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Pathfinder: Rise of the Runelords, Burnt Offerings OOC


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hewligan said:
Danth - still as snake hipped as ever, and looking good. Level 3 opens up some useful spells, so hopefully Danth can avoid falling into the healer trap.

Yeah, having my clerics get pinched into the healer role always sucks...you should go check out my 12th level Cleric in JA's Great North game, though. That character kicks butt in combat.

I did design Danth to be more of a healer, though...I even took healing as one of his domains. It seemed to go along with worshipping Sarenae.

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I actually went with the ranger level as it helped me with my concept a bit. I'm will be returning to barbarian soon.

I really wanted to be able to track. I could have simply taken the feat at 3rd level and kept on going but I got it and a whole lot more for a quick switch to ranger. Track, species enemy, more skill points, two good save boosts... hard to resist. 3rd level is kind of a crumby level for barbarian (+1 trap sense) so it wasn't much of a comparison.

Which brings me to another question... hewligan, were you a reader of Dragon magazine? I've been trying desperately to find the article but for a year or two they ran charcater class specific articles in the back. There was one that had 'substitution' abilites for barbarian. One of which was a 3rd level ability that removed trap sense +1 and gave you the ability to charge without taking a -2 penalty to AC. Obviously, I would much prefer that to trap sense but that is totally up to you. Not relevant until 4th level anyway.... if I live that long. :uhoh:

Anyway, back for a couple days before a week long trip to France. I'll try and get a post up soon.

BTW, how did Amryl respond to my invitation to party?


First Post
Frostrune - I am perfectly happy with that update for the Barbarian Level 3, when it comes. It seems very reasonably balanced.

You will be in France, and then the week after that I will be on holiday in a farm in North Devon (a farm that is focused on holidays for young children - sort of a petting farm rather than a working farm), so realistically things will be a little slow for the next 2 weeks or so.

Amryl ... keep trying young man. Look for an IC post today.


Treasure of the Heroes of Sandpoint

The following are the contents of the party treasure, including items in individuals hands, however it does not included all individual things or finds.

UPDATED - 6 Apr 2008 - 1945

[sblock=Healing Items]
Potion (cure light wounds)
Scroll - Cure Light Wounds (1d8+2): Mandraiv had this, but will pass it on to Danth for the next section of the adventure.
Cure Light wounds potion (issued Jokad)
Cure Light wounds potion (issued Jovik)

[sblock=Coins and precious metals]
24g 30s 8cp
10 platinum pieces (on the corpse of Tsuto)
6 Pouches of Gold Dust (worth 50gp EACH, so 300gp in total)
8 pouches of silver dust (worth 5gp each, so 40gp in total)
3 ancient gold coins, appraised as worth about 5gp each (simply for the heavy gold content)

[sblock=Gems, Jewels, and Jewelry]
Fire Agate Ring - 20gp value
Blue Marble Ring - 8gp value
Gold Band - magic detected, will cost 100gp to get it identified (just the pure cost of the material components, the local sage is willing to cast it for free except for the cost of the pearl that the spell will consume)
Miniature Tiara - worth 50gp in a place like Magnimar
Unholy symbol of Lamashtu - worth 10gp and can be sold locally if required.

Dagger (Jovik issued, worth 10gp)
+1 longsword (issue to Jokad)
Silver Dagger - non-magical, but useful against creatures resistant to normal weapons (hint)
Masterwork Handaxe - unclaimed
+1 Dagger of Returning (Jovik issued)

Pack Horse for Kael (gift from Aldern)
Masterwork Thieve's Tools (Jovik issued)
Old Book - Written in abyssal, you have it deciphered in parts by an old sage who runs a sort of shop/museum. He says it is worth about 100gp in a place like Magnimar. He offers you 80gp for it, saying he literally cannot afford any more. Your call whether you sell it.
Bottle of Wine

[sblock=Magic Items]
Wand of Shocking Grasp (Kael issued) - 23 remaining charges
Scroll - Burning Hands (CL 3rd) - I forgot to mention it but was levitating in the room with the wine, etc.

[sblock=Group gifted]
Cloak of the Guard (Midblue, trimmed in white), for each person, which was accompanied with a pouch of 30 GP for each, as well.
Last edited:


First Post

This is most likely it for the week for me. I am told I will have internet in my hotel in France but precious little time to use it. We'll see.

Remember, Jokad is a ranger now. He has decent tracking and survival skills that might help us find the goblin lair.

Don't have too much fun without me. And don't get me killed, Jokad has a girlfriend now :lol:



frostrune said:

This is most likely it for the week for me. I am told I will have internet in my hotel in France but precious little time to use it. We'll see.

Remember, Jokad is a ranger now. He has decent tracking and survival skills that might help us find the goblin lair.

Don't have too much fun without me. And don't get me killed, Jokad has a girlfriend now :lol:


Don't worry. Jovik will comfort her when he brings news of your death. :]


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Rhun said:
Hey Hewligan,

What books are allowed for choosing feats?

I use core only, but you can throw a feat at me (post it here), and if it doesn't appear silly I will allow it. Let me know the book it came from.


First Post
hewligan said:
I use core only, but you can throw a feat at me (post it here), and if it doesn't appear silly I will allow it. Let me know the book it came from.

Well, I was considering Touch of Healing from Complete Crusader...I've sblocked it below. It basically would allow Danth to keep the party healed to half hit points outside of combat without using his spells.

[sblock=Touch of Healing]
Feat - Touch of Healing

Benefit: As long as you have a conjuration (healing) spell of 2nd level or higher available to cast, you can spend a standard action to touch a target creature and heal 3 points of damage per level of the highest-level conjuration (healing) spell you have available to cast. You can use this ability only on a target that has been reduced to one-half or fewer of its total hit points. The effect ends once you've healed the subject up to half its normal maximum hit points. This ability has no effect on creatures that can't be healed by cure spells.[/sblock]

If that doesn't work, though, just let me know, as I'm also considering Augment Summoning.


First Post
I have no problem with that feat.

All - I will be away on holiday for 1 week starting tomorrow (Saturday the 12th April). I will make one last IC post tonight, and then radio silence for 1 week.

Please feel free to post IC, and OOC, in the relevant threads, and thanks for your patience when I am gone.

Voidrunner's Codex

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