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[PF] Way of the Wicked - Golarian


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Throughout it all, the whole mortifying ordeal, Zelda is quiet. This is not to say she is uncommunicative. More than one guard feels the weight of her wide, trembling, teary eyes. Branderscar employs a tougher breed of guard than that though. At least for now. So she keeps her mouth shut, her eyes down...when they throw her forward, she stumbles and slowly, weakly gets back up. When they brand her, she cries out around her gag and sobs brokenly. She is weak, and defeated...and waiting.

She records every threat, every indignity. She absorbs the vitriol and loathing. She carefully watches each guard from behind her puppy dog eyes, noting each grimace, each nervous look away...seeking and probing for a weak link in the chain.

When the guards are gone, she watches and listens to the others as well. Unfortunately, none seem any more capable of escaping than she. Further, listening to their crimes, they don't seem the type to be swayed by compassion for a helpless creature. That removed one of her favorite arrows from her quiver. ...but far from her only one.

But she couldn't talk, and that was the first thing she had to fix. The gag was foul-tasting and tied tightly, and its knot held her mouth open and blocked her tongue. Even so, Zelda pushed at it. She pushed with her tongue, and she scraped her teeth over it as best she could. Stretch the cloth. Work it. Abrade it. Cloth was just threads. Threads could break. Break enough, and the cloth broke.

It took time...but honestly, what did she have to lose that she wouldn't lose anyway? They couldn't kill her twice.

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Firvinianna Laali, Half Drow Elven Summoner

Firvinianna only half pays attention to the conversation between the half-orc and the muscular man. He jaw hurts from the gag as her facial muscles stiffen from being in an unnatural pose.

Her eyes slits, she observes the leering guard. She made a have hearted attempt to bounce her upper torso and get her breasts to jiggle. The cold has already had an effect on her bosom, but still the clanking chains counteract her movement's effects and she gives up right away.

"Oh, Aljalyraq, I am failing at being a temptress now. My hair is gone, I am bald freak!"

Firvianna vows to summon help the first chance she gets, thinking it might have been better to die quickly in defiance that slowly in this prison. The mental torture is bad enough, but soon she expects physical torture to get even worse.

"Perhaps my chance will come when they feed us. If they even bother. Do not the condemned even get a last meal?"

[sblock=Mini-stats]Initiative: +3
AC: 13 (10 flat-footed, 13 Touch)
HP: 10 Current: 10
CMB: +0 CMD: 13 Fort: +2 Reflex: +3 Will: +2
Conditions in Effect: Gagged
Current Weapon in Hand: None

Summon Monster I: 6/6 remaining
Read Magic, Detect Magic, Acid Splash, Daze
1st level Spells: 2/2 (Mage Armor, Lesser Eidolon Rejuvenation)[/sblock]___________________________________

Character Sheet: Firvinianna Laali


"And you, guard! You know that Iomedae considers you a sinner! If your true deeds were but known, you would be in here with us. And one day that will happen. But the Dark Father knows how to return a favor, should you choose to save yourself in time."

Sam repeats his spiel for each new guard (when there is just one around), in case one of them does have a skeleton in his closet and bites.


First Post
Although at one level Quigly feels like he should be attempting to charm the guards, he stems his impatience and waits for a better opportunity. After all its not like he has been sentenced to death. Although in all probability he won't live long once he gets to the salt mines.


First Post
The hours pass agonizingly slowly. Sam Mason’s fiery rhetoric goes largely ignored by the disinterested guardsmen. Quigly’s platitudes are equally ineffective at placating the wary guards. Even though Firvinianna does her best to play the temptress, none of the guardsmen take the bait. Despite the earlier performance by Sergeant Blackerly, the guards appear to all be well trained, and at least passingly serious about their job. Perhaps the recent threat of “Death by hurling” has inspired a new, if short lived, attention to detail in the Branderscar’s garrison.

Just as the prisoners attempts to influence the guards proved largely ineffective, Zelda and Herik struggle lamely with their bonds. Zelda’s tries valiantly to slip her gag, but the silk is strong despite its deceptive appearance. Given enough time, she may eventually cut through. But, It will be a long and arduous process. Herik’s muscles bulge as he leans into the chain connected to his manacles. The sweat beads on his brow as he grunts and strains, but in the end his efforts bear no fruit. The chain is well constructed, and the iron loop is set deep within the stonework. It is unlikely any amount of brute strength will release Herik from his bonds.

The hours continue to pass without event, each our blending into the next. Just as the cold fingers of doubt and hopelessness begin to creep through your brain, the guard room door open unexpectedly. The fat sergeant you recognize as Sergeant Blackerly leads six men armed and ready for trouble into the cell block.

The sergeant appears to move in a bit of a daze. He leads the guardsmen to your cell door and pauses for a moment, almost as if trying to remember why he was there. After a moment of indecision, the sergeant takes one of his large iron keys and unlocks the cell. He enters the cell and then stops for a second time rubbing his chin. As he looks up at the prisoners, a sudden look of recognition comes across his face.

You there! Thats the scum! The blue eyed traitor.

Blackerly points vaguely at Herik Torvin.

Get ‘im unshackled. If any o’ you makes trouble, they’ll be earning a thrashing!

Blackerly turns to address Herik.

Today’s your lucky day, scum. You’ve got a visitor. How you ever warranted such a fine lady is beyond me. Seems she wants to say her good-byes. Now step lively. We wouldn’t want to keep her waiting

Two guardsmen release Herik from his ankle chain as well as the chain connecting his manacles to the cieling. The two guards roughly take a hold of an arm, flanking Herik on either side, while the rest of Blackerly’s entourage takes position, weapons drawn.
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"She ever was the sentimental one," says Herik, lying through his teeth. He has no idea who has come to see him, but whoever it is, he is grateful to get a chance to get out of that stinking cell for a time. The disgraced nobleman does his best to act cooperative, following along quickly, but he is always looking for whatever brief chance of escape may afford itself.


First Post
At the sight of the guards Zelda goes still and draws her knees up to her chest to huddle into a little ball. Her hair falls over her eyes, but she feels her heart skip a beat on seeing and hearing the Sergeant. He seemed a bit...off...didn't he?

(She suspects yon Sergeant may be enchanted...making Spellcraft roll to identify magical effect? ...lol, this is not a good start for Zelda. :))


Firvinianna Laali, Half Drow Elven Summoner

Firvinianna features are becoming gaunt, it has been hours since they were given either food or water. Her head cycling between swimming and aching from the beginning of dehydration.

"Aljalyraq, at least if they do not provide nourishment, my bowels remain empty."

However, that has not stopped someone from finally succumbing to emptying their bladder on the floor of the cell, the stench of urine burning in her nostrils. With the gag, she cannot avoid the smell by breathing through her mouth. She glares left and right to determine which of her fellow death-row inmates pissed their drawers.


Perception (1d20+2=21)

[sblock=Mini-stats]Initiative: +3
AC: 13 (10 flat-footed, 13 Touch)
HP: 10 Current: 10
CMB: +0 CMD: 13 Fort: +2 Reflex: +3 Will: +2
Conditions in Effect: Gagged
Current Weapon in Hand: None

Summon Monster I: 6/6 remaining
Read Magic, Detect Magic, Acid Splash, Daze
1st level Spells: 2/2 (Mage Armor, Lesser Eidolon Rejuvenation)[/sblock]___________________________________

Character Sheet: Firvinianna Laali


First Post
(She suspects yon Sergeant may be enchanted...making Spellcraft roll to identify magical effect?)

Zelda curses herself for not spending more time learning the ins and outs of enchantments. She suspects some kind of enchantment, but then again maybe Blackerly is just drunk. It certainly wouldn't be out of character.

It doesn't take a delicate nose to notice the rest of the prisoners have had to face the brutal realities of imprisonment. Most of the group have had to succumb in one way or another to the demands of their body. A small drain in the center of the floor drains away the excrement.

Blackerly grabs a bucket from outside the cell and dips it into a nearby trough.

Now now, can't have a lady such as yourself smellin' like a stockyard now can we.

He hurls the icy water in one swift toss, rinsing Firvinianna clean, but leaving her shivering in her shift.

Anyone else need a bath?

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