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OOC - Mad King's Monkey (Thread Closed)


The Oracles work a little like fate points - they give you the player a means to alter the story to your advantage at times during the game. I'll try and get an example of them in play up in the next day or so.

Don't worry about the Oracles too much at this point. We don't need them for character generation. Lets get the party sorted so we can crack on.


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First Post
So I have the first draft of the background. I just don't have a name yet. Oh and Class is Sorcerer (Sage Archetype)

[sblock=Background]<-> never knew his parents. he doesn't even remember his Aunty Anifar. Anifar was the local "bag lady", she was usually seen wondering round the neighbourhood routing through the garbage looking for food and things that she can sell. Ten one day Anifar started to carry a infant on her back. The watch never found were the child came from. Despite extensive check there was no missing child of the the right sex and age. Anifar would only say if was her sister's son. So <-> continued to live with his aunt. As he grow older he was often seen toddling down the street routing in garbage alongside his aunt. One day, when <-> about 2 years old, he was found wondering about on his own. When the watch checked, Anifar was found dead in the hovel where the pair slept.

The local watch sergeant, Febion, and his wife, Marleon, are childless and they decided to adopted orphan <->. Marleon is a chief librarian and she used to take <-> with her to work. <-> was fascinated by books and learnt to ready by the time he was three. By the time he was eight he could read three languages and has he grow older he master two more. Now what Marleon didn't know was that <-> had found his way into the restricted stack and, while he was revolted by what he read, he felt that it was best that he understand the beings that were likely to become his enemy, so taught himself the languages of the abyss and the hells.

Meanwhile Febion had been trying to teach <-> the martial arts but without much success.Not only was <-> physically weak but he had absolutely no aptitude or interest in becoming a fighter. This all changed when <-> entered puberty and started to display strange powers. As a watch commander, Febion was well connected and contacted most ow the town's magic users trying to get <-> help in controlling his powers. Unfortunately no one could help. While it was generally agreed that <-> displaying sorcerous powers, it was also well known that sorcers used the power of their personality to control their magic. However, <-> was a bookworm and just didn't have the personality that the power that he displayed said he should have. Instead <-> went back to his beloved books and worked things out for himself. [/sblock]


Doghead does knowledge about the Netherworld come under the Knowledge(Planes) skill or does it have a skill of its own?

It will be its own skill. I don't expect there to be any Planes stuff. I don't have any Planes material, or know anything about the Planes really. They are probably still there, but in an E6 game, its probably fairly safe to say that mortals would rarely ever go there. Or would it? I don't really know.



Ghostcat, I don't have any problems with the character background at this stage. Just be aware some adjustment might be necessary to fit the characters together as a group. However, what you have so far seems to be flexible enough that it shouldn't be too much of an issue.


Electric Wizard

First Post
I'm kind of late to the party, but this setting is intriguing and it's been too long since I've gamed.

Right now I'm considering making a talented young thief who liberated a small exotic box from a shady merchant. He has become obsessed with this box over the months he has kept it. A complex geometric pattern is inlaid into its lid, and it emits a faint aroma that he considers "yellowish". Although the box seems to be made of bone, it is as resilient as steel. It holds something heavy. He has tried to pick the lock in every conceivable way but has failed. His frustration opening the box has driven him to wander the Netherworld in search of answers.

Feel free to comment on the background, and let me know when you want the character sheet. Thanks!
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Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
What classes have we so far?
electric wizard: a talented young thief who liberated a small exotic box
me: possible bard or wizard
Axel: Paladin
Fangor the Fierce: skill monkey rogue
Ghostcat: Sorcerer (Sage)
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First Post
Sorry for my longish absence. Had a post yesterday that got eaten by WiFi...

My thoughts on bringing the party together: We are childhood friends that have haven't seen each other for over 5 years and either (a) bump into each other by (extreme/divine) chance in a city one day, or (b) catch up at a mutual event, like the funeral and wake of a mentor.

For what it's worth, I'm really struggling with a character for this one...too many ideas! Current plan, and I think I'll stick with it, is Paladin 1. Brief synopsis (to be fleshed out later today):

- Orphaned at a young age, left "churchy schooly thing" at around 15 angry at the world for parents death.
- Joined Imperial Army, rose to roughly sergeant/command of 10 within 3 years.
- Left the army for "personal reasons" (he won't talk much about them, but I have a story here to bring out when needed).
- Joined one of the martial orders as a Hospitaller (Paladin variant).
- Devotes much of his life to charity work now.

Crunchy: Paladin (Hospitaller variant). Will take the divine bond (not the horse) if we ever reach level 5, and will probably stay Paladin to the end of the campaign.

Note: I prefer personality over crunch and "smooth" characters. This is my first Paladin in over a decade (real world time) that I think could be interesting. So...likely to be a few transgressions from "the code" etc... Paladins are people too!

Fangor the Fierce

First Post
I was looking to go with a rogue, a jack of all trades type. The kind that liked the idea of getting to see new places, make his mark on new paths, find hidden treasure, and get paid while doing it.

EDIT - To elaborate, this is the kind of guy that 'learns quickly' at something when shown how to do it a few times. He's not an overachiever, just likes to learn new things when appropriate. He tends to stick to things that require a little thinking, such as puzzles, traps, and locks. Mechanical in nature for the most part. He doesn't have an overly disposition to magic wielding, when it suits his needs. He just prefers to use what he can control, which is mechanical devices.

EDIT - Is it just me, or does anyone else have the problem that page four of this thread won't display? I have tried direct links to posts on that page, to editing the url to list that page, but no luck. I can't get page 4 to display!
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