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Sinister Spire(con't RBD)(Orsal Judging)


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SelcSilverhand said:
Is either sailor the one Lookspring threatened?

[sblock=SelcSilverhand] Yes in fact one is.[/sblock]

Phoenix8008 said:
On the off chance that it works, Phoenix spends a moment concentrating on the ring she took off the Ogre and willing it to lift her body up into the air. After a few moments of trying (assuming she's unsuccesful) she gives up with a laugh. She helps Lookspring to roll one of the bodies off the edge to see what happens, but she makes sure to do it right where the footprints had gone off the edge.

OOC: Does it look possible to climb down safely anywhere? Edit: Alternativly, does it look possible to climb UP anywhere? Any path that we can see at all that looks possible to use? Does anyone else have a rope/grappling hook? And if so, do we have enough rope to reach the bottom?

Phoenix does not have any success flying, levitating or anything like that.

Phoenix and Lookspring shove one of the sailors bodies over the edge and watch it fall landing not far from the torch.

Smooth vertical walls of the chimney descend through utter darkness. At your current level the vertical shaft is about 15’ wide but seem to be wider at the base – you can see one wall near the torch but the opposite side is out of the light. You roughly estimate the depth at well over 100’.

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Lookspring hoots and cheers as the body tumbles off the edge and hits with a distant *splat*. "Were you seeing that? Ha! Lets do another one! Maybe you and Rowan can be throwing it even farther out. It is too bad I was using my rope and grapple to climb down into the well, I don't think we are having enough to get down. Besides, the flying snake man could come back and cut our line. Maybe we should be going back up and scouring the surface of the island for the home of the snake men." While waiting for the others to throw the next body, he hunts around for some small stones to throw into the pit.


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"Yes Rowan, we knew these two. They attacked us and stole from us. Their deaths are a welcome sight. But that doesn't help us get anywhere here." Phoenix pauses to search the body of the remaining man to see if he has any items or equipment that might help them. "Should've searched the other guy before throwing him over the edge too I guess."

After searching the body, she lays on the floor near the edge and holds the light out so she can check for any openings in the wall that might be hidden directly below the outcropping they are standing upon. If nothing is found there, she will search the walls themselves around the passage opening in hopes of finding a hidden door or passage.

Search check (1d20+0=2)

"I can't seem to find anything here guys. Either of you see anything that might resemble a secret door? I'd really prefer to have an option other than climbing down the 50 feet of rope we have and then jumping the rest of the way down..."


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Rowan seems to hardly pay attention to Phoenix's searching or Lookspring's cheerful play. He stands, gazing out into the darkness and running his fingers through his thick stubble.

"I think this place is magical, and it was magic that allowed this third creature to levitate. I was thinking it went up, but on second thought, we have been going down. Perhaps it did go down. We knew we were following in the footsteps of some humanoids, but we never determined how many, did we? Was it three or two? Were they ambushed or betrayed? And what made the little bite marks? Snake bite, probably."

Rowan is interested in the climb down, if they were to do it. He lays flat and inches to the edge. Looking down, he tries to see how rough the surface of the wall is, and how easy it would be to descend. Unfortunately, climbing down is always harder than climbing up.

He is also interested in finding a place to tie his rope, if they were to try to rappel down as far as they could.


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Looking over the edge Rowan can see the wall is fairly smooth with few handholds but not an impossible climb. [sblock]DC20 climb check without rope. He sees a way to wedge part of the goblin statue into a crack in the floor and tie the rope to the statue.[/sblock]

Phoenix checks over the remaining dead sailor but finds nothing other than clothing.

Lookspring finds a few stones and throws them at the broken body lying at the bottom laughing and thoroughly enjoying it.


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Rowan shrugs grimly. "I think there's some magical way down, but I don't know what it is. I'm not going all the way back to the well to get more rope. We'll just have to do our best here. We can attach the rope to this goblin statue, then one of us can climb down. We can climb as far we can on the rope, then try to use the holds on the rock. Once one of us is down, we can drop any equipment that would survive. Then another climbs down. The third will have to just jump, 'cause otherwise we lose the rope." Rowan manages a smile at his own joke here at the end.


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OOC: You need a climb check each round. At 1/4 our normal speed, covering 100 feet would take Rowan 10 rounds. The first half shouldn't be difficult, but the second half will almost certainly result in a fall. Rowan's plan sucks. We'll all take damage & leave ourselves no way to get back out. But what's the other plan? At this point, Rowan just watches Lookspring.

IC: Rowan watches Lookspring nervously. He doesn't like this plan, even though he was the one who suggested it. He can't even come up with a rejoiner to Phoenix. Instead, he reaches out & pulls her close, then kneels with her so they can both look over the edge to monitor Lookspring's progress.

OOC2: Who is taking the light? We'll need 2, I think. Maybe three. The climber will have to carry a sunrod in his/her teeth?


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Phoenix- F Elan Soulknife 5 (AC: 12, HP: 50/50, PP: 6/6)

Phoenix strips off her armor as she watches Lookspring scamper over the edge and begin his climb down. "Rowan, if you want to store your armor in my Bag of Holding, it might improve your climbing." she offers."Good luck, 'Spring." she calls out as the Katara goes over the edge. "And be ready with that healing wand once you're down there." Phoenix warns Lookspring as she moves closer to the edge to watch him descend. Accepting and returning Rowan's embrace, she watches for a moment until Lookspring is a good ways distant before grabbing Rowan's head with both hands and pulling him closer to kiss him long and fiercely before finally coming up for air. "A kiss for luck." she says as her unarmored body presses against his.

Once Lookspring is clear, she moves to grab the rope and begin her climb down next. She tucks a sunrod in her belt shifts her weight over the edge to begin down the rope. At some point farther down, Rowan and Lookspring hear her curse once before the light at her belt falls away from the wall and descends much faster that it should...right towards Lookspring and the waiting ground below.

[sblock=OOC] Moving at 7.5 feet per round while climbing, Phoenix needs 13 Climb checks to move her 97.5 feet. The first 6 will be on the rope, and the last 7 without the rope. Phoenix will remove her armor and shield and put them in her Bag of Holding so her Climb check increases to +4 instead of being only +2 due to ACP. She offers the same to Rowan if he wants as well.

6 Climb checks on rope (1d20 4=19, 1d20 4=9, 1d20 4=24, 1d20 4=7, 1d20 4=6, 1d20 4=15)
7 Climb checks without rope (1d20 4=14, 1d20 4=10, 1d20 4=8, 1d20 4=23, 1d20 4=23, 1d20 4=13, 1d20 4=15)
If its DC20 without the rope, then Phoenix no sooner lets go the rope before she looses her grip and tumbles the remaining 55+ feet. Since we rested, she has all 6 power points to use for her Resilience ability which would instantly heal 12 damage. I see this like Claire on Heroes- she stands up (if conscious) while snapping her bones back into place and her skin healing over as the fire burns away her injuries. Except that I'm sure it'll be more than 12 points of damage so Phoenix will still be injured, unlike Claire-bear.[/sblock]
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Voidrunner's Codex

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