• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Selan- A SE Asian campaign (Critical rebuilding)


Be looking forward to it, of course :D

note: I've sent an email to you linked from your profile here in ENWorld. Perhaps you may have gotten it. This is in case you want to remain in personal contact or share maps and stuff ... if ever (whimper then grinz) :D

I myself if taking a slightly lazier route in my game soon.
Its a dark sun campaign, but modded thematically.
I just hae to drive some details on city politics surrounding terrian regions and other details soon .. including maps, music (if possible) and perhaps some images and art to give visual ambience :D
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Sound of Azure

Contemplative Soul
The Coalition of Selanese Protectorates

Sorry about the delay, I have been frantically organising my timetable for university, and juggling work....

Just a basic outline for now, but will expand later.

Note: Hunan has been renamed Varindhra. The people are called the Varindh. Hunan will be a Denghuan Province instead.

The Protectorates

The Coalition of Selanese Protectorates is a loose confederation of minor states that have banded together in protection from the Naga, and from their northern neighbours, the Deng Hua. They have roughly equivalent laws and customs, each protectorate governed by its own constitution, bound in a mutual agreement of protection and cooperation.
There are presently 6 states belonging to the coalition, with one Varindh state desiring addition to the Coalition. In addition, Selan Udar Satvinder is presently undertaking the colonisation of the Talons of Garuda, an archipelago to the south of that protectorate.
Selan Jalaja and Selan Dharmesh have officially converted to the Asturian religion, while the others have converted to a lesser degree. Those in Selan Haima have greater leanings toward the Denghuan religion (the Tao).

Selan Udar Satvinder
Bordering Varindhra, this Protectorate sees much travel between the two realms. Besides trouble from Naga, they often clash with the “barbarian” isles to the South. Many proud warriors come from this member of the Coalition, and many are able sailors.
-Regional Skills: Craft (Ship making), Intimidate, Knowledge (Naga Lore, Satvinder Local, Spirit Lore, Talons Local), Profession (Fisher, Sailor, Soldier), Swim.

-Regional Feats: Naga Blooded, Resist Taint, Satvinder Corsair, Satvinder Militiaman, Satvinder Naga Hunter.

Selan Dharmesh
The “Capital” of the protectorates, and who first proposed the Coalition. It maintains the most powerful army amongst the protectorates, and was once the centre of an old empire. It has the largest amount of arable land, and is largely forested and flat. They are reknown for breeding excellent horses.

-Regional Skills: Craft (Bow making, Blacksmithing, Carpentry, Cobbling, Weapon smithing) Handle Animal, Knowledge (Dharmesh Local, History, Nobility and Royalty), Profession (Farmer, Herder, Rancher, Soldier, Stable hand, Tanner), Ride.

-Regional Feats: Born in the Saddle, Dharmesh Imperial Guard, Horselore.

Selan Haima
These mountainous lands border on Deng hua, but are almost impossible to pass. Haima are proud individualists and take pride in their own before that of others. Tributes to the northern Empire are paid here, as most Deng are not permitted any further into the Coalition without special permit. The Haima have a strong military force largely used to control the passes and monitor travel within the Protectorate. With their excellent access to ore, the realm is known for their excellent metalwork and mining skills.

-Regional Skills: Climb, Craft (Armour smithing, Bow making, Weapon smithing), Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering, Haima Local, History), Perform (Percussion, Weapon Drill), Profession (Guide, Miner, Soldier)

-Regional Feats: Discipline, Haima Defender, Soul of the Mountain, Strong Soul, Haima War Smith.

Selan Jalaja
Prosperous City State based around the River Ganah, with near exclusive trade with both the Sea Traders and the Asturians. Particularly around the capital, Jalajans exhibit a worldly cosmopolitanism, and baroque style. While well forested, much of the land here is marshland and prone to flooding. It is said that you can buy anything, or anyone in Selan Jalaja.

-Regional Skills: Appraise, Craft (Basket weaving, Blacksmithing, Carpentry, Gem Cutting, Leather Working, Painting, Pottery, Sculpting, Ship making, Weaving), Knowledge (Asturian Religion, Jalaja Local), Profession (Brewer, Boater, Cook, Fisher, Sailor), Swim

-Regional Feats: Cosmopolitan, Mercantile Background, Tongue of the Naga.

Selan Suparna Siddhesh
North of Selan Dharmesh, the land shares its border with the southern provinces of Deng Hua. There are many relics and old temples to the Garuda here. Asturism has not spread here yet, but there have been many converts to the Taoism from Deng hua. Its Capital is largely closed to those from outside the Protectorate, with large “Foreign Quarters” put aside for such. It is said that many spirits watch over this realm.

-Regional Skills: Concentration, Craft (Calligraphy), Knowledge (Geomancy, Siddhesh Local, Spirit Lore, Tao Religion), Perform (Oratory, Sing), Profession (Minister).

-Regional Feats: Discipline, Mind over Body, Withstand.

Selan Chitesh
City-state reknown for its libraries and places for scholarly study. It is known for its restrictive laws and strict control of its citizens and travellers alike. It is largely mountainous and is in the west of the Coalition. Limited trade occurs with the Asturians here in its coastal towns.

-Regional Skills: Craft (Calligraphy, Painting, Stonemasonry), Decipher Script, Knowledge (Arcana, Architecture and Engineering, Chitesh Local, Geography, History, Nobility and Royalty, Spirit Lore), Profession (Book keeper, Lawyer, Scribe)

-Regional Feats: Chitesh Inquisitor, Great Intellect, Soul of the Mountain, Well Read.
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Sound of Azure

Contemplative Soul
Asturian religious Lore

This is the basic belief of the Asturian religion, I'll have dogma, and other aspects of the clergy up soon.

Legend of the Battle of Good and Evil, the advent of Man, and the Day of Darkness

Know ye that long before the present age, the world was bathed in light, and that light was love, and the Deva called the light Astur.
The earth was filled with exceeding beauty; honey and milk issued from its secret founts. Then Darkness also issued its seed. A tempter, devourer of souls, the bane of Light, and this darkness was called Zokun.
There were those of the Deva who named the Darkness god, and glutted in desire and lust, thence blotting the light from their eyes.
And they were not satisfied that the light should anoint the earth, so that those who sided with the light moved to oppose them.
Their war was a fire consuming the earth, and the skies hung thick with fat and bone. This man called the Battle of Good and Evil.
Misery joined in equal ruin for six days and seven nights, and on the seventh day Darkness and Light sought a reckoning. The hand of Light gripped its blade, great and terrible; and the cloak of Darkness was as its shield. Thus were they armed for war.
True struck the blade of Light, and the Darkness was cleaved and was not. Then did the blade pierce even the earth. The seas boiled and were scabrous and long the earth wept. Even so was the earth riven, dividing the lands ever more.
The blood of the Darkness fell to earth; where it hit the land were the People of Darkness formed. Those Deva who had named Darkness god became the Serpent Naga, and they did hide their faces from heaven.
Where the blood of Light met the tears of the earth, the People of Light were born. Content in its work, the Light blessed the earth, and all was made well. And then, wounded, the Light fell in a heavy slumber.
“The Light will burn in our hearts and will not expire.” This man swore, for the god of light shall return to claim the earth.
And the sword of light, called the Divine Sword, came to rest with the Legion of Darkness in remembrance of their betrayal.
And there was Peace.
Yet after this, a moon was hung in the heavens, its face gazing balefully downward upon the earth. It was an ill omen, swollen heavy with foreboding and dread, and it was said that Darkness yet had power. The Deva who remained true to Astur moved to the sky to bring Light and Hope to men where Cloak of Darkness rose above the earth, and Eye of Darkness gazed down on men.
And now the souls of men were sifted and tried by the Darkness as it sought to bring about the day of its return.
This man called the Day of Darkness, for the light will depart and the dead shall rise to the throne of judgement.
Know ye that this is the Last Judgement, when all will be weighed and found lacking, and all brought to ruin.
The works of man will be brought low; the Darkness will set naught all of man’s labours in preparation for its terrible rebirth.
Know ye that Zokun is yet at the door. Gird yourselves with light, for our purpose is one: this must not come to pass.
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Lord Liaden

First Post
Sorry about coming late to the party, and I apologise if someone has mentioned this before (I didn't take the time to read every post); but for useful info about a great number and variety of mythical beasts and races from throughout Southeast Asia, may I suggest looking at the two-volume HERO System Asian Bestiary? These books are very thoroughly researched from legitimate reference sources on the cultures of the region, and every creature entry is illustrated (albeit in black and white). Ignoring game stats, there's still a lot of useful information on some truly exotic, bizarre and sometimes grotesque beasties, many of which have never even been heard of by most Westerners.

Volume One covers the mythology of China, India, Cambodia, Indonesia, Mongolia, Thailand and Viet Nam. (Note also the free PDF sample from the book.) Volume Two deals with Japan, the Phillipines, Burma, Korea, Malaysia and Tibet.
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Sound of Azure

Contemplative Soul
Hey, that sounds pretty spiffy. Thanks a bunch for the suggestion, I'll see if my gaming store can order them in for me.

Hope you'll come back and have a look around, hopefully post a comment or two! :)

Sound of Azure

Contemplative Soul
Go East, my Sun. (hehe)

The 3 Kingdoms: Varindhur (to be expanded later)

These moist, hilly lands are united under three powerful warlords. While the land becomes slightly more mountainous to the north, it is largely open to its neighbouring countries. Presently, the Kingdoms are observing an armistice with Deng hua, but continue to suffer the depredations of Deng pirates, as well as casualties due to fighting the Naga.

The Varindh are known for being tenacious soldiers, and of being prideful and headstrong, but also of exceeding loyalty. Varindh consider colour Yellow to be a divine colour, with only priests and aristocrats being allowed to wear the hue.

The upper Kingdom borders on Deng Hua, and its citizens are weary from many years of war with that nation. Its peoples have developed many war arts, and are now hoping to use them for trade and not just survival. They have great mistrust of the Deng, and still have many prisoners from the war in their dungeons.

Raksha Amadi
The middle kingdom's territory fills much of the interior of the three kingdoms, is heavily blanketed in forest, and is entirely landlocked. Much of the recent effort has been spent sending supplies to northern Putraya ad seeking to strengthen ties with the Selanese Coalition. Most Amadi have excellent hunting skills, and have extensive farmlands. Their forests are spirit filled, and said to contain many ruins from the age of Deva. Amadi also keep watch for the hateful tiger spirits for which their realm is named.

The lower kingdom follows the coast from its border with Putraya south to its coastal border with Selan Udar Satvinder. The lower kingdom ostensibly holds a large number of islands to its name, but these are held by the Naga. The peoples here are excellent seamen, and are excellent crafters of bows.

More to come! :)
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Sound of Azure

Contemplative Soul
The Talons of Garuda

The Talons of Garuda

The two island groups collectively known as the Talons of Garuda lie to the south the Coalition of Selanese Protectorates. They are relatively lightly populated, and are fairly isolated.

These peoples call themselves the Sheshah, while the Selanese call them the People of the Naga and the Asturians call them the Legion of Darkness. While it is true that the Sheshah venerate the Naga as their progenitors, they practice a form of ancestor worship above all, while maintaining some forms of trade with the Serpent people.

It is unknown to those on the mainland why the Sheshah are allowed to sail and hunt the ocean unmolested by the Naga, but this they do, giving them a great advantage against their would-be colonisers from the north.

Bhargavi - The Talons that grip the Sun

These isles are dominiated by the vulcanism of its higher peaks and lie to the south-east of the Coalition. The tribes that live here are ever watchful of the mounts, and work to please the fire spirits that inhabit them. Bhargavi is inhabited by the People of the Dugong, the People of the Dolphin, and the People of the Whale.

Vyomeshi - The Talons that Pierce the Wind

To the west of Bhargavi, and to the south of the Coalition, these windswept isles are fairly low lying, and thickly forested. The tribes here are isolationist, and drive away all who are not in definite need. It is unknown to outsiders what lies in the centre of most of the isles, as no outsiders are allowed deep into their territory. The People of the Gull and the People of the Eagle are known to live here, though there could be other tribes yet unknown.

Ok, that's it for now.

Sound of Azure

Contemplative Soul
Well, I hope you'll scratch that itch... draw away! :) I should also sit down and do some of the same (though I'm not too sure I would post them up).

Sound of Azure

Contemplative Soul
The nature of Kalpesh

Okay, looking for some creative input.

Kalpesh is the central hub of the Selan Jalaja Protectorate, said to be a place where anything and everything can be bought.
There is a definite "melting-pot" aspect to all there. Though still clearly dominated by the Selanese, there is an increasing influence of the Asturian religion taking place, now melding with the indiginous animism.
My question is: What would a city based on a river delta be like? It has bridges built to the marshlands slightly away from the city, and a very large harbour. Shipyards are found in nearby satellite villages. Apart from the mangroves, Kalpesh has covered the entire delta with living areas and buildings.
Kalpesh is looked upon as a seedy, baroque place, but locals enjoy it for its rich character and diversity. It is intended to be colourful and vibrant, but also with a dirty (and easily visible) underside.

I have lived on an island in a river delta, but it was a small town, and not really tropical (more subtropical, really), so I'm looking for a bit of advice.

Voidrunner's Codex

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