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Shattered Sea Chronicles, Book I: Festival of the Dead


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While the voice from somewhere down the tunnel was rather ominous, Johanna stayed focused on the matter at hand. There would be ample time to track things down once these first zombies were dealt with (and the sooner the better for that), and allowing herself to get distracted would give these foul creatures a potential advantage. She kept up her quiet chanting and swung her sword again...

OOC [sblock] HP 13/13; base AC 15 (+2 if the psion has acted with the Aid another:AC move), attacking with greatsword at +3 (or +5 if Redbeard has made a successful flank), damage 2d6+3[/sblock]

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Larren tried to steady his crossbow to get a better shot, but lost patience easily, and decided to go for the easy approach. "Ah, screw it. Machines made flesh, return to your graves! By entropy, I command you!" The same burst of light he had channeled earlier shot out at the zombies, trying to wash them away from the world.

OOC: Turn check +1, HP 9, AC 16

May 2, 1106CR Morning

Larren's call to the forces of entropy seems to have quite an effect...the corpses stop trying to position themselves for additional blows, and instead simply seek to escape. (Turn Check 17, 11 HD) In the next moments, the creatures are chopped apart, by axe and great sword and scimitar.

There still is no visible source either for the initial command to the undead, or for the odd sounds that issued from the tunnel. Further examination of the hallway show it to be of solid dwarven construction, 10' wide, and about the same height. It runs east and west from where the party entered from the tunnel, to the west vanishing into darkness beyond the 60' range of Broderick's darkvision, to the East going about 40' then taking a sharp turn to the north. There is a solid appearing oak door directly across from the tunnel, and another, similar door, on the far eastern wall.

There is little sound, save a distant, and indistinct, murmur of voices from the northeast. The area is torchlit, from the vicinity of the tunnel, and to the east. To the west, there are no torches.


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After dispatching the zombies, Redbeard invokes a prayer to the Balance, restoring some of the health that was taken from Broderick. "We should check out these doors first, I'd be hatin' to go after those voices only 'ave to fall back inta the arms of more corpses," he says in a whisper. While waiting for the others to respond Redbeard busies himself by looking for the tracks of the speaker.

[sblock=ooc]Cure minor wounds on Broderick, if time, Search +2 for tracks.[/sblock]


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Larren smiles as he turns the zombies. Man, that was strong. I should try using it against more of them. "Sounds like a good plan. Don't want to get pincered. That and I'm in no hurry to meet mister mystery voice."
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"If any of you have a gift for searching, be about it," Johanna suggested. "I'll keep a eye out for more company- unless you want to actually open the doors." Suiting words to deeds, Johanna took a few steps towards the eastern part of the tunnel, her eyes and ears tuned for more threats.

OOC[sblock] Listen +1, Spot -1 (untrained)- she will move to support anyone if they seem to be intent on actually opening the doors[/sblock]


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Nameless Psion

He examines both paths in detail but reframes from offering any opinions. Cavern dwelling and undead hunting is not exactly something that he studied at the Academy. Instead he follows along with whatever the group decides to do.

OOC: Search +3, Disable Device +6, Open Lock +2, Listen +1

May 2, 1106 CR, Morning

The northern door, across from the tunnel entrance is easily opened, and beyond it is a room measuring roughly 20'x40', the walls lined with stone pallets, obviously at one point a dwarven barracks room. Near the door is a small wooden table, with an oil lamp still lit, a brazier burning for warmth, and a half eaten loaf of bread and small round of cheese. A jug of what turns out to be cheap wine sits nearby. A pair of crude wooden stools sit near the table.

Looking for tracks proves fairly fruitless, due to the stone floor, which is fairly free of dust and debris. One thing that is fairly obvious though is that almost all the traffic runs to the east, with almost none to the west, in the hallway.

As the party's attention generally turns to the eastern door, the murmur of voices grows louder, and around the corner three men and a woman come into view. All of them seem rather alive, perhaps surprisingly. Two of the men wear breastplates, and are holding halberds, with bucklers on their arms, and shortswords at their sides. The third man is also wearing a breastplate, holding a longspear, also with a buckler. He is surrounded by a faint aura of black flames (A protection from good spell). The woman, a fairly attractive blonde, holds a longsword and a shortsword, and is wearing a chain shirt, an almost feral look in her eyes, also surrounded by the black flames.

While the party isn't surprised by their appearance, the woman moves faster then anyone ca react, dashing forward and slashing at Johanna with her longsword. (Move and Standard Attack -8 hp Johanna)

Order of Initiative: Dark Hunter(H), Johanna(J), Broderick(B), Larren(L), Redbeard/Polly(R), Polly(P), Nameless(N), Halberdiers(h), Dark Cleric(C)

Dark Hunter has already acted this round.


Broderick strikes out at the Dark Hunter with his axe.

OOC: Unless Johanna drops her, in which case he'll move forward to the halberder

AC 19
HP 10/13
Attack +4, 1d10+3/20x3

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