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Oathbound : Homecoming (full up)

Kahuna Burger

First Post
Voadam said:

Which rules are going to be 3.0 and which 3.5?

Classes you have said are 3.5.

How about spells?

How about feats like spell focus and TWF?

How about monster DR?

Does getting up from prone provoke an AoO?

spells will likely be 3.0 with the exception of the stat enhancing ones. (which I hate).

I like the old spell focus and the new twf (and w. finnesse will be all applicable weapons as in 3.5), monster dr will use the new rules since I'll mostly be using monsters from the srd. Using a standard instead of move action or making a dc15 tumble check would eliminate the aoc for rising from prone. This is a house rule, but I think its a reasonable compromise.

If there are any other specific feats or spells you have a question about, or want to pettition the use of 3.5 on I'm very open, and you can rest assured that I'm not adversarial or going to suddenly screw you on an ability.

Kahuna Burger

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First Post
kirinke's character....

i'm working on my character using a 3.5 character generator (it helps alot ^_^). but it'll probably be around friday b4 it's close to postable (i have to come up with a background that fits the character concept and all. much input wanted and welcomed. ;)

um... how much money do we get? i can't find the appropriate table anywhere.
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kirinke said:
i'm working on my character using a 3.5 character generator (it helps alot ^_^). but it'll probably be around friday b4 it's close to postable (i have to come up with a background that fits the character concept and all. much input wanted and welcomed. ;)

um... how much money do we get? i can't find the appropriate table anywhere.

We're not actually using the table, you get 10,000

Hey Ferrix -

shouldn't your hit dice be 7d10+7 not +5, and using the HP average that gets you 50hp, not 63
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hafrogman said:
Hey Ferrix -

shouldn't your hit dice be 7d10+7 not +5, and using the HP average that gets you 50hp, not 63

Danke... too many games, not enough reading of posts when generating that character...



Orillian has shown me the map of the mage who went was attacked by birds left this world and returned.

What do the marks correspond to on the map?

What names if any are on the map?

How big an area does the map cover, a whole world, a continent, a country, a city, etc.?


First Post
whoot! thankies!
ooo. got the basics of my character down. here it is.

Marisa Veridath
Female Aasimar
AGE: 20

ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Good.
CLASS: Ranger 4/Cleric 2.
EXP: 15000.

HGT: 6ft
WGT: 150
BUILD: slender, deceptively muscular
EYES: pale gold
HAIR: Black with silver highlights
HOME: The Crystal Mountains

STR: 16 (+3)
DEX: 16 (+3)
CON: 12 (+1)
INT: 12 (+1)
WIS: 14 (+2)
CHA: 13 (+1)


LIGHT LOAD: 76 lbs or less
MEDIUM LOAD: 77-153 lbs
HEAVY LOAD: 154-230 lbs

ARMOR CLASS: 13 (16 with masterwork studded leather. +5 dex bonus)

LANGUAGES: Common. Celestial. Infernal. Abyssal. Elvish.

+3 Concentration (+1 abil bonus = +4)
+3 Craft (+1 abil bonus = +4)
+3 Diplomacy (+1 abil bonus = +4)
+3 handle animal (+1 abil bonus = +4)
+9 Heal (+2 abil bonus = +11)
+3 Hide (+3 abil bonus = +6)
+3 knowledge arcane (+1 abil bonus = +4)
+3 knowledge dungeoneering ( +1 abil bonus = +4)
+3 knowledge geography ( +1 abil bonus = +4)
+1 knowledge history (+1 abil bonus = +4)
+3 knowledge nature (+1 abil bonus = +4)
+3 knowledge religion (+1 abil bonus = +4)
+3 knowledge planes (+1 abil bonus = +4)
+5 Listen (+2 abil bonus = +7)
+3 move silently (+3 abil bonus = +6)
+3 Ride (+3 abil bonus = +6)
+3 Search (+1 abil bonus = +4)
+10 Spot (+2 abil bonus = +12)
+4 Survival (+2 abil bonus = +6)
+1 Swim (+3 abil bonus = +4)

Scribe scroll
Improved turning
Two weapon fighting

+2 wisdom. +2 charisma
Medium size
Base land speed is 30ft
Can see in the dark up to 60ft
+2 racial bonus on spot and listen checks
Special attacks: daylight 1x per day
+5 resistance to acid, cold and electricity
Automatic languages: Celestial.

Proficient with all types of armor
Proficient with all martial and simple weapons
Proficient with all shields save tower shields
Can turn undead.
Automatic languages: Celestial, infernal, abyssal.
Favored enemy: Incorporeal undead
Track. Wild empathy
Combat style Archery: Rapid shot
Virtual ambidexterity
Animal Companion

AURA: as both a cleric and an Aasimar, Marisa has a very powerful chaotic good aura. Because she is possessed by a demon (despite it being lawful good), Marisa’s aura is oddly tainted with evil. She usually dismisses it as a reaction to the extreme negative energy backlash she suffered when both the demon and high priest (who tried to kill her) both perished at the same time.

Sun. Strength
She can perform a feat of strength as a super natural ability. She gains an enhancement bonus to strength equal to her cleric level. Activating the power is a free action and the power lasts 1 round. It is usable 1x per day.
1x per day, she can perform a greater turning against undead in place of a regular turning. The greater turning is like a normal turning except that the undead creatures that would be turned are destroyed instead.

Endure elements. Enlarge person.

0 LEVEL CLERICAL SPELLS: Create water. Detect magic. Light. Read magic. Detect undead.
1 LEVEL CLERICAL SPELLS: Detect evil. Bless water. Cure light wounds.
1 LEVEL RANGER SPELLS: Detect poison

Marisa is a striking young woman with finely chiseled features and a slender, rangy build. She is 6ft tall and her skin is tanned from countless hours spent outdoors. Her eyes are a strange pale gold, and on occasion, they seem to glow with an unsettling light. Her jet black hair has silver highlights and is normally braided into a wrist thick braid, which hangs past her waist. She favors green and yellow clothing, both for the fact that they blend in well with forest settings and as a respectful nod to her own clergy.

The Veridath family was always odd.
About 90% of her family is composed of healers of one sort or another and the rest are equally divided between paladins, magic-workers, rangers and the like. For the most part, her family is usually well-received wherever they go. In fact, almost all of them displayed some sort of supernatural gift.

Marisa was no exception. As a child, she could call light to her fingers, and the most vicious animal was docile under her gentle influence. Despite this, she tested negative for the more usual wizardly powers and was given into the care of a cousin skilled in woodcraft and druidism.

When she was ten, Marisa’s family was attacked by an evil cult, possibly belonging to Nerull. During the fighting, she was taken prisoner. The cult’s high priest was very close to ascending to god-hood status. All he needed to complete the process was a demonic sacrifice of at least pit fiend status and a being with some celestial blood running through their veins. Marisa was chosen both for her celestial heritage and her innocence.

The cultist’s did manage to get their hands on a pit fiend, but one who had been imprisoned for thousands of years. The pit fiend had nothing to do but think. He eventually began to realize that his past actions had hurt many people and started to slide towards good. When the cultist’s ’freed’ him, the pit fiend had slid almost completely towards lawful good.

Due to the fact that he was no longer evil, the cultist’s spells did not quite hold him and he managed to break free long enough to kill the high priest and many of the rest of the cultists, before he himself was cut down. For some reason, his spirit was drawn to Marisa’s, and he inadvertently possessed her. Since then, her aura has been oddly tainted with evil, for though the demon is good and relatively harmless to her, he is still a demon.

The demon causes most sensitive people to be slightly jumpy around her. He rarely manifests himself and then, only when he absolutely has to in order to protect Marisa from soul/life destroying situations. That only happened once, when she was beset by a necromancer commanding an entire cemetery of greater undead (she was only second level). For the most part, the demon contents himself with offering mental advice and sarcastic comments, usually quite helpful.


Female Warhorse, Heavy
NAME: Sugar
Large Animal
Hit Dice: 4d8+12 (30 hp)
Initiative: +1
Speed: 50 ft. (10 squares)
Armor Class: 14 (–1 size, +1 Dex, +4 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 13
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+11
Attack: Hoof +6 melee (1d6+4)
Full Attack: 2 hooves +6 melee (1d6+4) and bite +1 melee (1d4+2)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Qualities: Low-light vision, scent
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +2
Abilities: Str 18, Dex 13, Con 17, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 6
Skills: Listen +5, Spot +4
Feats: Endurance, Run

These animals are similar to heavy horses but are trained and bred for strength and aggression. A heavy warhorse can fight while carrying a rider, but the rider cannot also attack unless he or she succeeds on a Ride check.
Carrying Capacity: A light load for a heavy warhorse is up to 300 pounds; a medium load, 301–600 pounds; and a heavy load, 601–900 pounds. A heavy warhorse can drag 4,500 pounds.

Sugar is generally a very sweet and mild-mannered war-horse, though she can be death on four hooves if Marisa asks it of her. Sugar looks very much like a Percheron and is a dapple gray with a white mane and tale.
NAME: Spice
Large Animal
Hit Dice: 3d8+9 (22 hp)
Initiative: +1
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Armor Class: 13 (–1 size, +1 Dex, +3 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 12
Base Attack/Grapple: +2/+9
Attack: Hoof +4 melee (1d4+3)
Full Attack: 2 hooves +4 melee (1d4+3)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Qualities: Low-light vision, scent
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +1
Abilities: Str 16, Dex 13, Con 17, Int 2, Wis 11, Cha 6
Skills: Listen +6, Spot +6
Feats: Alertness, Endurance

Mules are sterile crossbreeds of donkeys and horses. A mule is similar to a light horse, but slightly stronger and more agile.
A mule’s powerful kick can be dangerous.
Carrying Capacity: A light load for a mule is up to 230 pounds; a medium load, 231–460 pounds; and a heavy load, 461–690 pounds. A mule can drag 3,450 pounds.
Skills: Mules have a +2 racial bonus on Dexterity checks to avoid slipping or falling.

Spice is a very cute, energetic black mule. Her tendency for bouncy exuberance earned her the nickname of Spice.

(01 lbs) Bit and bridle
(01 lbs) Horse grooming equipment
(40 lbs) Military saddle
(20 lbs) Pack saddle
(01 lbs) 2 saddle blankets
(02 lbs) 2 horse blankets (one for sugar, one for spice)
(64 lbs) 8 saddle bags
(140 lbs) 2 weeks of feed
(10 lbs) bedroll/2 blankets
(06 lbs) 2 winter blankets
(20 lbs) tent
(05 lbs) repair kit

(50 lbs) Healer’s kit
(01 lbs) Sewing kit
(01 lbs) Toiletry kit
(01 lbs) soap
(01 lbs) Mess kit
(01 lbs) cooking kit
(01 lbs) hand mill
(01 lbs) percolator
(70 lbs) 1 week of iron rations
(01 lbs) salt
(01 lbs) sugar
(01 lbs) tea
(12 lbs) 3 sets of cleric’s vestments
(24 lbs) 3 sets of explorer’s outfits
(--- lbs) money belt
(14 lbs) 3 cold weather outfits
(02 lbs) quiver scabbard

Masterwork Studded leather armor
Armor/shield bonus: +3
Max dex bonus: +5
Armor check penalty: 0
Arcane spell failure chance: 15
Speed 30ft/20ft: 30ft/20ft
Weight: 20 lbs

Flaming Scimitar (+1 bonus): 1d6 hit points of fire damage on a successful hit. (1 handed melee weapon)
*note these statistics are without the bonuses
DMG: small 1d4
Damage medium: 1d6
Critical: 18–20/x2
Weight: 4 lbs
Type: slashing
Frost Scimitar (+1 bonus): 1d6 hit points of damage on a successful hit (1 handed melee weapon)
*note these statistics are without the bonuses
DMG: small 1d4
Damage medium: 1d6
Critical: 18–20/x2
Weight: 4 lbs
Type: slashing
Masterwork composite longbow
DMG small: 1d6
DMG medium: 1d8
Critical: x3
Range increment: 110 feet
Weight: 3 lbs
(09 lbs) 60 arrows

PP: 50. GP: 25. SP: 100. CP: 100.

Silver holy symbol on a silver necklace
Signet ring
Bag of holding 500 lbs
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Kahuna Burger said:
spells will likely be 3.0 with the exception of the stat enhancing ones. (which I hate).

I like the old spell focus and the new twf (and w. finnesse will be all applicable weapons as in 3.5), monster dr will use the new rules since I'll mostly be using monsters from the srd. Using a standard instead of move action or making a dc15 tumble check would eliminate the aoc for rising from prone. This is a house rule, but I think its a reasonable compromise.

If there are any other specific feats or spells you have a question about, or want to pettition the use of 3.5 on I'm very open, and you can rest assured that I'm not adversarial or going to suddenly screw you on an ability.

Kahuna Burger

OK with 3.0 endure elements becomes useful again as a defense and resist elements goes way down in usefulness with less resistance and shorter duration.

Do you mind if I swap out resist energy for silence or if I use the 3.0 resist energy?

I assume it is OK for me to keep the 3.5 align weapon since it does not exist in 3.0.


So we have

Tristan fighter heavy armor melee
Baja barbarian high hp moderate AC melee
Faustus low AC high damage melee
Julian melee skirmisher
Kyron High AC moderate attack clerical spellcaster
Marissa Low AC missile fire/skirmish melee little clerical spellcasting
Orillian Conjuration caster

So four primary melee warriors
1 cleric
1 wizard
1 missile fire/skirmisher with a little bit of clerical casting.

A little light on casting but well represented for closeup fighting.


First Post
heh. once we level a bit in the casting department it should be alright. And stats are only the beginning of the character. dice-rolls play a lot in the luck department. not to mention decent planning b4 a major encounter. (always a plus) :cool:

oooo.... if my character has been approved, could i please have a link to the in character thread? (insert shameless begging here)

PS: the various threads are a bit confusing.... um what player plays what character?
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kirinke said:
PS: the various threads are a bit confusing.... um what player plays what character?

Kahuna Burger = DM

me = Tristan
Deadestdai = Baja
GPEKO = Orillian
ferretguy = Julian
Ferrix = Faustus
Voadam = Kyron
you = Marisa

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