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PH1: The Darque Demense (Bront judging)


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Eleria opens the door and sees a bathroom beyond the doorframe. A bathtub lies straight ahead in the northwestern corner while a sink is along the western wall in the south western corner. The sink drips noisily once, breaking the silence in the room. Seeing no immediate danger, she steps into the room followed closely by Abdul. They see a closed door to their left in the center of the southern wall. To the right around a short wall is a toilet that seems to be the source of an unpleasant odor in the room.

Suddenly, from behind the opened door you entered through, a loud sound of many skittering legs is heard as a monstrous centipede several feet long crawls rapidly into view and lunges straight at Abdul before he can react. The haste of the attack roots his feet to the floor and he is unable to dodge out of the way as the insect buries it's mandibles deep in his now blood soaked belly. Venom flows into his system as he totters on his feet near unconsciousness. The cat he had been holding jumps down and flees back into the dining room area past Xir and Elthic to hide under the table again.

Turning as Abdul is attacked, Eleria is also surprised when another centipede crawls out from around the short wall by the toilet to attack her. It's bite nearly misses her, just scratching her arm really. But the green ooze of venom on the slight wound is still enough to seep into her arm...

[sblock=Surprise round]-Both failed spot checks vs. the Centipedes Hide checks so the centipedes gain surprise and attack in the surprise round while everyone is flat footed.
-Abdul takes 5 points of damage from the centipede bite and is now disabled. I need a Fort save for him against the venom. He can take a single move action at half speed without consequence. Any standard action taken will inflict 1 point of damage, dropping him into negative HP's and dying unless the action taken gives him more HP's.
-Eleria is hit but takes 1 damage from the bite, and needs to make a Fort save against the venom.[/sblock]
[sblock=Round 1]Order of battle
-Abdul (AC:11, HP:0/5) -3 Dex due to poison
-Centipede 1
-Elthic (AC:15, HP:9/9)
-Centipede 2
-Xir (AC:19, HP:12/12)
-Eleria (AC:15, HP:6/7) -2 Dex due to poison[/sblock]
[sblock=My first Retcon of myself!]Edited after finding rule that shows damage to Eleria was still 1hp worth and therefore the poison could still have an affect.[/sblock]


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First Post
Elthic grunts. "Bugs!? BUGS!? We can take out a few measly BUGS!"

He then moves up, standing in between Abdul and Xir, and with one hand grabs Abdul lightly, as if to pull him away from the fight. "Get out of here! Go! Go!" If Abdul has made his move to leave already (taking a full withdraw, I hope, lol), Elthic will enter the vacated square.

He then makes an attack against the first centipede with his spear. I doubt it hits.

Elthic's Attack, Damage (1d20+2=5, 1d8+3=10)


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
With precise moves, seemingly unconcerned, the xeph readies his shield, and with a though, forms a green blade of energy from his fist.

OOC: Ready a shield and mindblade.


First Post
[sblock=OOC]Okay, I modified the Round 1 stats above to reflect Eleria's poisoning for 2 Dex damage so far. Any other actions for Eleria this round, or are you waiting to see what all others did first?[/sblock]

Deus Ex Machina

First Post
Eleria emits a sound that is some kind of cross between a grunt and a cry as she feels the sting of the poison from the scratch. With the creatures either side and the dwarven rogue blocking her escape route, she ducks out of the way of one of the centipedes and lunges with her rapier at the other… but the poison has affected her judgement and she misses completely.

[sblock=OOC]Eleria is after Xir in the initiative count, so I was waiting for him to act first.

Five-foot step to the door next to C1 and attack C1. Attack: 6[/sblock]


First Post
Abdul emits a profanity. He drinks one of his curative potions (one of the ones he go t from Lucius). "I will never go first again. Never. Never. Damn centipedes. They will feel my wrath"

I might have difficulties keeping up at precisely 1/day.

Fort Save 1d20+1=8

Healing Potion (cure light wounds): 1d8+1=9



First Post
Round 1
-Abdul uses the last of his energy to uncork the potion bottle with his shaking hands. Tipping back the bottle to drink, he nearly falls over from the exertion. Then the drink slides down his throat and he feels a warm glow suffuse his body as the wounds in his belly close and heal completely, leaving nothing but a bloodstain around the hole in his clothes. The centipede that bit him uses his distraction to attempt another attack, but Abdul is able to dodge out of the way easily this time despite moving a little slower than expected due to the poison of the creature's bite. "I will never go first again. Never. Never. Damn centipedes. They will feel my wrath!"

-The centipede near Abdul redoubles it’s efforts to attack him, but even with the poison in his veins slowing him down, the attack still misses the mark and comes to nothing.

- Elthic grunts. "Bugs!? BUGS!? We can take out a few measly BUGS!" He then moves up, standing in between Abdul and Xir, and with one hand grabs Abdul lightly, as if to pull him away from the fight. "Get out of here! Go! Go!" Elthic pulls Abdul out of the bathroom and back into the dining room before stepping in to take his place and attack the centipede beside the door. The creature is surprisingly quick for it’s size though and the thrust of Elthic’s spear does not bite it’s flesh.

-The second centipede strikes out at Eleria and bites deep into her leg. (4 HP of damage and another Fort save please) She staggers as she yanks her calf away from the creatures oozing mandibles, leaving a splash of blood on the floor between them.

-With precise moves, seemingly unconcerned, the xeph readies his shield, and with a thought, forms a green blade of energy from his fist. Xir holds his position and makes ready his weapon and shield.

-Trailing a line of blood from her leg, Eleria moves away from the centipede by the north wall and focuses her attention on the other one beside the door. Stabbing at it with her rapier, she is unable to connect as the creature's many legs turn it this way and that to avoid her strike.

[sblock=OOC]WarlockLord- don’t worry too much if it’s not every single day. It would be great if we all had that kind of time, but I know that life doesn’t allow that always. Like I said back in the first post, as long as we know about how often to expect posts from each other there’s no hard feelings. If it stretches past a few days then I’ll jump in and NPC someone to keep everyone else from waiting unnecessarily long. Also, since you didn't mention anything about moving, but also didn't object to the idea of being moved out of the room by Elthic, I let it happen that way this time. In the future though, please no one post anything that assumes another character will act a certain way. Each player should determine their own PC's actions only.

Man! Everyone is having tough luck rolling! Makes me wish we had action points like in Ebberon!

Once I get the results from Eleria’s new Fort save, I’ll change the information below to reflect any changes if needed.
-Edit- She made the Fort save that time, so no change...
Round 2-Order of battle and conditions
-Abdul (AC:11, HP:5/5) -3 Dex due to poison
-Centipede 1
-Elthic (AC:15, HP:9/9)
-Centipede 2
-Xir (AC:19, HP:12/12)
-Eleria (AC:15, HP:2/7) -2 Dex due to poison[/sblock]


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Deus Ex Machina

First Post
Eleria scrams in agony as the centipede once again bites into her flesh. Trapped and now panic stricken, she clutches at the door handle with her free hand without any thought of what may be on the other side - desperately hoping that it is open.

If she can, she tumbles through the door.
If not, then she attacks the same centipede.

[sblock=OOC] FORT Save: 20
Tumble: 5

Attack: 18
Confirm Crit: 15
Damage (Including Crit): 12 (Rolled 2x 5s)[/sblock]

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