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Remnants of the Horde: Vespasian...


Blaught blanches to here this. Did I make a mistake? He turns to Rukag and says "Go now and report to Vespazian." I have to stay here so if any others have made it, then I can get their information. he thinks as he wheels Growlith around, searching for cover.

Damn! Can we go now? The elves odviously have the upper hand. They knew of the ambush and since they knew, it turned out worse for us. To be expected really.

Blaught thinks a little and guides Growlith forward, using the Worgs stealth to sneak though the area in the direction of the so called giant. I want to see this giant who had destroyed my scouts.

Hey, what happened to staying hidden in the background?! Schnot asks in frustration, mentally.

To borring... came the mental responce from Blaught as he scans ahead of him, knowing that Growlith is doing the same.

On reflection, Schnot has to agree. Alright, I can't argue with that.
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With a derisive snort and a swift scan of his immediate area to make sure no threats are near-by, Vespazian hefts his axe and runs at the elf.

Never talk to me, "filth". He hisses as he charges in.

(Charging + smite good. If, that is, the elf is goodly aligned!)


Living EN World Judge

Riding at the fore of the band of Worg-Riders (with Rukag showing the way for you), you quickly find the terrain that the Scout described.
Mist was everywhere, as well as the odd stunted tree and boulder. No elves were in evidence and there seemed no sign of any Giants either...

The air was filled with the smell of ozone and then...
Blaught felt terror. More than any Captain had ever instilled in him, more than the amy Wizards that he had seen, the Priests, even more than the time that he had seen Zuregath from afar, winging on his dragon to battle...

The air had been rent with Lightning, a massive yellow bolt that struck Rulag and his Worg, vaporising them instantly, burned husk and ash all that remained, then it had arched to him...

...he was unhurt,leaping free of Growlith at the last moment, the Worg struc and thrown sideways...then it arched onwards to the other Goblins Blaught and Shnot watched as each was struck and slayed where they stood,Worgs and all.

Growlith regained his feet nearby,shakily: Blaught was a mere 15 feet away
Out of the Gloom strode a figure so immense that it blotted out the Moon. The Giant was nearly 25 feet tall and as wide as four Ogres. Laughing, the huge green Monster moved in to see if any of the goblins survived.

<Chain Lightning,78 HP, Growlith took 39, all other gobs and Worgs killed, yikes!, Blaught Evaded>

OoC: What's it to be, play dead or run for it? I'll let you mount as your move and Growlith could get a full move away. The Giant is about 60' away at this point.


Having [I[sensed[/] the foul Goodness in the Elf, Vespazian moves in,Smiting him with his axe as he attacks <Hit,14+6Sneak(since he had yet to act)+4frost+5Smite=29HP>.

The elf reels a bit from the blow, caught off guard, but he quickly recovers and attacks in a fast flurry of stabs and cuts, his paired Gladius hitting Vespazian three times < 22HP total>.

Vespazian is up...


First Post
The foul elf's blows swept in and hammered at his armour. Vespazian was almost angry. Almost.
Eyes narrowed (Though obscured by his visor.) and teeth gritted, the Mythrian captain shouts for his Muragar and swings once more at the elven idiot before stepping back far enough for his shock troops to deal with this nuisance.


Living EN World Judge
OoC:Waiting on mithreander, but away we go...

IC: Vespazian hits once <18HP>, calling for his Ogres.
The Elf laughs 'I fear your bullyboys are a bit busy now, Captain. Odd, I thought you worthy of a Duel, perhaps I was wrong.'
The Elf swings his gladius', hitting three times <37 HP, including one Critical shot...>


Looking over at Growleth witha critical eye Schnot sees that the injories are not THAT bad, though they could have been worse.

It's time to get out of here! Schnot thinks, trying to get a hold of the legs and move them in Growlith's direction, but it seemed the Blaught had other thoughts.

We can take him! a kind of hunger seeming to fill his eyes as he looks at the giant.

Perhaps, but not like this! Strike from the shadows! That's the way we have always done things. It does need to pay for the pain it has caused Growlith, but not by us facing it outright! Flee now to kill it later! Schnot says, trying to reason with the unreasonable Blaught.

But to his surprise, the goblin starts to move to Growlith. You are right, for once. But we only get far enough away so that WE become the hunters!

Jumping on Growlith, and stiring him to motion, they are quickly a blur in motion as the Giant looms above. You will die! comes the thought from the angered Blaught as he rides blindly through the reamins of his scouts.

Schnot, on the other hand notes each of the carcases and would have cried if he were able. The sight of them cause even his ere to rise, bile from his stomach burning his throat as determination rolls over him. It was time to play this game his way... from the shadows!


First Post
A mere second passed and Vespazian realised he was alone in all this. The Muragar were elsewhere in this pea-soup and the fog-muffled screams, war-cries and clangs of each sides weapons gave him little indication of which direction to head for if flight were an option.

The elf's comment affected Vespazian naught. The captain knew as soon as the ambush had not worked that they could only now retreat and regroup. If at all. Someone was to blame for this..... Yes, yes.... Corporal Blaught. That snivveling wretch should have brought news of the elven advance long before they were able to strike at Vespazians forces. That goblin will pay for his failures.

The last wound from the elf had surprised the Captain. Those dancing pig-stickers have a sting to them - time to end their dance. Drawing upon a strength from within his heart, Vespazian roars a war cry in an olde tongue and swings once more at the creature a look of sadistic glee upon his features.
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Living EN World Judge
Blaught,Schnot and Growlith

Mounting, sure that he is about to be blasted, Blaught is suprised when the Lightning does not come. Riding away at top speed (200' this round), the Goblin sees the Giant standing in the Mist, talking to himself in Giantish: He was saying something like 'Have I hurt thee, little Sparrow...my apologies, I hope that Thee arte Hale yet..'.
What madness is this. Blaught <Int roll 19+3=22> surmises that the Giant either stepped on something, or (more likely ) something collided with him. Needless to say, he is occupied and Blaught (with Schnot riding him about the dire situation) rides off East without being fried...



The Blackguard puts his all behind his blow, connecting <18HP> in one massive hit, though his second fails to find a target.

the Elf looks visibly hurt by this last hit, though he remains upon his feet, stabbing with his blades in return < 3 hits, 32 HP total, Ach, damned Crit range...>

Vespazian:- 91 HP
Elf:-65 HP
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Uuum What? Oh. Ah .. I'm sorry. I thought that ... um well doesn't matter. Um, just ignore me doing this.
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Living EN World Judge
doghead said:
The sounds of battle reach Tsu'koka's hears before he can see anything. Moving cautiously, he pushes forwards looking for higher ground and some form of vantage point.

Goblin riders by the sound of it, and near by. But who else? How many?

Tsu'koka halts his wolf with a slight touch and with a quick gesture and a few quite words, his outline suddenly blurs*. He pushes forward again.

The lightning that rents the sky illuminates the stark surroundings as if it were day, and the carnage unfolds before him and the towing Giant appears out of the gloom on the far side of it.

A giant spellcaster? Perhaps I will get my wish then ... one of the goblins moves, a little unsteadily but more than the others for sure ... and close enough, yes.

With another quick gesture and couple of words, Tsu'koka sends out tendrils of energy infusing the survivor and his mount as well as himself and his wolf with the power of unnatural quickness**.

Then he pulls out his bow and begins to shooting at the Giant.***

Pinpricks maybe, but a start

*Cast Blur (10 minutes)
**Cast Haste (10 rounds)
***+1 ShortCompBow (+2Str) +12/+6 1d6+3

Psst!!! I just put you into the other thread....
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