Stacking Flaming and Shocking?


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Marshall said:
Oh and if it is command word activation, how do you handle Burst weapons?

First of all, it's not "command word", it is upon command. Activating a magic item is usually a standard action unless otherwise stated.

Well, since the description of Flaming Burst states "Flaming Burst: A flaming burst weapon functions as a flaming weapon...", it seems pretty clear to me that they function as a flaming weapon, with the exception that they "also explodes with flame upon striking a successful critical hit".

Marshall said:
Do they get their bonus damage if you havent activated the base enhancement?

If you are asking whether or not you get the burst damage on a burst weapon without activating it, then no. If you are asking whether or not you need to activate the +2 enhancement of your weapon before you get the +2 to hit and damage, go back and read Chapter 8 of the DMG. If you had read it, you should know that the +2 enhancement bonus of a sword is "use-activated", meaning it functions any time you swing or "use" the weapon.

Marshall said:
It doesnt say anything about activating any Burst weapons or a Thundering weapon.

Yes it does. It states "Flaming Burst: A flaming burst weapon functions as a flaming weapon...".

Marshall said:
What about bows? Do they need to be activated?


Marshall said:
Do they ever need to be de-activated?

That's kind of a gray area. A flaming sword is sheated in flame upon activation. It would make sense that a flaming longbow would have the arrow knocked (sp?) sheathed in flame, at least the arrowhead itself would be. Good point here Marshall.

To keep the enhancements fair, I would say yes.

Marshall said:
For that matter, If its a standard action to activate Flaming it will take a looooonnnnnggggg time to go thru those +1 Flaming Arrows.

You don't understand how these work. A flaming longbow would be activated once. So long as it is activated, every attack deals additional fire damage. See chapter 8 of the DMG.

Marshall said:
Heck one arrow every two rounds make the Bow of True Strike almost look good.

Actually, you perfectly pegged how a Bow of True Strike would work. Glad somebody finally got it right. :D Anywho, the Bow of True Strike does not function in the same manner as a flaming longbow.

Marshall said:
Nope that "Upon command" is there just so those nitpicky DMs cant go thru all the above crap about how to store your energy weapon.

Wrong. It's in the book if the hopes that when you sit down and read it, you might learn how it works. Read it again. Chapter 8. DMG. :)
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I must admit that our group has been playing it wrong for the past two years. I never realized that before. Oh well, back to the reading...

One thing about sticking flaming ANYTHING into a scabbard: keep in mind that, from the wording of the enhancement, there's one piece that is still on fire that is sticking out of the scabbard:


Try this experiment. Get a scabbard. Take a lit torch, and stick it butt-first into the scabbard. Leave it at your hip. Notice anything different? Good! Now, stop, drop and roll, and come back when you're done. :)

Keep in mind that it sheathes the entire sword in flames, and does not hurt the hand that holds it. You aren't holding it in your hand if it's in the scabbard.

Ridley's Cohort

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kreynolds said:

You don't understand how these work. A flaming longbow would be activated once. So long as it is activated, every attack deals additional fire damage. See chapter 8 of the DMG.


Presumably the bow needs to activated once, then it stays safely activated while you still hold it in your hand, exactly like the sword.



Actually, I think Marshall does make one excellent point.

What about +1 Flaming Arrows?

Would each arrow need to be activated or could you activate them all at once and need a clever scheme for storing them, or do they automatically activate when you fire them? I don't think activating them all at once would be legal because then there's nothing to stop a guy from activating both of his flaming shortswords in the same action, which is clearly wrong. If they activate when they hit their target, then it seems to violate the idea that Flaming is a command-activated ability.

Hmm, I definitely think the rules are pretty clear (although a bit hidden in the text) regarding the activation of flaming swords and the like, but what if it is just the arrows that an archer is firing that are so enchanted?

At first glance it seems unfair that the arrows would need to be activated one at a time. But on the other hand, If your archer can have flaming arrows and a shocking frost bow, then he's getting the same +3d6 damage for much less money than a flaming shocking frost bow. Of course, this is balanced by the fact that his 50 arrows will be exhausted after probably 60 or 70 shots after accounting for scavenging the arrows that miss and aren't destroyed.

Before looking at the rules carefully, if it were my campaign, I'd rule that flaming arrows and the like are an exception and that Flaming, Frost, and Shocking are use-activated when they are on ammunition fired from a ranged weapon.

Thoughts? Opinions?



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shurai said:
Thoughts? Opinions?

Just one. This quote is from the Flaming weapon enhancement...

Bows, crossbows, and slings so enchanted bestow the fire energy upon their ammunition.[/b]

A Flaming weapon would cost you a minimum of 8,000gp and would enhance every fired arrow with the flaming ability. A single Flaming arrow would cost you 8,000gp. I don't think I need to illustrate any further how rediculous it would be to even consider making +1 flaming arrows. ;)

Ridley's Cohort

First Post
8000 gp would be the price for 50 arrows/bolts. 160 gp a pop.

It is still very expensive.

But it is a good idea for an archer to pick up a selection of +n arrows. It allows him to tune up his offense when he needs to.

Archers can usually get by on MW, Magic Weapon (+1), and GMW, but I would want to bet my life on those when you need to bypass DR. Savvy opponents will hammer the party with Dispel Magic and all those weapon enchantments are counted as separate from those on your person.


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Bows are broken. Seriously, there is the whole "everything stacks" problem with bows as well. I really need a house rule to reign them in...maybe I'll go post one...

I'd say it's reasonable to activate the powers during a combat round. I mean, the character in question is "wasting" a round to activate his magic abilities when he could have been using a sword with a non-activating bonus (greater enhanced sword, for example).


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Crothian said:
One the randomly determined treasure table arrows and bolts aare found in groups of 50.

Cool. Thanks. Nobody in any of my games, or any games that I play in for that matter, have ever purchased, found, or even used them. Nice to know though.

I guess ammunition would be the exception to the activation rule. If you purchase the flaming bow, you should be required to burn a standard or partial action to activate it, especially since you are talking about having a supply of flaming arrows that is only limited by how many plain arrows you have. In the case of flaming arrows though, the activation would be the act of firing the arrow, since you do in fact have a limited supply of them. Weird.

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