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[Tavern Thread] The Dunn Wright Inn

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
A Beautiful tiefling delivers a glass of wine to Masters Hode and Harkoz D’Vorza. She gives the dwarf a playful wink and move on to serve Heinrich, Morgrym and Robert the remaining three glasses, then sways hypnotically back to the bar.

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While the barmaid delivers drinks, the dwarf stands rapt with quite possibly the most idiotic grin in all of history plastered across his face. Meanwhile the dire rat slips from his grasp and with a final hiss at the hated raven, scurries up a wooden support into the rafters once again, obviously biding its time. A half minute later, the dwarf shakes himself out of his reverie. "What? Oh, Cavernous Hode is pleased to meet Harkoz D'Vorza. Cavernous Hode should introduce himself as well, he supposes. Cavernous Hode is Cavernous Hode. And Cavernous Hode's erstwhile companion is Mister Dickens.

"A pillow book, Harkoz D'Vorza claims. Well ... yes. Cavernous Hode can see that. After all, he did use the literature in such a fashion occasionally, being that actual pillows were often hard to come by in the deeps. However, Cavernous Hode is afraid he doesn't quite see how this would affect the veracity of said literature one way or the other.

"But Cavernous Hode is glad to hear that Harkoz D'Vorza is an adventurer. And this locale seems to be in great need of adventurers. After all, Cavernous Hode has adventured twice now -- once by accident, even -- and he feels that if he can do it, it cannot be particularly difficult."


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Harkoz’ brow furrowed at being called an adventurer. “I am not,” the half-orc began, his voice subtly tinged by irritation, “an adventurer. I am a mercenary. I have served in the Grey Legion mercenary company at Irthos, and the fact that I am doing solo work does not alter the fact that I am a mercenary. I am a consummate professional who does military and security work on contract, and within the letter of the law.” A deep exhalation escaped the young man’s pierced nose, and after a moment he seemed to relax slightly and regain his full composure.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to denigrate your experiences, Master Hode. But adventuring has a shaky reputation, and being called one could affect my ability to attract clientele, particularly for stable work. Still, mercenaries and adventurers tend to do much of the same work. Perhaps we might work under the same contract one day?”

Kor hissed at the rat as it slipped away, his tiny black eyes following the rodent until it disappeared from sight. He began to bob from side to side, turning his head this way and that as he set his hateful gaze to searching with a watchful paranoia. “Fool rat… Fool Dickens… Kor shall pull off thy fool tail…” croaked the corvid in hushed tones.


Cavernous Hode feels two hands suddenly covering his eyes "Guess who!" the young and fresh voice tells him giggling. "I promised a song... Didn't I~? " The teen with blue eyes, dark golden curls and braided hair gives a mischievous wink to Kor. She glances at the big rat. "Ah! Mister Dickens! I missed you too!"

"What? No no, leave Mister Dickens tail alone. You won't like him if he's angry"
she warns the crow. "I saw how a good fighter he was."


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About a minute after the girl enters, so then does a distinct smell of the open sea, pausing in his step to look and check to see if he managed to kick off most of the dried sand from his boots. Glancing over the room, and seeing that the tavern is in a very busy moment, calls out to nobody in particular with a cheerful disposition, "Looks like I've missed a good time! I've really gotta choose better times to chase a plat."


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Before the door slams in his face from the most recent arrival, a deshevoled looking man catches the door. Stepping into the bar, the man looks around, looking for a open spot. Finding a open spot at the bar, he sits down.

The amount of weapons the man was carry, you would think he was an armory. A wicked looking sword crossed on his back with a long polearm, ending in a vicous point and a blunt end. A cross bow hangs near where his right hand was, ready to be drawn in at the nearest hint of trouble.

Looking around the bar, he looks at the orc and says "Ale, please."


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Heinrich sips and says "Pass.
Morgrym finds catches himself day dreaming about the tiefling bar wench. " ohh, alright Heinrich " and passes the blind to Robert instead " well, it means you get the blind. So what do you want to do? Check or raise brother ? "
Das bridge ist not uf roses. Hmm, lost in translation, eh? It ist Straße, called da via della Rosa D'avoria for side of white und Rosso fur red." he tilts his head, "Understand? The color ud bridge is red one side und fade to white."

" aye, I get it now brother " and he adds the note; not as interesting as first assumed but still interesting

" Ah, Morgrym, Das Akademie has Apparat fur to teach. Ni und I, We test fur professors. I did see some Laboratories zhere, but to teach youngsters. Not those like you ready to face demons und giant Frösche. Grigg, living plant und giant fire beetles. Cultist, Bugbears und Githysnki. Ja, das is vhat you prepare now fur."
The alchemist looks more troubled than before and sinks deeply before saying " sure... Demons and frost giants... No problem "

" wow " Morgrym comments on all the newcomers and their pets " seems like adventurer's are a diverse lot " and there goes a second before he corrects himself " and mercenaries..."


Perfomance Sing 1d20+7 → [10,7] = (17)

As promised to Carvernous Hode, Damaris will perform a song about their adventure. She embellishes one or two things about the bravery of Cavernous Hode with Mister Dickens, the mighty strength of Vax, the strange brother Aedger Beinn and herself during their run through a dark cave plagued with the undead up to their final confrontation. She makes a small note at the end about checking twice that your cleric knows how to heal, and how lucky certain barmaid would be if she gave Cavernous Hode a chance.*wink wink*


OOC: Any of you with 3rd or 4th level characters interested in my next adventure 'The Inheritance' let me know. At a very rough estimation the game will take two months and put a character with the minimum of xp for 3rd at the cusp of 4th level. Obviously, posting rates and character choices will affect this estimation. I would like to start as soon as I have four interested. Thanks.

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