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{Mutants & Masterminds} United Heroes Limited Series


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Issue #4 - "Crackling" (Continued)

Scene 3: "Rematch"
Combat Round One

Before the fight starts, I wanted to post new versions of Barracuda and Torpedo. I had to adjust their stats a little bit, so this seems as good a time as any to put out their new versions.

152 PP

PL 10; Init +1 (+1 Dex); Defense 15 (+4 Base, +1 Dex); Spd 30 Run, 80 Swim, 30 Glide; ATK +12 Melee (+11L Dam, Natural Weapon), +8 Ranged (+0S Dam, None); SV Dam +5, Fort +5, Ref +1, Will +1; STR 18, DEX 13, CON 16, INT 8, WIS 13, CHA 10.
Skills: Concentration +4, Intimidate +6, Jump +8, Language (Atlantean and English), Survival +4, and Swim +14.
Feats: Amphibious, Attack Focus – Natural Weapon, Endurance, Great Fortitude, Immunity – Aging, Improved Grapple, Improved Pin, Move-By Attack, Power Attack, Takedown Attack, Toughness, and Underwater Combat.
Powers: Flight +6 [Flaw: Limited – Gliding; Source: Super-Science (Cybernetic Glider Wings); Cost: 6 PP], Mind Control +8 [Power Stunt: Mental Link; Flaw: Limited – Sea Creatures Only; Source: Psionics; Cost: 10 PP], Natural Weapon (Bite) +7 [Source: Mutation; Cost: 14 PP], Plant Control +5 [Extra: Plant Sense; Flaw: Limited – Sea Plants Only; Source: Psionics; Cost: 10 PP], and Swimming +10 [Power Stunts: Dolphin Leap and Super-Swimming; Source: Mutation (Enhanced Swimming Ability); Cost: 24 PP].
Equipment: Atlantean Battle Armor [Protection +6; Power Stunts: Radio Broadcast and Radio Hearing; Source: Device; Cost: 8 PP].
Physical Description: In his supervillain guise, Barracuda wears a suit of traditional Atlantean battle armor, without the usual helmet (his head is too big). The armor is sea green, which contrasts with his bluish skin. He has a huge jaw, and his mouth is filled with jagged teeth. He has red pupils, and almost always a grimace on his face. Barracuda stands 6’8” and weighs 275 lbs.

152 PP

PL 10; Init +3 (+3 Dex); Defense 21 (+8 Base, +3 Dex); Spd 30 Run, 70 Swim; ATK +9 Melee (+9S/L Dam, Punch), +8 Ranged (+3 Fort, Suffocate); SV Dam +12, Fort +12, Ref +3, Will +0; STR 16, DEX 16, CON 20, INT 10, WIS 10, CHA 12; Hero Points 5.
Skills: Acrobatics +6, Concentration +5, Hide +6, Jump +9, Language (Atlantean and English), Move Silently +6, Sense Motive +3, and Swim +16.
Feats: Amphibious, Attack Focus (Unarmed), Endurance, Great Fortitude, Immunity – Aging, Move-By Attack, Rapid Healing, Skill Focus (Swim), Toughness, Ultra-Hearing, and Underwater Combat.
Powers: Strike (Melee) +6 [Power Stunts: Stun or Lethal Damage; Source: Mystical; Cost: 14 PP], Suffocate +3 [Source: Mystical; Cost: 9 PP], Super-Constitution +5 [Source: Mystical; Cost: 20 PP], and Swimming +8 [Power Stunts: Dolphin Leap and Super-Swimming; Source: Mutation (Enhanced Swimming Abilities); Cost: 20 PP].
Equipment: None.
Physical Description: In his hero guise, Torpedo wears a sea-green form-fitting bodysuit, with blue fin-like ridges along the arms, legs, and back of the costume. The entire outfit is decorated with blue and white waves, running vertically up and down the costume. Torpedo does not wear a mask. He is of Atlantean origin, and appears to be around 30 years of age (human equivalent). He stands 6’3”, weighs 250 lbs., has short, white hair, and black eyes.


Round One

(The dialogue in these scenes are all translated from the Atlantean language - editor.)

The combatants separated and circled each other, sizing each other up.

Torpedo looked down at his wound, blue blood trickling from it. "Again, you choose to attack me, Barracuda," he said through clenched teeth.

"You are merely in my way," Barracuda replied.

(Time for initiative. Torpedo gets 16 and Barracuda gets 12.)

Looking for an opening, Torpedo rushed forward, his right hand glowing with red mystical power. His blow struck true, blasting Barracuda in the mid-section.

The villain laughed as he backed away. "You'll have to do better than that, weakling!"

(Torpedo adds +1 to his Defense from the Underwater Combat feat. He moves 15' and attacks Barracuda (DEF 15), and gets a result of 16 - a hit. Barracuda gets a Damage save (DC 18, adjusted for the villain's armor), and gets a result of 25 - no effect!)

Barracuda, unimpressed by Torpedo's opening move, cruised at the Atlantean hero and snapped his massive jaws at his target, but Torpedo sidestepped the attack and let Barracuda continue on past.

"If you wouldn't telegraph your moves, Barracuda," Torpedo remarked, "perhaps you might have a chance."

Barracuda's only response was to growl.

(Barracuda adjusts his Power Attack to +3/-3. He moves 5' and attacks Torpedo (DEF 22), missing with a 14. He continues past Torpedo another 40' using Move-By Attack.)

Watch for Round 2, Coming Soon!
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First Post
Did I mention I like underwater heroes too... they are all good... Barrucuda and Torpedo look like a good match up

edit- did you come up with a basic template for the standard Atlantean?
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First Post
Issue #4 - "Crackling" (Continued)

Scene 3: "Rematch"

Combat Round Two

"All I need is one more good shot at you," Barracuda declared. "You can't take more than a bite or two!"

Torpedo backed up a bit. He's right, Torpedo realized. I need to end this quickly.

He charged foward and, with his right hand enveloped in a reddish sheen, swung and clocked Barracuda across the chin. The villain staggered backward and barely avoided falling to the ground.

Torpedo rose through the water above Barracuda to see if the villain was knocked out, but he could tell that his foe still stirred.

(Torpedo moves 40' and attacks Barracuda (DEF 13, adjusted for the charge), and hits with a 23. Barracuda gets a Damage save (DC 18) and fails with a 12. He is Stunned and takes a Stun hit.)

"Aww," Barracuda muttered. "You'll have to do better than that, Markandorim."

(Barracuda is Stunned, so he cannot act this round.)

Watch for Round 3, Coming Soon!
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First Post
Re: Atlantean Template

Tokiwong said:
Did I mention I like underwater heroes too... they are all good... Barrucuda and Torpedo look like a good match up

edit- did you come up with a basic template for the standard Atlantean?

This story is set in a world that sort of under dual-GM rule. I'm developing the "west coast" heroes and setting, while the other GM develops the "east coast" heroes and setting.

He came up with the Atlantean template, but I'll try to recreate it for you, since you're such a loyal reader ;)

15 PP

PL 1; Init +0; Defense 11 (+1 Base); Spd 30 Run, 30 Swim; ATK +1 Melee (+0S Dam, Punch), +1 Ranged (+0S Dam, None); SV Dam +1, Fort +1, Ref +0, Will +0; STR 10, DEX 10, CON 13, INT 10, WIS 11, CHA 10.
Skills: Swim +4, Any other skill +2.
Feats: Amphibious and Immunity - Aging.
Powers: None.
Equipment: None.
Weakness: None. Note that Atlanteans do not automatically get the Disturbing Appearance Weakness because they do not inherently disturb their own kind (obviously) and surface-dwellers have seen them enough not to be upset by them.
Physical Description: Atlanteans are somewhat fish-like in appearance. The typical Atlantean has green or blue-green scaly skin, with gill-like protusions beneath where a nose would be on a human. They have large eyes that are almost always black in color, and many Atlanteans have fin-ridges that run from the forehead down to the base of the skull. Atlantean males range in height from 5'6" to 6'2" and weigh between 145 and 220 lbs., while Atlantean females range in height from 5'0" to 5'7" and weigh between 110 and 160 lbs. Some Atlantean bloodlines have unusual coloring that varies from what is listed above.


First Post
Issue #4 - "Crackling" (Continued)

Scene 3: "Rematch"

Round Three

Torpedo (aka Markandorim) was famous among his own kind for several reasons. First, he was a mutant, with abilities far and beyond those of normal Atlanteans. For a long time, before Atlantis made itself known in the world again, Markandorim was strictly an Atlantean hero, and was loved by many. Second, Markandorim received a great honor for his deeds: he was blessed with the Sha'aralgad, a magical empowerment normally reserved for those who had died in service to the crown. In most Atlanteans, the Sha'aralgad merely served to preserve the body for all time, protecting it against decomposition and supposedly blessing the entire bloodline forevermore. In Markandorim, however, the Sha'aralgad endowed the hero with spectacular abilities on top of those as a result of his mutation.

Barracuda was also a mutant, though he had by means the same reputation as Torpedo. The villain was reviled in Atlantis, and hated by loyalists who resented his part in a plot to overthrow the monarchy. Barracuda hated Torpedo in particular because the hero was so well-liked by Atlanteans, despite the fact that both of them were freaks by Atlantean standards.

I've got him on the ropes, as the surface people say, Torpedo realized. Time to finish this.

Torpedo swam down to where Barracuda was struggling to regain his footing, and slugged the villain across the jaw, with force that would easily deck a normal person. After delivering the shot, Torpedo continued past the villain. That had to hurt, he thought as he turned to look at his foe.

Unfortunately, the attack was not enough to fell the Atlantean villain, who had a stouter jaw than almost anyone. "He he," Barracuda replied. "Good one, Markandorim. That'll hurt for at least a few minutes."

(Torpedo moves 30' and attacks Barracuda (DEF 14 since he's still Stunned until he acts), and hits with a 28. Barracuda gets a Damage save (DC 18) and gets a 17, so he takes a Stun hit. Torpedo, using Move-By Attack, continues another 40' away from Barracuda.)

"Now, it's my turn," Barracuda cried out, flashing right at Torpedo, who could not evade the onrushing villain. Pinning the hero with both arms to the ground, Barracuda gnashed his considerable teeth and tore into Torpedo's chest and abdomen. Torpedo tried to turn to avoid the strike, but could barely move.

(Barracuda adjusts his Power Attack to +1/-1. He charges 40' at Torpedo (DEF 22) and his with a 30. Torpedo gets a Damage save (DC 27), and fails with a 13. The hero is Disabled and takes another Lethal hit.)

Watch for the Pivotal Round 4, Coming Soon!


First Post
Issue #4 - "Crackling" (Continued)

Scene 3: "Rematch"

Round Four

Torpedo wasn't moving. Barracuda swam around the fallen hero a bit, to see if Torpedo was just stunned or was really down for the count.

That weakling, he thought. I figured he could take a little more punishment. Some hero!

(Since Torpedo is Disabled, he can only take certain types of half actions without worsening to Dying. He decides that Barracuda will probably leave him alone if the villain thinks he's done for, so Torpedo attempts to Bluff Barracuda into thinking he's out. Torpedo's Bluff check is 17. Barracuda opposes with with Sense Motive, but gets a -5 penalty to the check because he wants to believe Torpedo is knocked out. Barracuda counters with a Sense Motive of 3, so he believes Torpedo is knocked out.)

Spotting a shark swimming nearby, no doubt attracted by the scent of Torpedo's blood in the water, Barracuda swam toward the predator and looked back once more at the 'unconscious' Torpedo. "Friend," he said to the shark, "you look hungry. Why don't you take care of my mess?"

The shark's eyes glazed over, and a ferocity overcame the beast as it charged toward Torpedo. Barracuda laughed heartily and swam away toward parts unknown.

(Barracuda uses his Mind Control ability to make the shark attack Torpedo. First, he rolls his Mind Control check, and gets a 20. The shark opposes this with a Will save, and fails with a 13. Barracuda's command is not something that the shark would be at all opposed to doing, so no further rolls are necessary.)

This ends the combat.

Watch for Scene 4, Coming Soon!


First Post
Tokiwong said:
Thanks for the template, any chance we will see the East Coast stuff? Torpedo looks like he is in a bind.

Once I finish this limited series, we'll probably have a regular open-ended series. In the meantime, I'm also going to do a series on origins, tentatively entitled "United Heroes Origins". I hope to start this in the next few weeks. I'll do an issue for each hero, in alphabetical order.

Before I do any more hero books, I'd like to get these guys established. Maybe we'll have a few guest appearances. Who knows?

I also might add some artwork with sketches of the characters in this story. The other GM is a much better artist than I am, so maybe I can convince him to do some art for me :D

Thanks for the kind words.


First Post
Issue #4 - "Crackling" (Continued)

Scene 4: "Borrowed Time"

"I think I'll go and patrol the grounds," Pathfinder announced to a mostly-empty room. "I have a bad feeling. Perhaps it is that Mexican food we ordered, but it is best to be on the safe side."

Iron Dragon chuckled as Pathfinder left the room. Humor was not something that came naturally to the Native American hero. Maybe it was the impending doom that everyone could feel.

He stood up, left the room, and made his way into the parlor, where he found Seraphim.

The angelic hero was staring out the large picture window that opened onto the bay view. It occured to Iron Dragon that his fellow heroes were being rather melodramatic about everything.

"Thinking about the bad guys?" Iron Dragon asked.

Barely turning, Seraphim smiled when he finally noticed that Iron Dragon had joined him. "No, I was thinking about how this battle never ends."

Drawing closer, Iron Dragon was confused about whether Seraphim was being philosophical or referring to a specific battle. "Um, what battle?"

"There has always been a battle between good and evil," Seraphim replied after an uncomfortable silence. "You know this, of course. It is an eternal struggle, but I know who wins in the end." The angel smiled again.

Iron Dragon now realized what Seraphim was talking about. Being an angel - a real one - Seraphim had a certain confidence about him. His faith was unshakable, and not just in a religious sense. His charisma was palpable; anyone in the same room with Seraphim could feel his presence and were warmed by it.

"Are you OK with how we're handling things so far?" Iron Dragon asked.

"What do you mean?" Seraphim replied.

"Well, you know, with Harpy leading things."

Seraphim did not respond for a moment. He had to consider the inquiry and where it was coming from. Iron Dragon was the only one to vote for him when it came down between Seraphim and Harpy for team leader.

"What are you asking me, Dragon?" Seraphim asked.

"We haven't had a real test yet," Iron Dragon replied. "I mean, Harpy is just a little girl."

"Does that mean that she can't be a good leader?" Seraphim asked. "I don't see how the two are connected."

"Confidence is important to being an effective leader," Iron Dragon said. "Do you think she makes confident decisions?"

"Do you?"

Iron Dragon turned from the angel and crossed to the center of the room. "She has -- a lot of issues. In my eyes, you would make a much better leader. You are experienced, you have a commanding presence, and you know what's best for us."

Seraphim smiled. "You forgot to mention that I let down the only one I should never let down, the Creator. What does that say about whether or not I know what's best for everyone?"

Iron Dragon charged forward, and stopped short of grabbing Seraphim's robes. "You fell and recovered! You paid your dues!"

Seraphim turned towards the window once again. "Not yet," he said. "Not fully."


Harpy stood in the hallway near the cell they used to imprison Fang, along with Electrostatic and MorningStar. They had been talking strategy in terms of finding out what's going on with Trickster, Klimordial, and the cylinder, but the conversation turned to Fang and his situation.

"So what are we going to do with him?" MorningStar asked.

"I say we hand him over to the cops," Electrostatic replied. "But I'll defer to the lady..."

Harpy noted the sarcasm and the half-hearted attempt at manners. "I don't know," she responded. "We can keep him here as long as we want."

"Yeah, but he smells," MorningStar said and laughed along with it.

"I had this cell put in here for a reason," Harpy said. "And it's not because I'm kinky."

Electrostatic smiled. "I'll bet."

"No really," Harpy said. "It was specifically made to keep supervillains inside -- and out."

"Out?" MorningStar asked.

"Well sure," Harpy replied. "You don't want them breaking in here, do you?"

"Yeah, but I suppose a teleporter just just blink in and take Fang right out of there," Electrostatic suggested.

"No way," Harpy answered. "A sorceror friend of mine made sure of that. He put a permanent hex on the cell. No one can use any powers inside that cell."

"Interesting," MorningStar said as they continued down the hall past Fang's cell.


Pathfinder burst through the double French doors leading from the patio into the center hall and atrium.

"They're here!" he cried out.

Seraphim and Iron Dragon, who were closest to Pathfinder, rushed to his side.

"Who's here?" Seraphim asked.

"All of them," Pathfinder replied.

"I guess they're here to break their boy out of jail," Iron Dragon commented.

"We're not about to let that happen!" Seraphim announced.

This Ends Issue #4, "Crackling"
Watch for Issue #5, "Heat", Coming Soon!
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