• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!



American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
Franky, Male Halfling

To Percy, Fortin, and Lindal
"When the Horde Gatherer "Kog the Brutal" gathered some 300 years ago he trained his horde in ambushing and used it to great effect. Kog was originally trained by the Humanic Prince Braeus as a part of a special scout and skirmish squad during the Trollwars, and was used to harry troll scouts."

"It is said that Kog left the employ of Prince Braeus when the trolls offered him a better deal. More power and leadership. They tasked him with unifying the orks to help in their war with the Elves, Dwarves, and Humans in the area. This proved to be their undoing as Kog's ambition knew no limits. He turned on the Troll King Trankalis during the pivotal Battle of Three-Spell Forest and the king appropriately rended him into little pieces. The ork's did not notice what happened as it happened so fast and kept up the fight which nearly decimated both sides (orks and trolls). This allowed the civilzed races to retreat and regroup. They came back 4 days later to clean up what was left of Kog's Coup."

"Other hordes and tribes - goblin, ork, troll, and others throughout history have been good at ambushing and have utilized it as a core part of their strategem. Ambushes become less likely as their numbers grow becasue their confidence grows proportionally with their numbers."

"Given how organized they seemed to be in their attack of the caravan I would not dismiss an ambush all together. We may want to keep our eyes open for counter scouts."

Franky's smiles embarrassingly, realizing that he may have been talking to much. :eek: HE pulls out what is left of the Applewine, Velvet Cheese and bread and hands it out for eveyone to partake.
"I am thinking that we will soon need to hunt for food, unless we brought provisions. We can munch on what I have while we advance - no need to stop?"

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Fortin Human Fighter1

"Very well, then let's be quick about it. If you fear an ambush, perhaps you would be better suited than I to determine our tactics."


First Post
Voadam said:
"So lassie, tell me of yer magics. I saw the blasting that ye did, but I'm guessing there is more ye can do."

“Hmm, Friend dwarf? You wish to know of the Green Path? Very well! I can tell you what I know.” Felicity purses her lips a moment, pondering her next words. “The Green Path is about life in harmony with the natural world. There is an energy, life itself, swirling around us all the time.” She reaches up to grasp the smooth blue stone pendant around her neck, though she doesn’t realize she is fidgeting with it. “My mother, she taught me about the Green Path, and how to harness this energy and summon the natural spirits to aid me.”

She frowns now, trying to figure out how to communicate her innate knowledge in comprehensible words. “She taught me how to feel the latent energy in all things… like those flower buds we picked yesterday. Those moon flower buds soak in the cold light of the moon. Or how the fur or skin of animals hold a portion of that beast’s life within it. My magic taps in to that latent energy, releasing it.”

“Though I must admit, Friend Dagmar, I am often surprised. My mother, she could summon animals and beasts from the ether, and have them aid her in whatever she wished. When I try to summon such animals, all I get is… destruction.”

Now Felicity pounds her fist to her thigh, angry at some undefined, nebulous limitation within herself. “Actually I don’t understand my magic at all. Whenever I try one of the spells my mother used, I get something completely different. Never what I want! I want to help the spirits, to strengthen the Green Path! But instead, all I can do is shape these harmful energies! Oh Dagmar, I fear I’ll never be the Druid my mother was!”

At this Felicity hides her face in her hands, afraid to let Dagmar see her so upset. Eventually, after several deep breaths, she calms down enough to speak again.

“So… I use my spells as best I can, to further my journey along Green Path. I know I might not be a true Druid, like my mother, but I swear I will never give up the Path! I will not forsake my mother’s teachings, or her love for the natural world. She was slain by the Orc Horde, but the Green Path is a Path of righteousness and justice! All things eventually return to the earth, and with the gifts the Green has given me, I will hasten their journey!”

At this, Felicity raises her fist her fist in the air, shaking it with furious anger and vindiction. In her anger a faint shimmering miasma of pale yellow light begins to gather at around her hands, swirling and pulsing with energy. She seems unaware of how her anger manifests. Even when she lowers her fist and marches steadily on, points of light trail after her like swirling dust motes.

<<<Good job, Dagmar. You got her all worked up with what you thought was a simple question... now you've turned her into a raving psycopath! Hope she calms down before she blows a hole in the next Orc you encounter... but then, perhaps that wouldn't be so bad... :) >>>


First Post
scout989 said:
"Very well, then let's be quick about it. If you fear an ambush, perhaps you would be better suited than I to determine our tactics."

"How about I take a quick look ahead?" asked Lindal.


reddist said:

Now Felicity pounds her fist to her thigh, angry at some undefined, nebulous limitation within herself. “Actually I don’t understand my magic at all. Whenever I try one of the spells my mother used, I get something completely different. Never what I want! I want to help the spirits, to strengthen the Green Path! But instead, all I can do is shape these harmful energies! Oh Dagmar, I fear I’ll never be the Druid my mother was!”

At this Felicity hides her face in her hands, afraid to let Dagmar see her so upset. Eventually, after several deep breaths, she calms down enough to speak again.

"Er, ah, there there lassie. Think of it as a good thing, being yer own woman. If I was me ole da I'd be stuck in a mine hauling rocks day after day for decades. Its good solid work that allows ye to raise a big family but its not fer me an I'm done with that. Among the dwarves second sons often go out to make their own way among the world. Its a good thing to be yer own dwarf an have people rely upon ye for yerself, for the name ye have made for yerself."


First Post
Koric, Half-Orc Cleric of Pelor

"Our friend dwarf speaks true, young maiden. Being your own woman is a blessing to be sure. I think back to the lessons my father taught me. While cursed with the blood of the heathen orcs, he told me to take my life into my own hands. Instead of following the same path as those fiends, I decided to take my future into my own hands. And while it is true that it would have been easy to fight in Haven's guards, with my strength, I decided to take a more pious route."

"And as for your Druidic ways, I know of many a people who pay homage to Pelor, or to other gods, who do not gain the benefits of their deities' powers. It is only the truly righteous amongst us that get blessed by the gods. Maybe, instead of being blessed by the Green Path, you were instead blessed by another god's favor, or blessed in another way. If that is true, then I urge you to continue to follow the Green Path, for I can see that that is the path your heart seeks."

"And while you may see your powers as destructive now, you should learn to seem them as tools to do the Green Path's bidding. It took me a while to understand how some of the abilities Pelor granted me could be used in his name, but sure enough, they allow for his message to be carried forth no matter what obstacles are placed in my way. After all, your "harmful energies" did help save the live of our halfling friend, which I am sure is what the Green Path wished."

OOC: Was half-tempted to try to convince Felicity that her powers were actually divine, but thought that might confuse her more ;)


"So, er, ah, is the green path an elven thing, a druid thing, or an elven druid thing then?"

Dagmar is trying his best to make conversation with the raging elf maid.

Voidrunner's Codex

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