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[PF] Way of the Wicked - Golarian


Firvinianna Laali, Half Drow Elven Summoner

Firvinianna weakly ate the sustenance, able to keep most of it down. Unable to use the opportunity to bring Aljalyraq into existence, or any other creature, she returns to despair once the gag is replaced.

"Aljalyraq, what is this? A cloth? They are fawning over some prison whore's veil."

Through narrowed eyes, she watches to see what they others are doing with the item, her curiosity starting to replace the hopelessness of the situation.

[sblock=Mini-stats]Initiative: +3
AC: 13 (10 flat-footed, 13 Touch)
HP: 10 Current: 10
CMB: +0 CMD: 13 Fort: +2 Reflex: +3 Will: +2
Conditions in Effect: Gagged
Current Weapon in Hand: None

Summon Monster I: 6/6 remaining
Read Magic, Detect Magic, Acid Splash, Daze
1st level Spells: 2/2 (Mage Armor, Lesser Eidolon Rejuvenation)[/sblock]___________________________________

Character Sheet: Firvinianna Laali

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Herik pulls the veil from his face and tears off the lockpicks, getting to work immediately on his shackles. Once he is free, he proceeds to Quigly, then Sam, saying, " Tear off the patch from the veil with the symbol of Asmodeus. There are weapons, too. " He moves on to the injured Drath, then Firvinianna, and finally Zelda.

" Unless I am mistaken about how these patches ought to work, I think we could perhaps use that one patch to open up one of these bricked over windows from which we could escape, " says Herik, " Assuming it is open air behind these walls. " Glancing over at the reinforced door, he adds, " I wonder if we should perhaps see if we can boost whoever is in there too. In any case, I think there are only a couple of on duty guards at any one time. "


First Post
Rath rubs his wrists where the shackles had been and then to his ribs. "I'll take that hammer." He takes a few practice swings. "We could open the door," He motions to the door down the hall "and see if they can cause enough trouble to let us escape."


First Post
As each patch is removed from the veil, the air around it seems to stretch and warp. The threads in the cloth of the patch writhe and squirm like a bucket of live bait. The threads tighten themselves into a knot until there is a soft *pop* and displacement of air as the patch is replaced with the physical object it represents.

Herik pulls the patch of tools, palming them in one hand while working the lock on his manacles. In seconds the manacles crack open, releasing the rogue from his confinement. He quickly opens the lock on his feet and precedes to release the remaining prisoners.

The thrill of momentary freedom quickly passes as you realize another patrol will eventually pass through the cell block. If the guards catch you loose from your bonds, it is unlikely you’ll get another chance at escape. The guards just recently served dinner, so you have some time...Although it’s hard to say exactly how much.

[sblock=Items Removed from Veil]
Thieves Tools
Light Hammer[/sblock]


First Post
Zelda is silent as the others are released. She doesn't fail to note her own place in the order of freedom...and even though it's probably a result of her own efforts to seem helpless and meek, she adds it to the ledger of insults to be repaid. No sooner are her hands free than she's digging the gag out of her mouth and spitting the taste of her own sweat and the grime of the cloth out.

It gave her a second to think before she spoke. She'd heard the guard mention a lady, and that veil looked like a lady's accessory. Of course, nothing was free and magic less than most...Zelda could see why he might be freeing them, since the more escapees there were the better the odds any one of them might get away. And it would keep them from ratting him out. But did that veil have a price they'd all have to pay?

She gives Herik a wary look and asks, "What did she want from you?"


" She wants us to meet up with someone she described as a mutual friend, " answers Herik as he gets to work on the door. " You two, " he says, briefly pointing at Quigly and Sam, " should take those two daggers. I can make due with my fists. " Glancing at Zelda and Firvinianna, he adds, " I do not know what sort of tricks you two have up your sleeves, but you look a little scrawny to be much use in hand to hand combat, at least until we acquire some more arms. "

Once he has popped the lock on the cell door, Herik motions to the others to take up ambush positions while he sneaks out to investigate the occupant of the other room, keeping eyes and ears open for the next patrol.
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As soon as Quigly is free he thanks Herik profusely before rubbing his wrists and stretching his muscles.

"I'm willing to meet anyone, if it get me out of this hole." Quigly says as he takes the offered dagger and follows Herik into the hall. He moves to a position at the far side of the passage, opposite the cell door, facing towards the guardroom; endeavouring to blend into the wall. Trying to ignore the sounds made by the others he listens to see if he can hear anything from beyond the door.

[sblock=OOC]Quigly does NOT approach the door.[/sblock]


Firvinianna Laali, Half Drow Elven Summoner

Firvinianna says nothing as the man releases her, sullenly following the movements.

"Aljalyraq, this is it, perhaps? We can be free of our bonds and be executed trying to escape... YES! Better to die trying that sitting here in dung."

Her eyes narrow at the strong man's comments about her being scrawny or needing weapons. She hisses quietly to herself, "Scrawny? Well, just you wait until you meet my friend."

Still seated the dark-skinned elf leans forwards and begins tracing an arcane pattern in the dirt on the floor. The symbols and scrawling completing a hasty circle, the pattern starts to faintly glow as she continues to add arcane marks around the circle a second time.


The sigil that was a faint mark on her forehead, begins to turn cyan blue and glow as well. It no longer appears to be a dirt mark. Her muttering in Infernal, chanting the ritualistic summons.

After almost a minute, Firvinianna is finished tracing the necessary marks and she sits straighter with her hands spread wide. Finally she is almost gleeful as she concludes, "Aljalyraq, I summon THEE!"

[sblock=Mini-stats]Initiative: +3
AC: 13 (10 flat-footed, 13 Touch)
HP: 10 Current: 10
CMB: +0 CMD: 13 Fort: +2 Reflex: +3 Will: +2
Conditions in Effect: Gagged
Current Weapon in Hand: None

Summon Monster I: 6/6 remaining
Read Magic, Detect Magic, Acid Splash, Daze
1st level Spells: 2/2 (Mage Armor, Lesser Eidolon Rejuvenation)[/sblock]___________________________________

Character Sheet: Firvinianna Laali


Aljalyraq, Black dragon-type Eidolon, Evil Outsider

The circle's interior shimmers into a shining plane of light, hiding the dirt floor that was there. Floating up from the surface a black, horned and scaly head rises, followed by the rest of its scaly body. Within a few seconds, it is completely through the circle's portal. The shimmering light winks out and the arcane marks cease glowing, returning the cell's dirt to normal.

The creature is a dark, black scaled dragon the size of a pony. He has small wings folded at its sides, appearing to be small, not large or strong enough to allow for flight. His tail is also a bit short.

However he has a vicious looking teeth and razor sharp claws on his front paws. His horned visage looks menacing and just above his eyse there is a glowing light blue sigil that matches the one on Firvinianna's forehead.

"Ahh, mistress, you called. What have they done to your hair!?"

The dragon looks around menacingly at the cellmates nearby, looking for the fools that tortured and maimed his mistress.

[sblock=Mini-stats]Initiative: +2
AC: 16 (14 flat-footed, 12 Touch)
HP: 11 Current: 11
CMB: +3 CMD: 15 Fort: +3 Reflex: +4 Will: +0
Conditions in Effect: Pounce, Power Attack (-1Att/+2dmg)
Current Weapon in Hand: Bite, 2 Claws[/sblock]_____________________

Character Sheets: Aljalyraq

Voidrunner's Codex

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