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Shards of Memory: The Renewal


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After each introduction Nazrill gives a slight nod to each. They give little of themselves away, he thinks to himself. “I will be brief. By my skills and abilities one would know me as a shaman and as such I have developed pacts with certain spirits and in turn, I am gifted with a certain measure of their power. The effect you see with the darkness is but one aspect of a pact that I possess. If you wish, I would explain those abilities further if you are so inclined as I have a number of spirit pacts. I am skilled in the healing arts, crafting small alchemical items and fetishes, and in the survival of those places where the wild still holds sway. Although summoning those creatures of nature and channeling the necessary energies for healing I can do with great ease many times per day if necessary, my magics can be used in a variety of ways from healing, summoning, and bolstering the body and soul, to the myriad strategies of offense and defense. I can petition the spirits for information and can channel them if necessary. By my manner you will find that I am direct and forthright, and that obfuscation is not a trait I hold in spades.”

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The man with the probe
Kirkesh and Vanessa join Deidrik at his table.

[sblock=Vanessa]"Do you know of Valerie or Ilora? Or perhaps if they are true to their word as to what they?"[/sblock]


First Post
OOC: Sorry about that guys, I thought I'd subscribed to the thread when I made my initial post. I wondered why I wasn't seeing any responses. :eek: I'll now try to catch up...


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*Zaeryn, who has remained silent throughout, sipping his drink and evaluating each applicant, finally seems to take an interest as each speaks about their abilities... though his cobalt-blue eyes did wander over Ilora’s form more than once, with a look that suggested both delight and anguish.*

*Listening and watching Valerie intently as she tells her story, Zaeryn smiles as she reveals her own form, though the same delighted and anguished look can be seen warring in his eyes, much as when he was glancing at Ilora earlier.*

“A pleasure to meet you too, Valerie.”

*His eyes shift to Lar when he begins to speak, with an almost palpable sense of relief as his eyes shift away from the two women. Nodding when he speaks of his talent to get into and out of places, Zaeryn smiles appreciately when the man causes a dagger to appear and disappear with ease.*

*When Ilora begins to speak, his eyes return to her with the same haunted look as before. Chuckling as she changes into a Satyr, he shakes his head when she suggests a competition, in full agreement with Diedrik and Bardach.*

*His eyes shifting to the beefy Lacerta as it speaks, Zaeryn nods at the sentiments expressed.*

“Well said, Bardach.”

*Having avoided looking a Nazrill as much as possible, Zaeryn’s eyes shift to the Lacerta as it begins to speak, though he doesn’t look at the Shaman directly, but rather to the darkness which seems to surround it. The haunted look returns to his eyes as he does so, as if the darkness itself brings back a recent and hurtful memory.*

Looking away as quickly as is polite once Nazril finishes speaking, Zaeryn turns to his shipmates, “Well, we’ve heard from everyone now... so let’s retire and confer,” he says, standing and leading them towards another table.

Rystil Arden

First Post
[SBLOCK=Kirkesh]"No, I cannot say for sure...I think Valerie is a former Rowaini noblewoman like me. My empathy for someone in the same plight is tempered by my slight distrust for Witches in general, any seeming hypocrisy aside. You said the fey are nice, right? I don't know too much about them personally but I thought you did, or was that just Nymphs and not Sidhe?"[/SBLOCK]


The man with the probe
Kirkesh nods to each of the candidates in turn,

"Tis a pleasure to meet you Lady Valerie," Kirkesh says, with a slight bow. "Perhaps you could tell us a bit about your family and what brings you here?"

"Well met Lars," Kirkesh says, extending a hand. "You trade in information, which is always useful. Is there a particular area of your expertise?"

"Lady Ilora, tis a pleasure," Kirkesh says. "And I for one, would not be bored hearing a little about the woman beyond what she believe she can offer us."

"Well met Bardach," Kirkesh says, extending a hand. "What other ships have you had the pleasure of serving on?"

"Well met Nazrill," Kirkesh says, extending a hand. "On a ship, we are far away from the nature you are one with. Will you still be able to serve and will perhaps a longing for nature impare your ability to do your duties to the fullest?"

[sblock=Vanessa]"For the most part, all the fey are nice, but the Nymphs have an inocence about them, while the Sidhe are a bit more... shrewd."[/sblock]

Rystil Arden

First Post
[SBLOCK=Kirkesh]"Do you think she's a Sidhe then? Or a Nymph? She has to be a fey since only Fey can use that spell to turn into a Satyr."[/SBLOCK]


First Post
Valerie nods slowly, looking a little distant for a moment before snapping back.

"Forgive me...it's been quite awhile since anyone called me that," she says with a slightly sad little smile.

"In the simplest possible terms, I have been disowned from my family and I came here to keep my head down for a time and avoid the consequences of the situation that led to that." She waves a hand. "Don't worry, I won't leave it at that."

"I began my path in witchery when I was a child, daring to tempt fate by entering a wood where I was forbidden to go...even if only by stepping just inside the treeline, then hopping back out. At first I believed the witch who took it on herself to teach me had chosen me because of my spirit and difficulty accepting the traditional place of a lady of the court. I didn't understand until much later that she had other reasons. She had recognized in me a magical affinity, and had decided that it would not be wasted. No matter what the cost."

Valerie hesitates, then says, "The cost was...high. Eventually, the rumor of witchery afoot grew...attracted dangerous attention. And though my teacher's actions were responsible for many of the rumors, I was young and inexperienced and..." she grimaces. "Incautious. As she knew I would be. She used the fear of the people like a surgeon's edge...to cleave me from my family and leave me alone. With her. Father had no choice but to either give me up to the Hammer...or secret me from the castle and claim witchery. Her plan went awry only in one detail. I escaped her. I could not salvage my name or family...but I could, and did, free myself from her poisonous counsel."

"I have been here since," she finishes. "Selling such trinkets that I can make, and posing as an old marsh woman to sell my 'herbal remedies.' I have learned hard lessons at great price, but I am ready to venture out into the worlds again. It has been long enough. I ask you then, will it be with you and your crew?"


First Post
Bardach cleared his throat, and shifted uncomfortably in his seat, as if he were more used to being on his feet and on the move. The bassy rumble of his voice was almost hesitant, as if he was not one to often think about his own past in such a way as to relay it to others.

"My first spelljammer was the Minerva. She was a trading ship, and a good home for many a year. I started there a cabin boy, and by the age of sixteen I took my roost in the crows nest, where they could put my keen eyes to good use. The captain of that fine lady was a good man, but a merchant, and being a young buck had my blood callin for more adventurous trade.

Wasn't long before the winds 'tween the spheres led me to what I'd been seekin, and I took a post as Bosun and third mate with a privateer pirate hunter by the name of Pequod. We had a patrol route in the Tyrrhanean, and managed to chase off a number of the pirates during our time there. About a year ago she was laid low by an encounter with a pale leviathan. We gave the monsterous beast quite a raking over the coals, but in the end she smashed the poor Pequod to pieces. Most of the hands were lost, as would I have been, had I not been picked up by a passing ship, and given passage to port.

In thanks for my rescue, I served this new vessel, the Rowaniola, as first mate. Was an ill fated vessle, that one. Just six months into my time there, the captain was unjustly mutinied upon. Though we of the faithful crew managed to fend off the traitorous dogs, the damage to the ship was done, and once we limped here for repairs, it turned out to be more than Captain Smolett could afford, and he had to sell the wreck to pay off his debtors.

So it is I've been trapped here for two long months, waiting for a ship what'll take me, and that I've an eye for sailin upon. That's me story, 's far as it goes.


Bront said:
Kirkesh nods to each of the candidates in turn,

"Well met Lars," Kirkesh says, extending a hand. "You trade in information, which is always useful. Is there a particular area of your expertise?"

Lar shakes Kirkesh offered hand. "Nearly all information is useful. The key is to find to whom. Here, at least, I keep my eye on the vessels and crews and passengers at the port. Jhaar lives and dies by the port, so who is here and when is always important. But a wise man keeps his ears open for anything benefiting those he knows and trusts."

Voidrunner's Codex

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