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Remnants of the Horde: Vespasian...


Blaught, after returning with his report waits for the captain's commands.

6 of his scouts are out, watching the elves from a distance to make sure that nothing surprising happens, and watching the surrounding area to make sure that the elves were not smart enough to try a flanking manuaver. The other 6 are resting up for any emergancies and replacements, as needed. The 6 on duty are one a 1 and 1/2 hour cycle, 15 minutes segrigations between shifts. Thus, every 15 minues Blaught is recieving a report if nothing surprising happens.

Thus, 6 are always with Blaught, or resting, while the other 6 are out. That gives the mounts an our and a half of rest for ever 1.5 that they are out on the field. And it also means that news on the front is no older then an hour in a half at any time, 30 minutes in the case of the known threat, since 3 of the six are assigned to the task of watching the advancing line. Once the proposed battle is closer, he'll send out all the scouts, 6 on the battle sight and 6 to outreaching areas, so that his knowledge base is only 45 minutes old for out reaching areas and 15 minutes old for the battle scene and the elvish army.

He request information on the formations of the advancing collums, and allows (at Schnots suggestion) for each scout to add his own input and ideas of what they think the elves are planning, or trying to do.

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First Post
OOC - Oh, for a Wizard or two! :(

1. Vespazian will order one unit of hobgoblin regulars to the covered area of I,J & K 30, there to wait with bows ready for the elven column to pass beneath them and with orders to fire only once the rear of the elven column is in sight. (Preferably down upon the infantry, if my guess that they will be last unit in the column is correct, though I am sure Blaught's scouting reports will confirm this.)

2. The second of regulars will be positioned likewise at I & J 15-19 with similar orders but to only attack once the other unit of regulars has done so. (I am assuming also that the elven cavalry would be ahead of the infantry and that scouting reports will help me should I need to change this.)

3. The Hobgoblin Elite unit will be positioned similarly at T & U 18-22 with a goal to rain arrows down upon the chariots, should they be out ahead as Vespazian predicts, though once again, scouting reports pending.

(This should create a rather evil and confusing crossfire of bowshot that few should escape.)

4. With no more than four volleys released, those troops are ordered to run down the slope and charge (If this is possible terrainwise, otherwise they will just sit and fire.) whatever remains.

5. Meanwhile, the Gob-scouts will be set to lead any advance elven scouts stationed along 6 L-P (Centaurs?) away from the fight whereby the Direwolf riders will charge into their flank from their hidden position at H 8-11. Once these Elven scout units are dealt with, the wolf and warg riders are charged with making sure none of the elven troops manage to escape Northward and to take out stragglers.

6. Vespazian himself will lead his Meuregar. They will be positioned S & T 8-10 ready to rush down once the hand to hand fighting starts where ever it looks most dangerous. The Behir Urcar will be with them as will Vespazian's direrat familiar (Who will stay be the captain's side and only attack targets that it's master attacks.)

7. Again, if scouting reports come back with troop formations that would make these plans pointless, they will be changed. If time allows that is......


Living EN World Judge
OoC:Sorry guys, pouring over my new D20 Miniatures book, seeing if that will make this go smoother...Post asap, I promise.


Living EN World Judge
OoC:post Monday afternoon, prepare your arrows and shields!!!! Doghead, feel free to post some intro, since you are with these folks as well...


Living EN World Judge

The Scout had not returned, overdue by a half an hour. Then a second had failed to show...

Blaught was considering going out himself when one of the Lads thundered up, his Worg panting heavily,exhausted.
Catching his breath, the Goblin belted out ' Giant! There is a Giant among them! Huge,Boss, green and tossin' lightnin!' I barely made it out alive. he's close, like he kin ride the Winds or somethin...not 5 minutes out.The Elves, they have some form of Obscuring magic...ya can't see em till there right on top of ya...'

Vespazian was perhaps 20 minutes away at a hard pace. If what the Scout (Rukag) said was accurate, there could be Elves that had slipped past their screen...curses for not having a Wizard. Where was that damned Song Speaker!?! His Magic could help...What to do, what to do?


Vespazian had set his troops in optimal position, storng shock forces, the Muragar Ogres ready with maul and blade, Archers on high ground, Hobgoblins ready to rush forward, the Behir kept as a suprise for the Enemy...

What had happened?

The Elves had descended from the blasted Sky in a storm!!! Dozens of them, on Giant Hawks, tossing flaming bombs amongst the Myrachian troops.
Trus, chariots and horse had come down the pass, but the infantry had come right behind, far quicker than they should have, as if by magic themselves.
three minutes later, there were dead on all sides, the Hobs having the sense of Order to turn the Hawk Riders into pincushions for the most part, though there were two or three of the dozen that had harrassed his Troops still winging away up there. Visibility was poor, with foggy air and an almost Supernatural silence, as if the whole place were on the edge of the Sea...

With the sounds of battle all about, Vespazian spots a figure step from the gloom. An Elf dressed in greys and black, a pair of short swords held ready.
'Captain...' he says, at once a greeting and a challenge.
His blades glisten with mist and the occassional spark of enchantment. With a sudden start, he moves in.


Vespazian 26
Elf 25
<Gods, what rolls...>

the Elf is 15' from you...

Voidrunner's Codex

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