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Obi-Wan Kenobi (spoilers)

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But the scene with the trooper hits differently for me. It was like a slice of real life got thrown into my fun story about space wizards.

Ep 1-3 were all about the descent of a once great but decaying and paralyzed Republic into Fascism. It's one of the reasons it plays better now, than it did 20 years ago.

Much more real and disturbing for me, was the Order 66 scene of a Clone trooper running in a school, gunning down the teacher and the kids racing off screaming, trying to avoid getting shot and murdered.

That resonated with me (and others online as well) for obvious real life reasons.

Just looked up the age of the two actors and the one who played the Jedi is 36 and Moses Ingram/Reva is 29. So no way he is playing one of the kids, but I could see them trying to stretch it to make Reva maybe still late teens and maybe a child survivor of Order 66, or just as easy it could be family she lost that day and blames Obi-wan for letting it happen/not being their to protect them. She definitely has a personal grudge against him, though.

By the way, the actress playing Leia, Vivien Lyra Blair, turns 10 next month.


So according to Wookieepedia, Reva is a former Jedi. She must have been surviving by living rough on the streets (hence the reference to being rescued from the gutter) when the inquisitorius found her.

I know that getting shot or stabbed -- never mind getting cut in half -- doesn't automatically result in death in the Star Wars universe, but I am curious to see how the Grand Inquisitor survives. He obviously has to come back, since he is the primary antagonist of season 1 of Rebels. And since Reva is the new inquisitor, she's probably going to be the only one who dies on this show -- but will it be at Obi-Wan's hand or the Grand Inquisitor's? He's certainly not going to take being stabbed by her lying down (other than literally).

The Fifth Brother also survives through to Rebels, while the Fourth Sister has previously only appeared in comics.
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I know that getting shot or stabbed -- never mind getting cut in half -- doesn't automatically result in death in the Star Wars universe, but I am curious to see how the Grand Inquisitor survives. He obviously has to come back, since he is the primary antagonist of season 1 of Rebels. And since Reva is the new inquisitor, she's probably going to be the only one who dies on this show -- but will it be at Obi-Wan's hand or the Grand Inquisitor's?
A third, loudly-breathing option is possibly more likely.

Is your 4 year old Force sensitive?

Because that likely explains it.
Unfortunately, no. Fingers crossed Hogwarts doesn't let us down.

Slightly more serious, I doubt the force is the issue because Obi-wan probably would have picked up on that. Instead it's likely just the limitation of finding a good actress for the role. She's great at all the parts that really matter. Having the grown ups look a little slow during the chase scenes is just the cost of doing business.


Unfortunately, no. Fingers crossed Hogwarts doesn't let us down.

Slightly more serious, I doubt the force is the issue because Obi-wan probably would have picked up on that. Instead it's likely just the limitation of finding a good actress for the role. She's great at all the parts that really matter. Having the grown ups look a little slow during the chase scenes is just the cost of doing business.
It did look a little comical, I agree, but they do also show her making good use of her small size to slip through spaces the adults can't easily follow. She's obviously more familiar with the terrain (it being her backyard and all) than they are.

The Alderaanian royal family clearly doesn't put much stock in security, though, if kidnappers can get that close to their home and steal the royal heir away with very little trouble.

Slightly more serious, I doubt the force is the issue because Obi-wan probably would have picked up on that. Instead it's likely just the limitation of finding a good actress for the role. She's great at all the parts that really matter. Having the grown ups look a little slow during the chase scenes is just the cost of doing business.

Don't trust Obi-wan's reactions to anything relating to the Force at this point, as it is implied that he has not used it in nearly 10 years. Just look at the scene where he barely catches Leia after she falls. And it looked like he only knew there were Inquisitors because he saw them, not because he sensed them. But with his connection to the Force so weak, he is also hard to be detect. After all, if he were at full strength, do we think he could have just stood there and not be sensed by the Inquisitors when they were confronting Lars?

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