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Remnants of the Horde: Vespasian...


Living EN World Judge
OoC:Taking a bit of liberty to get things rolling...

It had been a crushing message. Lord Zuregath was Dead...
How could something like this have happened?

Captain Vespazian looked out of the Tower's window, seeing another group of Goblins below mounting upon Worgs or trotting off affoot, the Cowards.
Deserters,all...they would Pay...

A knock on the door of the Captain's door brought him out of his smouldering reverie, as the Goblins fled like rats before the coming Storm of the Aruthian Legions (rumored perhaps a week away at most) to the South and the forces of Iron King Bevrokk at the Western Border of Zuregath's Domain, licking their lips at the thought of looting his most August Self, Zuregath.
Those fools hadn't sent forces to stop the Damned Elvish legions...not even a token force, by everything Infernal. Now it was obvious that their hesitancy was because Bevrokk, that bloated Tiefling Bastard, had waited for just such a thing to happen:Zuregath Dead...

The Knock repeated, insistant, followed by the door Opening. In another time, a mere few days ago, that would have earned whoever was on the other side a flogging, or worse,now...

It was the Goblin, Blaught, the mad little beast. Blaught had his uses, however, and he had stayed when so many of his brethren were fleeing north and West...some might even be heading to join up with Bevrokk, Goblins weren't known for their Loyalty.
'Come in, Corporal Blaught...] Vespazian said as he turned once more to the window sill of his tower in Ruier Vragganar (Draconic:South-Watch). A squad of hobgoblins was returning from patrol. Now there were Loyal troops. Gods if only Zuregath had had a few thousand more of them instead of the rabble that the other iron kings had sent as a Token force...

A quartet of Ogre Muragar drilled in the courtyard below, arguing amongst themselves regarding something only they understood. A Goblin trotted by, a pack in his hands, preparing to depart the sinking ship.
One of the Muragar focused on the little Goblin and,shouting 'No run away, maggots!, he drew a short sword from his belt and hurled it, impaling the Goblin, the throw carrying it some 10 feet and sticking it to the inside of the Gate. A dozen Goblins that had been right behind it looked nervously at the Muragar, who were tensed like great Hunting cats looking for the rabbit to bolt, then backed up slowly, returning into the Keep and their barracks,presumably.

'Blaught, double the food ration of those Muragar tonight, take it out of the Goblin rations, or the Goblins themselves, if need be...'

Blaught nodded nervously and then said what he had come up to say ' Aruthians not a week away, though scouts say they have forward forces closer, much closer...Centaurs and Calvary. We have maybe a hundred troops remaining, mostly Hobgoblins, no more than 6 Dire Wolf Riders (hobgoblins)half a dozen Ogres,um...a few Goblins...and Urcar.'
Vespasian smiled, Urcar was the Keep's Mascot, a Behir. The beast was tempermental, but amicable as long as she was allowed prisoners (or Goblins, if no prisoners were available) to devour a couple of times a week.

Blaught continued 'These forward forces...they are two days out, Captain...with a forced march, we could catch them in Snaketooth Pass...an Ambush, perhaps?'

Two days out...
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Blaught looked at the Lieutenant, glancing down at the Muragar once ina while.

Damb them! They were only trying to escape! Schnot thought glancing at goblin still twitching from the gate, sword through it's chest.

Teaches them right, bastard deserters! Blaught answered back, in his mind.

What's it to you? You'd be right there besides them if you did not have the information you have now. The only reason you're still here is to see if you can turn this to your advantage! Stupid, I say!

Blaught shakes his head at Schnot's comments. What did Schnot know?! He was here, because it offered him the most opertunity to reck havac, that was all!

Hey, ignoramous! when will you run? When all the others are out of sight? You know you will! comes Schnot's thoughts once more.

Oh, do shut up!


First Post
Vespazian eyed the goblin with open distrust. There seemed to be movement behind the little beast's eyes. There always was and it disturbed him every time he dealt with the goblin. Still, he had been loyal thus far (About as loyal as a goblin can get, mind.) and Vespazian felt he had use for the creature a while longer, before he fed him to Urcar that is. Or the Aruth legions killus all. Well, not "all" - Vespazian held no plans of fallling with the rest of these fools, should his meager force not be able to hold the elven advance until re-enforcements can arrive, if, they arrive.

That fool Yrendrol would most likely rather let the Ruier Vragganar be taken as long as I am slain in the process than do his duty in Zuregath's absense!

The Captain started to say something, then stopped. Duty to my Lord Zuregath presides over dealing with that infested midden-faced fiend. He will feel my wrath in good time

Vespazian composed his thoughts and narrowed his eyes at the goblin. Mind your tongue Corporal! Do not presume I need "your" council! He stood suddenly, his chair slamming to the floor and his desk screeching forward, official papers and other desk-top objects sprawling everywhere. Snarling and taking a step toward the goblin the Captain points to the door and shouts, Send out the order for my troops to make ready. I will send these elven daemons back to their bastard masters in pieces!


Cowering from the suddon blast of the captains anger, he squicks out a "Yes sir." and disappears through the door behind him.

Well that went well, now didn't it. Always opening your mouth and sticking your hind-quarters in it, aren't you?

Schnot had a point, but there was no reason to let him know that. When was he going to learn to be as inconspicuous as possible?

Wonder if he'll heed my plan? Blaught thought as he made his way down the hall to the stairs beyond in the ground eating loap that has surprised more then one opponent of the goblins.

We'll find out when the troops are gathered and ready. Then we'll know if he's suicidal, wise, or perhaps both...

Making it to the stairs, he runs to the barracks to inform them there first.

What are you thinking? Blaught ask Schnot mentally. He was nothing but a goody goody, but he wanted to live as much as Blaught did, though for different reasons, so his different perspective had often seen things that Blaught himself had missed.

[Let me just say that it may be a good idea either to find an exit soon, or, if you trully plan to stick this through, then to stick close to the captain, there. Schnot thought back to the goblin as he entered the barracks, grabbing the readying bell, and ringing it. Any one hearing it will know that they were to meet in the courtyard, ready for battle. He then starts to move through the door to the court yard outside, so that those there may hear it also.

I think I see what you see... throwing people away was one thing, but getting killed himself, that's another. You think the Cap has a way out!

[Very good!

Oh, shut up!

Blaught then moved to the pen where Growlith was stabbled and felt Schnot take over momentarily. "Ah, Growlith." Schnot said, "It looks like we'll be going out once more. Thank you for doing this for me." Smiling at the large wolf, he allows the wolf to rub up against him.

"It's a pleasure." came the reply in a low husky voice, more growl then anything, but unmistakable goblin tongue. "Just try to keep that other away."

I really hate letting you do this... even though it is necessary.

Schnot mounts the worg and as soon as he's seated, Blaught takes over and directs the worg with practiced ease.

Now we'll see what that bastage captain has in mind for us...
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Living EN World Judge
With Blaught passing the orders along to the Hobgoblin Sergeant in the courtyard below (The Hobgoblins, at least gave him some respect, as they saw the Scouts as useful, if not overly Battle-Worthy), Blaught moving to where the others goblin Worg-Riders awaited, looking nervous. he was the highest ranking Rider left, as the Sergeant had been killed while on patrol by a Griffon two days before, killed and currently being picked clean of meat, most likely...

The Ogre Muragar stood in the Courtyard, having heard the short Horn-Pipe that was sounded as Blaught told the Blower of the order.

They looked pleased, as they would soon be killing Elfies, and they were very anxious, as they had been put here instead of allowed to march of too war in Aruth. They Ogres were busy helping one another strap on plate armor and mail, laughing about they head-Counting games that they would engage in, sharpening massive Greatswords and wiping new gore from Battle-Mauls, as they knew that the new Captain did not take lightly to weapons kept in sub-standard shape. Blaught blanched a bit while watching this, for he had seen the Muragar kill several Goblins in their frusration at not being able to get at the Elves, so he knew very well where that gore had come from.

Out marched the remaining Hobgoblins, in serried ranks, their armor immaculate, their falchions keen and their quivers full of red-fletched arrows.

A roar sent shudders through the ranks of Goblins and even a few of the Hobgoblins as Uncar emerged from her Lair, entering the courtyard from the hole near the back of the Practice Yard , her serpentine length shiny with blue and black scales, her many legs creating a fresk furrow of holes in the courtyard with their yellow talons.
The Muragar grinned at her appearance and one went to retrieve the goblin stuck to the Gate, tossing the short sword to it's owner and hurling the Goblin high overhead, where Uncar's form shot skywards, catching the dead goblin fifteen feet off of the ground.

Gulping it down, she hissed ' Goblin is beginning to stick in my gullet, oh for some Elf or Horse, that would be delicious...'.
The Ogres Laughed and banged their Mauls against the ground in anticipation, even as the Hobgblin Standard -Bearer unfurled the Battle-Standard of the Keep, with it's black fortress (for the keep),Red Iron Crown (for Zuregath) and as well the newly added) symbol of Vespazian.

They merely awaited their new Captain...

OoC: DOes Vespazian have a personnal symbol?
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Making sure Growlith is behaving, Blaught watches the specticals around him with dismay.

Well, how does it feel to be the leadre of the scouts? You know what that means? YOu are responcible for their movements, and their deaths! What do you think of that!

Blaught smiled at the prospect, not even slightly intimidated. No, I'll tell you what it means. It means that the scouts will go out and report back to me. Their deaths will mean NOTHING to me, except to tell me where trouble is. It means that I'll be safe in the background while the other fools go out and get them selves killed!

Schnot would have sneared at the comments of his counter, but could not since Blaught had not granted him access. I really don't like you right now. All I can say is at least Growlith will be safer and our chances of survival are better.

It's all good. Blaught replaies mentally, as he waits in anticipation of the march, and then deployment of his scouts.


First Post
(OOC: Symbol eh? Never even thought about that. Erm.... I imagine it would be a daemon's howling face over crossed axes.)

Captain Vespazian donned his armour as his troops readied for his appearance. As his goblin attendant pulled tight the last strap, the commander impatiently pushed the creature aside and reached for his weapon. It's familiar chill touch beckoned memories, pleasing memories of his service under Lord Zuregath.

Once in the courtyard he looked over the arrayed troops. A motley bunch if ever. His task would be twice as difficult, still it must be completed. The elven forces must be stalled.

It is common knowledge that the elves march on us this very moment. We have the task to stall their advance until reinforcements arrive. At Snaketooth Pass we will strike against their forward troops and we march today. Corporal Blaught take your troops and scout on ahead. I do not wish any surprises on our journey. Vespazian motioned that the Riders should leave and waited for the rest of the troops to be ready to move.


Living EN World Judge
Assembled for the Mission are the following;

2 Squads of 30 Hobgoblins <2nd Lvl Fighters, 1 Lvl 3 Fighter>, armed with chainmail and shields,bearing Longswords and Short Composite Bows.

1 Squad of Elite Hobgoblins <20 L3, 1 Lvl 4> as well as the Standard Bearer
and Lieutenant Groggus <Lvl 6 Fighter>.

1 Squad of Ogre Muragar <Ogres with 2 Levels of Fighter added, in half-playe carrying greatswords and battle mauls, as well as 3 javalins and a throwing dagger (short sword), Shock Fighters>.

6 Hobgoblin <F2> Dire Wolf Riders

12 Goblin Scouts <L2 Rangers> on Worgs>

1 Behir

The remaining forces will form a skeletal guard for the keep.


The trip to Snaketooth Pass is a quick and easy one. Perhaps six miles away, the Pass is gained with less than two hours of march and soon you can see it stretching away south. the terrain about the pass is rocky and harsh, with shale and scrub providing difficulty for any forces trying to navigate around it. the pass is simply the best rute for any enemies coming from the South, which is exactly why the Myrachian Troops are here.

OoC: Let me know where you would want to position your troops.
The shaded areas provide cover and are slightly lower than the surrounding areas.

Blaught and the Scouts has determined that the force making for the Pass consists of (aprox)

10 Centaurs, bow armed
4 Chariots ( 2 Elves, Archer and driver)

20 Elven calvary (lance,sword and javalin armed)

50 Elven Light infantry (light armor, sword and bow armed)
Handlers and a dozen Hounds.
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Living EN World Judge
Snaketooth Pass


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