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New Post-Apoc Game


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I like what I see so far.

Let me pry at your sweet brain meats for a moment to help give shape to my ideas.

1) Are all the arcologies/megaplexes essentially the same, or is each dominated by a different AI/corporation with its own laws and ways of doing things?

2) Are the arcologies aggressive in terms of acquiring new resources...and what constitutes resources?

3) Is the Wasteland the only source of genetically altered (ie - mutated) organisms, or is genetic manipulation used in one or more arcologies as well?

4) Are there organizations in the Wasteland, or is it still the law of the biggest gun? (examples might include tribes of raiders, nascent towns and cities, guilds or unions of merchants and/or tradesmen, and so on)

5) To what extent has knowledge of the pre-Oops world been lost?

6) What kind of rights are recognized for human beings? What about sapient nonhuman beings? Is there friction between those populations? Where is the line drawn between a 'pure' human and a humanoid (but not human) mutant?

7) Can we make some details pertinent to our characters and concepts up? :)

That'll do to get me started.

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Shayuri said:

I like what I see so far.

Let me pry at your sweet brain meats for a moment to help give shape to my ideas.

1) Are all the arcologies/megaplexes essentially the same, or is each dominated by a different AI/corporation with its own laws and ways of doing things?

2) Are the arcologies aggressive in terms of acquiring new resources...and what constitutes resources?

3) Is the Wasteland the only source of genetically altered (ie - mutated) organisms, or is genetic manipulation used in one or more arcologies as well?

4) Are there organizations in the Wasteland, or is it still the law of the biggest gun? (examples might include tribes of raiders, nascent towns and cities, guilds or unions of merchants and/or tradesmen, and so on)

5) To what extent has knowledge of the pre-Oops world been lost?

6) What kind of rights are recognized for human beings? What about sapient nonhuman beings? Is there friction between those populations? Where is the line drawn between a 'pure' human and a humanoid (but not human) mutant?

7) Can we make some details pertinent to our characters and concepts up? :)

That'll do to get me started.

That's all? ;)

Voda Vosa

First Post
In the fragile circles around the Burns, but still outside the machine dominion, are places where new ecosystems are starting to stabilize, with mutant strains of human/animal/plant/etc achieving species status and carving niches for themselves.

I, as a biologist, must disagree with that. Anyway, it doesn't affect the feel of the game, but its just a pain in my eyes I have to erase XD. Nothing personal =P

General and basic Character concept.

Malacos, pure breed human scientist, working in on of the MegaCorps, wishing to eradicate all The machines from the face of the earth, and reestablish human control. Skeptic and cold, Malacos tried everything to achieve his goals from inside the Corps, but when he was discovered, attempting to produce a massive shutdown, he could barely scape alive thanks to his contacts.
He now lives in the wastelands, planning how to cut off The machines, once and for all. He is working in the development of a biological agent that could terminate The machines, like the black plague did with human kind, centuries ago.


Shayuri said:
1) Are all the arcologies/megaplexes essentially the same, or is each dominated by a different AI/corporation with its own laws and ways of doing things?

As a foundation, The Machine controls them all, though each of the "big six" MegaCorps has a presence in every arcology and serves as a human face to the Robotica that truly reigns supreme.

The law is, essentially, do as The Machine commands, or be vaporized. There are thousands upon thousands of lines of legal code atop that premise, but it all boils down to that simple yet charming sentiment.

2) Are the arcologies aggressive in terms of acquiring new resources...and what constitutes resources?

Yes. The Machine always wants to grab more and more for itself, and this includes land and resources outside its current control. It runs into trouble trying to acquire resources and territories that it really can't keep under its thumb, and The Machine is sometimes put in the unfortunate position of bargaining with The Wasteland for resources.

Energy and natural resources (such as minerals and agriculture) are the two main things that the arcologies need to keep going. Some are more successful than others at self-sufficience. There are certainly robotic mines and farms outside the arcologies, but these are heavily guarded and watched. In terms of energy, The Machine harnesses solar power for most of its needs, and is exceedingly efficient in terms of its overall consumption.

3) Is the Wasteland the only source of genetically altered (ie - mutated) organisms, or is genetic manipulation used in one or more arcologies as well?

Oh no, there are mutants on both sides of the arcology wall. Mutants within the arcologies tend to be of the engineered variety (those few 'accidental' mutants found within an arcology don't last very long). Within the arcology, the type of 'planned' mutants you find are servants to The Machine, and are sometimes clones of useful members of human society.

In The Wasteland, 'accidental' mutants are all over the place. This is related to the 'apocalypse', but essentially, the thing that caused all the upheaval also causes humans to be highly susceptible to radiation-induced mutations on the scale of what you find in D20 Future. Note that, in almost every case, these 'accidental' mutations result in early death; any mutant characters will be the exception, not the rule by any means.

4) Are there organizations in the Wasteland, or is it still the law of the biggest gun? (examples might include tribes of raiders, nascent towns and cities, guilds or unions of merchants and/or tradesmen, and so on)

The Wasteland IS an organization of sorts. It's essentially a collection of the most powerful warlords of the abandoned rural areas. The leaders of The Wasteland gather periodically to discuss policy and strategy, but on the whole, the warlords are left to rule their own areas.

There are little towns and trade posts within The Wasteland. These tend to be heavily defended, and exist for the purpose of trade and the residence of whatever warlord calls it home. Structures outside of these armored forts are few and far between, and highly coveted as bases by bandits and mutant tribes.

There is some society within The Wasteland. If you've read Car Wars, it's sorta like that, except without the media coverage and organized medical care. For entertainment, there are gladiatorial death matches between both individuals and vehicles (sometimes both), and other blood sports, but the organization of said events is up to the local warlord and tends to be haphazard at best.

In terms of trade, people in The Wasteland are on the barter system. There is no credit whatsoever, and no currency. The warlords prize only physical goods they can use, even precious items, such as gold and jewelry, have little value. Merchants do exist, and tend to be skilled at acquiring valuable goods and selling them at the trade posts. Trade between The Wasteland and the arcologies is a bit trickier, but still happens, and some merchants specialize in this interface. It is much easier to sell items of 'perceived value', such as gold and jewelry, to the arcologies, but also services, such as exploration of The Wasteland, or transport of goods or people to another city.

5) To what extent has knowledge of the pre-Oops world been lost?

Physically, much outside the arcologies has been destroyed. Buildings, roads, and the physical infrastructure are somewhat intact (let's say 35% remain from pre-apoc).

In terms of society, everything that existed pre-apoc can only be found within the arcologies, but what is there is mostly intact. There is no 'knowledge gap' or anything along those lines. Much of pre-apoc culture has changed, however, with The Machine's rise to power. Pre-apoc culture hasn't been lost so much as forgotten, but the knowledge of that history hasn't been lost, just buried. Outside of the arcologies, it is barbaric and lawless, but some remnants of pre-apoc society have survived (such as language).

6) What kind of rights are recognized for human beings? What about sapient nonhuman beings? Is there friction between those populations? Where is the line drawn between a 'pure' human and a humanoid (but not human) mutant?

The Machine runs a fascist state. It makes all of the rules, and the only rights anyone has are what are necessary for The Machine to get what it wants. Humans and mutants are treated the same - poorly. Humans often are disdainful of mutants, especially 'planned' mutants. Clones are especially looked down upon by everyone, seen more as pets and objects than people. It's important to point out that cloning technology has not been perfected, and many clones are defective in some way.

The Purity (a humans-only organization) believes that mutants of all kinds are an affront to humanity's rightful place as rulers of the world, and that all mutants should be destroyed. They are also against cloning, and destroy all clones they come across. Eventually, the Purity plans to try to take down The Machine, but they realize this is a lofty goal that will be some time in coming.

Most humans, however, feel a certain amount of pity for 'accidental' mutants, and harbor them no ill will. Mutants that have obvious outward physical mutations often face prejudice and fear in the arcologies, but have power and influence in The Wasteland.

7) Can we make some details pertinent to our characters and concepts up? :)

To an extent. Use the material I release as a guide, and understand that I may ask you to change things that don't fit in with my vision of the setting.


Voda Vosa said:
I, as a biologist, must disagree with that. Anyway, it doesn't affect the feel of the game, but its just a pain in my eyes I have to erase XD. Nothing personal =P

There probably won't be any sentient plants or animals. Sorry.

General and basic Character concept.

Malacos, pure breed human scientist, working in on of the MegaCorps, wishing to eradicate all The machines from the face of the earth, and reestablish human control. Skeptic and cold, Malacos tried everything to achieve his goals from inside the Corps, but when he was discovered, attempting to produce a massive shutdown, he could barely scape alive thanks to his contacts.
He now lives in the wastelands, planning how to cut off The machines, once and for all. He is working in the development of a biological agent that could terminate The machines, like the black plague did with human kind, centuries ago.

This character's scientific skills might be highly prized in the Wasteland, especially to some warlord looking to get an edge over his rivals.


First Post
Beautiful! Thank you!

As usual, when presented with hugely cool game concepts, my brain spits up not one character, but a litter. I'll narrow 'em down, but if any of them strike you (or anyone else) as being particularly fun-sounding or inappropriate to the game let me know and I'll factor that into which one I wind up developing as a full PC.

...I'm overfond of numbered lists.

1) Mutant savage from the wasteland! A member of a low-tech tribe of mutants who's fellows were abducted by a mad AI for reasons unknown (perhaps for labor outside of arcology or in areas where robots can't function, or perhaps they have genetic traits of interest to the Machine...etc). This character would have plenty of wilderness skills and would probably be a sneaky and/or melee smashy combatant.

2) Scavenger with a secret! A self-sufficient wasteland wanderer who makes a living trawling what ruins are (reasonably) safe to enter and retrieving artifacts and supplies to sell to merchant centers. No visible mutations, but conceals some abilities in the interests of not running afoul of the Purity as well as maintaining a professional edge. Both envies and pities the denizens of the Arcology, who have so many amenities, yet so little freedoms. Fears that one day the Machine will overrun everything... Most likely this would be a stealthy shooter type in terms of combat role...a lot also depends on what sort of filthy parahuman ability is taken.

3) Refugee! A 'accidental' mutant human from the Arcology who is forced to flee! After living on the ragged edge in the gutters of the Arcology, this character has been part of the underclass, living like rats under the streets and in abandoned buildings and unobserved corners. Always dodging detection due to genetic impurities, the character is finally forced to flee to the nigh-mythical outside...a land that seems like paradise in comparison. At first.

4) Renegade! An agent of the AI's who somehow manages to transcend the obedience engrams and become a free-willed being. Could be a cybered up gene-mod or an actual humanoid robot with true AI. While grappling with existential questions, this character joins the fight against the Machine...either to bring freedom to the others under its rule...or because even AI's are oppressed, individually, by being slaved to the dictates of the massive central processors!

So many ideas...are there documents for d20 Apocalypse online? An SRD?


So, what system is this using then? I find it very interesting, but don't have d20 future/apoc, only modern.. Your use of the term "progress level" confuses me, as I've never encountered it before. I presume it refers to technology?

Is it possible to play with the modern rules if you're using future/apoc?

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