standard Action: Attack Shriek: +11 (Blast +14 Vampiric, Incurable) All-Out Attack 3)

(Result: 5+11=16. http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1216877)
(Looks like she's hitting the vault door. :))

(Defense: 13/10. Toughness +16. HP 2.)[/sblock]


First Post
"Since I was pretty young...almost as long as I can remember, really," Astrid confides. "I've gotten stronger as I grew, but I've always been able to do -something-. Maybe that's why I've never had...well, I mean...you're not the only one here who has problems controlling their power. But I grew up with mine. It's like...an arm. I don't even think about it anymore."

She shrugs. "Still, it'd be nice to have something I could do any time."

Relique du Madde

The expression on Miranda's face hinted at her inner turmoil. Although she smiled and nodded to Astrid's comments, eyes brown eyes seemed to reveal an inner sorrow. "I know I should not say this, sometimes I wish I were normal or at least I wish I did not have a 'ghost form.'" Miranda glanced down at her paper in shame. She was afraid to look up, she was afraid that others were able to listen in on her confession. Somehow, in her mind, that broken test tube had became a nuclear bomb which detonated, and in the silence of the moment she wondered what exactly would become of fallout.

"I know it is stupid, but I always have nightmares about becoming stuck in my ghost form. When I found out that Shadowcat was able to become intangible, I wanted to ask her if she ever had the same kind of fears that I had, but then I heard that it happened to her." She frowned. for a moment as her voice took on a grim tone. "Unfortunately, unlike Shadowcat, I'm not able to make things besides what I'm wearing intangible..."

Miranda closed her eyes and tried to push away her shame filled thoughts. "What also worries me is that archives do not mention how Shadowcat recovered... I'm too afraid to ask her about it also because I'm don't want to find out that it was only a phase she gone through." Ironically, somehow through all the brooding and negativity, the thoughts conjured up, she found humor in her last statement.

"I want my powers to be like yours; no, that not it. What I really want is be able to stay solid or be a 'ghost' without having to continually concentrate on being either." She glanced up from her page of notes. "To use your analogy, I'm not looking for another arm; instead, I'm trying to regain my control over my own body."

"If only I had more then one year's experience with my power, because with my lack of experience, just thinking about entering the Danger Room is sort of intimidating..."


First Post
"One year?"

Surprise wiped out some of the sourness that was creeping into Astrid when Miranda confessed she wanted to be normal. After all, what was normal? What had she been trying to imply? But just one year? One year?

"You're saying you've only been able to do...any of that...for one year? And you're worried because you're having trouble controlling it?"

She looked around and leaned forward to say, "Miranda, I've been doing this for...like, my whole life. Of -course- it seems easy to me. You're like someone who just grew a pair of legs and wants to do gymnastics." Astrid smiles and gives Miranda a friendly squeeze on the shoulder. "Don't be so hard on yourself. It takes more than one year to learn how to...to go to the bathroom, let alone learn to control a mutant power. You just have to trust yourself."

Astrid shrugs. "Or trust the Professor and the others. They wouldn't let anything bad happen to you."

Relique du Madde

"Yeah, one year.. ever since my 15th birthday" She smiled as she glanced at Astrid. "I know, my freaking out and everything was silly, but I couldn't help it." She began to laugh.

"I think drama comes too easy for me." Before her comment could be taken the wrong way she added, "You see, I'm an actress or at least I was. I was on one of those crappy teen dramas shows.." She laughed. "I was that bubbly girl who just happened to become prettier then the main character but always got stuck with the crappy lines as a result of behind the curtain politics..."

She leaned closes to Astrid and whispered. "Even though some people think I should bring down the network because of ant-mutant discrimination, I'm actually glad that the producer cut my part after he found out I was a mutant. Knowing my luck, if I was still on the series, I would have been stuck with that character until I was at 30, and wouldn't that suck.."

"I'm glad Beast assigned you to be my lab partner, the person he assigned last year wasn't as understanding or patient as he thought the he would be."



Pyro's sneer lets up a little as he seems to realize something. With a flick of his lighter, a giant ball of flame wooshes in the air between you, startling you, and when your eyesight recovers, he's walking away laughing. "Sorry Alch, gotta burn. Later." The laughter of him and his lackies echoes like a Hyena, and one of the other seniors, Kitty Pryde, comes over to see how Xi'an is doing. She flashes a smile at Nicolas for handling the situation so well, but blushes and looks to Xi'an when Nic smiles back.

[Chem Lab]

The girls hear a throat-clearing behind them, and turn to see a young man wearing sun-glasses (NO, not cyclops-style) and grinning at them. "Sorry ladies, couldn't help but overhear the antics... I just wanted to let you know that I kinda know how you feel. I couldn't control my power 3 years ago,.." He picks up a pencil and it melts into water which splashes into a puddle on the table. "See, I can change things into one of the four elements... NOT people, just objects" He hastily adds as the girls lean back a bit "Used to really suck when I couldn't control it. Walking around in clothes that suddenly burst into flame or melt into a pool of water is NOT cool. Then I came here and met this guy, Alchemist.. he's got a similar power, and he showed me how to control it. I guess what I'm trying to say is, don't give up, and maybe you SHOULD talk to kitty about it. She's a pretty cool chick, maybe she could help."
The boy looked between the two of them grinning , then glanced back down to the pudlle on his desk and frowned. "Damnit now I have to clean this up and get a new pencil."

[Danger Room]
Lightspeed 28
Gwen 27
Temper 27
Shriek 20
Paragon 18
Colosus 17
Sabretooth 10
Blob 0
Lightspeed drops off her first load, and zips back in to grab another.
(I'll rule you can get one person to safety each round, TWO if you surge. 4 people left. Until you specifically state otherwise, I'll assume Lightspeed continues this till all the hostages are safe, or the badguys are down.)

Gwen focuses on Shriek's mind, and the crazy-looking woman shakes her head, her scarred left eye glowing slightly as she resists the attack. "Nuh-uh, Stay Outa my mind, babe."

Temper, meanwhile, has a more direct (though equally ineffective) approach, her lightning carving a line out of the vault wall above Shriek's head, drawing her attention.

"Oh you wanna play rough? OK, I LIKE ROUGH!" The deranged villain screams, slapping her hands together and unleashing a massive blast at the little red-head in front of her. A giant stream of sonic energy bursts forward, slamming into Temper, though she shrugs it off as though she barely felt it. The floor between the two of them, however, is not so lucky, a furrow ripped through the tiles.

Paragon dodges this way and that, trying to confuse the BLOB(defense 24) As Colosus Hauls off with a wild haymaker at sabretooth, though the beast knocks his fist aside, retaliating by jumping at him in a slashing Frenzy.

The Blob spends a few seconds trying to gauge where Paragon is going to be before finally slamming a massive fist down... Narrowly missing the leaping quarterback and smashing into the floor.

[sblock=Combat info]
I'll roll your saves for you on Invisiblecastle and post them here. The badguy's rolls will be kept secret so you don't know what their modifiers are, but I AM actually rolling them.

Tempers Toughness save vs Shrieks Blast: DC 32, Nat 1... I'll assume using a HP to reroll is OK with you since that would be the end. Reroll: Nat 20!! Much better!

Colossus Toughness save vs Sabretooths Penetrating attacks: DC 3031,22. 31 suceeds, 22 fails by8. Colossus is stunned. (If you'd like to reroll, spend a HP and roll your second Toughness on Invisiblecastle yourself, then post actions accordingly *Assuming you roll a 26 or higher and are thus not stunned*
*Colossus gains 1 HP as Sabretooth Surges to attack twice*

ALSO, Just for the record, unless you tell me otherwise, I will auto-reroll your toughness saves when you fail by TEN or more. (staggered/disabled/unconscious/dying).

I'm going to say that the Boost runs out at the END of the round, not on Quarterback/Paragon's(We need to settle on one btw, I'm gonna use Paragon until you decide, as it's the one the teachers would use.) turn. This starts the round AFTER he uses it, meaning that the end of THIS round you all loose 1pp from your boosted abilities (Though most of them aren't affected by it yet as they weren't using ALL 10 pp)
Also, Drothgery, don't forget you can spend a heropoint to overcome the fatigue if/when you want.

And finally, for those of you who AREN'T allready doing it, could you please include Defense, Toughness save(Impervious/not), Condition, and # of Hero Points somewhere in your post? thnx.
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First Post
Astrid's annoyance at being interrupted just as she was about to lay into Miranda's old employer for being anti-mutant quickly dissipates as the boy makes his point. By the end, she gives him a lazy smile and twirls a finger.

The water on the desk swirls up into a spiraling cone shape, kind of like a minaret or a soft-serve ice cream spire atop a cone. It then freezes solid.

"Clean up's a jiffy when Calypso's in the hizzy," she quips with a grin. "Who're you?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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