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Planescape: The Fruit of Deceit

Chaos Apostate

First Post
‘And it bears the fruit of Deceit,
Ruddy and sweet to eat
And the Raven his nest has made
In its thickest shade.

The Gods of the earth and sea
Sought thro’ Nature to find this tree
But their search was all in vain;
There grows one in the Human Brain’

-William Blake, ‘The Human Abstract’

Sigil. A city of many things, perhaps of all things, but above all a city of paradox. In a purely physical sense, it is widely accepted to be at the centre of the multiverse, which is widely accepted to be infinite. At once it is the Cage and the City of Doors. A place representative to all peoples across the planes of freedom and diversity, and yet at the same time the greatest prison ever to exist. Everywhere in the city one can see this paradox displaying itself in microcosm, from the Lady herself - a being with the power to defy the will of every power in the multiverse and yet so weak as to be unable to escape her home plane - to any one of the people who even now scurry to and fro through the city’s streets, many of whom travel freely between various planes of existence as part of their daily life and yet must scrape and steal for every copper they can just to eke out their pathetic existences.

The first thing anyone notices when they first arrive in Sigil is the physical impossibility of the place. It’s a rare man who doesn’t stumble and fall the first time he walks out into the street and sees the cityscape gently rolling upwards and arching over on itself on both sides of him. Eventually though, everybody gets used to it and it’s accepted as a simple rule of life that Sigil is built on the inside of a vast ring. If you walk long enough in a straight line, then you’ll come back to where you started. It’s bizarre, of course, but sooner or later the mind simply adapts and accepts it as a fact. It makes you wonder, though – just what else has your mind accepted so easily?

Such navel-gazing may seem pointless, but here again a newcomer to Sigil will quickly realise that he’s been mistaken – because on the Planes, belief is a palpable force. A strong conviction is all it really takes to change the very nature of existence. And with philosophy such an important force on the planes, it’s hardly surprising that the locals take it very, very seriously.

Of course, some people take it more seriously than others. There are those in any place you care to name who are committed enough to a philosophy that they devote their entire lives to it, and adopt it as their entire reason for being. Such people tend to attract followers, and that’s how religions are born. In Sigil most any philosophy you care to think up, and most any that you don’t, has its adherents and fanatics. Only a few of them managed to appeal to enough people to form a real force, though, and it’s these that form the basis of the Factions. Organisations so powerful that between themselves they have a monopoly on just about everything you care to name in the Cage.

And, of course, it’s the members of these Factions who get the most worked up about their beliefs. So, when a rather bedraggled but very handsome and well dressed man stands up on a soapbox on a street corner in the middle of the Hive and starts waxing lyrical on how ridiculous, ill-informed, and generally distasteful are the members of every single faction in Sigil, it could be considered something of an extraordinary event. Enough, certainly, to make some passers-by hurry onwards in fear that they may get caught up in the ensuing violence and others to stand and watch with the same fascination that makes onlookers gather round the scene of a horrific accident. Currently the crowd he had attracted numbered at somewhere just over a dozen, and its members were diverse. Some tried to argue with him on points of philosophy, some tried to shut him up for his own good, one old and grizzled woman vocally supported him, and a good number just laughed. To all of them, it appeared a minor miracle that the sermon had not yet been heard by anyone who took serious offence – it would only take one member of the Red Death to walk past, and the man’s life would be forfeit.

As it was though, the man had managed to speak for a little over five minutes with no serious interruption and the numbers of the crowd were quickly swelling. Any passers-by now certainly could not help but notice the proceedings, and even the speaker was starting to appear rather nervous about the repercussions his convictions may have. Still the flood of speech continued, his voice barely audible above the noise of the crowd.

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Zekiel walks into the street where the man is speaking, glances at the crowd, and pauses in his steps. He briefly reaches for his greatsword hilt, as if to reassure himself, but upon straining his ears, he hears the muffled words of the speaker. Well, well well. A time and a place for everything, perhaps. This is certainly the time, he thinks, noting the conspicuous lack of militant factioneers as-of-yet, but it is definitely not the place.

He moves over to a nearby building and leans nonchalantly against it. This will be interesting to see unfold. Zekiel scans the area around from where he stands, spotting a nearby alley that would prove suitable to slip away through should the scene become too violent. I hope he doesn't get hurt. He may just be a congenital rebel, or he may truly believe what he says - regardless, such words bring him great danger, unjustified in consideration to the inconsequential damage he causes the factions, certainly, but danger nonetheless.

Of course, he may be looking for that danger.
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Anunsil sighed. It was only a matter of time before someone stick a sword into that poor man's gut. Although he would soon be a dead-er, this speaker was more eloquent than the regular barmies he saw yelling in the streets of the Hive. Maybe what he has to say would be interesting. Perhaps, the ensuing slaying would be even more amusing. He wondered which faction would come first. "Probably the harmonium hardheads, they got nothing better to do," he heard himself mumble.

The elf chuckled at his own wickedness.


muhcashin said:
Anunsil sighed. It was only a matter of time before someone stick a sword into that poor man's gut. Although he would soon be a dead-er, this speaker was more eloquent than the regular barmies he saw yelling in the streets of the Hive. Maybe what he has to say would be interesting. Perhaps, the ensuing slaying would be even more amusing. He wondered which faction would come first. "Probably the harmonium hardheads, they got nothing better to do," he heard himself mumble.

The elf chuckled at his own wickedness.

Anusil hears the trot of hooves across the packed dust street of the Hive and then the humming of a deep and tuneful voice. Soon a bariaur draws near and soon in elven...

"I've seen you at the festhall I'm sure..."
Thaddeus says by way of a rather terse greeting.

"That time of the ring's turn again i see..."
He nods towards the speaking man.

"The Berk's probably best left to it, at the very least it's entertainment, not to mention listening to someone that dislikes us *all* is something of an experience in itself."
Thaddeus grins
"I'm sure a hard head will be along any minute anyway -
'Where springs the rebel's hopes will ever be
that place in which the fiercest guards of stasis stand'

You have to admire his eloquence too I suppose, regardless of the screed of the actual argument."

Thaddeus is quiet and listens to the speech a few more minutes, glances around but can see know sign of disturbance then looks a little irritated.

Chaos Apostate

First Post
Though the man is still nervous, he seems to have settled down somewhat now. His eyes are closed and his speech is a constant flow, no longer quavering and uncertain, or even passionate, but filled with an air of absolute conviction and righteousness. He seems almost supernaturally calm and placid, though the uproar around him is so great that it is quite a strain to pick out his voice amongst the cacophany.

And still, there is no sign of any members of the more militant factions who would be all too happy to stop the tirade if they happened upon it.


Anunsil listens some more. Something irked him, the impossibly slow factionneers that were supposed to kill the speaker weren't showing up.
He turns to Thaddeus.

"Odd, don't you think? The berk's been yacking away for more than a half hour and yet no hardheads have arrived. Next, he'll be challenging our great Lady and he'll still left standing on that miserable soapbox. You know what, if no ones shows up, I'll styx him myself. Wonder how much jink it'll take to shut him up?"

And he shouts to the man on the soapbox. "Hey you! Yeah you, the barmy on the soapbox. Go kiss a succubus."
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Chaos Apostate

First Post
Anunsil: the man seems completely oblivious to your insult. A young, ill-kempt man standing just in front of you turns round and shouts, spraying you with spit as he does so: "Bar that, berk! That blood's finally sayin' what every poor sod in the Hive's been wantin' to say since they were old enough to know 'ow. So if ye don't like like it, ye can pike it. One way or the other, mean's nothin' to me berk. But don't ye go rattlin' ye're bone-box, 'cos no one wants to 'ear ye." He glares at you, waiting to see how you will react.

Zekiel: The situation seems to be heating up, and from your position detached somewhat form the crowd you can feel that the energy is becoming palpable. It seems that if nothing intervenes, a riot may soon break out. You look back at the alley to reassure yourself that your escape route is still clear, and as you do so you notice a tall, middle aged man dressed in noble finery with a rapier hanging from his belt walk stiffly out from the alley and begin pushing his way through the crowd towards the speaker. He looks absolutely incensed.


First Post
As the speaker continued to speak, someone else came into the area. She had been merely walking home, after an uneventful day, for her at least, in the Hive. She stepped around some people, and others were pushed out of the way, if they didn't move on thier own.

As the soapbox, crowd, and speaker got into sight, and she quickly figured out what was going on. She shrugged, as she listened, and didn't really care about his message.

But, there might be a chance to make some jink here, and, soon enough, she hears someone say "Wonder how much jink it'll take him to shut up."

Ahh, that was what Dalara wanted to hear, sentiments about money. The new speakers shout let her eyes find him, and the bladeling headed that way. As she gets close, she asks "How much jink is it worth to you to have him shut up?"

It was looking like it might be a good day after all.


First Post
Zekiel furrows his brow at the words of the spittle-spewing man. Odd, that. Why is the crowd supporting him? I'd have thought most Hivers would be wise enough by now to know how things work around here. He glances around. Perhaps I ought to check for auras. Though that would draw perhaps too much attention to myself.

As the man walks past, Zekiel pushes himself to his feet. Well, there's the danger he's been looking for. At least this one looks to be entering with words before his sword. He checks the man for faction regalia.


First Post
A little man is standing behind the crowd, and look at all that. He seems somehow fascinated by the events. Someone next to him could hear him talking to himself.

"Why are they all rattling their bone-box? What else my damn imagination can create now? Would that really be what I am thinking since the day I walk the streets of my dreams?"

Than he heard a women ask:

"How much jink is it worth to you to have him shut up?"

The gnome continue to talk to himself:

"Well, we will see how convince he is. Maybe even how conviced I am. I'll have to think about all that tonight."

Voidrunner's Codex

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