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Of Wealth and Taste [OOC] [Accepting Alts]


A question, in the FRCS, there is a potion belt that lets you draw potions as a free action once per round. Could I switch it to a wand belt that lets me draw a wand as a free action once per round.

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First Post
Yes, a wand belt should be completely fine.

And Isida, bear in mind that the factions are still there after the Faction War - their roles are just somewhat changed. If that is still your answer, that is of course fine, but I just thought I should point out that post-Faction War Planescape doesn't mean 'no factions', It just means 'different factions'.

Isida Kep'Tukari

Ya, I know about the different factions, but pre-faction war they had a little more direct power and ability to cause chaos. :D

On a different note, there's a very good psionics book that's also available in the inexpensive PDF form. It's called Hyperconsciousness, and it's put out by Malhavoc Press. Thought you'd like to check it out, because it has some interesting psionic feats, powers, and items. ;)


I plan to go with a 30 point buy - what's the deadline on character creation?

Personally I'm a pre-faction war kinda guy. BTW I think Dragon recently published PrCs for each of the factions ...

Githyanki? Hmmm ... I was just beginning to get enthusiastic about a monk though ... Have been playing with the idea of a monk/soulknife multiclass - anybody think that works? Alternatively a warforged monk/ranger feels kind of interesting.

Isida Kep'Tukari

Vestra Morger
Female Elan Psion (Nomad) 5/ Chronorebel 6

Alignment: Neutral Good
Height: 5' 10''
Weight: 136lbs
Hair: Red
Eyes: Green
Age: 24
XP: 57,408

Str: 9 (-1)
Dex: 13 (+1)
Con: 13 (+1)
Int: 23 (+6) [+2 levels, +4 headband]
Wis: 13 (+1)
Cha: 11 (+0) [-2 racial]

Class and Racial Abilities: -2 Cha, Aberration (no darkvision), Medium size, naturally psionic (+2 power points), resistance (can spend 1 power point to gain +4 racial bonus to saving throws until next action), resilience (can reduce damage by 2 for every 1 power point she spends), repletion (can spend 1 power point and not need to eat or drink for 24 hours). Psionic powers, bonus feats, psychoportation discipline. Timeless 1/day, causal loop and slow light latency, prescience +1, precognition +1, backslip.

Hit Dice: 5d4 + 6d6 + 11
HP: 41
AC: 11 (+1 Dex)
Init: +1 (+1 Dex)
Speed: 30ft (40ft. when psionically focused)

Fortitude +6 [+3 base, +1 Con, +2 cloak]
Reflex +8 [+6 base, +1 Dex, +2 cloak]
Will +8 [+6 base, +1 Wis, +2 cloak]

BAB/Grapple: +6/+5
Melee Atk: +5 (1d6-1/x2/B, club)
Ranged Atk: +8 (1d10+1/19-20/x2/120 ft./P, +1 deep crystal heavy crossbow, can spend 2 power points as free action to give additional +2d6 damage)

Concentration +15 [14 ranks, +1 Con]
Craft (tattooing) +14 [8 ranks, +6 Int]
Diplomacy +8 [8 ranks, +0 Con]
Knowledge (history) +10 [4 ranks, +6 Int]
Knowledge (psionics) +19 [13 ranks, +6 Int]
Knowledge (Inner Planes) +14 [8 ranks, +6 Int]
Knowledge (Outer Planes) +14 [8 ranks, +6 Int]
Psicraft +18 [10 ranks, +6 Int, +2 synergy]
Speak Language [5 ranks]

Extend Power (1st level)
Speed of Thought (psion bonus 1st level)
Scribe Tattoo (3rd level)
Enduring Tattoo (psion bonus 5th level)
Expanded Knowledge (body adjustment) (6th level)
Permanent Tattoo (9th level)

Languages: Abyssal, Aquan, Aquan, Auran, Celestial, Common, Elven, Giant, Infernal, Terran

Powers Known
Save DC +6 – Power points available – 120
Psychoportaion powers (+1 DC from torc), time-related powers (+1 DC from temporal focus)
1st - deceleration, defensive precognition, know direction and location, offensive precognition, slow light, teleport auxiliary
2nd – dimension swap, energy push, psionic identify, specified energy adaptation
3rd – astral caravan, body adjustment, causal loop, telekinetic force, telekinetic thrust, time hop.
4th – psionic dimension door, psionic dimensional anchor, psionic fly, psionic freedom of movement.
5th – baleful teleport, psionic plane shift, psionic teleport, teleport trigger.

Headband of Intellect +4 – 16,000gp
Psionicatrix of psychoportation – 8,000gp
Permanent crawling tattoo of telekinetic thrust (manifester level 10th, augmented to 10 pp spent, can move up to 500 lbs, DC 20, uses four slots) – 750gp, 60 XP
Permanent psychic tattoo of body adjustment (manifester level 9th, augmented to 9pp, cures 3d12 damage per day, uses four slots) – 675gp, 54 XP
Permanent crawling tattoo of time hop (manifester level 8th, DC 21, uses four slots) – 800gp, 64 XP
Permanent psychic tattoo of psionic dimension door (manifester level 8th, uses four slots) – 800gp, 64 XP
Permanent psychic tattoo of psionic teleport (manifester level 10th, uses four slots) – 1,250gp, 100 XP
Rainbow prism ioun stone (5 power points per day, regenerates) – 16,000gp
Masterwork tattooing tools – 55gp
+1 deep crystal heavy crossbow – 3,350gp
30 bolts – 3gp
Belt of adaptation (as per necklace) – 9,000gp
Sandals of the Winterlands – 2,500gp
Vest of resistance +2 – 4,000gp
Backpack – 2gp
Deluxe bedroll – 1gp
Belt pouch – 1gp
Everburning torch – 110gp
Soap 2lbs – 1gp
Brightly patterned winter blanket – 1gp
3 square yards of oiled canvas – 3sp
Traveler’s outfit (free)
Club – 0gp

28gp, 7sp, 400gp silver pearl, 1,000gp diamond, 2,000gp star sapphire

Appearance: Vestra is a tall, and incredibly thin woman with long, straight red hair. She tends to wear it long and loose, or occasionally tied back, and it reaches nearly to her knees when unbound. Her skin is pale, and sprinkled with freckles, as well as elaborate tattoos that cover her shoulders, arms, hands, collarbone, neck, sides, hips, legs, and feet in flowing, abstract designs in colors of deep blue, brown, and red. She tends to wear vests, short trousers, and sandals in order to show off her tattoos.

Personality: Vestra is a curious individual, driven to find out what knowledge she can about the mysteries of the multiverse. With her long life ahead of her, she has developed an obsession with the study of time and space, and seeks out new ways to manipulate so that the mistakes of the past will not be repeated. Vestra enjoys the challenge of experiencing knowledge first hand, and can often be found in the strangest of places. She has gained a deep love of travel, and loves nothing more than to find a new place to explore. However, her experience with time has also gained her a healthy dose of caution, particularly not to do something that history will remember as foolish.

Background: Vestra was born Kilee Ishram, a daughter of a sheep farmer in the highlands. She worked twenty years in the trade, having no way or means to leave her village. While her parents were kind, and her older sister and brother decent, Kilee often felt that she was capable of being more than a sheep farmer’s daughter. It was the arrival of bard in their small village that brought Kilee’s latent desire and talent to life. The bard spoke of tales of hidden power, and magic stranger than Kilee had ever seen.

Kilee sought out the bard, to ask him about some of her own childhood experiences. She could recall being the only child to be able to hide in the berry patch yet come out without a scratch. Another time she was butted by one of the rams in breeding season, and while she was flung across the field, she was not even hurt. The bard was intrigued by her tales, and spoke to her of some people in the highest mountains that knew of the powers she spoke of.

Still a bit uncertain, it took Kilee nearly a month to work up the courage to leave, and finally left her town and family in the night, going with the bard to the strange and mysterious north. On the way there, the bard spoke of the people called the élans, strange people that were not born, but bound themselves to humans that wished a new life. Elans could greatly help those with gifts like Kilee, and the young woman was intrigued.

At the élan enclave, Kilee was tested and questioned, taught and tempered to see if she was able to become one of them. The sheep farmer’s daughter did remarkably well, and two months after she came to them, Kilee was reborn as Vestra Morger. She learned to master her new powers of the mind, energized and empowered by her new existence. Applying herself to the knowledge she had never known in her small village, Vestra has set out into the world to explore it to the fullest.

In her time exploring, she has seen many planes, and met many strange individuals. Learning to use her powers over space to put herself anywhere she cares to, Vestra eagerly travels beyond the next hill, the next corner, to the farthest mountain, and beyond. It was during her travels when she realized that she had been traveling longer than most of the people of her village lived. This seemingly simple fact caused a deep revelation in her, a realization that she had spent so much time studying space, but not its fundamental underpinnings of time. She had so much more time now as an elan, and she should use it wisely to explore all dimensions of her specialty.

Her deep studies of time have unlocked curious powers within her mind, as well as expertise with her powers of that nature. She feels she is coming closer and closer to a revelation of some sort, and is eagerly traipsing the planes seeking its source.
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First Post
Wow, that's a lot of posting since I last looked at this thread. :eek:

Just to say, I'm considering a human rogue character (boring I know, what what can you do? I need skill points, damn it! :p ) who's going to (hopefully) be the skill-bunny of the group. Eluvan, if you're not using action points, there's no need to worry about changing the Extreme Explorer on my account; I'll just build a straight rogue geared more towards exploring than towards thieving. There is one relatively minor thing I'd like to ask you, however. I'd like to use the Variant Rogue from Unearthed Arcana. I know the book isn't one of the ones you have, but the variation is simple; the rogue trades sneak attack for bonus feats. That is to say, whenever the normal rogue gains +1d6 sneak attack, the variant rogue gets 1 bonus feat. It seems to fit better for an explorer (saving throw feats, here I come! :p ) than sneak attack. Let me know if that's OK; if not, I'll just go with regular rogue.


P.S.- Oh, and I'm going to use the 30 pt buy method. :)

Edit (seems easier to edit this post than post again..)
If we're talking about what we enjoy about Planescape and Sigil, for me it's the wealth of potential; the fact that at any moment, if you're unlucky, you may find yourself whisked away to another plane. Plus, it's the diversty - the fact that fiends rub shoulder with celestials, clueless, bariur, people, animals and just plain things of all shapes, sizes, colours and genders. I personally cast my vote for pre-faction war, as well; it's just so much *fun* back then!

Oh, and on another rules note (sorry about this, but I figure I'd better get it all out of the way), are the following feats alright:

1) Luck of Heroes (I know it's PGtF, which I think you said you had, but since it's a regional feat, I wanted to check.)
2) Improved Toughness (This one's Complete Warrior. When you take it, it gives you 1 hp for every level you have, and gives you +1hp per level you gain after. It's like improving your Con by 2 for hit points only, and since I'm thinking my explorer's going to be a bit rough and ready, more hp is always good!)
3) Nymph's Kiss (Because it's a very good feat, I wanted to check with you first. My rogue's going to be CG, so he's an OK alignment for it, but it is a bit of a cheesy feat. I hesitate to take it, but I need all the skill points I can get.)

And here's a little on my character so far...

The odd human who calls himself Davian the Curious has become a fairly common sight in Sigil of late. He generally rents out rooms at a good inn for an extended period, then up and vanishes one day, often for weeks, without a word. Later, he re-appears in Sigil - often torn and bloody, his clothes ripped to shreds and fresh scars upon his body, clutching a sack/box/statue/whatever tightly. He seems to be some sort of roving procurer of treasures for anyone who'll comission him, though he's been noted to be a little picky when it comes to the less savoury inhabitants of Sigil. Why anyone would want to keep doing a job that gets you mangled, burnt, sprayed with acid, stabbed, poisoned and so on on a regular basis is anyone's guess. When questioned about it, Davian says he likes the excitement.

Davian's almost exactly 6 feet tall, and has dark hair which ranges from short and a little unruly to long and tied back in a loose ponytail. Davian dresses neatly in Sigil, and is always clean shaven, though a 5 o'clock shadow appears with surprising speed when he's roughing it for any meaningful period of time. He dresses in very..utalitarian clothes; the sort of nondescript clothes you have several dozen copies made of so that you don't mind so much when *another* shirt is ruined by hideous death traps that were set when the world was young. Davian's quite wiry, and very quick. (a useful asset in his line of work.) He wears a mithral chain shirt - somewhat battered now, and often repaired - under a waistcoat, under which he wears a shirt. Under the clothes, Davian has a considerable number of interesting scars and burns, though less than you might expect considering the danger of his job. Davian doesn't carry many weapons, just a few daggers and a light crossbow, and tries to avoid combat; it's really not his speciality. If you want tombs breached, pyramids explored or ancient temples investigated though, Davian's your man.

I'm still chewing over his history at the moment, and I'll hold off posting what I have of his stats until I know about the feats and whatnot. I have a feeling this is going to be fun... :D

PS- Heeey, lens of detection. Davian's going to have a monocle! :lol:
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First Post
Okay - Isida, looks good! Coming along very nicely indeed. I know you said it's work in progress and all that, but just one thing - are your skills fixed at the moment? From your history it seems as if you should have some ranks in Knowledge (the Planes). I knwo that under the 3E rules at Planewalker.com that skill is broken into a seperate specialization for each plane, but to me that seems too harsh. I think you could simply take it as Knowledge (Inner Planes) and Knowledge (Outer Planes), and that would do just fine as far as I'm concerned. The headband of intellect complicates your skills, since you might have more than you do if you've had it for a while. I wouldn't be averse to giving yo the benefit of the doubt and giving you, say, another three levels worth of benefit from it (giving you six extra skill ranks), particularly if they were to be spent on those knowledge skills.

Synchronicity: That variant looks fine - but are you sure you want to take it? It will pretty much kill all your damage dealing potential, and reduce you to nothing but a skill monkey. You can take it if you really want, but I would tend to discourage it because it will kill your effectiveness. Luck of Heroes is fine. Take it at first level, just as if you were an FR character, and I have no problem with it. Improved Toughness is fine, assuming that Toughness is a prerequisite? Nymph's Kiss is a wildly overpowered feat... but I'll let you have it, so long as you realise the implications. Firstly, it's an exalted feat. That means that you must hold yourself to exalted standards of behaviour. If you don't knwo exactly what that means, read the first chapter of the BoED again. If you violate the strictest codes of goodness (we're talking paladin level of purity, though of course as a chaotic good character you won't necessarily have the same sense of honour as a paladin) then you'll lose the feat and it won't be coming back any time in a hurry, and nor will anything replace it. Also, it means that you have to stay on good terms with your nymph/dryad girlfriend. Visit her regularly, be good to her, don't cheat on her (that probably counts as violating the exalted descriptor anyway), and remember above all that she's a thinking, sentient being and that if she has cause to break it off with you, you lose all benefits of the feat (though skill points will not be retroactively lost). If you're prepared to accept all that, then I'll let you take the feat (a nymph or dryad NPC would be cool anyway :)).

Anyway - seems like we're talking pre-faction war, in an alternate multiverse with no faction war on the horizon, based in Sigil, with a focus on exploration and adventuring with the odd touch of political intrigue and a twist of tough moral choice. Sounds fun to me!


First Post
I've found if I juggle my skills a little, I can get by without Nymph's Kiss, which is probably just as well. ;) As for the other things..I know that giving up sneak attack will render me all but useless in a fight, but it just doesn't seem right for an explorer type to have sneak attack. I realise I'm nerfing my fighting ability by taking that variant, but it just seems like the right thing to do for the character I have in mind. There's not really any middle ground for rogues, and that's sort of tricky. I still would like to take that variant, and just hope that the others can make up for my combat ineptitude. Oh, as for Improved Toughness, it's only prerequisite is Base Fort save of at least +2. You don't need to take Toughness first (which is good, 'cause it's a dire feat). Let me know if that makes it too good.


First Post
No, Improved Toughness is still fine I think. It just does what Toughness always should have.

I must admit I now find myself rather disappointed that you won't be taking Nymph's Kiss - I was looking forward to having your nymph lover put you on a tight leash... :D
(not, not like that you pervert)

As for the UA variant - well, okay, but on your head be it. If you just want to use that, I'm not going to stop you. But it seems to me like an expolorer custom class would be better off going from the starting point of a ranger. I wouldn't be averse to giving a ranger 8 skill points/level and the trapfinding and uncanny dodge abilities and put UMD, Open Lock and Find Trap on his class list at the cost of his spellcasting, animal companion, wild empathy, cpncentration, handle animal, and favoured enemy. It seems like that would suit your concept better, and it means you could still be handy in a fight. What do you think?

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