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roleplaying people are satanists ;)


Kae'Yoss said:
Or TSR did it. Think about it: I'm sure Chick would willingly give them hundreds of thousands of his tracts. They include it in the modules, the customer has a laugh, and it's much cheaper than using KoDT comics :lol:

Considering the level of D&D persecution at the time, I doubt that.

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JRRNeiklot said:
And I much preferred the label of evil satanist to unwashed geek. People tend to respect more the guy who they think might cut out their heart with a sacrificial knife on the night of the new moon. :]

Your local geeks don't do that? I guess your WoW Guild Problem isn't as bad as ours here. ;)

Drowbane said:
nobody could be that... "off"... could they? o.0

That's one of those aspect of human nature where it's *never* advisable to underestimate humans.

Man, I can't wait till my cleric hits level 8 so I too can begin to cast "real spells!"....

It's all a scam. I got clerics on level 8. I had a cleric of level 23 or so. No real spells. I think I'll sue that Chick guy for false advertising.

And those Harry Putter books? Real magic. Lies again. as is proven here, those damn books don't even contain spells.

Even now, I'm still forced to threaten people with mundane, boring physical violence to get them to acquiesce to my demands. That can't be right.


Aus_Snow said:
Yep, and the Fiendish Codices. . . and the BoVD of course. Not the same year, I know, but the same thing applies.

There's a reason TSR changed the names of demons and devils in 2nd Edition. Took out all mention of the archdevils and demon princes, too. Of course, there were still demons and devils in the game, and they still looked the same, but because they were called baatezu, tan'ari, etc., TSR could deny that there were demons and devils in (A)D&D. Go fig.


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Thurbane said:
Also, the tidbit that D&D promotes "homosexuality and cannibalism".

"Sorry Jim, you rolled a natural 1 - you know what that means...you gotta eat Rob!"


<disbelief> My God these people are so....

You know I have read some religious text, attend church, spoken to people that attend church, and listened to them talk, I did all this before I made up my mind about religion. These people never even attempted to do any kind of investigation, they just passed judgement.

Ya, the more I see the more I think- religious = narrow minded bigets, though I am pretty sure this is wrong, I just can't help think along those lines when I see this kind of stuff.

Sorry, Mods if this crosses the line, but with what is being posted here, it seems lacking in understanding to our hobby (and it is a hobby).


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Allensh said:
As a member of a mainline Christian denomination I can assure you that the segment of Christianity that is represented by hate-mongers like Jack Chick is NOT part of the mainline.


Sorry, Allen- I generalized, I should not do that. I am not a fan of religion because of so much of the evil that I have seen come from it, so much hate, and when I see people pass judgement like these people do I tend to fall in right there beisde them and call them as I see them, and in doing that I tend to generalize.

You are quite right, and I apologize to you and all others that I might have offended with my generalization.



Mycanid said:
I didn't like them back in the 80's when I first stumbled across them by accident as a kid and was an agnostic and I like them even less now that I am a Christian.
This I find highly humourous for some reason.

I know they mean well ... but they simply have not idea what they are talking about. And this is from someone who has been on both sides of the fence.
No. I’m sorry. I don’t agree. They don’t mean well… These tracts full are full of ignorant bigotry and hatred. I’m surprised that no one has bothered to raise concerns about Chick’s anti-Islamic rhetoric.

I’m not saying that we need to have everyone and their grandmother write this buffoon. But ignoring this nonsense is dangerous, in my opinion. Because I think all D&Ders should be informed about the ignorant, close-minded bleating sheep that have been successfully brainwashed by the illuminati’s indoctrination minions! :heh:

But seriously, it’s good to be made aware of these sorts of things. You never know when your going to be ambushed by one who has been indoctrinated to whatever type of dogma thinks that RPGs are victims of Satan’s recruiting campaign, organized by Hasbro.

Now if you will excuse me, I have to go out and get some more Death Cookies.
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Agent Oracle said:
Mike and the Bots take on J.T.C. in this parody...

and here's a Vampiric approach to the same comic.

And then there's the C&C adaptation...

there are LOTS of jack Chick parodies out there.

Those were great! I've never read any parodies before. I grew up in the bible belt and was exposed to this kind of narrow mindedness and bigotry all thoughout my childhood (I had to leave as soon as I was able). At one point my mom bought into it and forbade me to play D&D (she is the one who bought it for me in the first place). You know, I haven't thought about the satanic angle in YEARS. Anyway, the stereotype that I tend to get exposed to now is more along the lines of the socially inept geek rather than the satanic metalhead. Whatever, it seems that there is always somebody that seems they can't get though life without oppressing others and generally being a miserable person.

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