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Off to War (always recruiting) OCC Year 2:


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Hey Holyman, room for one more?

I was on the fence as to whether to join another game. My first, of which Myth is also a player, is moving agonisingly slowly and I need to fill up my working day somehow... Without working.

What swung it for me totally is the grammar conversation. I'm English and I love the English language; I'm even doing an English Literature degree right now!

I promise to spellcheck every post ;-)

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Thy wounds are healed!
Welcome Scratched_back (may I call you Sb?? plz call me HM)

Whose posts were you planning on checking?(not mine I hope as everyone knows my grammar and spelling rank at about 3rd grade lvl.)

If you have been following you know we are in a little battle so fitting you in should be NP lots of unnamed faces in the mix. If you are "on the fence" as to what to play I can tell you that after this battle the group will split and it looks like so far I have..

Group 1: going to join back up with the army and stay around Harkon
Aidan (incase Theroc shows up)

Group2: headed into the elven forest where humans shouldn't go

Any new characters that join before I start the newest side quest will probably end up in Group 2 and 5 PC's is good for what I have planned (have an NPC Tira but if there are 5 then she need not do alot to stand out, as it should be)

So think of a concept and when you wish to jump in and we can start you on your road to doing something at work (hey ML did I use your right in that sentence?? LOL :p)

Again welcome to our little game.



First Post
Welcome, Scratched_back! Always good to see a new person interested.

(Are you serious the little thing about the grammar and spelling brought you on board? :eek: )

Group2: headed into the elven forest where humans shouldn't go

Any new characters that join before I start the newest side quest will probably end up in Group 2 and 5 PC's is good for what I have planned (have an NPC Tira but if there are 5 then she need not do alot to stand out, as it should be)

Okay, I'm going to voice my skepticism on this... Why would these other people need to go into the elven lands with me? For one, the less that come, the better. Secondly, Jareth doesn't exactly want company. Especially not from Lurik... No offense, Gondsman, but Lurik has already gotten on Jareth's nerves (not hard, I know, but it would just make things a lot rougher IC). The duskblade might be able to tolerate Marko and Malaroc, having had little interaction with them, or none in the case of Malaroc, but it would probably get a little troublesome. Jareth will really see this as his own personal business and these others as intruders.

I understand wanting to include others in the side quests, HM, but if they do not have a (good) reason, it will feel tacked-on. Wasn't part of the purpose of this game to allow many people to do many different things? Trying to shoehorn extra people into a situation may be too difficult for both the characters and you as the DM.


Thy wounds are healed!
NP there DW you do plan on having Jareth leave on his own (If I even allow that, I have something sneaky planned there. :devil:).

Now either you will:

a) tell everyone you are leaving (or disappear) and not to where, and I have Rizella let it slip, which leads to the afore mention people chasing after you for one reason or another.

b) you tell everyone you are going to meet up with Tira to save Tharivol and you will be back later, which leads to the afore mentioned people following because it is dangerous and once they are there well they are there :p

c) you leave and I have a secert DM reason that has to do with the overall campaign as to why the afore mentioned people are sent chasing after you. - This reason can not be explained at this time just trust me I have been working on it for months now and it will be another great twist. Come on have I let anyone down so far.

But you are correct if anyone else joins in the campaign it is guard duty for them till I can figure something out. May need an IC and two side adventures.



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I was only joking about the grammar... I'm not going to be some sort of Grammar Nazi stinking up your game, hahah. Sometimes it's just nice to hear that the little things that annoy me annoy others, too ;-)

I'm going to read through all the house rules and stuff today and hopefully have a character ready to jump in this time tomorrow.

HM, I already have an idea for a character, I may PM you later about it as there seems to be a lot of scope for personalising a PC here, cool.

Myth and Legend

First Post
Interesting develipment. Both Lora and Jareth are hard to deal with and not overly friendly, yet there never was a "clash of the angry titans" between them. They seem to tolerate each other pretty well. But Lurlik, who Gondsman portrays as Sheldon Cooper on steroids, is getting on both of these character's nerves :D

Ain't we a colourful bunch! :)


First Post
England is the only English speaking country in Europe,

Close but no banana. England is actual part of the United Kingdom, which consists of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Non of the later three consider themselves part of England but all speak English. Then we have Eire (southern Ireland), which is definitely not part of the UK. Finally, there are the Channel Islands, the Isle of Mann and Gibraltar, which although British protectorates, are separate countries.

Sorry for nitpicking but there is a lot of history tied up in the about. Most of which would make "Off to War" look like a walk in the park.

Finally it can be noted that all the English speaking countries (except for Gibraltar) are part of the British Isles, which is a geographic not a political entity.

Posted by Ghostcat, who now expects himself to be flamed for getting some of the details wrong :)
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Myth and Legend

First Post
Dang it ghostcat you know what I meant! :) So he Isle of Man is a separate country? I'm curious as i've read some nice folk tales and myths from the IOM (actually published in this book) To me, if these guys are making your laws, defending your borders, building your libraries and kindergartens, they are your government, and as such it's the same country. Especially since there are no borders between Wales, England and Scotland. I should know, I travelled around the UK in fall 2008. So don't argue semantics :) I do admit Ireland is a separate country, but they have their Gaelic as well (which i love as a language).


First Post
I do know what you mean Myth. But as I say, there is a lot of history and no true Scotsman, Welshman or Irishman would let you get away with saying England is the only European country that speaks English.

As far as the IoM is concerned its a separate country. It has its own parliament and does not elect members to the UK parliament. This is different from Wales and Scotland, which although their have there own government, their scopes are limited and both countries elect members for the UK parliament.

Myth and Legend

First Post
Yes the people living in Great Britain are different ethnicities with their own cultures and history. I sitll view it as a signle country and call it England (simply because in Bulgarian we just call it Anglia /Англия/). I do understand the differences however.

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