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[PF] Way of the Wicked - Golarian


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Rath sniffs the air as if trying to find something. "From the smell of it...looks like you could use a bath. Maybe wash some of the coward of you." He spits in the direction of the Sergeant.

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Sergeant Blackerly wipes the spittle from his cheek, flicking it on the cold stone floor in one swift motion. His hand goes to the leather blackjack at his side.

Hold ‘im down boys. This scum is a defiant one eh.

Two of the remaining guards hold Rath tightly on either side while Blackerly winds up a full swing. The club strikes the half-orc across the ribs, knocking the wind out of his lungs and sends him gasping for air. Its followed with a second and third strike, each one punctuated with the meaty thwack of club on flesh.

After the third strike, Blackerly leans down right in Rath’s face.

Are you gonna spit in the face of the headsman as he lowers the axe too? You know if they use a dull blade it can take multiple swings. Downright horrible it is....lots of blood and screaming. Makes for a good show though.

Blackerly backs away and addresses the group.

The only mercy the lot of you can expect now is a quick trip to the afterlife. You best respect those that can give it to ya.

Lets go. We’ve kept the lady waiting long enough.

Herik is roughly escorted out of the cellblock and into the adjacent guard room. Herik quickly takes note of his surroundings. The guard post is sparsely appointed, the most notable feature being a large, unlit fireplace. The delicious smell of roast meat wafts from what is likely a kitchen below. After shutting and locking the cell block door, Blackerly hangs a large iron key ring on a peg by door. The two on duty guards sit at the only table, playing some kind of game involving bone dice.

Blackerly lumbers across the guard room and opens a small side door into an equally sparsely appointed interrogation chamber.

Your lady awaits.

The guardsmen drag Herik into the plainly appointed room and forcibly place him into a chair. The guards connect a short length of chain from Herik’s foot manacle to an iron ring in the floor, repeating the process for his wrists. The only furniture are a table and chairs in the center of the room. The woman seated across from Herik, is anything but plain.


A hauntingly beautiful woman in an elegant black dress and soft silken veil sits sobbing quietly. Her long platinum hair falls loosely about her shoulders. Her vibrant, unearthly green eyes are red and puffy, the signs of weeping clear on her face.
Oh dearest, proclaims the unfamiliar woman. I’m so relieved you’re alive! She turns to Blackerly. Could we please have a moment alone good sir? For pity’s sake?

Blackerly goes blank for a moment, then quickly agree. O’ course, m’lady. For you its no trouble

There is something about the look in the woman’s eye and strange behavior of the Sergeant. You are confident that she has some kind of power over him, influencing his behavior. As soon as Blackerly closes the door behind him, the woman’s demeanor changes.

Ooh....Have you forgotten me, dearest? the unexpected visitor says with a smirk, dropping her pretense of grief. You may call me Tiadora. We possess a mutual friend who would like to meet you and your fellow cell-mates. Unfortunately, our friend is unwilling to visit you in your present rather shabby lodgings. It seems then, you must escape.

She takes on the tone of a consoling mother.

Ooh...now now, don’t be so dour. Just because it’s never been done is no reason you can’t be the first.

If you manager to escape, cross the moors on the outskirts of town. On the old Moor Road you’ll see a manor house with a single lantern burning in a second story window. There our mutual friend awaits. That is all I know. He did want me to give you this.

She takes off her silken veil and makes a show of wiping away a few fake tears.

*sniff* Something to remember me by dearest
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" Your devotion to me is touching, m'Lady, " says Herik, sharing a devious smile with Tiadora. He reaches as far across as the table as he can with his chained wrists to take the veil. " I will treasure your kind gift while I still draw breath. "

Lowering his head and his voice, wary of being overheard, he says, " There is no better man than I to be the first. I have the skills, and the ruthlessness. " Tucking the veil into his shirt, making sure to hide it well, he asks, " You have any other 'feminine charms' to work before you leave? "

Meanwhile, Herik is already trying to think of some way of getting a hold of that keyring without being noticed.


Firvinianna Laali, Half Drow Elven Summoner

Firvinianna slumps and begins shivering from being wet, the ragged shift clinging to the curves of her body.

"Aljalyraq, soon I will go crazy... Where are you? Why do you not answer me?... I am cold and wet."

Her defiance is something yet to be desired, the humiliation stoking a fire within that is being dampen with despair and is losing ground. The faith in a good and just goddess, a laughable joke given her predicament.

"There is no justice in this world... I am truly forsaken..."

[sblock=Mini-stats]Initiative: +3
AC: 13 (10 flat-footed, 13 Touch)
HP: 10 Current: 10
CMB: +0 CMD: 13 Fort: +2 Reflex: +3 Will: +2
Conditions in Effect: Gagged
Current Weapon in Hand: None

Summon Monster I: 6/6 remaining
Read Magic, Detect Magic, Acid Splash, Daze
1st level Spells: 2/2 (Mage Armor, Lesser Eidolon Rejuvenation)[/sblock]___________________________________

Character Sheet: Firvinianna Laali


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Rath laughs as the guards let him go. "Li...like I said...cowards."

He scans the cell again and again looking for something that could help him escape or at least kill another guard or two before he dies.
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When the guards leave, Zelda gives the loudmouth man she now mentally dubs 'Spitter' a glare...though it's about as effective as any glare from a cute little girl would be. All she could do is pray that his idiocy wouldn't spur the guards to punish them ALL.

At least not before she worked that gag free. And that was looking like it would be a long time.


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Oh, I could do more, but consider this a test. By failure shall the weak reveal themselves.

One last thing, should you decide to take my benefactors gift, escape, and ignore his generous invitation, know this. We shall not hunt you or seek retribution. Every kingsman and bounty hunter this side of Talingarde will be after you. You are forsaken by your own people and kinsmen. You have no place in this world.

We can promise safety...and more then that. Much more. Power, wealth...

She pauses a moment, a crooked smirk on her face as if tasting the vintage of the word on her tongue.

....vengeance. Consider carefully. Be sure your “friends” do too.

Her message delivered, she rises and the guards return unbidden. Immediately, her demeanor once more changes. She is again the perfect picture of grief.

No! I cannot bear to leave you!

Tiadora bends down to place a light kiss on Herik’s cheek. Her ice-cold lips send unpleasant shivers down his spine. Blackerly shakes his head.

I’m afraid it’s time miss.

She looks deep into Blackerly’s eyes.

Thank you for letting me say good-bye. There’s no need to search my dearest. You are such a dear friend for letting me see him one last time.

Blackerly mechanically replies. Such a dear friend... Then the watch sergeant seems to snap out of it and bows politely. A pleasure madam. She leaves unveiled. Her eyes meet Herik’s one last time, briefly showing him a wicked smile.

The words echo in Herik’s head. Three days...Don’t disappoint me dearest.

Blackerly escorts Tiadora out of the interrogation room, leaving the re-incarceration of Herik to his guardsmen. As before, the six guardsmen drag Herik through the guard room and into the cellblock. One of the guardsmen takes the keyring by the door, and uses it to open the cellblock, leaving little opportunity for Herik to palm it. Besides, Tiadora’s veil is already neatly tucked away in his shirt.

The guards quickly chain Herik back to his spot in the cell, then file out of the room. Not long after, a single guard leads a pair of servants into the cellblock. One carries a bucket and ladle and one a pot of some kind of gruel.

They each get two ladles of gruel and water....except that one.

He points to Rath.

He gets water only. Blackerly’s orders.

The first servant, a brunette waif of a girl, fills her bucket at the trough carefully provides each prisoner with as much as they can drink. The second servant, an older gentleman, feeds two ladles of cold, tasteless grain mush as best he can. He seems to nod an apology to Rath as he skips over the half-orc and moves on to the next prisoner.

Soon, dinner is over. The servants exit the cell and the guard closes and locks the door behind them. They then move on to the heavily reinforced door at the end of the cellblock. The remainder of the food and water bucket are pushed through a smaller door at the bottom of the reinforced door. The guard then takes his charges and exits the cell block, once again leaving the prisoners alone and in the dark.


Herik wastes no time once the guards and servants are out of sight, drawing the veil out of his shirt. " Seems we have a mysterious benefactor who would prefer us being out there rather than in here, " he says as he ties the veil around his eyes, hoping to get some idea of how he is supposed to use it. " Laugh and I'll be leaving you behind, though. " He saw the designs on the veil, and he can guess that there is some sort of magic that would allow him to get those items out of it. First priority, of course, is the lockpicks. Got to get these damned chains off quick if they're to have a chance.


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Shortly after been chained in the cell, Quigly is overcome by a wave of acute depression. Nothing seems to matter any more. In fact he is scarcely aware of his surrounding. It barely registers when Herik is dragged off to see his visitor and while he automatically slurps his water and chews his gruel, he doesn't even flurt with the girl like he would usually have done. Only when Herik mention "mysterious benefactor" and "out there rather than in her" do the words cut through his fugue and bring him back to being fully alert "Uh what" he utters, then shuts up as he can see Herik is concentrating on something.


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The veil itself seems to be crafted of fine, sheer. It is difficult to manipulate in your shackled hands, but it seems the images of various useful items are actually patches that could easily be torn from the veil. A quick glance at the veil reveals the following.

2 Daggers
1 light hammer
1 Thieves tools
1 Bullseye lantern
1 hempen rope
1 potion bottle
1 unholy symbol of Asmodeus
1 sack of spell components
1 sack of coins
1 image of a window

Voidrunner's Codex

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