Off to War (always recruiting) OCC Year 2:


Thy wounds are healed!
Let me know when the changes are fixed Zerith and just have an advanced Learning sblock and add the two spells in and say that they are bonus. Then when you get others just list the level you got it at.

I am set for the linguist nobleman to meet the poor farmer boy lol and then send you both out on a little grander adventure (probably accompanied by a gnoll).


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First Post
Well, I think it is now fixed and I'm ready :3

Also, I forgot the gold (that is in pockets on the inside of a buttoned up coat, not in some easily removed/stolen coin purse, he is a noble, not stupid :p) so he is relay at 5.5Lb load (14 gold coins, 10 silver and 5 copper)

Btw, is cut Currency used in this RP? (Ie, a Coin (Silver and up) cut into halfs or quarters)

Addon: what thread should I poke into, the "Off to War - Duet (Gareth)" one? :3
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Thy wounds are healed!
No cut currency whatever that is. And no we are headed back to the Off to War camp thread where they will need a translator. ;)



Thy wounds are healed!
@ AFg so long as you take no strenuous activity after your 4 hours of meditation you will be ready to prepare spells. Interruption/combat/spell casting means a start over from the top ( I believe) with four hours needed.

Also there is broken pieces of wood all around as the Reavers once use to live in these caves and remnants are left behind (what was being used as torches). Also the make shift nightstand could be burnt.



First Post
well, depending on the time frame and area, two haves of a coin was worth as much as one coin (as the coin was worth only it's weight in the substance it was made from, unlike today's Fiat currency, basically, if you want to buy something that is 5 Sp and all you have are gold coins, and the person you're buying it from (somhow) can't make change, cut the gold coin in half and then either half is worth the 5 SP) There are even coin desions that have goves made in them from the start to make it easier. :3

Any ways, when will the thread be ready for me to post in it?


Thy wounds are healed!
I am looking that over along with Lord Alexander.

Adding your lvl up post the character sheet is something I wanted to avoid. But now my poor RG is a mess LOL I wanted the character post to be like a full character sheet and the extra post to be for lvl ups and a journal spot.

Well I guess this was all before I knew about sblocks and the characters were done in code.

Only thing I see is you didn't list the class of the 2nd lvl but it assumes Wizard. If you wish to multiclass at some point it will be necessary.

LVL ups approved jackslate45 now to work on another lvl (had one player make it 4 lvls in a yr).

[MENTION=99953]Zerith[/MENTION] Lord Alexander looks go to go.



First Post
so he is assumed to have already joined then? All right, I can work with that :3

Hmm, this might end up being large depending on how much time I'm given ^_^

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