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RS1-Stolen University (Salix Judging)


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Frustrated, Zenji storms out. "Whatever, we don't have time for this. Unless you managed to somehow locate the Minister while you were railing at me with the totally unnecessary diatribe, there's still a mad man out there and a lot of potential innocents for him to hurt. You could learn a lesson from Mr. Jones, he's got his priorities straight." Zenji stomps through the door and slams it behind him. God, what a jerk! To think I used to look up to him! I mean, ok, maybe it wasn't really necessary to destroy the thing, but it was still made by and for villains. Forged by evil, inherently evil. I mean... that's how magic is. But is technology like magic? Well... I don't know. Maybe he had a point. But still... even if he could use it for good, it was still conceived by evil. Zenji wanders around aimlessly outside, not really looking for the minister so much as thinking to himself. Damn, I'm so lost. How am I supposed to find the Minister? He's probably hundreds of miles from here by now.

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Hand of Vecna

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OOC: I'd say it'd more qualify for his Scientific Curiosity complication -- he's not worked up b/c Zenji's a magic-user, he's worked up because Zenji destroyed the shiny tech. Course, Zenji is acting like a "superstitious fool" in Archeville's eyes.... eh, GMs call.

"And just how am I supposed to find him?" he called out as Zenji's staff disappeared beyond the door, "Crystal-gazing is more your department!" Archeville kicks some of the debris, then stands motionless as he forces his breathing to slow and the war drum-pace of his heart to lower.

"He is right on one thing, arguing is getting us nowhere... time and a place for everything.... The Minister is likely long gone by now, though. Still..." he looked around at the remnants of the generator, "there may be enough here to still be of some use. Maybe some serial numbers on the parts to track them... but the arms dealer can wait."

Archeville clicked on his communicator, joining in on Jones and the Major. "Mind altering chips on the hostages, Doctor Archer's doing. Increases endorphin levels; can possibly trigger adrenaline rushes, too. Likely located on the back of the neck. Force field generator destroyed, likely beyond repair, or ability to identify and track, but I'd still like to take the pieces back to the Resolutes labs for study. Archer did indicate it came from a female arms dealer in New York."
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Jones continues to keep a look out from the roof and keeps up the flow of information back to the Major. "Doktor, I am on the roof. Major, yes, a wooden man. He appeared to be the Minister's personal bodyguard. Should we help the soldiers or search for the Minister? Who else is on this channel? We need to talk later?"

Hand of Vecna

First Post
"Not a wooden man per se, but a wooden desk transmogrified into a humanoid construct. Last I saw it was bound in University House, but it may have broken free. There should also be an injured student near the bike racks atop the hill near the Computer Science & Engineering building. Massive chest wound, and while he was stable when I last saw hi, is condition may have changed."

Archeville does a quick search through the remnants of the generator, looking to see if there's anything readily salvageable.


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"Noted, Jones, Archeville. We'll take things from here unless you feel up to hunting him down. Jack, Juggler, Zenji report in" the Major replies.

Searching through the rubble Archeville finds some wiring that would suggest a more controlled explosion, but nothing of any use to him.

Hand of Vecna

First Post
OOC: A "more controlled explosion"? Like that it was set to blow up and might have done so even if it hadn't been skewered by Zenji's blade?

"Herr Barret und Jugler haff been MIA for some time. Last I saw Juggler, he vas facing down some guards, but I've no idea vhere Jack is."


First Post
OOC: as in, instead of blowing everything up in a grandiose explosion, the interworkings would self destruct leaving the frame relativly intact instead of debries. Contained would be a better word now that I think of it.

Hand of Vecna

First Post
OOC: Ah, gotcha. Nasty.
And now for something really neat....

Archeville closes his eyes and concentrates, bringing the awesome totality of his staggering intellect to bear on the problem before him: Where could the Minister be at this moment? Reviewing and analyzing every scrap of information, every iota of experience from his interaction with him, he sets his mind to the task.

Extra Efforting a power stunt off Enhanced Intelligence 10: Telelocation 4 (1 mile range; Extras: No Save; Flaws: Check Required [DC 14 Investigate], Unreliable; Power Feats: Subtle 2). Spending last Hero Point to negate the fatigue. (The Check Required flaw fits the concept of the power, though isn't really a Flaw per se for Archeville, but even without the reduction in cost it still fits the point limit.) Subtle's on their twice to show that Minister shouldn't really have any idea of the use of this "power," since it's just Archeville making some extreme deductions.

Telelocation is from Ultimate Power, it's basically a version of ESP that allows the user to search for any intelligent (Int 1+) being. Extended Search checks must still be made (M&M pg. 53), and targets get a Will save (DC 10 + Telelocation rank) to avoid being detected (but see below).

Archeville's Investigate check (minus bonus from Enhanced Int 10; DC 14) (1d20+9 = 16)

Extended Search would take 5 hours, reduced to 1 minute by adding +10 to the DC of the Search check, and reduced further to one full round via Archeville's Mental Quickness. +5 modifier total (since Enhanced Int bonus won't get added), Taking 10 on the Search check = 15.

Minster gets no save due to the No Save modifier (which is somewhat offset by the fact it's Unreliable). However, he may be able to attack Archeville through the ESP link (a variant on the "he knows when his name is spoken" thing).
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