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The Captain's Caper! (Dunamin judging)

The Digger

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Girth raised his arms to the heavens and his face to the skies. With a powerful scream, seemingly too loud and intense to come from his slight frame his voice echoed across the bay.

"Driiiiiiink! Noooooow!"

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Captain Azrael replies after scratching his scruffy chin thoughtfully for a moment. "Well me lads, you be right about that thirst. Fer it be upon me as well. I can't get too sloshed though meself, but ye boyos can have some 'a me special keg. What say we go tap it now and have some supper ta boot? Ye all can join me in the Captain's cabin fer a meal."

The Bloody Wake sets sail once more and cuts through the waters on the way back to Mykonos' Sanctuary and the dwarf Thorendin. Not to mention the gold that he owes you all for retrieving his honor blade. (I'm assuming here that Brudd actually picked the sword back up and brought it along earlier?) Luckily, the journey to the small island with the scorpions was on you way back to Mykonos' Sanctuary, so you should just have time to eat a good meal and relax for awhile before landfall and the meeting with the dwarf. (Not enough for an extended rest, sorry. :devil: But feel free to do any healing with surges you want and to reset any non-daily powers.)

[sblock=OOC]You each earned 150 XP from the fight against the kobolds and 120 XP for the fight against the scorpions. This brings the new grand total up to 575 XP per character so far. Not that you need to mark it down till the end of the adventure, but I felt like sharing. :cool::D[/sblock]


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Brudd - who did indeed retrieve the sword albeit somewhat gingerly - is once again sparkling as he joins the gang for dinner in the Captain's cabin. He does eat or drink, instead scribbling away vigorously at his beloved book, the boss has been mighty generous lately and he is feeling inspired.

"Sorry fellas, Captain, thought I'd join ye for the ambience 'n' such, but I've got a hankerin' fer rightin' me book not feedin' me face - hope yes don't mind me writin' at the table 'ere, bit of noise helps me think."

The Minotaur keeps half an ear upon the conversation, laughing along at the jokes, and tall tales. Ocassionally he enquires about a tricky word,

"Ow' de ye spell, garrot? Is it carrot with a g?"

After the meal the Minotaur once again places himself amongst the crewmen laughing and jokeing telling them a small portion of the vast store of dirty jokes he has inherited from his father.

"So I says, yer supposed to get a bull by the horns, but this works better, hahaha!"

The Digger

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Whilst Girth does partake of the food he is definitely much more interested in the drink. He downs tankard after tankard and then, with a loud belch, staggers from the table and heads for the cabin door.

"Mush go...hic. Divinit...Divitin...Di..vin..ation mush finished be." He eventually manages to pronounce the word by breaking it up into smaller parts.

Carrying his tankard he slowly staggered towards the bow of the ship where he collapsed onto his arse next to his scratched art work. Rocking backwards and forwards, and humming an incomprehensible tune, he pulled out the cloth which he had soaked in blood back on the island and stuffed into the liquor in the tankard.

With elaborate carefulness he dribbled the bloodied alcohol along the lines of his drawing and, as the last scratches were soaked, a dim glow, similar to starlight, radiated from the deck and faintly lit up his smiling face.

"Yesh! Yesh! 'sright enough. 'twill serve!"

And with that he toppled over, like a mighty tree to the woodsman's axe, and hit the deck with a dull thud. Soon after, the night air reverberated to a sound similar to that of the woodsman's saw.


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Alexander is drinking cheerfully, laughing at Brudd's jokes, good or less so, writing briefly on his journey log... till Girth's usual show. At which point, he turns to Brudd and and asks, a bit worried: Brudd, mate, I know nothing of magics and such, and you look more or less an expert. Tell me honestly, will that stuff sink the ship?


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Brudd chuckles,

"Well I think we can trust in Girth's instincts fer self preservation on that one. He's no whipper snapper, must have some survival instincts right?"


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After a good meal, good drink, and a short rest for Girth, the ship and its crew reaches port again on Mykonos' Sanctuary. Traveling through the town to the outskirts once more, you find the dwarf and his crew working on the construction of the stone house again. He sees you coming and nods in your direction while finishing up giving some orders to another dwarf who is showing him drawings of the completed house on a large scroll.

"So, you survived Arjhaan talking your ears off I see. But did you come away from the struggle with the honor blade she owes me?" He shakes the pouch tied to his belt so that it jingles with the sound of gold and continues, "I've got your payment right here if you've got my sword."


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Brudd reluctantly hands over the weapon,

"Ye've got yerself a fine blade there Master Dwarf, and this Minotaur's envy. I am loathe to give 'er up, but fair is fair. If ye'd be interested in sellin' 'er I'd be interested in a price range. I couldn't afford 'er now, but per'aps we could work somethin' out, or I can come back once I've acquired the funds. Ye'd be sure te gain Hadeys favor to, Death's Due is surely meant te be wielded in the service of the toll taker."

[sblock=Diplomacy 19]1d20+5=19 [/sblock]

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