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Once Upon a Rheim (Erekose13 Judging)


Nodis, male human shaper, AC 16, HP 21/21, PP 13/17

ooc: [sblock]Yes, since focus is so easy to get back while not in combat I´ve always played that you get it back after each encounter, maybe with an IC comment ("Nodis rests for a moment after destroying the skeletons, trying to recover his mental strenght"); I should have clarified it at the start of the thread.[/sblock]

White strands of smoke like substance coalesce in the form of a winged, faceless humanoid with large wings and long legs. The thing immediately starts chasing the girl, trying to hold her on it´s arms, while at the same time Nodis leaves the reins to Lupic and too runs afer the thieves.

ooc: [sblock]The construct can appear 35 feet in front of Nodis (Close range with a manifester level of 4), and then charges or, if unable to, runs after the girl, using the most advantageous mode of movement. I think the girl is unarmed and can´t (shouldn´t, actually) make AoOs; if so, the construct´preferred method of attack will be grappling. Nodis runs too so he doesn´t lose the thieves.

Stats already include cosen Menu options.

2ND-LEVEL ASTRAL CONSTRUCT; Medium Construct; Hit Dice: 2d10+20(31 hp); Initiative: +2; Speed: 50 ft. (10 squares), Fly 20 (average); Armor Class: 18 (+2 Dex, +6 natural), touch 12, flat-footed 16; Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+4; Attack: Slam +4 melee (1d6+4); Full Attack: Slam +4 melee (1d6+4); Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.; Special Qualities: Construct traits, darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Saves: Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +0; Abilities: Str 17, Dex 15, Con —, Int —, Wis 11, Cha 10.[/sblock]

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The man with the probe
OOC: Yes, I generaly assume you have focus to start an encounter unless you've spent it somehow, though It's good to mention that you go about recovering it or gaining it at the start of the day.

El Jefe

First Post
Erekose13 said:
Hiriloce responds quickly to Oirhandir's command switching directions smoothly. It heads directly towards the young boy as the crowds scatter. It is easy to over take him on horse back. He lashes out with his whip but it is difficult to catch his target with so many bystanders...

In front of Oirhandir though two tougher looking customers actually take a stand. Whether accomplices or protecting a possible innocent from some high and mighty noble (as Oirhandir might appear to some) it is completely unknown. They say nothing but are carrying clubs.
Seeing the two men brandishing clubs, Oirhandir was unsure whether they were accomplices or merely dupes. He stared into their eyes, pointed at the boy, and shouted, "Thief! Thief! Stop him!" The elf rode hard after the boy, intent on stopping him, provided it could be done without harming innocents.[sblock=More Strategy: ]Oirhandir will base his actions on the response of the toughs. If they aid him or simply let him pass, he will continue to attempt a Trip attack on the boy (the whip has a 15' range increment, not 10' as I mentioned in my last post).

If the men continue to oppose him, he will simply attempt to ride around them while maintaining his pursuit. If they move to block his passage, he will attempt a mounted Overrun. The boy is still the main target; he will only return to deal with the thugs if the boy escapes.[/sblock]


[Round 3]

Nodis' flying construct manifests halfway down the alley and nicely out of public eye. Given that the girl is near cover but not completely obscured, the construct is able to charge her. She does not have a weapon and thus the thing tries to grab her and hold her in place. Its grab is not the best, but it does the trick holding the thief in place.

Kali gets to the end of the line of balconies without slipping or missing a jump. She is now in a position to slide down the pipe to where the girl is being held by Nodis' construct. Looking around the corner she spies two larger men carrying clubs moving in the direction of the girl.

Hiriloce attempts to move out around the two toughs at Oirlandir's command but they move to intercept. Ignoring them, he pushes his mount through intent on the boy. The two dive out of the way as Oirlander plows through. He lashes out with his whip and this time it finds its mark. The boy falls to the ground not 10' from the stomping hooves of the horse.

Lupic has both his and Nodis' horse. He spots the additional comotion about 30ft away where two toughs have been bowled out of the way by Oirlander. They look to be regaining their footing though.

The first youth tries to get up and flee but only ends up scrambling a few feet away in a half-run half-crawl.

The girl tries to escape from Nodis' construct but is unable to.

The two toughs on either side of Oirlander move in to try and flank the mounted bard. One manages to smash his club into Oirlander's left arm which is holding the reigns. He hangs on as the other misses.

The two other toughs in the alley charge the construct. One manages to connect with it's club, while the other misses.

[sblock=OOC]Damage Recap:
Oirlander: 6
Nodis' Construct: 6[/sblock]


"They´ll have to do quite better to destroy the puppet" thinks Nodis. "And by the time they manage it, it´ll be gone anyway. I hope they are just citizens, and not thieves, too".

Nodis walks towards the girl. "Give the money back!" shouts, mentally directing the construct to just hold her "Or that thing will squeeze you. I warn, it´s quite strong"

ooc:[sblock] Nodis just walks and speak. The construct readies an action to damage the girl if she tries to escape the grapple (grapple check +4, damage 1d3+3 non-lethal)[/sblock]

El Jefe

First Post
Oirhandir, Elven Bard 3, 9/15 hp

Erekose13 said:
The first youth tries to get up and flee but only ends up scrambling a few feet away in a half-run half-crawl.
Oirhandir decided that the two thugs must be partnered with the boy, and thus either of them would serve just as well to lead him to the girl, should she get away. He released the boy, and coiled his whip.
Erekose13 said:
The two toughs on either side of Oirlander move in to try and flank the mounted bard. One manages to smash his club into Oirlander's left arm which is holding the reigns. He hangs on as the other misses.
Thinking that he should play to his strengths, Oirhandir rode away from the men, lashing out with his whip to keep them at bay. He kept a watchful eye on both men, lest they try to melt into the crowd. "First a spell to ease my pain", thought the bard, "Then you will learn how a pincusion feels!"[sblock=Rules Stuff: ]Oirhandir will release the boy from the trip attack and Withdraw from the men. If he can do so without provoking an AoO, he'll Withdraw in the direction of Lupic. Hiriloce is at medium encumbrance, which limits his move to 40', and his maximum Withdraw movement to 80'. Since there's a slim possibility these guys are barbarians, Oirhandir will take all the movement that Hiriloce can give him, provided that doesn't take him out of line of sight to the men.

Plans for the next turn are Cure Light Wounds on himself, followed by some mounted archery.[/sblock]


First Post
Erekose13 said:
[Round 3]

Lupic has both his and Nodis' horse. He spots the additional comotion about 30ft away where two toughs have been bowled out of the way by Oirlander. They look to be regaining their footing though.

Seeing that Oirlander has gotten into trouble, Lupic will drop the reins and move to his aid as fast as possible. He will charge and attempt to grapple one of the toughs. "You no hurt Lupic's friend!"



Kali reaches the end of the balcony and looks down to see the girl caught and 4 thugs coming to ensure their cut is safe.

"Oirhandir! Are we going to play rough too now?" she calls out to the elf.

Still standing upon the balcony she takes advantage of her position and draws he bow and nocks an arrow.

OOC:[sblock] I'll wait for Oirhandir's reply to dicate what Kali does next [/sblock]

El Jefe

First Post
Fenris said:
"Oirhandir! Are we going to play rough too now?"
From out of sight down the alley, Oirhandir heard what sounded like Kali's voice, asking some sort of question. "Now would be a good time for that spell that sends a message", he thought, "Too bad I don't have time to use it right now." Not understanding the lass completely, he called back to her: "Kali, be careful! The boy and girl have big, ugly, friends!"
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Voidrunner's Codex

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