Rowaini Musketeers: One For All and All For One


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Jacen eats his dinner with all the speed of a hungry teenager...savoring the flavor, but much more the simple pleasure of a full belly. He gives the wine a sip, decides he likes it, and takes a glass of it with him to the bath in his room.

The first touch of hot water on his sore skin and cramped muscles wrings a long groaning sigh from him, and he happily sinks down to his chin in the copper tub that, on him, is a bit oversized. He takes another sip of wine and opens his eyes to look up at the ceiling. After a moment he raises his glass and smiles a slightly sad smile.

"This one's to you, father."

He finishes the glass and gets to scrubbing the days of trail dust off of himself and out of his hair.

After all, he'd want to be presentable at whatever the others had planned for the night.

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Rystil Arden

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*As Tristan heads downstairs, he espies the receptionist, a sandy-haired man with thin spectacles.*

"Ah, good afternoon sir. Is there anything I can do for you?"


Rystil Arden said:
*As Tristan heads downstairs, he espies the receptionist, a sandy-haired man with thin spectacles.*

"Ah, good afternoon sir. Is there anything I can do for you?"

"Yes my good fellow. I hear you have a remarkable spring here, and I am interested in a bath there to refresh my body. And my complements to the chef on lunch, the boar was excellent if a little on the small side. And this bottle of Pirandel was an excellenent accompaniment, if again too small. I shall require at least another bottle for my bath."

Rystil Arden

First Post
"Ah yes, the Pirandel 1306 is delicious, isn't it? Very hearty and aged just right. You know Pirandel, and many of the other wines we serve here, are regional specialties because they are grown right here in this province. We definitely have more in stock for you, sir. I can have them bring some for you and put it on your tab. And if you really like Pirandel, we have a most magnificent wine in stock in the cellar, though it would best be saved for a special occasion--Grand Cru Pirandel 1089. Most Pirandel is best aged a few decades but no longer, but Grand Cru Pirandel is special and ages many years before it becomes perfect. And of course, the year is significant--this wine has a history too."

(OOC: Knowledge Nobility and Royalty might have a chance at it, though the DC would have been lower for Knowledge History)

"But you would like to use the spa? Very good, sir. Will you be using it right now or later in the evening?"


[sblock=Kn Check]
Tristan 1089 History Check (1d20+7=13) Probably not ;) [/sblock]

Tristan nods sagely along with the receptionist
"Yes of course 1089. It ought to be a special wine from such a year. But for now the 1306 will be adequate. But I shall be sure to return for the Grand Cru when I have more reason to celebrate. In the meantime I will see how well stocked that cellar yours is. The spa now with the bottle my good man." replies Tristan still puzzling over the year. The lessons from his tutors had become a bit fuzzy. Swordplay and horses he remembered well enough, the book lessons, well he learned them, but was often more interested in dating than dates.


First Post
Rystil Arden said:
*Gabriel pulls on the cord for the call bell. There is a slight ringing just to let Gabriel know that it worked--it likely also connects somewhere else where the servant can hear a different and louder ringing. Before long, there is a knock on the door and a call of a woman's voice: 'Room service!'. It proves to be a fairly pretty (for a commoner anyway) young woman, a servant here at the inn, wearing the immaculate matching liveried dress of all the female staff here.*

"Oui Monsieur? What can I do for you?"
OOC: Nope, not really much help there, though I’d think Profession (Vintner) rather than Craft (Vintner), since Brewer is a profession. Either way though it’s not something you’d just pick up. Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty) however is something he’ll pick up eventually. ;)

*Opening the door, Gabriel’s smiles as he observes the form for the pretty young woman, taking a nonchalant sip of wine as she poses her question.*

“Firstly, mademoiselle, I would hear your name, so that I might better address such a pretty young woman properly in future,” Gabriel says, his smile broadening to a grin as he awaits her name. “As for why I rang the bell,” he says, taking another sip of wine, “there are several things. I have some clothes which require laundering, the dishes from my delicious lunch are ready to be taken away, and I would like to schedule a massage for myself ... probably downstairs, as I wish to use the spa afterwards.”

Rystil Arden

First Post
[SBLOCK=Knowledge Check]That was during the time after King Lothair III conquered Grallnica, Lacadia, Tyrenze, and Saracagne and crowned himself 'The Red Emperor'[/SBLOCK]

"Indeed, you are a man of learning sir. Why, they say that the Red Emperor himself commissioned that extraordinary vintage to commemorate his marriage to the beautiful Princess Teresa," the receptionist replies to Tristan.

"The spa now? Very good sir. One moment please."

*The receptionist rings a bell, and a young man appears, wearing the spotless matching livery common to all the servants here.*

"Jean, please lead our esteemed guest to the spa and help him with whatever he needs," the receptionist turns to Tristan, "Your wine will be brought for you at once, sir."

*The young man, Jean, bows to Tristan.*

"Right this way, sir. Please follow me?"

Rystil Arden

First Post
"I am Adele, Monsieur," the young woman replies to Gabriel with a smile and a blush.

*Adele is pleasing to look at for a commoner, with long mahogany hair bound up carefully as part of the uniform. The person in charge of hotel staff can probably afford to be picky and select for good looks--but she is outclassed by all but the absolute plainest noblewomen. This is mostly due to the superior breeding of the nobles, though it has something to say about the tendency for the nobility to abandon children below a certain threshold for beauty as well.*

"I shall take your clothes for you first, so you will have them ready sooner, Monsieur. Then I will come up for the dishes, if that is alright with Monsieur?"

"Would Monsieur like the massage in the spa vapour room? There is an area set aside for massage, and the soothing vapours coming from the vents below carry some of the same healing minerals found in the spa water. Otherwise, there are rooms set up specifically for massage on the lower floor that you may use as well, Monsieur. Would you like that massage right away then, Monsieur? Would you like us to send the masseuse up here to guide you down to the right place, Monsieur?"


"The Red Emperor himself you say? Well I must have a bottle in the princess's honor when the time is right." replies Tristan as he follows Jean to the spa.

Rystil Arden

First Post
"Very good, sir," the receptionist bows as Tristan takes his leave.

*Jean leads belowground, where the steam vents and mineral water create a natural hot springs in an area that is a bit like an underground grotto, though comfortable rooms have been sculpted into place with marble such that they seem to blend right in without intruding upon the nature of the place. There seems to be a divide into two sections up ahead. Jean heads to the right.*

"To the right here, sir. The minerals soaking in provide their strongest natural remedy when you bathe with bare skin, so there are separate sections of the public baths for men and for women. There is a changing room over there to remove your garments, and you can check them in over there where we will keep watch over them with great vigilance. There are soft towels if you would like to use one before you lower yourself into the water. There is also a vapour room where you can get a steam bath instead."

*The air here is warm and moist, and it seems that the hotel staff who work here consistently have a slightly modified outfit, sort of a cross between a modest bathing suit and a liveried uniform that manages to uphold decorum while still being practical for the area. The water looks to be naturally warm enough to be luxuriously relaxing while not enough to scald, and it is filled with bubbles not because it is boiling but because of the special nature of the spa. Other than that, the water is exceptionally clear and pure.*

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